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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>Give CGL coal
>And always remember to thank the Free Spirit of Christmas with cookies and milk

Christmas (and other applicable winter solstice holidays) Edition

What does your character celebrate for the holidays? Are they getting gifts for their team this year? They coming home for Christmas? Or are they on a special run?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What does your character celebrate for the holidays?
spends time with her family and her runner sister.
>Are they getting gifts for their team this year?


>Mech Rigger?
Spends time back home with mom and dad at their house for a few days. Exchanges gifts, helps out around the house, tries to be a good son.

>FLR Cybersam?
Doesn't know his family, doesn't care. Holidays are something he doesn't fully understand beyond obligation, so he'll get people that are useful to him gifts that are functional. He'll treat himself to a quality tune-up for his 'ware and a few rounds at an underground fight club.

Last runner group had a get together at their fixer's bar, before they got contracted by a short elf with curious fashion sense to kidnap a programmer from his workplace and get him back home before sunrise Christmas Day.

>What does your character celebrate for the holidays
Christmas, but that isn't until January 7.

>Gifts for the team
They resist the unity of the singularity, so he's stopped trying. Used cyberware went over poorly last year. Well, mostly. The other street sam that forms the Buddy Cup duo with Alexei appreciated it, even though he's become something of a bioware snob.

>Coming home
Ironically enough, he did recently end up back in Vladivostok, though it had been about twenty years since he's been there. Nice to be back in the old stomping grounds, even though the city's almost completely changed since he was there last. Gang war between the Triads, Yaks, and Seoulpa for second place is over. Yamatetsu is EVO now and turned the town even more completely into a corporate sprawl.

>Special run
There's a decent chance he'll end up doing some work for EVO and possibly falling back into the Vory, as there's a good chance that we're retiring this group.

Merry christmas.

>Tfw no Game.

Get in line.

Roll20 is a thing

>tfw no game
>tfw have to play with the fucking RunnerHub

So I have a player with Motion Sense and Magic sense Adept powers. It's getting a little cheesy. He's detecting magic objects like 200 feet away, and feeling people through walls. I'm not trying to have him swap his powers out unless the cheese starts breaking my game. Am I going to have to spam drones?

Just nerf the powers if they're that much of a problem.

Remember that Magic Sense also doesnt work like Assensing, there is no way to identify whats pinging him. You can also use biofiber living walls and general population density or background count to throw him off. Like mistaking a whale for a submarine.

How is it?
Is the autism and circlejerking good?

trying to avoid the precedent of changing the rules whenever they inconvenience me. not afraid of doing it with a game as jank as SR, but its one of my last resorts.

Merry Christmas, Serg.
What are your wishes for the new year?

>inb4 CGL shitting the bed and the Germans getting full custody

I wish for a new dev and a new edition

Jason Hardy being summarily executed and a decent editor being hired.

>they don't simply start their own game
You're all hopeless.

Can you hire a shadowrunner to break into your own home and leave toys intentionally so you can fool your kids into thinking Santa is real, and he is a high tech merc who can truly know if you've been naughty or nice and will ice you if you go too far?

... why don't you just give the keys to your place to your best mate and have him do it?

Cant trust corp slugs

Because he isn't suppose to be around kids. Long story, I got an ork son and a spoiled elf daughter and they need to learn actions have consequences.

If I do this how much do I hire for the runner or runners?

My PCs have unknowingly become a thorn in the side of a powerful AI, killing one of its lieutenants and finally giving it a trail to follow back to them. The AI has pressed into a service a spread of iconic mercenaries, which I plan to have running interference against the PCs Ninja Scroll style.
Pic related will be the first one that's actively hunting them. She'll prefer laying in wait as an ambush predator, and have something of a lair to retreat to if she fails. So far she has:
>extra complex action per IP per set of arms
>gecko tips
>hard nanohive that produces monowire at will
>acts as monowhip with entanglement, taser as homage to Yurimaru
>oral slasher with gamma-scopolamine
I want to give her a single use attack that throws flechettes all over an area, but I'm not sure how to execute it. Maybe a frag grenade that applies On Pins and Needles, Shredded Flesh called shots?
Thinking of naming her Silk unless you chummers have a better idea.

>extra complex action per IP per set of arms
omae, do you wish to kill your players?

As long as he spreads the attacks among the party, it should be okay. But if he focuses one person, unless they're crazy tough, that's basically murder, yeah.

Would you dare climb Eiger's mountain?

The PCs are pretty powerful and will almost certainly square off against her 4v1, but it want her taking enough actions to make it feel like a 4v4.

Character hasn't been approved yet so I don't know.

