So I can either pay $320 for a playset of pic related or pay $12 for a nearly exact thing. And to find the only notable difference would require a jeweler monocle which no one in their right mind is carrying during a mtg tourny... What is the more safe and financially sound choice Veeky Forums?
So I can either pay $320 for a playset of pic related or pay $12 for a nearly exact thing...
Other urls found in this thread:
These proxy shill threads are getting kind of pathetic.
>What is the more safe and financially sound choice Veeky Forums?
real estate somewhere outside of hurricane belt
>What is the more safe and financially sound choice Veeky Forums?
Putting money into a diversified investment portfolio.
But why buy that overpriced house that could plummet in value when you can buy a based chinaman proxy house that's a fraction of the cost and would take a non-lazy inspector with a jeweler's loupe to recognize?
Let me tell you about chinese proxy mutual funds...
>What is the more safe and financially sound choice Veeky Forums?
The one that isn't actively trying to undermine the hobby, /pol/.
>What is the more safe and financially sound choice Veeky Forums?
>jeweler monocle
The word you're looking for is "loupe"
We're not gullible retards like you are
Not him, but, honestly, the sooner Magic goes full-on digital, the better. It would solve a lot of problems concerning the distribution, the secondary market, the tournaments etc. etc.
Undermine the hobby, i'm trying to promote it. I just want costs to be reduced and we have a bigger player base. The retarded barrier to entry is ruining the game, vintage and legacy groups are dying out atm.
Only undermines it if your hobby is collecting the cards with the intent of using them as an investment. If you just want a binder full of neat pieces of cardboard or just want to play the game, then the proxies aren't undermining a thing. Fuck CCGs and their pay-to-win lootbox bullshit.
Yea but digital booster boxes cost the same and you can't recoup.
yeah because they weren't pathetic and annoying to begin with
I wish I knew where to find a good proxy service. I've seen so many of these things on here and I wouldn't mind spending less on cards/getting cards I normally can't since I just play EDH for fun.
Complaining about the secondary market is a tried and true Veeky Forums tradition.
>or just want to play the game,
You're the worst sort of Magic player. Nobody wants your kind here.
Is that BL or VZ?
Is part of the price for fakes that you have to shill them forever.
It would be hilarious if the fake was on left.
Proxies are /pol/ now? I feel like I'm missing something here.
Kill yourself.
All subjects are inherently political, and therefore all subjects are /pol/. This would include MtG proxies.
Best post
are there good counterfeits of foils or cards with the holofoil stamp on the bottom yet?
Digital CCGs are complete horseshit for that very reason.
>the sooner Magic goes full-on digital, the better.
Get off the internet and go back to visiting your family, WotC, you're drunk.
But I don't want to!
My brother's friend has a friend in Ethiopia who works at a steel factory and in his spare time makes quality foil cards with only a b&w canon printer and nail polisher.
There's a legitimate /pol/ "raid" (it's two, maybe three people tops) that's been going on. Threads about counterfeiting being a viable and preferable alternative to real cards are among the topics they try to force.
I am not him, but how does simply wanting to play make a prospective player undesirable? I'm coming from a skirmish campaign background where we can use any companies miniatures, only need 1 rulebook, and can make as many copies as we need. All I know is the desire to play which can be fulfilled easily through the freedom inherent to many rulesets. I understand if the player is trying to pass off fakes as real copies for trade, but how is it undesirable simply from a getting games perspective?
Also he's blind and missing several fingers.
>legitimate /pol/ raid
What's more likely, that the Nazi wizards of the Thule Group have awoken the egregore of the game to save it through meme magic from a torturous death at the hands of an international Saturn worshipping death cult or that Hasbro's shit tier damage control team is manufacturing a shallow political divide among its customers to deflect from a serious product quality issue?
Because the point isn't to play. The game is unoriginal, unbalanced, and not much fun. The point is that the only legitimate reason to have magic cards is to make money. You say that counterfiets are only a problem if you're seeing your hobby as an investment. The truth is the only hobby here IS investment. "Games" are for children.
And Chinese proxies destroy that, and therefore are shit.
>The game is unoriginal
Not actually true. It started this shit and deserves some credit. Unless you're on of those "Magic is the game of real wizards reinvented for the modern era" nitwits it's pretty legit.
Yeah, but that's not the game's fault.
>and not much fun
Also not the game's fault, other than mana screw.
/pol/ has bigger things to shit up... You're literally talking about a board that manage to elect the leader of the free world for shits and giggles.
That is not what I'm saying as I am not the previous poster. I was interested in better understanding your position and used my experience to attempt some parallels. Thanks for taking the time to lay our your reasoning. It is kind of strange to me, and miniatures are probably inherently childlike in your perspective (acknowledging thats my assumption), but I think I get it based on your priorities. However, don't you invest in mtg for some other reason than return, otherwise wouldn't you invest elsewhere? Is it that you are already familiar enough to invest properly and it would be too much work to learn another?
