
They're still doing the multi-part adaptations of YA novel series?

I thought the flopping of Ender's Game and the Divergent Series proved that's just not profitable anymore. Now Hunger Games is wrapped up, there just aren't anymore big name series with enough brand recognition for a slew of Hollywood films.

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Alchemist when?

Similar concepts like what? If you mean like post-post apocalyptic settings then you have plenty to choose from. If you're talking about more specific stuff like moving cities then you're pretty out of luck.

I don't think Mortal Engines really fits into the YA adaptation boom that Hollywood had a few years ago. As I understand it was kicking around hollywood with no one knowing quiet what to do with it well before that happened.

>If you're talking about more specific stuff like moving cities then you're pretty out of luck.
I was thinking more that, yeah

Any action Holywood takes that isn’t “have Edgar Wright direct a Discworld movie” is a bad choice.

So, how are those books, as a Veeky Forums stealing ideas?
Because some of the YA novels I seen there were pretty good once you got the mindset, like Edge Chronicles or Monster blood tatoo.

They're pretty good for it.
The central conceit of the series (which is the moving cities) is so distinctive and setting defining that it can't really be borrowed.
But it has a heap of other, smaller aspects which absolutely can be.
It's a great source for any post-apocalyptic setting, the way it treats how people deal with the material and cultural legacy of a world ending apocalypse is really good. I especially like how after the main world ending event there were a number of lesser civilizations that emerged and collapsed in the interim, which I thought was a nice touch you don't see that often. Even the parts which aren't that original (eg lost superweapons) are at least well written.
It also has probably my favorite example of the dead people being rebuilt as machines trope.
Aside from all that they're just generally well written adventure stories, and you can take inspiration from that part of them like you could any other adventure.

That also applies to Artemis Fowl, though I'd put good money on that one flopping

I have to admit, I'd like to see them try to make Sabriel into a film

>It also has probably my favorite example of the dead people being rebuilt as machines trope.


I think a core of doing that would be getting the sense of wonder. A lot of the appeal of that series was just how distinctive and beautiful the world is (As lets be honest, his books involve a LOT of 'Hiking through the world, experiencing it). That and to contrast it with the horror of death.

Good god my dick is diamonds. Municipal Darwinism in action. What other books and settings have moving cities? Have you used them in your games? I really liked Zodanga from John Carter.

That's a good point, you'd have to get a creative team that understood that.

user, but are you aware that they are still searching for new Harry Potter? Not in literal sense, but the entire YA adaptation bullshit going in past decade is literally it - searching for new Potter, a new goose laying golden eggs. So what that most of those barely make costs back? It's not like the first one costs any for the studio, really. If it's successful, they continue. If it's not, they drop it. There is enough of those books to just burn through them and the fact Hunger Games from all things did "caught" (in very relative sense, since it was all marketing buzz) affected things further, since the focus of YA adaptations also changed, along with what is mass-written as YA books

tl;dr - this shit is going to last another 10-15 years.

>Artemis Fowl

These books jump around way too much to be a good movie.

Mortal Engines is just really fucking stupid so...probably?


Some of the art this guy has done is gorgeous for bringing the setting to life (And Garth Nix himself loved it)

I just read Sabriel a few weeks and I thought it was incredibly bland and boring. I don't understand why so many people jizz themselves over it.

Wow thats really good. Thanks for sharing user

maybe its the setting more than the story for some

Or the age they were when they read it.

In my case, it's the scenery. He builds a really beautiful world to be explored, with the story itself much about experiencing the world.

I dunno, Goldenhand was pretty recent and I still really enjoyed that (Though I wasn't much of a fan of his prequel book about Chlorr. I felt like it didn't go far enough in showing what would make Chlorr what she ends up)

Yeah, I don' think that's a good idea. Discworld humour is more absurdist, Cornetto humour is more subtle. It's like having Terry Gilliam direct a Wodehouse adaptation, they're both funny, but the styles don't match.

