Please describe to me what bloodsecration involves.
Please describe to me what bloodsecration involves
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First, the Bloodsecrator recites the anthem of Khorne (two minutes of screaming).
It's a typo. It's meant to be "Bloodsecretor". He oozes blood out of wounds from the many, many spikes on everything Khornate
It's a thing that happens to a woman when she enters the stage in live known as puberty. usually in a monthly frequency.
Like consecration, but with blood
The Bloodsecrator then gives a short talk about the trials life and the issues of the day, and how the teachings of Khorne are relevant in todays modern world.
Goddamnit, what the fuck is this and whycantIstoptypingohgodmygrammarandspessingnspllingrafjkhgbkilitgcsgjmhcfjjnFuckgjkitesvnitdvbGWgbhyujndfhgewwqvhu
This sounds fantastic.
I often imagine that the ramblings of what passes for Khornate holy men would be a lot like the Sithrak worshipers in Oglaf but with more yelling.
This except they are also juicing up on steroids and yelling at you for not lifting heavy enough weights.
I'd kind of like to see evangelists for the big 4, how they'd sell their gods to non-crazy people. You can't just open up with the screaming and the skulls and the demons. I'd imagine you'd need an "in" as it were.
>ensorcelled axe
wait, what? Did AoS backpedal on khorne hating the shit out of magic?
MoK + Enscrolled Weapon was possible even back in WHF
Khorne and Slaanesh are pretty easy to imagine: warrior lodges and orgies. Nurgle would be doctors. Tzeentch is the hardest to figure out, maybe businessmen?
Even Realms of Chaos is explicit that Khorne only hates magic because of the cowardice aspect, he is a-o-k with magic weapons since it aids in blood. Heck, I'm surprised they haven't focused on him granting his followers with lasguns and bolters yet
It means to Bloodsecre something.
I think Tzeentch would be something akin to new age mixed with scientology. A lot of vague mystical jargon and promises of enlightenment and hope packaged in a confusing pyramid scheme, with practitioners constantly working their way up the ladder and getting more and more invested as their questions get answered but they wind up with even more.
And I think Nurgle would be more like fucked up Buddhism mixed with Christianity. Life is suffering and there is no escaping it except through faith in the (Grand)Father, with which you can become beyond the mere pains of the flesh and embrace the power of Love
In AoS Khorne has holy books called the Books of Blood.
Are they written on the flayed skin of ten thousand hellscholars?
Khorne is cool with magic as long as it isn't cowardly.
In AoS he actually has the most dependable magic in the game. His priests cast all their abilities on a 4+ and they can't be dispelled.
The article says they are not written, they are scratched.
>Please describe to me what bloodsecration involves.
it involves being the model that 90% of all khorne mortal armies depend on to not completely suck ass.