Maybe you should sit those breeders down for the talk instead

if it would bring me Glory yes but I also would climb Eiger if it meant not getting any

>What does your character celebrate for the holidays? They coming home for Christmas?
My anthro E-Ghost will be spending the season at his luxury lifestyle home with his gorgeous elven mage wife (purchased with Friends in High Places/Sensei qualities). None of the rest of the team know that he's even married, let alone that she's a high-ranking executive in Telestrian Industries. Hell, they don't even know that he's not actually human any more.
It's good to be the Face.

Maybe they aren't my kids.

Maybe its the fucking bosses kids and I just happen to want to hire some runners to fuck up his house under the guise I am a bad parent.

Kay mister nosey?

You apparently know my wish.

I don't see why not. Shadowrunners will take your money for sure.

...Location trace in progress...
...CorpSec has been notified....

I'm playing a slummer from the barrens. So I guess he'd just lead away puppy hell hounds and put them in boxes that he'd leave outside his compatriots' front doors.

That doesn't sound very wise...

never said i'm playing as a buddah


> Get a bunch of Barnes and Noble giftcards from friends who know I like tabletops.
> Barnes and Noble only has god damn Anarchy book, none of the actual 5e.

Why does BnN not carry 5e?



I prefer printed books to screens. The feel of actual cardboard in the hands can't compare to an eyesore screen.

>I prefer printed books to screens
then you should still not buy them. the binding is so shitty that they fall apart after a few days.
Just print it yourself and get it to a bookbinder

The books are so poorly laid out and edited that being able to CTRL+F for rules is mandatory. Buying hardcopy is throwing money away.

Anyone know how to get the invoked memory stimulator to show up in Chummer's cyberware list?

Ancient History and Nigel Findley's animate corpse devouring the Pat and Bull live on national television.

That's how you get scenes like this, user.

New to 5E and shadowrun as a whole, should I get a machine pistol, submachine gun or an assault rifle?

All 3.

The HKXM30 can be all three.

Get one of each, bring what's appropriate for the job.

Can't find me through my seven proxies, bitch.

The biggest difference between the three is Damage, Concealability, and dual-wielding potential.

Conealment wise, obviously smaller shit is easier to hide.

Both SMGs and MPs can be done one handed, while Rifles need two hands to fire.

If you plan on doing a Melee + Gun build, go with an MP and a SMG (one to hide and one for loud missions). If you don't, just grab an Assault rifle and a light pistol for hiding away.

Is the shadowrun videogame any good?

The SNES and Genesis ones are. The FPS was just an FPS with an interesting reskin. Shadowrun Returns was meh, but Dragonfall and Hong Kong were top notch.

Don't even bother with Shadowrun Online, it's trash.

Which videogame?

Returns actually, I was hoping to get some more insight in the setting but if its crappy then maybe not.

Returns is a good entry point. Just don't play as an adept.

>Shadowrun Online
Did they really try to make an MMO out of-?
Oh. Oh, god. That's some fucking nasty shit they threw out.

Nah, it's a very good intro to the setting. It more or less plays as 'Shadowrun's greatest hits'. You run through most of the big 'Things' you'll see in Shadowrun.

It's weakness is that as a result, it doesn't quite have the coherent story of the others (With weaker characters). It is, however, a very good intro to the setting.

>Greatest hits
>No anarchy subsidised

You cannot legitimately tell me that any game being billed as the greatest hits is a greatest hits game when it does not feature the world's most entertaining tv station massacre.

>have pool of about 8 players
>only 4-5 can make it to any session on any given day
>only 1 can make it to every session
>which makes multi-part runs very hard to do
How do you guys have runs that are engaging but can be crammed into 4-6 hours from start to finish? I never feel like I get a chance to challenge my players.

Just do pre-run stuff on one day. Getting the job, legwork, prepwork. And then do the run itself on the next.

I want to do that, but only me and the one guy I mentioned have jobs with a stable work schedule. The rest of my players have work schedules that vary (food service, warehouse, maintenance, etc.). Just because I can get them all one week doesn't mean I can get the same ones the next week.

You can't really engage players who aren't there sadly.

I really hate 'flexible' scheduling, it's absolute shit for workers and only exists so that companies can cut as many hours as possible.

That's entirely my point. Just make sure that you complete getting the job and the prepwork one week. Then the next week, whichever runners are available can follow-up and complete the run.

Other user is right. Just plan your sessions so as to be able to reasonable excuse the presence or absence of players.

As a rule, if you see the session approaching something that you now you wont be able to finish in the last hour or so you have left, call it off, or steer to some downtime stuff. Of course, explain to your players what you're doing, so they don't feel jarred by rapid change of pace. Otherwise you'll wind up like me, having a player almost guaranteed to show up and not be able to play next session, because the teams stared a run without him, and it wouldn't make sense for him to be able to get there in time.

Nah, it was the same style as Returns but with more focus on community and user created mods and missions from what I can remember.
I'd play the fuck out of a Shadowrun MMO though.

>Get me 50 haloweener jackets
>Get me 50 knight errant belts
>Rescue 8 bunraku dolls


If it was somewhere like Lagos or pre-reconquista Chicago it could work.

