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Who is your character's hero/mentor? What happened to him/her?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Who is your character's hero/mentor? What happened to him/her?
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Bumping from Looking to get into an AP game please.
Competition for spots in games is pretty brutal around here. You'd be much better off trolling roll20 for games that fit your criteria.
Oh I get that but it never hurts to try. And the only games I ever see that are AP oriented on roll20 are always looking for a GM or are "living world" that try to use the APs as more like set piece locations instead of, well, actual adventure proper.
user, i need list of all mythic material 3pp or good mythic homebrew, that u know. New mythic paths especially welcomed.
You might want to check out the main /pfg/ discord for recruitment.
Got a link?
I need a third for the second part of a campaign where I run two old converted D&D adventures- White Plume Mountain and Return to White Plume Mountain.
Anyone interested? Text-only, Maptool, level 11.
How cool is the concept of the scourge dragon from Dreamscarred Press's Psionic Bestiary?
>Powerful and misunderstood beings, scourge dragons hunt beings of terror – not out of any sense of justice, but because they feed on such beings. Natives to the plane of shadows, scourge dragons can sense collective fear that focuses on a creature – a giant dreaded by many villages, or a legendary boogeyman that haunts a city. Scourge dragons erupt from the shadow plane in a tide of fangs and fear to confront such beings, feasting on their flesh and consuming the fear released as a result – the fear let go by an entire populace.
>Though scourge dragons don’t require such sustenance to survive, they do need it to grow and become more powerful. Their wyrmlings begin small, with objects of village fear and peasant superstition, while it is not uncommon for adults to be seen dropping out of the sky to do battle with beasts that can level small cities. Unfailingly polite to the mortals that (unwittingly) provide them sustenance, scourge dragons are sometimes found at the center of cults that revere them as saviors – or killers.
An interesting thing about scourge dragons is that if one winds up with a cult centered around them as a "guardian dragon," then the scourge dragon will always shill their own enemies and hype said opponents up, so as to instill fear in the cult. A scourge dragon might even pessimistically go, "I do not think I can take this one on," so as to incite further fear in their cult. That would make them (insincerely) humble, a rare trait in dragons.
Being in a scourge dragon's cult must be an emotional rollercoaster.
You want Mythic Paths of the Lost Spheres by Lost Spheres Publishing, and probably Mythic Psionics from Dreamscarred Press.
I could see them paired with Harbinger and Hexblade or Warlock (3.5e) style characters quite easily. I've often dabbled with the idea of consuming "darkness" or "evil", claiming its power, and using it to further protect the light. It's something I seem to have a deeper connection to, not sure why. I've always felt that the hidden heroes that shoulder both the responsibility to protect and the blame and hatred for being what they are can be more compelling depending on how they're played. No, not the 3edgy5me types, but the silent wallflower ones. The dual persona of someone who is seen as an anti-hero or villain when dressed for battle, but hides among the civilians when there is no noticeable threat. Never really being accepted by anyone around them and never seeking acceptance or happiness. I've also enjoyed them as penitent types, either making up for something they couldn't protect or trying to erase a past sin.
I'm a little rambly tonight I guess lol
This thought begs the question though.
What kind of hero do you prefer?
>Justice Man doing Justice and Goodness
>Dude with a fucked up past just trying to do help a little
>Regular average guy in unusual circumstances
>Anti-hero that only accidentally helped
>something else?
What is your favorite "hero type"
>Create Bloody Bones (Su)
>A rawhead can create a bloody bones from a Small or Medium helpless, living humanoid. As a full round action, the rawhead extends its finger tentacle to pierce the creature’s flesh, ensnares its bones, and attempts to rip the creature’s skeleton free. This deals 10d6 points of damage to the victim. If the victim is helpless as a result of Charisma damage, it takes 10d8 points of damage from this attack instead. If this damage is enough to reduce the creature’s hit points below 0, it is instantly slain as its skeleton is extracted from its body. The skeleton immediately animates as a bloody bones under the rawhead’s control. This is a death effect.
What is stopping a CR 14 rawhead from barging into a place full of people, knocking them out with nonlethal damage, and then turning them all into CR 10 bloody bones under the rawhead's control?
>Improved Wail
>Those who fail to save against a greater banshee’s wail are slain immediately rather than being reduced to –1 hit points. Any female elf slain by a greater banshee’s wail rises in 1d4 rounds as a banshee under the control of the greater banshee who slew her. These newly created banshees are always standard banshees—a greater banshee cannot spawn another greater banshee.
What is stopping a CR 15 greater banshee from flying into a town full of elves and/or half-elves, wailing, and then animating a swarm of CR 13 banshees under the greater banshee's control?
Does Paizo ever take into account the worldbuilding ramifications of its monsters?
The short answer: No.
The long answer: Most GMs would easily be able to come up with any number of reasons why those monsters wouldn't do that. Off the top of my head, the most likely would be fear of reprisals. If they're not destroyed by the defenders of whatever community they target, their actions will surely attract such attention that they would soon be hunted down and killed.
