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We all miss Kyle edition.

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Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ SW RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
Other FFG SW Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)
FFG Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the SW RPG system and Imperial Assault)

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Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

What do you think the best thing to pull from the NuCanon is for your games, Veeky Forums? What about the best thing from the old EU?

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>What do you think the best thing to pull from the NuCanon is for your games, Veeky Forums?
The Neo-Separatists are a cool idea.
>What about the best thing from the old EU?
Dunno, tons of things. Maybe pic related.

Are there any scans of the adversary decks?

trying to give my U-wing a gunship package
how does heavy repeating blasters for door guns
and two additional autoblasters and concussion rocket pods for the pilot sound?

so my guys can run through the jungle better

So I got a small scholarship from my town hall and I now have 100€ I'm willing to spend on either armada or x wing
I want to get either the imperial raider, or I found some guy selling the armada core set + corellian conflict + imperial squadron 2 (tie defenders) for 100, all brand new
Opinions on what should I get?
I really want the raider but I've wanted to get into armada for a few years and this pack seems like a pretty good deal

I'd get the Armada bundle, personally. Sounds like the better deal.

Anyone with a non-fucked version of Disciples of Harmony? I want to check out the Arkanians, but the copy I have is missing pages.

I really wish people would stop putting unfinished or extremely poorly "scanned" material into the troves. It gives the impression that it's complete, prompting people to not do better.

>he didn't even link to the last thread
>puts Star Wars in the OP

You tried at least, though. Try to dig in the archive for the most recent OP when creating the new one next time.

Reposting from a previous thread:

I've noticed that after 6 months of use my X-Wing Squadron builder has 300 lists on it

I just make them as a I go along. Most of them might be crap, but I had an idea

What if we had a resource where anons can upload their X-Wing lists? That way if any of us are wondering what to fly we can upload it to the resource. We can even have a separate folder for what we consider "meta" lists are.

Just a thought

Sounds CCR enough, hope your Rebels are Fortunate enough

I fucking hate reddit posting anything but this dude seriously makes some good fucking points, holy shit.


also I will always miss Kyle. B-but since they appear in the X-Wing game, does that not make them canon?? Same with Dash? Like... is that not how it works? Bc I wanted me some Crow.

Also, is that Kyle from a mod? Because I kinda like that one way more than the regular JO/A one.

NGL, Kyle Katarn is what made me start wearing my brown bomber jacket.

Samefagging just to continue since we can't edit but this dude kinda made the film 10x better imo. It still has a lot of issues (wot is Canto Bright) but it's much more enjoyable

>tfw the FFG games can only be used for OT era campaigns

Yes it is. Merc Kyle:


Technically there is the TFA beginner game that you can use to springboard into the ST era. Weapons, NPCs, etc. all have stats IIRC

Imagine liking NuCanon.

But what about old republic era?

Yes Rebels is bullshit.

I think all the Battle Droids of the CIS are statted, and making Clones shouldn't be too hard if you just make them a little tougher than the average Imps.
There's an unofficial ship index that adds a bunch of Prequel trilogy ships as well.

You can totally run an FFG game set in the prequels. If you're smugglers, both factions aren't going to be fond of you as crims, if you're Sep aligned then you're getting stuff to rebellious causes on Repub worlds, and vice versa.
An AoR works fine for either - you're behind enemy lines, often cut off from support apart from the scant few fleets and bases around the place.
FaD also works, you've got a metric butt-ton of Jedi running around compared to the OT, but the war still means falling can be quite the concern. If your force users don't want official training, they can easily have been passed over growing up because they're not super-sensitive or the Jedi are blinded by the dark side to new force sensitives.

>I think all the Battle Droids of the CIS are statted
where can i find the B2 and droideka?

>I found some guy selling the armada core set + corellian conflict + imperial squadron 2 (tie defenders) for 100, all brand new
>I really want the raider but I've wanted to get into armada for a few years and this pack seems like a pretty good deal

You can get that Armada stuff for $125 new, and you'd still need to spend another ~$75+ to fill out a fleet.

No clue how that converts to Yuropbucks, just something to keep in mind. Armada's a great game.

rebels barely counts as nucanon

Homebrew it nigga, it's what my old GM did

This. One day I will run my combined AoR/F&D campaign where the players are Jedi and Republic officers with a squad of clones each.

