There are people in the world, right now, who think Brujah is not the best clan. Can you believe that lunacy?
Brujah Supremacy Thread
>ctrl-f "True Brujah"
bunch of bitches with anger issues.
I sense a Toriador. If you faggots weren't immune to poison I'd gas the lot of you.
I'd rather spend 5 minutes in the presence of a prancy faggot Toriador then with the catiff spawn of a diablorist.
Potence > Auspex
At least we don't roll around in shit all day, right? #stakeallnos
Of course. Violent brainlets like yourselves can only resort to violence. Of course, you have to be able to hit me to hurt me.
That said, I do love watching Ventrue Rooks curb stomping you catiff scum, Troile is the worst thing to happen to the Brujah name.
>tfw you will never have a qt punk rock Brujah GF
Why even live?
Guys, get this!
Once guys, I...listen you guys, listen!
Once I punched a Ventrue.
>Not being a literal Blood Wizard.
Kill yourself, pleb. I'd rather a Toreador (That's how you spell it you illiterate faggot) or a Tremere than a Brujah or Ventrue
Step aside, rabble. Best clan here
>All this butthurt
>not being a Malkavian
What are you, sane?
Lunacy is the right word. Even worse than Malkavians.
>tfw no Carthage
Man i sure love Gangrels but bestiality ain't cool man
Did someone say best clan?
If I turn into a goat when I fuck a goat, is it really bestiality?
they are the middle ground between the real ruling clans and the shit-upon clans
>Both anons misspell Toreador in the same way
Shit thread samefag
>be immortal
>still shop at Hot Topic
Fucking embarrassing
Proper Brujah shop at Levi.
Proper brujah make their own clothes.
Only retarded, oppressed and brainwashed vampires spend money on Ventrue companies