Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
Camden Allen
>greedy dwarf not satisfied having already gotten two releases from their single WHFB origin I don't give a fuck about squats or babies, all I want is a battletome for the classic dorfs grungni-damnit
Elijah Evans
>greedy dwarf not satisfied having already gotten two releases from their single WHFB origin
Bentley Rivera
This is what gives me hope, actually. Grungni is a very prominent figure in AoS, although not to the degree of the chaos gods, sigmar, or gorkamorka. But he is definitely out and about in the universe.
So I hope we will get a faction that worships him above all else. Whether this is a new faction, or an expansion to the Dispossessed, we will see.
But think of it: fyreslayers worship grimnir above all else kharadron overlords don't worship anything. They see grungni as nothing more than an ancestor, and they don't revere him more than we revere ours.
With the way the story is building up grungni so much, I have a good feeling he will be getting a part in a faction focus in the future.
Angel Green
>Look ma! I posted again! Now my shitty meme won't die with the last thread!
Oliver Rogers
What are you working on /aosg/?
I'm building up the courage to get on with painting my Ironjawzy gargant. Spent ages converting him, threw on a few base coats and lost interest for weeks now
Nolan Sanders
Finished painting my nurgle lords. This is Gagnus the Ratcatcher on Cacodracoth. Counts-as harbinger of decay.
Lucas Reyes
Busy trying to rebase my dorfs.
Ryan Reed
killing off elves is dumb
Hunter Ramirez
First time using greenstuff for something more complex than filling in gaps. Room for improvement but I'm pretty amped with how it's turned out so far.
Ryder Flores
This is Dipteras the Flyborn on Gorebeast. Counts-as Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount with mark of Nurgle.
Carson Sanders
this is ill
Benjamin Butler
>no battletome or GHB allegiance abilities/artifacts for Nurgle/Rotbringers
oversight or leaving the door open for an up and coming release?
Nathaniel Foster
They took everything from us, youngling. They send their heralds and stooges to tell us that we should be grateful, that we have it so good. That we should just give up and be content for what scraps they have left us. That these... pretenders, are our future and salvation. The true path of Dwarven kind.
No little one, they owe far more than you could ever dream.
Brandon Watson
yeah, seemed a shame to let all 7 seconds of MS paint go to waste.
Jackson Wright
Hunter Ross
this is sick
Zachary Price
Very likely coming release. We got a hint at their allegiance ability in Blightwar, and the codex chaos daemons are coming next, and we also have teasers from GW for coming nurgle models.
I think GW plans on killing 2 birds with 1 stone by doing both a Chaos Daemons model (with new nurgle daemons) and adding that to the Battletome: Nurgle soon after.
Ethan Perry
My money is on a Nurgle battletome release, post-Malign Portents, coinciding with a 40k daemons index. Seems to be the trajectory in any case.
I'm wishlisting, but I'm hoping that GW's strategy with the index releases is a sign of how they'll be approaching army rules in AoS as well - bash em out quick and easy.
Blake Campbell
What are we hoping the malign portents stormcast releases will be? Really want some crazy seige weapons or something
Christopher Hill
Im hoping stormcasts dont get a focus in malign portents, because i dont think they need it. That being said, as a stormcast player myself, I would like to see some sort of wizard
Zachary Clark
>That TK reveal in Total War 2 >Mfw GW fucking killed them
AT LEAST can they fucking bring back some kind of egyptian looking skellies? Come the fuck on they are so god damn cool looking when compared to lame vampire skellies
Ayden Taylor
R8 My Skydorf list
Asher Miller
Wtf is malign portents?
Jose Flores
So confirm I can use clanrats as a battleline unit in a pestilens or skryre army?
I'm not reading that in GHB17
Brayden Jenkins
In a chaos allegiance you can. You can't in a Skype or pestilens allegiance
Gavin Edwards
> not in Skype
Jaxson Martinez
Do I start Fyreslayers or Dispossessed for my 1000pt AoS army? I have a bit of annoyances with both.
