I'll start
>you rolled bad? here's a way to retry the roll!
What are some of the worst ideas in modern "games"?
>Cards instead of dice
Swj content
What's wrong with Star Wars Jedi content user?
Pretty much everything these days to be quite honest with you
Imagine being so beta that something like this is even on your radar.
Have you been living in a cave for the last six years or what?
A woman wrote everything good about the OT. Without Carrie Fisher it would've been shit just like the prequels, since Lucas is entirely incapable of writing characters or a coherent plot.
>have you not lived on /tv/, /v/, or /r9k/ the last six years
Not him, but yeah.
XYZ pandering
Fate points
Recycling the same old unnecessarily complicated mechanics and stale tropes. Some of them can be fun, but some are pure cringe as of today.
>tfw I thought you were talking about the new movies
>realized I was wrong
>had to erase all the laughing text
Why would you even punish yourself by watching the new movies?
>rulebooks must be short
Flames of War is a good example, they cut virtually every example and reminder out of the rules in the current version, making it more confusing and easy to miss important shit, and ended up making games last twice as long because they edited out many of the things that sped up the game like removing gone to ground status. They had to make an emergency errata because tournament games almost always timed out.
Shorter is not simpler. Shorter is not faster. Shorter is just shorter.
>Comparing different cultures’ star charts
>gravity works the same no matter what planet you’re standing on
>the parallels are uncanny!
Gee, it’s almost like the writer failed high school physics.
>implying this is bad
It lets player fail things but still be more likely to succeed at things they actually care about.
I used them as a good way to pass the time. All I really have right now is ways to pass the time.
They're at least kinda fun if you're not thinking about everything wrong with them.
more people should know this. Lucas wasn't a genius, the only things he contributed to the OT boils down to "hey guys, space movie with an evil empire and some rebels fighting them! Also there's a space wizard on either side." Dumbass wanted to name Luke "Starkiller" FFS.
Thinking that playing it with one or two of your friends who helped design the game (and also know it inside and out) counts as playtesting. If your game can't be played by people unfamiliar with the game or even new to tabletop gaming, it's time to go back to the drawing board and simplify some of those mechanics, champ.
This. The original trilogy was only good because George Lucas was surrounded by skilled people who were actually good at filmmaking. The prequels were terrible because by that time, Lucas had taken so much credit for the originals that people forgot about all the talented people who actually made them good, so he was surrounded by yes-men who were unwilling to tell him no. It's a lesson in how having someone there to smack the back of your head and go "No, that's retarded" is actually super important to the creative process.
I saw The Force Awakens.
Even bought a poster.
It felt... acceptable, like they knew what the prequels had done wrong and were going to make it right.
I had hopes.
But Rogue one was... meh? And The Last Jedi isn't even on my radar, really.
You know what i saw that was great? The Disaster Artist.
it's the first movie i've seen in almost literally years that did not feature any explosions or punching. And I thought Seth Rogan and Paul Scheer were great
And, I think i'll go see "The shape of water" in a few weeks when it's released in my area. After that, there's this entire list of upcoming comedies and dramas that i want to see, most of which feature no space wizards or super heroes.
As it is: I think i know what i love about Star wars, and I don't think i need any more of the official stuff.
Anyway, on topic, the worst thing in modern games is clearly "Stunting systems" that just serve to make people say " I do a flip and attack" or "I spin around 360 in the air then attack." for a inconsequential bonus, with no real opportunity cost. I think failing a stunt should come with consequences.
Lucas is a talentless hack who just so happened to be surrounded by geniuses
>cultural marxist practicing historical revisionism
Wowwwwww people of color me surprised
People who use this term without irony should use a rope
"Game based on reality"
"Women don't have across-the-board stat penalties compared to men."
>Games that require a bunch of stupid physical items (pic related)
>Games that reward players for coming up with the most broadly applicable thing they can, ie FATE's aspects
>>Games that reward players for coming up with the most broadly applicable thing they can, ie FATE's aspects
Fucking christ am I ever tired of games that do this. It always ends up with the GM's close friends getting huge bonuses to every roll by calling up every trait they have, whether related or not, and people who aren't sucking the GM's dick getting told "No, that doesn't apply in this situation."
The movie sucked, and that character was one of the only redeeming qualities. The fucking "heroes" were stupid little shits, and this character at least had the balls to them so
whine more
the only genuine "sjw" rpg I could think of is Violence;The RPG which is 1.) probably one of the best rpg books ever written 2.) only qualifies as "sjw" because it's a deliberate attack on a number of underlying assumptions of the hobby.
So what exactly are you going on about?
Rian Johnson wrote The Last Jedi user.
Why the fuck is it that the "people" who play those shit games are always the ones who run games like that? Fucking disgusting
what game are you referring to? the only game that I know does this is Gremlins Inc and thats not really Veeky Forums
What's wrong with that? Resource management is the core of RPGs.
