Dude, shrooms lmao

Dude, shrooms lmao

laughing ass off is pretty standard procedure, yes

Lmfao people finaly getting that AoS is epic fantasy?

I like it. It's looking good.

The mushroom sticking out of his head looks kind of wierd, I don't think the GW studio style paintjob is doing it any favours either

I love me some shrooms.

Really? I only did it twice, and I mostly remember lethargy, being unable to sleep, minor hallucinations like distorted sense of time/space, and my eyes being so dilated they ached.

Skarsnik really let himself go after Gobbla died.

Conducting an experiment here, which part of this model draws your eye to focus on it?


The chin and nose really bug me.

the fucked-up blue shroom on the right

as with the rest, i'm waiting for the inq28/dark AoS dudes to paint it in a more sensible way

The blue bottle on his staff.

Oh jesus christ....

My gobbos... what've they done to you.

If they can ruin goblins they can ruin anything.

Hat, but then I go down to the face and it's just really busy - technically fine, well moddled, but busy busy busy.

Also that squig is a bit unnerving

GW always makes the most amazing models. He'll fit in nicely with the rest of my night goblins

Why is her robe being sucked into her vagina?

i actually really like this model.

>no hood

I like it. Good ole moonclan.

The big purple shroom, particularly the weird effect where it's integrated into the goblin's head-skin.


He looks like a fun guy

Dude, I think it's growing out of his head

I own 4k points of Night Goblins and for some reason this just does nothing for me

Yeah, exactly what I meant.

Because you're lying.

As a Night Gobbo fan this guy is fucking amazing.

I don't like the metal nose an chin.

I like it better when I think he Lost his nose to Mushroom abuse.

The chin is just to make him more crooked.

Damn that's a loud model. I'm not really sure where you are supposed to foucs

Is that DoTa or HoTS model?

>As a Night Gobbo fan
Man, your gobllin rogue from WoW isn't Night goblin

>When you have to keep slapping details on a mini to justify a $30 price point.
>lmao just put a mushroom in his head my guy 100%
looks like dog shit

hate the metal nose and chin
doesn't fit in with the rest of the model

he's the best of the three

sporedoggo is nice


They can have the metal nose and chin or the Mushroom brain. Not Both.

Jesus that's ugly.

They are called grots.

You know that this guy will be as tall or taller than a human miniature despite being a goblin. They will of course charge $30 for it.

Plz don't imply sucy is into that kind of thing

>we want reddit audience the miniature

Will GW ever learn that less can in fact be more? At least night goblins still get love.

>$30 price point.
Seriously? Single goblin (OP-pic) costs 30 USD?

Centre to locate the face.

>tfw that bag in his belt though

sounds like you didn't have enough.

but of course there are many other things you could have done wrong that could have spoiled it for you. the most likely mistakes are:
- not starting on an empty stomach.
- smoking weed while coming up.
- drinking alcohol at any stage.
- spending your trip with really shitty people.

apart from that, it's also possible that your mushrooms were a bit too old to work properly. in any case, bad luck.

1-Shroom Hat
3-metal nose(dont like it)

Jesus christ didnt they just get done releasing those semi-decent shadespire models which aren't a cluttered mess? why the return to form?

I second this. To be specific, think the face is confusing.

Shrooms are fine.

>metal nose.
That explains to me why the face looked weird. I like it now.

...I don't think that's a hat.

Age of Smegma seems to get worse every passing day. Is there an end to it?

I could never get used to that poiny nose and chin goblin face, hate it. This will always look like a goblin to me.

Wait-wait, so now instead of Blizz, GW ripping off battleborn design?

Kev Adams is love

i, too, cannot comprehend basic images

Everyone complaining about the nose and chin: you do know you can convert models? I reckon I'll keep the chin but swap the nose with another guy who I'll make a war boss.

>inb4 but at that price i shouldn't have to change the model to have exactly what i want.

>Everyone complaining about the nose and chin: you do know you can convert models?
>b-b-b-but you can mod it

>nothing is bad, because you can always make it completely different!

No shit sherlock. We're talking about the mini as it is, not a custom conversion.

Your right there brother.

I'm agreeing with you in essence homo. The reason I'd do the conversion is to make it less busy and cluttered. I just hope they don't do that thing where half the head is attached to the body and they try to make it conversion proof.

I think it's a perspective thing.

Like she's wearing a gossamer robe you can see through, and that just happens to be shadow on her form. Makes sense since you can see her navel.

What kind of a thing?

The Nose

But she's clearly wearing a blouse as well - you can see its collar.

Eye is initially drawn to the mushoom head before being pulled downwards by the metal nose to see his crazed face, then directed up to his staff by the sweep of his chin.

the metal fucking nose

Literally what?