Fyreslayers PROS >largely melee based, which an also be a negative in some lights >I have yet to see someone actually play them >very cool fire/lava aesthetic >magmadroths >have a book of their own with good allegiance traits >gigantic hair and over-the-top weapons/aesthetic CONS >limited unit selection, half of the army is heroes >very slow movement aside from deepstrike gimmick and once-per-game rune buff >battalions are largely not worth it at low points >vulkite rules suggest spamming as the best tactic, making it a horde army at higher points >largely expensive model wise >lots of skin to paint, can be annoying
Dispossessed PROS >Large model range to choose from with classic dorfy goodness >many different units with their own strengths >can take other dwarf allies (KO and Fyreslayers) for fluffy dorfiness, albeit a limited amount >very good mix of ranged/melee throughout the army >allegiance ability makes them very hard to break with battleshock CONS >will probably not get a book of their own any time soon >slow movement, one deepstrike gimmick >largely defensive due to low movement, will have issues getting objectives >only one battalion, and its not good >relatively cheap expense wise >models are old, won't get an update any time soon
Am I wrong? And making this list didn't really help me decide at all either.
Julian Collins
Yes. But they need to be allies so don't use too many or you break said allegiance. This guy's just an idiot
Zachary Baker
How important are on-foot Ogres to a Beastclaw Raiders army? Currently have 1460 points with just 2 starter packs.
Connor Morgan
this man is wrong. source: being able to read, ghb17
Cooper Jenkins
So does something trump this?
Jordan Morris
>CONS: relatively cheap expense wise. Is this supposed to be a pro?
Jaxon Bell
gutbuster ogors are actually quality units, especially at massive regiment discount, but that stuff can't really comfortably fit into a bcr army list.
quick and dirty bcr guide: mournfang are the best unit in the army, take in units of 4 stonehorn are meh, thundertusks should be taken as huskard version only everwinter's master best trait, pelt best artefact hunter sucks yetis are meh and look dumb so most skip them, even though their 6" pile-in is cheeky butcher with cauldron is the ally of choice get used to army-wide hitting on 4+ you will miss a lot, but at damage 3 when you do hit it's brutal BCR is sort of a pub stomper army. you will beat new players and lose to experienced players enjoy looking awesome while waiting for ghb2018 buffs
Grayson Nguyen
Yes, actually, though 1000pts of each are around the same price.
David Butler
you ever paint a layer, and its really thin, and you're like, damn it I hate thick paint so much I'm gonna have to do this same layer like five times but its gonna be worth it?
Chase Williams
Go with Dispossessed, but use the legacy rules, you can get a wider variety of units, get the Allegiance abilities and be able to add in Allies at your leisure. Not to mention get warmachines to help soften up targets and support your waddling stunties without having to use them as Ironweld.
Anthony Sanders
Eh, if I'm gonna do dorfs I'd rather do the updated rules at the very least. And even then I'm really wary since they're not going to get updates any time soon.
For 1000pts I kinda wanna do Fyreslayers but at the same time, I really don't want to do any more than 1000pts of them, which is kinda shit.
My other idea for an army was Nighthaunt or Spiderfang. Anyone have any opinions on either of those vs Fyreslayers or Dispossessed?
Aiden Anderson
What's the best value army to get into? Looking to have fun on a budget
Chase Brown
Cheapest is definitely stormcast eternals, and they are decently strong as well. Just mostly search ebay for halves of the starter sets and go from there. They are primarily competitive when you get some of the more expensive standalone kits, but without them they are fun to play and you will have a decent win/loss record.
Blake Jones
hey lads, I'm just wondering how many spirit hosts you can stretch out of a single kit!
Carter Reyes
I was looking at that new battle force box. It certainly has my attention. Is the vanguard line any good?
Jason Cox
I really wish death had ONE ranged unit, all melee gets old
Colton Martin
Yeah magical ranged troops would be good. Take skeletons and give them spectral bows in the same style as the hexwraiths
Daniel Ross
Take skeletons And give them bows
Aaron Watson
>give them bows more like bowners lmao
Dominic Richardson
I think that I've given you some advice on Fyreslayers before. I can only really suggest that you follow your heart and decide slowly, if you paint >400 points of one factions you can always go back and ally it in to the other army without any problems.
That being said, I would seriously consider whether or not you would want to be tournament viable in the future. You can build a relatively cheap army (RELATIVELY, you're not going to be getting it for sub-$300) of Fyreslayers if you go for something like Vostarg Lodge to take up a lot of points, the only draw back is I'm not sure how super viable it is in tournament play.
That ALSO being said, dispossessed tend to end up not doing great in tournament play either. Overall, FS will most likely be the more competitive army going forward, unless theres a freak release for dwarves.
Jason Carter
Yeah, I keep having a crisis of opinion on things. I think my biggest issue is that if I do say, pick FS and go for a 1000pt army, the 2000pt version is kinda ridiculously bogged down with Vulkite spam. But at 1000, its fine.
