Is modern Yugioh really a 3-5 turn game nowadays, or is it just a meme? Thinking about getting back int the game, but I want to actually have fun and a challenge instead of who can get the best opening hand
Is modern Yugioh really a 3-5 turn game nowadays, or is it just a meme? Thinking about getting back int the game...
Yugioh is fun casually but compared to other games the meta is much less diverse
someone was autistic enough to actually make that image.
Yugioh games are usually over in 3-5 turns, simply because of the amount you are able to do in one turn. However that's only with some of the best decks in the game (SPYRALs, Pendulum Magicians, Trickstars). Most other decks are a lot slower and can be fun. There's enough decks and skill levels for people to have fun with. And odds are if you're playing in locals you won't run into too many of the OP dog shit decks. Before Link Format I was running Raid Raptors and consistently topped so anything is possible.
someone was autistic enough to actually reply that image.
Swing and a miss user, try again.
It really fucking depends of what you're playing against. Just so you have an idea: today I played against a SPYRAL deck (basically THE tier 1 deck actually), I didn't last 3 turns. Today I also played against a PaleoFrogs deck (used to be meta, but has been falling behind for some time now), we went to something like 10-12 turns.
>tfw when you play Card Exchange and give them a 7lv normal monster while they giving you the "Who the fuck plays that shit?" face
Anti-meta decks are fun
>Really liked playing SPYRAL when they first came out, finally had a reason to use the one copy of Convulsion of Nature I had pulled years and years ago
>Then their Link Monster came out and caused them to become a hotbed for absolute cancer
>can no longer play fun Pure SPYRAL variant anymore due to forbidden/limited list
Firewall Dragon was a fucking mistake
Im gonna leave this here just in case
Remember when Bottomless Trap Hole was unlimited?
>I Synchro Summon-
>no you don't
>playing powercreep games
If you had invested that money into Legacy in 2011, you'd still have a playable deck.
>he doesn't play literally every card game at the same time
I guess a good place to ask. Are these pulls good? I sleeved the paladin and raigeki because nostalgia. Just got back into yugioh. Mainly for collecting.
If you bought Burning Abyss has been relevant since 2014 and will be relevant for years to come.
someone was autistic enough to actually play shitstone.
>We made the game and culture worse for the 95%, but better for the 5% of competitors
This is what ruined pickup games.
You're supposed to bring whatever you like and play randomly.
Who would want to play on a "competitive level"? For God's sake, it's a card game
Competitive people. I miss just going through a bunch of commons, some rares, and the few holos I pulled and making a deck. I also gave away a first edition black luster soldier envoy of the beginning and raviel
I think you miss the point of the meme. The chad is not supposed to be true
The Chad is not true.
No yugiohfag have a IQ of 200
You need a high IQ to play
>niggers having high IQ
Every yu-gi-oh player in 2016 I've ever met has been a nigger. Even then they've been switching slowly to mtg in my area because they like EDH for some reason.
And honestly the few nogs I've played mtg with have been alright.
Like most games with competitive scenes the most fun you can have is you and some friends playing only knowing the basic rules and figuring out everything else yourselves.
Topologic and Borreload are the boss monsters of the current anime rival, so yes, they're very good pulls, especially Borreload. Raigeki is limited and is not really that useful anymore. Cosmic Cyclone is a staple. Anything Red-Eyes or Dark Magician is meme-tier.
Games are made to be competitive. Sports don't change because some whinners who are too bad at them, nor does Chess, or Poker, the later which is way more random than Yu-Gi-Oh.
Here on Veeky Forums, you don't have to imagine.
>tfw i wanted to play SPYRALS because they look really cool
>tfw they become meta and 3 cards cost a big part of my income.
What was "summoned skull beatdown" meant to be? Was summoned skull the most attack you could get for tributing one monster?
Save yourself the money and play duel links instead it's on phones and steam with the same account and has a decent f2p.
user, it's a children card game based on a japanese cartoon.
This thread is filled with losers that can't beat SPYRAL using petdecks.
And you're a weak player who'd never make it to the Duelist Kingdom.
Or be a chad and play ygopro anywhere for free with a fuckton of puzzles to turn into your final form.
I still rock Kunai With Chain for the lulz
I remember the summer when three Stratos were allowed and DDT BTFO the monarchs out of fucking NOWHERE.
>Cosmic Cyclone is a staple.
It's just a worse MST.
Holy shit, is MST banned?
A lot of spells and traps can activate from the grave now, and life points aren't really a big deal until you drop into easy burn range, so it's a better mst in today's meta. And no, mst is still at 3.
Should I play yugioh?
t. played mtg and realized standard is aids
yes, join us at /dng/
It’s an MST can’t activate on your opponent’s turn but can be activated again from the grave.
That's Galaxy Cyclone.
>never blamed a loss on RNG
Nope, describes a brainless Hearthcuck like you perfectly
>nor does Chess
>he doesn't know about when Chess was patched and Queen got a huge buff
>he doesn't know about the Castling patch
>has a full board
>tribute his three best guys using Winged Dragon of Ra Sphere Mode
>who is Seto Kaiba
Even then, G. Cyclone cant target face up cards from your hand, and no face downs from your grave
The Virgin Magician and the Blue Eyes Chad Dragon?