Filename thread?
Filename thread?
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and I'd fuck all nine
That is glorious.
Fucking hell I can't believe this is a thing
Korra is fucking cancer
Did ze just assume hirs gender?
I understand you're trying to point out the hypocrisy in the situation, but those unholy nightmare bastardizations of language genuinely make me angry.
Filename very much related
Are you suggesting the Most Sacred Liber Excrutiatus isn't one of the greatest works in the Galaxy?
(I'll always say that the Reedeemer is the only good comic\book\whatever to come out of Wh40k. It can legit be enjoyed outside of the Warhammer framework.)
>players attempt to provide meaningful commentary
Yeah, that comic had its heart in a good place but was just so awkward.
Cockatoos really have the best banter around
No, just thought the expression of the drooling moron biting the book in vacant agony was fitting.
Also yes, the Redeemer was very very good and true to the original spirit of 40k. A treasured lost relic of a bygone era
What a good bird.
Err... sauce?
Jesus christ, what a story.
>not alionment charts.png
Is this the one with fungal blood infection? I'm afraid to check.
I'm not sure what's happening - why is she shaking the whole time? Is she just laughing?
Whatever it takes to keep that lich under control, I guess.
But that looks like Avatar. What does it matter if same sex relationships were illegal?
She's "reviewing" a vibrator.
I'm not even kidding.
>Let's try to make power stations on demon energy, again!
there is this "series" where pornstars try to read up a book while a vibrator is in them
Hysterical Literature
Women reading while being secretly pleasured with a vibrator.
Ignore this user
It's an artsy video series where pornographic actresses read classical literature while being pleasured by a vibrator under the table.
So if you ever wanted to see a hot woman struggle to focus on a book as she repeatedly orgasms, you're in luck
I'd disagree. Kal Jericho is a usually-enjoyable pulp story, and Deff Skwadron has elements of the old "Catch the Pigeon" cartoon with Dick Dastardly to it.
needs a better name
We need one of these for the dragon/drake/etc argument
Geckos actually prefer mealworms to crickets.
It's just that they tend to overindulge and mealworms cause them to get the runs.
I wish I was home so I could pick up my gecko.
let's try it with a less meta filename
What is the name of that manga, I can remember someone storytimed it about a year ago for a worldbuilding thread. Google-fu turns up nothing outside "Cartoon"
Pic not related
Gotta agree with , I need sauce.
Yes but where do I find this magic?
Hey I remember that thread. That was a fun thread.
It's from Veeky Forums's favorite Nip, Kui Ryoko. Part of her one of her excellent one-shot collections, Terrarium in Drawer.
>That floppy Canada christmas bbq crisp tastes like cardboard beef, ya Oklahoma buckaroo!
How the fuck does this happen to someone. How the fuck can you MARRY that?
>ultra-powerful dictator starts a 100-year war, takes over almost the entire world, wipes whole race of benders (excluding one) off the face of the Earth, murdered Avatar Roku, and most likely treated his own people like dirt, including banning same-sex relationships
>"That guy was the worst!"
A medfag popped in a while back when that was posted. Went through all things wrong with it and how it was most likely fake.
The only god thing about her is the character design.
Her porn is good too.
Dey doin nuffing wrong
Well, Korra is in to ladies, so that might be why she is ticked about it.
Is that canon? Never really watched it, but I thought a lot of faggots shipped her with Bolyn so I assumed that was kind of canon.
Holy fucking shit, user, tag your bullshit.
Yes, she ended up with a woman in the end (Asami? Whoever the other half of Korrasami is) and then the shippers erupted in salt.
Yeah it was canon
Yeah, it ends with her and partner walking of in to the sunset, they weren´t explicit because it wouldn´t been allowed to air everywhere if it was but the crew said that it´s cannon.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. Like, yeah, it's kind of a shallow reaction, but everything prior to the same sex relationships thing wasn't new information.
>Nero destroyed Rome, killed thousands, stole from the people he was sworn to lead, and betrayed everyone closest to him. Also he tortured dogs for fun.
If the only new information for you was the part about dogs, what exactly would your reaction be?
I hate how reactionary Avatar world is. "Everything used to be perfect (under the wise everwatch of the Avatars), then evil progress happened." The past used to be better BS.
The shallowness of the reaction WAS the point. The guy's basically mega-Hitler that was actually successful, yet all she can muster is a retort that's commonly used for a shitty boss or an asshole who won't shut up about his collector's edition Voltron?
>If the only new information for you was the part about dogs, what exactly would your reaction be?
"Yeah, what else is new?"
>If the only new information for you was the part about dogs, what exactly would your reaction be?
"You remember that dog that you had when you were 6? And one day it came back limping and with its balls wrapped in thorn vine?
Villain being increasingly petty shouldn't elicit a reaction in the first place. The guy who commits genocide and betrayal not being above petty torture and cruelty is nothing surprising, as pointed out.
Stoya before drugs and cigarettes started to take its toll on her
guaranteed replies
I don't get it. All I see is Ram using some sort of levitation magic to get dressed and looking smug about it?
Alright guys, this is the best place to ask- I'm looking for a Manga edit you've got named "Martials vs Casters" with a girl intimidating a shota. I know someone has it.
I knew someone would make this, I just didn't think it would be so quickly!
Nono, I'm looking for the edit, not the sauce. I failed to save it last time I saw it.
Never underestimate how quick we can these out.
Yeah, I remember that. Nothing builds relationships like being on competing ends of a romantic triangle with the male lead.
I find it more amusing that /co/ still has their panties in a twist over this more than everything else wrong with that series. It's like getting a shit sundae and complaining that the cherry on top is rotten.
>expanded villain backstory.png
I do not understand.
Did /a/ ever get over Naruto choosing shy black haired girl over useless pink haired girl?
There are two imgur galleries with 500+ images with all the salt you could care to mine.
So is what you posted.