I have a bone to pick with you!
Tomb Kings
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I never really got into Warhammer Fantasy but I always thought Tomb Kings were really badass.
I remember as a kid I loved Ancient Egypt stuff but for some reason I stopped reading up on it around when I was in high school. I should really start re-exploring it.
i bought Gods of Egypt for some inspiration today because of the new total war release. i have not watched it yet. i'm expecting good CG and shit on everything else. i think i'll do ok.
Well they're coming out for Total War, but how are they going to function? They'll probably work a lot like Vampire Counts, but just switch names around and add cooler skeleton units.
I think they will run like a regular faction, as in they require no corruption to get around in sans Arkhan.
The vampire counts use loads of expendable light units with a few heavy hitters. The Tomb Kings roll with Hard hitting heavy infantry ala Empire/Dwarves backed up by some seriously badass monsters with some mad ass chariot action.
TK do have their meat and potatoes light infantry skeletons with shields, swords and spears as well as skeleton archers, light cavalry and horse archers.
What I'm more excited is the hordes of chariots. In the old WH fantasy army book, Tomb kings can get chariots as troop choice. The mass of chariots crashing into enemy formations.... oh my.
The only undead faction with bows! Would they just end up falling apart without good binding like other undead?
>making full stacks of nothing but chariots
Aw hell yeah!
>have as many warriors as the old world has living humans
>the kings are greedy, ambitious and expansionistic and war is the only thing that brings them joy now
>most Kings won’t even get to rule their old kingdoms because of Settra
>have wanted to expand and restore nehekara to glory since Settra woke up
>ruled constantly by the same king who lead them to a golden age
>tireless, obedient troops
>nehekara still a shithole that gets robbed all the time
Why is this? Why haven’t the tomb kings been expanding out of nehekara? You’d think some of the lesser kings would have done so since they don’t stand a chance against Settra. Why did Settra only decide on doing his great purge right before the endtimes even though he had the manpower and resources to do it this whole time? We know their invasion fleets are powerful since they BTFO chaos in their own lands and rekt the next best Dark elf Corsair fleet after Fellhearts. So why bum around in the desert and only march out to take revenge?
The thing about the Tomb Kings armies were that the Skeletons in them elected to become Undead voluntarily. I think this would mean that they would be closer to human on the spectrum of Clockwork Soldier to Self Aware Being.
They're basically exactly as they were when they were alive but have forgotten who they were. As in, they still have military skills, tactics and training but outside of that they just don't remember. The binding rituals get more intricate the higher up the ladder you go and the more of your former self clings on, which is why most Tomb Kings themselves are almost human, barring some eccentricities like the one who threw a banquette and then forgot what you do once the food gets there.
Chariots are kinda bad at doing anything but annoying human opponents in Total War.
This. I fully expect the AI to spam them like the Marauder AI does, though.
They had all the time in the world until suddenly they hadn't.
Hopefully the TK chariots will be significantly better for obvious reasons. Other factions HAVE chariots but aren't chariot armies. TK's are KNOWN for Chariots.
Where can I read that TK story because it sounds hilarious and oddly endearing.
Also, /twg/ is full of Khemri TV memes for the Tomb Kings, it’s great.
Who's this chap again?
It’s a Hierotitan.
Giant animated statue.
That’s a Hierotitan, a giant living statue containing the sarcophagus of a beloved Liche Priest before the secrets of immortality were discovered.
They were never in the tabletop, even though rules were released. This is a sign CA is doing their research.
Liberty Prime.
I wonder if they’ll add Necrolith Colossai too, or if the Hierotitan already fills the fuckhuge monster unit quota for this army?
Forgot to expand on that first sentence; the Liche Priest is dead dead within the Hierotitan, but through magic is able to perceive the world as though through a dream - basically a Tomb Kings version of the Wraithknight - only the connection works both ways, and the presence of a Hierotitan means the realm of the gods is DIRECTLY accessible through the Hierotitan.