>If they're not destroyed by the defenders of whatever community they target
Yeah, let's go fight hundreds of banshees, what could possibly go wrong?
The question was about one banshee attacking a community.
You're assuming that it goes off without a hitch, and at that point we get into the argument about why any community can survive for multi-digit hours in Golarion. Such an argument would be fundamentally inane for both of us, but my guess would be that people just don't build where there are monsters nearby.
>elves and half-elves build town
>becomes city
>eventually, someone becomes a greater banshee
>now everyone's fucked
Depends on the circumstances when "eventually" becomes "now." Most major communities aren't going to leave themselves defenseless. Burial sites, for example, are usually warded so as to prevent the rise of undead. Guards and clerics and other defenders, even common citizens, would report signs of undead on the loose.
Putting aside an undead terrorist so brazen as to try and raise an army, which actually would succeed in this theoretical you're trying to present as inevitable, there are a lot of hurdles they'd have to get past just to be able to try it in the first place.
Still, I will admit, this idea of a banshee trying something like this sounds like a good start to an undead-focused adventure.
Her sponsor, he's still around but hes the obsessive workaholic type so they dont see each other much
A: His father, who died when he was in his teens.
B: A knight who is off having his own adventures in the wilderness of Avistan while he travels to lands beyond.
C: A mysterious angel who disappeared to parts unknown.
D: A cynical Forlorn elven actress who helped raise him, but who he never saw again after trolls capsized their barge.
Yeah, got these one. Is there are any more mythic paths?
Sleep please go.
Oh shut up Gareth.
Where do you guys typically get your character art?
This sort of shit isn't new 2hu, you should know this. This sort of undead design is all over in 3.5, and PF is just a ripoff of that remember. You think thousands of people haven't brought this up before? We all know it's retarded, you aren't having some brilliant insight that never occurred to anyone else, we all just had it years ago.
Are there any options for playing as or turning myself into a walking amalgamation of plants? Something like pic related. Basically, I wanna turn into a living swarm of vines, thorns, and leaves
What kind of benefits would such a form grant?
Character Art threads.
umm.... Worm that Walks template?
plus Worm that Walks template.
>Delusional and pulling namefag names out of a hat at random
>Being such a sad bastard that you're stalking a namefag enough to know all their characters
>Namefag trying to samefag for sympathy points
I'm not even sure what to accuse you of.
That's it for new mythic paths to my knowledge. There's also the Mythic Hero's Handbook from Legendary Games for more general mythic material, new mythic feats/path abilities and such.
Third one is a safe bet.
I have a question about Pathfinder.
For a low level Wizard (necromancer) is it possible to control Lich? It seems, that there is just one Will save for Lich, and if he miraculously fail, the low level Necromancer can control him with his Power over Undead? Shouldnt be there some sort of immunity or risk involved? I mean... Lich is level 11, and we actually had this situation in our previous sesion, but I scared the player that if he fail, there could be some sort of backslash to his attempt. But it looks like, there is no risk involved, like he doesnt have anything to lose to try to control him, so if he were lucky, he could control this powerful being?
Lich has Will +11, and for example Wizard 2nd level, with Cha mod +4, that would be DC 15. I know its low chance, but still...
Power over Undead doesn't work if the undead has more hit dice than your wizard has levels, so almost certainly not.
Plus, the intelligent lich would get a new save every day.
Oh yeah, you are right... I forgot about this. haha
What’s OP image supposed to be, anyway? I thought WotC hated men and would never show a woman bequeathing power onto one.
Shadows and the like are in the low single digits in terms of CR. In theory, mid-level characters should be able to contain an outbreak.
Bloody bones are CR 10, and banshees are CR 13. That makes them significantly more dangerous threats.
what do I do with all these poppets?
Lewd them or loan em out to robo-fuckers
Khonnir Baine, technowizard, and he vanished into the caves under the city. Currently we're searching for him, hopefully find out what happened soon.
Quick question since you're probably the best one to ask: what's the most efficient "delete enemy" build for a 3rd level SoM user?
I would look into an occultist (haunt collector) with the Trappings of the Warrior, plus either Canny Hunter (Equipment Training) and a hornbow, or Crushing Juggernaut (Equipment Training/Follow-Through) and an execution axe.
Remember to make good use of the occultist's legacy weapon, such as by applying a Bane of your choice onto your weapon. Buff with Gravity Bow as an archer, or Enlarge Person and Lead Planes as a melee beatstick.
Does Spiritualist get better with Spheres of Might progression? What about Mesmerist?
I'll take a look, but pretty sure I'm limited to SoP/M classes because the DM wants to run a test for them. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough when mentioning the SoM user.
/pgg/ formerly known as /pfg/ I am rolling up a dirty halfling unchained rogue for a one shot, starting at 5th level. Going to run with Sap Adept/Sap Master, what would you advise for a level one feat and with 10k to spend, what magical items?
>Yandere: Your persona possesses a deranged mind that allows it to kill with impunity without sacrificing its loving heart. When you end a bardic performance, you gain a bonus to your next attack roll and it’s damage roll equal to 1/2 your troubadour level.