Frankly, I can live perfectly fine without ever getting a Discworld adaptation. It's what you'd call unfilmable, because 50% of the humour is contained in random digressions and ramblings. In the best case scenario we would get something like the HHG2TG movie, which was okay, but absolutely unnecessary.

Basically one of the civilizations which emerged after the world ended took to turning their dead into supersoldiers called Stalkers as another way of fighting over the ruins of the world. Since then the technology that built them has been lost, but a handful of the creatures they created continue to wander around the world.
One of them features as a prominent secondary character throughout the series and is one of the better characters.
From a world building perspective though the interesting thing the author does with it is showing the technology - which is pretty consistently depicted as horrifying in both appearance and concept - gradually being rediscovered and spread across the setting.
It's a really interesting look at something that makes people extremely uncomfortable, and how they end up living with it and making use of it despite this. Even though the Stalkers aren't a massively original concept I haven't seen many settings which really consider how people would relate to technology like that.

But the setting is also really boring. And barely explored.

I was thinking the whole time that the military guy who she meets up with should have been the MC.

>Cornett humour

About as subtle as a boot to the shin

Well, that looks pretty damn awesome, and they picked a decent director for a book of massive-scale worldbuilding and mediocre plot. Hells to the yes, although they're really going in hard on the "future Brits" thing with the massive lions sitting on the tracks, it's a bit tacky.

What are some other really niche settings you've ran into and liked? I found the Dragonsdome Chronicles a while ago and I kinda liked some of the worldbuilding there, too. Plot is as basic as you'd expect from a YA book, but the ideas are cool and the Stealth Dragon Services somehow manage to make "modern military with dragons and magic in a feudal setting" actually work. Sadly nobody's done any decent art of it and the covers are much more "happy fantasy dragon adventure" than the pretty horrific war book 2+ turned into.

>I was thinking the whole time that the military guy who she meets up with should have been the MC.

The guy who's job is 'Watch the wall, an assignment that barely matters any more since the spelled flutes keep the dead down on that side of the wall'?

>the girl whose whole job is be a good student


Except she's actually tied into the setting of the Old Kingdom and her father was the Last Abhorson. I'm not really sure what the Perimeter Crossing Scout leader being the main character would have added to the story, especially in young adult fiction.

Though I'll admit, more stuff focusing on that side of the wall would be nice (Though being called the Old Kingdom series, it's pretty clear which side gets more focus)

He's a better character. And the point was that any character can be anything the story requires.

It's like watching Kingsmen. The main character is the annoying kid, when it should have been Colin Firth.

>He's a better character.

He's a much less explored one. He's a cool guy but he's not really on screen long enough to get beyond 'British Officer'.

>it should have been Colin Firth
Not at all, do you even understand storytelling?

What makes him a better character for young adult fiction?

And she's on the screen for way longer but never advances beyond "girl"

Yes. Do you?

What makes Sabriel a good character? All she does is run away from things.

I really wanted to see more of that world.

Why is there a big fucking electro-wall around the city and farmland protectorate?

How did the caste system come about?

How did the pathologically servile and humble caste get into power?

What caused the Old World to collapse?

Are there any other bastions and islands of civilization out there?

Are there wandering humans beyond the electro-wall?

How advanced was the technology before the Old World collapsed and is there any intresting salvage work still to be done in the still predominently ruined city?

How long ago did everything go to shit?

How do the casteless survive?

It was all hinted at so well and the world building was everything I wanted and left me wanting more and I would gladly haave paid to get more.

But the insipid love story between Bland Girl and not!Edward Cullen was not worth the sating of my curiosity. God fucking damn that shit was awful.

The Bothersome Country from Kino's Journey.

In the prequels, Stalker technolog6 was originally used to archive the experiences (in a very rudimentary way) of important figures and leaders. They werent as self aware or motivated as the stalkers in later books though.