I haven’t read the rules, but mechanically this could mean cheaper spells or free buffs.
And laser eyes. Apparently.
Not that I mind.
They already have Necrosphinx, Tomb Scorpions and the Warsphinx, the Titan would be cool but they’re pretty full-up on fuckhuge monsters.
It’s going to be a real treat bringing in the Necrosphinx though, it has an unconventional role that should be insanely useful in Mortal Empires.
Just go read the steam store page of the dlc.
>The thing about the Tomb Kings armies were that the Skeletons in them elected to become Undead voluntarily
Erm no.
The Kings went to their rest while the mortuary priests sought a cure for death and a way to bring them back to life, they were dead.
Nagash conducted a massive ritual that destroyed most of the life in Nehekara and brought everyone back early and subservient to him. Hijinks ensue as the Skaven give the last king of Khemri a nuclear weapon sword to shank Nagash in the arse. Nagash gets shanked and the TK go home, somewhat annoyed they are now corpses.
Settra was pissed to find out he was a skeleton and the priesthood had managed to fuck up the kingdom. He was also fucking pissed that all these little kings thought they ruled.
No, only Settra rules. Get into line you fucks. Also if Nagash or Arkan show up they are going to get fucking shanked in the face, the bastards.
I love Settra so much
It's a fun movie, I especially liked the chariots pulled by huge scarabs.
Sigmar wishes he was as awesome as Settra.
Sigmar is descended from settra
I'm sorry but, what?
Is this a "we are all descended from Genghis Khan" type thing?
Raging aside, he was half right. See, you're kind of glossing over a key word that you yourself included: early.
The whole intent was that the dead kings would come back with their armies. Those soldiers actively chose to consign themselves to eternity as soldiers for their king, they just didn't get raised right.
Come Nerevar, I await you in the Black Pyramid.
It's made up.
Does anyone have any TK pdfs? I want some good lore and I don't wanna read Warhammer novels.
have the eighth rule book
I think they just don't particularly want to forcibly spread undeath, and without willing new troops to raise upon death, they'd just end up stretching their forces too thin.
So's the Genghis Khan thing, as well. Nobody actually knows who fucked all those women, it's just assumed it was Genghis because he certainly had the greatest opportunity to do so. But it may as well have been one of his generals who conquered shit with him everywhere, or one of his sons, or some immensely libidinous shaman or anyone with the power to get around like that.
The Genghis Khan thing is actually more because of how ancestors work. You go back far enough and you have a metric fuck tonne of ancestors. Just go back like 6 generations and we're talking 100 plus, and that number increases exponentially for each generation.
Of course, a number of those grandparents are going to be the same people, but still.
Posting stolen memes from Veeky Forums.
These are beautiful.
>stale old /v/ memes
>lol swap the image and a few words with TK stuff even though it makes no sense thematically
Quality comedy.
Has anyone else in Warhammer Lore been fucked over as hard as Alcadizaar the Conqueror?
Eltharion and his many retcons?
You're right, it was no fun at all.
Maybe not to you.
To me it was.
TK Have chariot UNITS.
Like 3 chariots per unit.
How sapient are the average skellingtons in tomb kang kingdoms?
most aware are the tomb kings, princes, liche priests, necrotects, and the richer nobility(presumably). Then you have the Tomb Guard, and after that is the humble skeleton warrior. At this point though they are only a shade of what and who they were in life, only really capable of knowing what they did and how to do it, so a skelly who was a farmer would know how to plow, sow, and harvest his crops(though good luck with the river mortis being poison) and a soldier skelly would know how to fight in formation with the rest of his unit, whatever role that was. I'm pretty sure the 8th ed. rulebook and army book goes into a bit of detail about that, either in the general fluff or the unit entries in the bestiary section of the army book.