As far as tournament viable, I mean, yeah, that'd be nice. But again, not too sure how big I wanna make these dudes.
That may be a bit nitpicky of me though. The Vulkite models are just so grossly symmetrical.
Landon Phillips
Okay, so I'm starting a Warherds army... Here's my thoughts on a 1000- point army to start.
Doombull-Leader-120 Doombull Great Axe
3 Bullgors-Battleline- 180 Bullgor Greataxes
3 Bullgors-Battleline- 180 Bullgor Greataxes
3 Bullgors-Battleline- 180 Bullgor Greataxes
Allies: Cockatrice- Behemoth-100
That cones out to 960, not much I can do about the last 40 points, alas. Doombull is the general, and I'll be using the Chaos general Allegiance Abilities... I think that should be obvious given Warherds don't have any. Spiteful Destroyer as his command trait should make him pretty monstrous in combat, given Bloodgreed and Slaughterer's Call giving him another +1 to wound. I think the Chaos Runeblade makes sense, too- the Daemon Weapon could make those 6+ rolls crazy, but the extra attack makes them happen more often, the way I see it.
Obviously this army is going to suck. We're talking about a low model count army, and while 7" movements are pretty good that's still not amazingly fast. If the Bullgors get into combat they should be pretty beastly, but that's a big if. The Cockatrice should be fun, what with its mortal-wounding shooting ability. I've also debated getting a Varghulf and converting it into a Preyton, but I'm not sure how people see Forgeworld shit in AoS so I'm sticking with the chicken for now. Thoughts? How do I make this fun?
Juan Thomas
Thomas Fisher
Yes. Same for moonclan and witch elves.
Jackson Wright
Don't be too worried about vulkites being symmetrical. Only the leader is truly bad in that sense since he looks like he's Naruto running. For the rest of them you can run them with shields and picks if you're looking for varied looks.
Honestly, I play FS while my friend plays dwarves. I can see both sides for being as cool as they are. Overall, were 1-1 so far and the rubber match is coming around this Sunday I think. You might as well decide on a faction with the flip of a coin if they're that close. Once you throw the coin think which side you wanted to land face up and just choose that faction.
I also play Warherds with almost this exact same army. If you're looking for just some fun games and not too viable theres a 1k warherds lists with their old battalion thats super fun/cool. It's exactly what you have linked minus the cockatrice.
If I were to suggest something to replace the battalion in points for matched I would suggest a Jabberscythe, or some Bestigors. Go for the Jabber if you want more punch and the Bestigors if you actually want to play objectives and care about winning.\
My advice for this army is pretty simple, as the army itself is. Try to bait your opponent into coming too close and then try and double turn fuck his ass raw. It's something like 25-30" movement if you get a good charge off of a double turn and you really only need one in 1,000. Don't bother with objectives, just try to beat his ass in.
Thomas Brooks
The worst part is that its Fyreslayers, Dorfs, or Nighthaunt as my three factions I really like. It's close, but I'm on the edge for all three. And the campaign is coming up and this is the worst time to be indecisive.
Ghostygoos, Naked axes with legs, or Dorfs. Ugh.
And, I rolled a dice, it came up Nighthaunt, and even then I wasn't happy.
Evan Edwards
since hiroyuki added malware javascript to Veeky Forums what are some other decent age of sigmar communities out there?
Grayson Edwards
That's pretty nice, did you sculpt all the armour yourself?
Aaron Price
What do you think, /aosg/?
Leo Robinson
Adrian Barnes
That's the Bullgor Stampede, right?
Out of curiosity, why the Slythe over the Trice? The Trice is a lot squishier, but the Gaze is way more powerful a ranged attack than the Slythe's tongue, and while the Slythe is way better in combat, if the Trice gets the charge it can toss an assload of attacks. Honestly, if I didn't have to give up the Ghorgon for an additional Behemoth slot to do so, I'd be tempted to take a pair of deathchickens, hide them behind the cows and use them like artillery. Also, any thoughts on the Preyton?
Hudson Reed
Love it, especially the cloak and fur.
Alexander Roberts
I know the kit comes with 3 user but has anyone here made more than 3 with the kit, in the same way I made 20 empire greatswords with by mixing in a few spare empire sprues
Oliver Campbell
Jace Long
You're makin' papa proud, user.
If you want to take this model to the next level, hit it with typhus corrosion and ryza rust
Hudson Carter
Jayden Watson
Underrated post
Jason Sullivan
Thanks, user. I completely forget about them. Good idea, at least for sword. Is green tint on Nurgle warriors have paint origin or its just Nurgle bacterias and blessings?