>that character was one of the only redeeming qualities
>it's the first movie i've seen in almost literally years that did not feature any explosions or punching.
are you... serious? You need to get out more dude, if *this* is your idea of a great movie... It's barely passable, and Seth Rogan writes usually pretty funny comedies...
>and this character at least had the balls to them so
Haven't seen the movie, but if you're so butt blasted about it that you can't even write a coherent sentence then it's probably fucking amazing.
So much this.
Yes, it is bad, it removes the tension from roll #1. It's a horrible mechanic.
>It lets player fail things but still be more likely to succeed at things they actually care about.
Then have a mechanic give them an a priori bonus to the roll, controlling tightly how much their chances get improved.
Name one "good" thing about the movie, then cretin
Light Sabres where unoriginally Laser Swords till someone threw a thesaurus at George.
honestly I couldn't remember or care about who any of the characters were. I was like "Wait who's the black guy, is he the last jedi". Even Mark Hamill says Luke's character makes no sense anymore
>Wait who's the black guy, is he the last jedi
Man it's okay lots of people have tiny attention spans.
>tiny attention spans
>movie is 2.5 hours
>nothing interesting happens
>I could have watched Cloud Atlas instead
just accept that the movie is for babies
all the aliens looks like cute toys
children are referenced over a dozen times
the stupid kid at the end has the force and uses it to pick up a broom cause "you're a wizard harry"
movie is retarded
There is nothing good about that piece of shit, let alone that retarded autistic self insert character written by a retarded autistic woman who will never experience love besides from self-inserts.
To me it's the idea that the players should not ever 'lose'
You can honestly just boil down the mentality of those games to "The players I like succeed at everything, and the people I don't like fail at everything." It attracts people who have this absolutely bizarre participation trophy mentality but who also act like they're still dealing with highschool-level cliques. I don't understand it, and I'm not sure I want to, because I'm afraid if I do understand it, it will infect me.
Plus, the chance of failure is supposed to be part of the fun. If there's no chance of failure, there's no challenge and no tension, and you don't have to play smart. All you have to do is say "I'll add x dice to the roll because of [event in distant past] and [tangentially-related personality trait] and [unrelated minor personality quirk] while drawing strength from [arm's-length relationship with other PC]" and bam, you've got big rolls on every roll forever -- provided you're on the GM's good side.
In any other game, you roll your dice, add or subtract relevant modifiers, and the GM straight up says whether you succeeded or failed based on a hard number that was decided upon beforehand.
Who cares if it's a self insert, at least the writer could write someone who acts like a human being, instead of a plot device. What did the character do? "Hmm, we're running out of fuel, and the empire is gonna kill us. Ok escape pods. What? Main characters are coming up with retarded plans and getting us killed for no reason? Demotion and handcuffs".
Seriously it's maybe the only sane character in the whole movie.
Oh shit, girls DO post on Veeky Forums!
>In any other game, you roll your dice, add or subtract relevant modifiers, and the GM straight up says whether you succeeded or failed based on a hard number that was decided upon beforehand.
To elaborate, better games tend to have these things called out very clearly. Are you good at doing [thing]? Then add your [thing] bonus to the roll. Done. No waffling about, no playing Mother May I with the GM, no dicking around. You're either good at it or you aren't.
I think this is okay if its very restricted. I.e. only certain classes can use a "reroll" ability and even then have it on a long cool down.
I think you've really nailed down a big part of why those people like those games. They're childish. Shit games for shitty little children. Of course they project that onto everyone else around them for liking more complex games, but then again they always project, don't they?
>acts like a human being
>specifically written to have autism
I've got bad news for you...
>in the current year it's impossible to tell the difference between low quality "men" and women
We're not going to make it
Someone please explain to me what she was actually trying to say, because nobody can be this retarded
Dissociated mechanics
Unfortunately that writer really is that retarded. It shines through if you are cursed enough to actually be forced to see the film.
>special dice that are just d6s with stupid symbols and one or two blank spaces on them
Is it really that hard to just make a roll chart?
Having to read words on a page in your native language is CLUNKY!!!!!!!!!!!!
>t. /r/rpg
I too completely ignored TLJ in favor of The Disaster Artist and have not regretted it a single bit.
What are your thoughts on Karma in TSR's Marvel Super Heroes?
I think a lot of the childishness comes from the whole "participation trophy" thing I brought up: fear of failure. These are people who don't understand that failure isn't always a bad thing. We're supposed to learn from our failures, and a few failures here and there often makes for a much more interesting story than just succeeding at everything all the time.
But no, they don't want a challenge and they don't want an interesting story, they just want a power fantasy where their invincible perfect-in-every-way self-insert fetish-vehicles succeed at everything, at all times.
>A woman wrote everything good about the OT.
So, nothing then?
SW was always ridiculous Jew-propaganda for subnormal children.
It takes a special kind of arrogance to kill off beloved character Ackbar offscreen to instead introduce your pink haired stronk womyn and steal the cool self sacrifice moment.