Confirmed TW Tomb Kings army roster
>Legendary Lords
-Tomb King
-Liche High Priest
-Tomb Herald
-Liche Priest
>Melee Infantry
-Skeleton Warriors
-Tomb Guard
>Missile Infantry
-Skeleton Archers
>Monstrous infantry
-Sepulchral stalkers
>Melee Cavalry
-Skeleton Horsemen
-Skeleton Chariots
>Missile Cavalry
-Skeleton Horsemen Archers
-Skeleton Chariot Archers
>Monsters & Siege Engines
-Screaming Skull Catapult
-Tomb Scorpion
>Those soldiers actively chose to consign themselves to eternity as soldiers for their king, they just didn't get raised right.
Most loyal ones were slain to follow their king in death, they probably did it by choice. The others died of something else, were raised by Nagash indiscriminately.
And having living people serve under undead protection isn't an option how?
Music to cry to as Alcadizaar goes into last battle:
It is, but then they'd have to submit to Tomb King rule.
wew lad
Via screenshots we now know that TK chariot units contain 12 units. For comparison, in every other faction, a chariot unit is 4 chariots. Let that sink in. TK Chariot units are going to be full on formations.
TK's are a good deal like VC in some ways, but as mentioned the biggest difference is their use of chariots and bows.
Overall, their infantry is light, having no more than light armor (even Settra only has light armor), but they're also a bit more skilled than regular skellies. Furthermore, they have the Ushbati and other constructs. Certain lord traits suggest that they will not spread corruption and will in fact take damage from vampire attrition
Looking at the store page, the TK's will actually be even harder to kill than VC's, have faster units, and ranged. But they'll lose out in the offense of higher end monster units the vamps, and the lore of Nehekara is almost entirely buffs/debuffs, as opposed to the lore of vampires which in game is about buffs/killing tons of dudes
these are really funny user, hadn't seen them before, thanks for postan !
Is it worth reading the Nagash books?
>He is even worse than a vampire, he is - my the Gods forgive me for uttering this word - an elf.
spookibois bump
Nagash books are honestly the best source of Tomb Kings non-rule book lore. Despite the hatred of ET, it was the source of “SETTRA DOES NOT SERVE. SETTRA RULES!”
Nagash in TWW WHEN?!
You have to go back, WoW-kid
I think he just going to pop up same time Archaon does and does what he does best. Being the biggest dick.
Don't forget Necropolis Knights and Casket of Souls.
Too much charlemagnes for being free content
No DLC for DLC and the third installment to work would have to be focused on daemons alone.
Maybe it's just the angle of the screenshot, but I can't help but be a little disappointed in Khalida's look in TW. I always loved that one piece of art that showed her with a sort of Mona Lisa smile, and the empty socket staring out of the cracked half of her mask. It said everything about her character at first glance--she's a nice lady, a beloved ruler and just to her people, but underneath she's as deadly and ruthless as any other lord of the setting.
I'll reserve final judgment until the game is released, but just based on the screens, I'm not liking her look.
I seriously hope someone is diligent enough to collect them and prepare a readily available imgur link
I am saving every one I see.
Fuck thats cool
Are you blind? There's an empty socket right fucking there on the crached half.
Yes, I am aware. But compare her design in TW with this art. There's... something lost between the two. I think it's all in the mask--she's not smiling in the TW version, and the painted eye just draws attention to the artificiality of it. The illustrated version, with its dark eye, somehow seems more balanced. The fact that it's a mask isn't as immediately obvious, and the slight smile she has is more inviting; your eye is immediately drawn to this kindly-looking face. And then you see the visage of death beneath the mask--you see her true nature--and that's badass.
Don't let retarded sjw bullshit make you hate everything that's cool. God's of Egypt was a decent movie
You should, there are a shit ton of interesting new developments around the Great Pyramid of Giza. It boils down to the likelihood that there are undiscovered treasure rooms still inside the pyramid.
Also that fuckhuge claw.