Cooper Turner
upcoming release for stormcast eternals
Julian White
I have no idea what you are talking about, but my favorite AoS community is the Age of Sigmar Fans Facebook group.
Brody Ross
W-what are you talking about?
Jason Lewis
What was the reasoning behind removing these from Dispossessed?
Josiah White
Probably nothing
Nathan Foster
They remove units from legacy armies when they duplicate the concepts in new armies; digging is now what slayers do, so they had to go.
(and ranged cannons is now karadrons thing, so they were taken away from dispossessed)
Joseph Bell
Are Ironclads worth the points or would I be better off just going for another frigate?
Noah Edwards
The new campaign and a Death release.
Tyler Brooks
Im making some objective markers for my Ironjawz army, how many should I need? Just one? Or more?
Hudson Green
Countdown to the release of the best race
Bentley Jenkins
What are thundertusks supposed to eat with those things in the way, they don't have a proboscis
Julian Long
They're magic. Maybe they're symbiotic with Yhetees?
Leo Wilson
Scorced earth requires six and it's the battleplan that requires the most objectives, so do six of them
Camden Kelly
Wraithfleet confirmed new faction
Asher Gonzalez
Xavier Gomez
Yesssssssssss elf fag
Christopher Watson
Wyatt Ross
I play ironjawz you fucking idiot.
As it seems you lack the graymater I'll make it easy for you:
Wraithfleet ALLEIGANCE already exists, it's introduced in firestorm. Scrollbuilder including it is just a way to make it easy for you.
Liam Gutierrez
Some of the claims, will be false.
Evan Rodriguez
Yeah right firstly GW quisling no one plays firestorm. Second it fits with all the teasers
Jose White
Going to need a transparent background on that one.
Jordan Nelson
How can I be sure this isn't a ruse? but most importantly: noctilus or arkhon?
Camden Cook
Charles Collins
Nope, that's from the Firestorm campaign. Try again, retard
Jack Allen
So I got stomped by an army of death ghosts last night, seems goblins get raped by all death armies due to pitiful bravery. Even netters stopping their 6s doing mortal wounds did little to lubricate the gang-rape that ensued.
Other than sorting out my shit bravery with more grots / bravery buffs - what can I do to mitigate the onslaught of nighthaunt, and also flesheaters?
So far I have these learnings:
Against Flesheaters, focus individual units and kill them completely so they don't regenerate TEN WOUNDS each round. chaff-screen the terrorgeist and stay the fuck away from it's bravery-based ranged attack that deletes even my tankiest units.
Nighthaunt - chaff the ghosts with netters so they don't do mortal wounds on a 6. position smartly so they can't move through me too much and stab me on my weak points. ... something else?
Brayden Reyes
buy a grot commissar
Liam Williams
Hello, getting into AoS and cant decide between soulblight or full cavalry slave to darkness. I used to play bretonnia and Warriors of Chaos back in 8th.
Any advices?
Nathaniel Gutierrez
StD full cavalry is awesome.
Too bad you can't take a Lord on Boobsnake as your general without losing the Cavalry as Battleline.
A Lord on Daemonic Mount is fine too, but it's not Boobsnake good.
Ethan Howard
yeah I cam up with something like this for the starters.
Slave to Darkness - Allegiance: Slaneesh - Host: Seekers
Asher Gray
Slaaneshi allegiance. Nice. But what are you going to take as Battleline? Hellstriers?
Michael Perez
When I put all these options into warscroll builder it shows me I have battleline fullfiled aswell as Host: Seekers
Brandon Peterson
I don't use the builder but you Knights and Chariots are Battlelines only if you have the StD allegiance.
The Slaanesh is another Allegiance completely, which unlock the Hellstriders.
Brayden Robinson
the builder is broken. It often tells you things are legal when they are not.
the azyr app fixes some stuff but then introduces new problems - there is no reliable app or webpage for this stuff unless you pick a very 'basic' list that it understands with it's mongoloid-emulation of a brain.
Henry Cook
oh fuck I was almost ordering the stuff cause with the seeker host it looked very strong :/// back to drawing board then.
Any tips for soulblight so far I am thinking about vampire on z.dragon, blood knights and some other funk - the units aint that many to choose from
Zachary Carter
Here's an idea to fix the minifaction bullshit; make daemonkin-style books that recombine factions without the need for allies.