Shitty WoW clone MMO would be awful, but City of Heroes style with a graphical and mechanical update? That's the good stuff right there.

Oh good. I was worried we'd get to 100 posts without you.

The one where you stream kiddie porn to millions after vat-growing a pop starlet's illicit baby?

Sort of? Jailbait more than kiddy. First you force the pornography into the subway ad system, then you break into the tv station later and forcibly upload the porn onto a skyscraper sized television. Then the massacre and the security chief duel thing happens.

Nah, the subway system you're just putting in subliminal messaging into the existing ads to make people want to piss on and fistfuck this 15 year old.

...go on...

Yes please continue

Not quite so extreme.

>Japanese train-rapists that already are fans of the world's most popular musical artist
>Rapists becoming obsessed with a young girl
>Rapists reverting to a baser level of thinking
Not everyone's going to go straight to golden showers and fistfucking, but it's Neo-Tokyo, we're talking about.

Wait, and this is supposed to HURT her standings?
Has the write never been on the internet?

It's part of a 6-step process that ends with you turning the cute innocent little girl into a nut-garbling semen-drenched whore that's was knocked up at 14, fucked a bottom-of-the-barrel gangbanger, possibly murderfucked dudes, etc.

It's entirely dedicated to ruining her image to allow a rival corporation to buy out her contract.

The run series is basically about sullying her SUPER PURE IDOL image in the eyes of the public and force her record company to drop her, because they spend all their time shitting on THOSE DIRTY SLUTS employed by the competition. You have someone admit to the equivalent of an eight day coke-and-nigger bender with her, then grow a fake baby and sell it to bangladeshi child slavers, do the subway run, then very quietly break into a tv station, upload a full length porn film onto the massive tv screen outside and proceed to murder the ever loving fuck out of everyone working in the station for a bonus.

Because the station is owned by your employer, so a bloodbath draws the competition off the scent. Inside, you run into everything from an office worker going postal over not being able to do his spreadsheets to a second runner team investigating your previous activities.

16. She's 16. This isn't Gawker, you freak.

So doing what happens to 90% of teen idols anyway, just with a little more gunfire?
I can dig it.

Yeah. Just unlike Christiee Daee, this one doesn't get murdered by moral vigilantes.

Directly quoted from the text
>They’re going to convince the world that she, at the ripe age of fourteen, had a baby.

Huh. Says sixteen in the handouts.

Okay, now I'm in the mood for the most mad-cap Runs ever made, official or otherwise.

Hit me with that good shit that feels like an acid trip.

It was my turn to GM when we did an attempt to claim Glamis Castle from Dunkelzahn's will. I typed up parts of it in Dumpshock, which I'll paste the link to here. I basically just stole everything from Ghosts of Mars.


Huh, weird. I mean, it is a cloned baby, so maybe they fuck with the age a bit. But given that the entire reason the campaign takes place over nine months is the time to get the baby ready to sell on the black market.

Half your age minus seven

But CGL told me it was plus seven?

>Celebrate the holidays?

I'm busy cooking pretty much all day.

>Are they getting gifts for their team this year?

Yes. It's all socks, underwear, real chocolates, and real beef jerky.

>They coming home for Christmas? Or are they on a special run?

We're all off for the holidays, so I'm holding a feast at the party cabin. The troll and I live innawoods in the Olympics, so we have a pretty sweet off the grid set up. We're inviting all our friends for a feast. I spend karma learning how to cook, I'm making the most out of it.

>a contact calls in a big favor, we basically have no choice
>it's a run, a simple hit, we have to take out some schmuck who has a ton of security in his big ass house
>it's also in Russia. we live in Korea.
>we're flown there, guy flying us has some decked out anthrodrones just sitting with us
>"fuck are those for?"
>ok I guess
>we make a distraction to lure out most of the security, take them out, and then take out the target along with the rest of the security
>we're all separated, fucking around the house for stuff to steal since we're not getting paid
>suddenly everyone's going dark on comms
>my sam finally notices there's some sort of gas all throughout the house
>puts on gas mask
>I start pulling my knocked out friends out the door
>six anthrodrones are lined up like a firing squad with ares alphas
>they full auto my troll soak sam
>last a few rounds but eventually fall
>the whole team wakes up in the middle or bumfuck nowhere with basically no gear
>nothing in sight
What should I do? We don't have comms or anything. At least I have my spurs.

You should punch your GM
Then you make a snow cave

Middle of nowhere in Former Russia? Oh dear. Prepare to be hunted by Shifters. ALL the Shifters.

Yeah, you're pretty fucked as said.
youtube.com/watch?v=KVsR6lTIBhM sums up your fate.

One more bump. I'll be damned if I'm writing our a CZ by *hand*. ew.

Whats the name of the book its in and is it in the pastebin?