The final session is Order 66

There isn't B2 stats. BX droids and Droidekas are in Chronicles of the Gatekeeper, though

>barely counts
>taking a shit over Wedge and the B-wing's backstory
>that retarded coptersaber
>not nucanon

>nucanon is when something is bad, and the worse it is, the more nucanon it is

Just saying, there's a definite correlation between nucanon and dogshit quality.

>imperial defector vs avenging dead girlfriend
i can live with the changes

Dude not that guy but Rebels is 100% nu-canon. It was made after the Disney Star Wars acquisition. This is coming from a guy that actually likes some of it. Well mostly just Vader and Maul. The Bendu is also a nice piece of world building and foreshadowing.

>yet another boring imperial defector
>vs being such a badass he went ripshit on the pirates that killed his parents in a rusty Z-95 at like twelve years of age
I pity you

I had such hopes for nu-Thrawn. Besides his one successful trap, though, he comes off just as inept as the average Imperial commander.

Eh i wouldnt improve normal stormtroopers, their stats r better than the majority of humanoid minions as-is

>b-b-but losing that Star Destroyer, factory, prototype was a part of my plan!!!

nth for SCHNEETRUPPEN in legion

forgot picture of SCHNEETRUPPEN

Will probably get the armada
Core set alone starts at 100 where I live

>current year
>STILL no freelancer style star wars game
I do know about the X games and their mods, but I want a space citizen/elite dangerous style star wars game
Why is Disney not doing this instead of pushing shitty movies and shows?

The Resurgent class is sexy and far more practical looking than those overrated Imperial classes this general loves to suck off.

yes but it's also 50% too big

They are so big because the FO doesn't have many planets. In fact their capital is the SUPREMACY.

logistics < aesthetics

>gets defeated
>"aha, yes, I anticipated that the rebels would destroy my fleet and lay my plans to ruin because paintings."

So is this edgy piece of shit unarmed? Because I can't spot a single gun implacement on this piece of shit.

like how you couldnt see any guns on an ISD in the OT?


The weird hollow space it has between the two halves bugs me.

That's wrong. There are clearly 4 fuck hueg cannons on each side of an ISD.

It allows them to launch all of their fighters in a fraction of the time of old sds.


The ship is fine it literally only loss half of a wing.

>Homebrew it nigga
The main thing keeping me from jumping into this with both legs is the difference in both quantity and quality of Force users between OT era and old republic era

Just dont bring Mon Mothma's kid along.

Oh totally, you can tell by the way that the internal structure was falling apart and there were fires everywhere that it was in great shape.

It's not that big of a deal. If balance is your worry, then balance has been achieved. A decent rifleman is fucking terrifying in FFG SW, even if you have a Force-user with the Reflect talent (it drains strain, the attack still deals damage, plus a triumph could have 'em drop the lightsaber they're using to defend themselves with).

If you want Force-users to be more powerful then I just plain disapprove.

Yeah small section of the ship dumbass.

>tfw Poe's antics in TLJ look reasonable
They even acknowledged that X-Wing guns can't penetrate capital ship armout, it's such a tiny throwaway line but it shows they care more than these guys. Not even using torpedos, you must have at least a little budget to spend on that right?

It shouldnt be that hard, really.
Bear in mind that while you have more jedi and probably more highly trained jedi, you also have more people who are good at (and equipped for) taking jedi down, since its a legit business during the Clone Wars.

>find a way to travel to another galaxy
>the other galaxy's Core and Inner Rim territories are overrun with pic related
>they're the new baddies in Star Wars now
a shit crossover idea that makes use of Disney's partnership with EA, but it's still way better than Vong

Not like she blew that arquitens herself with lasers.

The entire wing is a small section now?

Nah, my dude, the ship is fucked.

what are good stats for the B2?
I was thinking +1brawn, +1 agility, 8hp, access to wrist rockets, and slightly stronger gun

The Fighter hangar seems to be seperate from that, on the side of the ship. Not sure what you're getting at.

I don't mind the vanilla balance, and fully understand why it is like it is, especially when it comes to OT era games but it was also made specifically for it
Granted, the old republic era is also quite crazy so it might just be best to not set a campaign there/then

She blew a hole through an ISD's superstructure

The good old days where you could show more mature storylines and situations to kids are gone. We probably won't get anything like the Aliens homage episode in Power Rangers or Roughnecks STC for a long time.

Feels bad.

