Give me one good reason why I should buy real cards? I've been using these at my LGS and no one bats an eye. Even traded some fake fetches for a real shock.
Give me one good reason why I should buy real cards? I've been using these at my LGS and no one bats an eye...
There isn't a good reason. Only dumb idiots pay for a card greater than $2.
Stop making MtG threads.
It brings nothing good to our board
because if you actually played with balck lotus black cores you'd know the coloring is off and they look fake as fuck.
been called out on my noble hierarch gen4's
>tabletop game should not be discussed on tabletop games board
what kind of fantasy land do you come from?
Their like a thread for each format of MtG
EdH, Modern, Standard etc...
And every time someone want to say smt they just open a new thread.
Also WE HAD THE EXACT SAME THREAD YESTERDAY. How can nobody here look into the archive, really....
>>A thread died for this s*** AGAIN.
>I've been using these at my LGS and no one bats an eye.
Nothing wrong about this, at least as long as you don't get caught (yet it's pretty easy to lie your way out - "oh man I bought these goyf out ebay, are they really fake? I'm pissed now...").
>Even traded some fake fetches for a real shock.
And this makes you a scum.
If you're only going to play casually, there's no reason other than enduring the laughs when someone eventually finds out. At any kind of event with judges around you may just get kicked out.
Trading fake cards for real ones is quite the dick move, but the dude must have been pretty stupid or new to fall for fakes.
>but the dude must have been pretty stupid or new to fall for fakes
Or not give to fucks and just play the game. I don't check in autistical manner every cavern of souls my opponent is playing.
And the day before and the day before and the day before and ad nauseum. We are still ~20 posts out from the people who got burned by chinese fakes coming into the thread and pointing out that 95% of fakes are garbage.
There is no good reason. Magic has been a ludicrous scam from the start. There is no valid reason any Magic card should cost more than ten cents.
>Even traded some fake fetches for a real shock
Don't do this though.
Are these threads falseflagging? Is it like some kind of retarded PSA?
Or are bootleg faggots really just that dumb that they think it's a brilliant idea to go raising awareness that bootlegs exists and may be circulating, increasing their own risk of being caught?
Some autist shotguns MTG threads once a day in a wierd hateboner crusade against magic. Theres also a thread on a breitbart article blaming SJWs for magic dying
But it's true.
Honestly no reason. If you can get away with it, do it. Fuck this company.
user gets it.
>look mom I posted it again!
>that's nice son, you're still a faggot. Thank goodness no one else has to interact with you in real life.
Why in the fuck is Tarmogoyf even that expensive?
Mortivore is better
the worst is people that buy or trade for real cards and give fakes in return, either sending it back saying it was fake with a fake inside the envelope or otherwise. Once you have the reals you don't even have to worry about checks
>t2 3/4 at the very least, easily going to 4/5
>t4 who cares/who gives a shit by turn 4
In any case, Goofy has fallen out of favor, he doesn't cut it anymore for eternal.
What a time to be alive.
You can curse on the internet son, mommy isn't watching.
Maybe we need this thread? Fuck wotc they need to make cards more acessible.
What's with all these newfriends who don't get standard Veeky Forums jokes?
Swear to F**ckin' christ.