It's funny because it's actually pretty easy to fix the movie. They're just that bad of a writer.
I'm not a fan of Star Wars either, but I'm afraid you'll have to explain this part to me.
SW movies were never as good as people say they are. They aren't absolutely terrible, but they're just movies to pass the time.
I was ok with the movie, really. I didnt mind most of it. But damn, that random purple haired hag taking the spotlight Ackbar could (should) have had? God damn it.
Children are also acutely self-centered which again lines up with the root issue of being insanely childish. Addiction to social media seems to feed into that too. It's bizarre and honestly pretty disgusting, but at least I can put my finger on my extreme distaste for those people and the correlation between the activities they enjoy and the way they behave now.
There's nothing worse than realizing you have basically no chance to fail in a game. One would have to be extremely deluded or very oblivious to extract any satisfaction in such a situation
So much this, if they're gonna reroll a failure then why roll in the first place? It seems that the players roll to get the margin of success without any risk of failure.
I rather give them a flat bonus than let them reroll, I do enjoy the idea behind Fate points but i'd use them in a tame way to add a little detail or make the enemy do something stupid or curse him with bad luck, maybe lessen the effect of failure, but when the roll happens, it's definitive
>>Games that reward players for coming up with the most broadly applicable thing they can, ie FATE's aspects
I dropped Fate for this exact same reason, aspects are too loose and makes it boring if you choose something specific or the GM doesn't want to put it to use, I prefer tight skillsets.
It's the type same type of insane arrogance,
(complete lack of selflessness really) that leads people to write retarded self-insert characters and force them into whatever they are working on.
So it all stems from a refusal to grow the fuck up and accept failure. It makes so much more sense now!
It's like when you play a video game and turn on god mode, and suddenly get super bored. Or if you play something like Minecraft, Terraria, or Starbound, and use an inventory editor to get anything you want. You have this moment where you realize you're not having fun anymore because you can get anything you want with zero effort.
Except for these people, that moment never comes, because this is exactly what they want in a game, and in life.
Hmmm, you mean the type of person who would use reddit?
I'm not sure if it's a symptom or the cause, but hype narcissistic childishness is a pandemic.
Aces and Eights.
Fuck off and die. You know exactly what he is talking about.
There's a couple other ones too
>I don't want resources to manage, I want more RNG, I want my success or failure to be as random as possible.
Shut up you fucking troglodyte, just play yahtzee if you want dice rolls so bad.
Normal, non autistic people don't speak in gibberish
He was brainwashed by /pol/. His opinions aren't worth anything
>and then I will actually defend retarded "bennies" as "resource management" in the same breath
don't forget to add this part
>reddits his way into the thread screeching about muh boogeyman while projecting about being brainwashed
Of course, the ever present but never consistently defined "sjws".
never stop being angry. It really improves your life.
Wowie what an epic roast I sure am ass blasted
Go back to /pol/ you fucking child
They are people who hate men and masculinity, and hate traditional Western European values. They will do anything to undermine both of these concepts.
>from reddit
>projecting about other people being from other places
Same fag.
Innovation in general seems to be suffering.
Problem with that is it's very easy to hand wave "women adventures" being naturally buff women or something magical in their background giving them the same stats as a man. So most writers just say, "Fuck it," and make women the same as men.
Great points.
Sounds like more of a group problem, but anything that promotes this kind of behavior is bad news.
Children deserve better, much better.
But Tokyo Nova is hella fun you mong
Is that all you can come up with?
Also, I've never used reddit. Looks like a dated mess to me
One of the worst ideas in modern "games" is paizo unilaterally making it impossible to both be Good-aligned and also against gay marriage, or against transsexualism in Pathfinder.
Basically if your character has any conservative values, they can only be Neutral or Evil.
You were the faggots who brought it up, don't cry when people don't like cringy author self-inserts
This post and every other pro SJW post on here from here on out will be this particular individual. I've seen them in countless threads and their posting style and img marcos are painfully obvious. ignore this shill as they are pure cancer.
SJWs are hypocrites who are racist and sexist but think it's okay when they do it because the people they hate are somehow oppressing everyone else by existing.
Nazis, in other words. Guess they really do always project.
Ackbar's VA is dead, user
I thought /pol/ was gone, but I was wrong.
I was looking forward to a thread about broken game mechanics, but you turboautists had to turn it in to a shitty thread about a bad movie and how le sjws are ruining everything
>inb4 you leftist cultural marxist cuck jew shill
I don't give a shit about your culture war
I just want to play games in peace
So is Peter Cushing, and that didn't stop them from having Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One.
You're retarded if you think it's actually /pol/. It's people like you that make it so easy for people to intentionally bait you into responding to political content.
Linear build, quadratic xp
This is kinda plausible but could you prove it please?
I'm pretty sure nobody in this thread actually plays games.
It's all just /pol/ shitposters pretending.
You absolute moron.
>Shit doesn't taste bad if you don't think about the fact that you're eating shit