It works well enough, don't overthink it. But then again the Old Republic game I was in hit 1000+xp, so everyone was crazy

It isn't big.

It is in space. Fire will go out fast due to lack of oxygen and sip will not drown like a ship ship would do.

Since FO won the day all they need to do is to tow the remains to nearest yard and replace destroyed parts.

Real ships were greatly damaged and repaired and space is much more forgiving in this regard as starships do not sink.

Before some autist spergs that space is unforgiving, it is but in different ways than the sea or air.

>tis but a scratch

I ran an old republic game that got up to 300xp, and that was way too high level for me to handle with my preferred enemies.

No she didnt, she caused some surface explosions and then flew through the always-existing hole that is right there.

No it's not a scratch but you make it seem like the supremacy is space dust and completely unusuable.

Each of these lightsabers is wielded by a Jedi knight.

What assumptions can you make about each of these Jedi, based off of the lightsabers they wield?-

Are you blind? I see a whole lot of space dust in

>tfw no qt starfighter flying twilek gf

The yellow one is ribbed for her pleasure.

>Likely skilled in straightforward combat, but has a sense of class about it all. Zen James Bond, basically.
>Straightforward and no nonsense, but basically your bog standard Jedi beyond that.
>Likely of smaller stature than others, doesn't use their saber a lot. More of the meditative type.
>Samuel L. Motherfucking Jackson.

Lemme guess, Sith troopers? You aren't using enough of 'em. Also take the Inquisitor creation rules and beef them up for big bads.

Cool dude, likes the comfy things in life like a nice grip.
Traditionalist colour.

Probably a girl, grip looks comfy, has a good grasp on life.

Grip is all over the place, nigga has no idea what he's doing, doesnt appreciate comfy

What the fuck is that pommel, nigga wyd


Has a bad bedside manner as far the other Jedi are concerned. Allegedly dangled a suspect out of a balcony with the Force, yelling "Galactic basic, motherfucker! Do you speak it!"

Those are the escorts dumbass

Moralfag but also a hothead
Dubious morality at times but always pulls through in the end
Always tries to enact keikakus but the others are too impatient to listen
Runs off on his own to do barely relevant things even when the group really shouldn't split up

Most of it is coming from the pulverised section of the Supremacy.

Despite the lack of explanation as to why this wasn't done in every other battle in galactic history, this was legit a really cool visual.

Also it'll be another cool visual when we see the halved Supremacy show up in IX, although JJ isn't particularly good at visuals desu

It's obvious what RJ was trying to do. It's still fucking stupid because he didn't use any of Luke's actual OT character flaws to bring about his/Ben's downfall, and instead turned turned him into Luke "I am a youngling slayer like my father before me" Skywalker

Or they could take their surviving ships and not waste time and resources repairing a slow lumbering SSD.

It's okay. The NO will use their same magic shipyards to have a ship as as thoroughly crippled if not sunk ship as Snoke's Manta Ray back for IX

>does he look like a sith!
>what ain't no planet I ever heard of. They speak basic on what?
>basic nerfherder! Do you speak it!

I would pay to watch this.

>good good, let the gimp flow through you

>aw man I just shot greedo in the face...

>Is there a sign that says "Dead Rodian Storage"?


The problem is most of nucanon has been dogshit quality, including all three films, the TV show, the AAA game which was billed as canon, and the majority of books and comics. And unlike the Expanded Universe where pick-and-choosing away the dogshit quality stuff was fairly easy, Disney's plan of making all nucanon content strongly connected and cohesive has made that much harder. They dug their own grave.

>white stormtroopers
>white scout troopers
>white snowtroopers

g-guess it's time to learn how to paint white

I take back everything I said about the Hammerhead scene in R1.

We can only dream, user.

Rewatching ANH made me remember how earnest old Star Wars was. Disney feels too cynical, and when it tries to be earnest, its platitudes feel too empty.

You can't make a movie like it's 1977 anymore.

If ANH came out today nobody would care about it.

It's not. It's a terrible looking piece of shit.

Disney's retarded, so they say it has 3k + turbolasers while its just under 3k meters in length. That's like a turbolaser per meter lmao.

Why does every thing in this modern decade have to be delivered with layers of irony, why is sincerity dead?

Unless they're counting multiple barrels
FO turbolasers appear to be like, 3-barrel pieces of shit, so maybe they just have 1k emplacements, 3k actual turbolaser barrels.

>3k + turbolasers
Literally wtf