Okay, instead of starting a new thread, help me out MtG veterans
>one friend just learned but has little money and isn't super competitive
>one friend knows the game real well and has plenty of money to blow on the game
>i only played casually years ago with borrowed EDH decks and cube
How do I make our play group not become a clusterfuck? Is there a format the let's try hards go all out, but keeps things fun for newbies? Thinking about EDH because if one player has an objectively better deck, the game becomes 2v1 and let's us play 3 player games. Wanted to build a cube eventually, but might be too much for a newbie.
Just use xmage or something. Unlimited cards means that it's not a pay2win game.
Or even better, have those two friends switch decks, so the newb has a carefully-calibrated machine of grace and destruction, while the expert has to learn how to win with a pile of mud and slime.
>one friend just learned but has little money and isn't super competitive
This person shouldn't play.
>one friend knows the game real well and has plenty of money to blow on the game
This person should.
>i only played casually years ago with borrowed EDH decks and cube
This person maybe should.
The way to win at Magic is to have money and be completitive. If you don't have either of those, not only aren't you going to have fun, but you'll make everybody around you miserable with your constant losing.
Buying used cards doesn't help Wizards you moron
EDH is not balanced for noob play or anything, but it is very fun. Tell your good player they have to stick to a theme as a handicap. Doesn't really matter what the theme is, but something like art tribal goes 90% of the way towards handicapping a vet against a newbie.
Make a proxy cube with all the fun cards. That what I did. Cost like $150. Just think of it as an expensive board game.
so where do i get these proxies from??
Look it yourself. I'm sick and tired of Veeky Forums bullying me but everyone one secretly wants well made proxies to use.
You can tell it's a proxy by how unweathered it is.
It doesn't take alot to beat out a card. Sand paper, tea.
Brainlet. How do you think the sellers of individual cards get them in the first place? Someone has to crack packs in order to refill on stock.
That's like saying buying packs in general doesn't give Wizards money because it goes to the game store and not Wizards directly. The game store has to give money to Wizards in order to get more product to sell.
Land, even if it goes down in value, has absolute value, so your best bet is to buy cheap and sell dear.
proxies have no absolute value. If the hobby dies, they die with it. More importantly, if you're exposed, they lose all value and you might face criminal charges.
Hell, even if you have legitimate cards as well, as soon as you're busted with fakes, you won't be able to sell your real ones anymore either.
You can sell shitty time-share scams and your other real estate is still worth money.
You can't really charge someone for selling you fakes. Well, you can, but for that you need to explain that the cards have value, prove that the fake is a fake(you can't just light test it and expect that to be enough proof) and that you got scammed. It's a huge hassle to get your money back.
>Paying 12$ for a proxy
Lmao at your life
Like really top kek
Did yall miss the part where it's two, maybe three people?
$12 for four you pay to win cock sucker. I drive an audi a6 at 26 yr old, make $120k + equity as a corporate controller. But i'm not dumb enough to spend $20+ on a single piece of card board.
Real cards themselves also hold no value if mtg bellys up. Nobody faces criminal charges for shit you dumb retard. If I get busted with fakes and need to sell, guess what I will get a friend to sell them for me or my brother.
Then a, you're an asshole, and b, you don't understand how collectibles work.
You have a very high opinion of yourself for an adult that spends their time playing a children's card game.
I hope this is bait, here is a (you) just incase
>can afford $12 for a proxy
>can't afford a real car
ok Ahmed, keep living your "real" life in a games thread on a mongolian basket weaving image board
>a games thread on a mongolian basket weaving image board
Y'know, we get off topic sometimes but I fucking love weaving baskets.
At this point these threads have to break the No Advertising rule. The chinks get more shilling than Kingdom Death did back then.
You can get proxies for $3 a piece from a reseller on reddit, check the sticky. /r/bootlegmtg
they don't break the no advertising rule any more than anything else discussing a specific product.
Also does anyone know if HolyDiva (Daniela Diaz) is trans or not? Can’t tell it from her face, but she has a ton of SJW shit on her twitter.
>its the digital shill
Fuck off, you threads are crap
literally who?
Some streamer, seems to have WotC’s attention since they invite her to various events. She’s not a very good player so I’m wondering if she pulled the muh diversity card.
my local store is closing down, owner said he was tired of SJW wotc.
Why would he shut the entire store down if he didn't like the company making Magic? Surely he has other shit to sell?
Because MTG, Yugioh, and Warhammer are the financial backbone of most hobby game stores. Those are the 3 that keep your lights on, keep the AC running, and pay your employees. they do that so the board games gathering dust on the shelf have a chance to become profit.
So double down on Yugioh and Warhammer then. Most of the LGSs in my area focus very little on magic beyond FNM and casual events.
>innistrad lotv
>buying used cards from innistrad now is helping wotc
Yeah no. Maybe when innistrad was in standard and the demand for most cards were a lot higher, but at the moment the same sweaty shit cards are just circulating, but cumulating the price toward triple digits. This doesn't help wotc slightest you genious.
It's not real, user. There is no lgs that's shutting down.
I know. I wanted to see how far he'd go.
That doesn't sound like /pol/. Nit that there aren't 3 retards, just not /pol/. Nothing about this is something they'd be interested in.
There are screencaps from /pol/ about this nonsense
Don't pluralize it.
Yea... On the fucking /pol/ board. Veeky Forums is not just mtg. They have better success on tapped out. Fuck /pol/ itself is already a great stage.
proxies being as good as real cards is the best thing to ever happen to magic. if wizards wont reprint cards to make it affordable china will
play sets of staples being hundreds of dollars is whats actually undermining the hobby user
>paper magic brings in a whole section of commerce
>part of the appeal in a TCG is human interaction
>nah, it should be digital only because I say so.
rarity symbol is still off OP.
To sidestep all the shit throwing, regardless of how you feel about the current state of Magic, what was your favorite release and why?
It saves money NOW and that's all the reptilians who own Hasbro stocks care about. If the company goes to shit tomorrow it doesn't matter.
My LGS's owner is just under 50. When he's done I'm pretty sure nobody is going to take his place. The retail market is going to dogshit and he's shifted most of his focus away from games, comics, board games, card games to the other, better parts of his business. He's a good guy but market forces basically do not make it economical for him to deal with this bullshit with singles; before people would just buy cards because 2-3 bucks a card isn't a big deal. Now people are haggling over every dollar difference in value and wasting time; it's cancer that could not have existed before this idiotic increase in prices. It's fine to sell, but it's another thing to buy singles and the amount of cash you have to essentially hand out for shit that may or may not sell is just not worth it from a retail point of view that is as small as most stores and it's retarded to compete online.
Things like Magic and Warhammer have been pretty much dying because all those companies have been giving the finger to stores. D&D doesn't sell nor do any other RPGs. While my owner owns his building most people don't, and rents are increasing and you need a relatively large amount of space to host games if you don't want to have to move furniture all the time. Wizards has only shit on stores without play spaces by prohibiting them from hosting events at places where there is space, like pubs or restaurants.
I'm not saying Wizards needs to subsidize their stores; but they surely aren't making it any easier to sell their product or host events. Either Wizards knows and doesn't give a fuck or they don't know; either way it's irresponsible of them and the problem is there. The European market and Latin America market are in the process of dissolving due to the restrictions they place on stores; and the way they tie prerelease product availability to past attendance means that even if you get a surge in players you have to turn them away, which means you've lost someone.
If MtG died, all cards would become worthless except stuff like Lotus whose value really is of a collector item.
If you want magic to die, go on, we are almost there.
Collectors long outlive the death of the true purpose of the product itself.
Stamp collecting died around 1970 with overprinting. Yet only NOW are the people who were really into it have to come to terms with the fact that there is no new generation to pass their passion to. There are stamp collection centers where dying people have sent their entire collections (or their parents' collections) because it was their lifelong passion and they don't want to see it go to waste; these centers themselves are run by people who are like in their 70s.
Magic can eat shit tomorrow; straight up no more events and Wizards' entire supply chain burns to the ground. But the diehards will run unofficial leagues and fanclubs until they themselves die and fail to pass on the hobby to a new generation. The people "organizing" the hobby right now are in their 30s and 40s - yunno, the people who are old enough to have invested their lives or businesses to the hobby. They will do their damnedest to keep the collector market going until they themselves die.
But the thing is, that's going to take like 30+ years.
I seriously think golf is going to die faster than Magic will. Watching golf eat shit due to how much money it takes to maintain courses is actually an interesting phenomenon in my area.
I suppose you think that Hollywood will collapse because people pirate movies too, don't you?
Never hate you OP. But I want some sexy 6th gens titties for my collection.
I do not even play any more but would be down to collect a bunch for a decent art collection. Fakes that look good can be fucked around with for for arts sake.
magic will only die due to wizards inability to make fun formats affordable which proxies solve
>paper magic brings in a whole section of commerce
And it's entirely redundant and unneeded in the first place nowadays.
>part of the appeal in a TCG is human interaction
Ever heard of LAN parties?
Face it, currently Magic is struggling to maintain its position on the market because of the nature of its paper medium that brings in a bunch of problems and expenses, and doesn't offer anything that digital can't do.
>LAN parties
back to your comfy armchair grampa, the nurse will be here with your meds after lunch
This man speaks the truth. Some people can't swallow the blackpill of their favorite hobby dying.
>their favorite hobby dying
Every ccg's community of which I partake immediately improved upon death. I can only feel anticipation and great joy for the impending death of mediocre gaming stores
>he doesn't understand the concept of someone using online services to organize a local friendly game gathering
It really is pretty neat compared to the shit like Nu-Zendikar and Ahmonkek.
Before that I liked Khans a little and RTR a lot.