Did that cocksucker Adam Meyers still keep an anime name?
I would look into a conscript 1/blacksmith 1/mageknight (martial resizer, and optionally, herculean scion with the conversion inquisition or sun warrior) 1.
Aim for Light, Touch of Light, Encompassing Light, and Glory. Take Muscular Reflexes as a feat. Wield a butchering axe. Kill people with the Berserker sphere's brutal strike.
It is boring, but it gets the job done.
I do not believe spiritualists qualify for a Spheres of Might martial tradition, sadly. Mesmerists do, due to their whip proficiency, and there is bound to be at least one martial tradition that can offer decent passive talents for a mesmerist.
What about a Vexing Daredevil taking a martial tradition?
Perfect, thanks!
>Some classes grant a martial tradition as part of their proficiencies, but characters who do not may choose to trade their starting proficiencies (other than simple weapons, light armor, and bucklers, if applicable) for a martial tradition at 1st level, as long as their normal starting proficiencies include proficiency with all martial weapons or at least one exotic weapon (this does not include clerics whose deity’s favored weapon is an exotic weapon or similar features that modify starting proficiencies based on other character choices). Some classes who do not gain proficiency with all martial weapons but whose class description implies a strong martial background may trade their starting proficiencies for a martial tradition with GM approval.
It is admittedly ambiguous on how this interacts with archetypes.
That said, it does not matter, because the vexing daredevil receives proficiency with only one martial weapon. That is not enough to qualify for a martial tradition.
>Some classes who do not gain proficiency with all martial weapons but whose class description implies a strong martial background may trade their starting proficiencies for a martial tradition with GM approval
Sounds like it might be a GM approval thing?
I took a feat that lets me use intelligence to lie do I become the most cunning rusemaster?.
Does anyone know where I might be able to find the legendary gunslinger pdf? I've been meaning to roll up a slinger, but I really don't want to run base slinger, and I saw that the legendary slinger pdf is out. Thanks in advance.
The disparity in how many tropes certain Personas get compared to each other really rustles my jimmies.
I'm making customs feats for my three players (Barbarian, Rogue, and Sorcerer) for their next session. They're supposed to be late-game feats and they're granted after they train with a monk on the cusp of being a demigod. I just want your guys' opinions on whether they're balanced with each other. I don't want one of my players feeling like they got the short end of the stick.
>Two-Handed Guru
As a Barbarian, you calculate all attack rolls and damage rolls as if you're using twice your Strength modifier.
>Dual Weilding Guru
As a Rogue, you take no penalties to attack rolls and damage rolls while using an offhand weapon.
>Arcane Guru
As a Sorcerer, calculate all spell damage and DC rolls as if they were using 1.5x of the relevant skill modifier. Your arcane failure percentage is always treated as halved.
Troub in general rustles many of my jimmies. I can only hope archetypes cab do satisfying variations.
How many ranks would you place to every Knowledge Skill? How many if you are an Inquisitor, Bard etc.?
First is broken
Second is mimicked by a feat that can be taken at level fucking 1.
Third makes no sense as skill mod has nothing to do with casting(assume you mean ability mod?) and Casters shouldn't wear armor and even if they want to getting zero ASF chance is trivial without any feat investment.
>Barb gets anywhere from of +8-+12 attack, 1.5x as much in damage on the Barb, unless the 2x is explicitly in place of the normal 1.5x
>Rogue gets a piddly nudge to a bad style, and still no movement options or real bonuses to keep up
>Sorcerer, by RAW, does nothing aside from SFC reduction. I'm assuming it's supposed to multiply the ability score for DC calculation, which is pretty fucking good for DCs (guessing +4-+6 boost?), but actually doesn't do anything for damage
Shits fucked
anyone got the new paths compendium extended edition?
Thanks. I'll work harder on not being retarded.
I'm not sure how helpful this is, or if it's just restating things
>Barbarians, if they're not actively built poorly, shouldn't really need help with damage, it might help to find a different part of the class to nudge, possibly bulk or intimidation prowess, though he shouldn't be hurting in those areas either
>Rogues fucking suck dick, even Unchained only seems to push it to "have a dick waved at them constantly", you could probably get away with making him full BAB with no issue on top of what you already have
>Both Barbs and Rogues want some way to move and attack, but only Barb actually has a method built in. This could probably be handled with magic items, though
>Sorcerer's is okay if only because I'm assuming the intended ruling is to have their Cha mod be multiplied for DCs, but everything else doesn't actually do jack shit
>if you want to give the sorcerer armor, reflavor Djezet Skin or something
I just want to say that I find it funny that the OP image in a Paizo Games thread is art from WotC.
Buddy, if you catch me writing edgy shit it's 'cause I've got issues that I'm still working through. Definitely Not Batman Why Do You Ask isn't really my style.
In other news, we're still running the Psionics Guide playtest. I know folks have been busy with the holidays, but if you've got an interest we're definitely seeking feedback.
You'll find the psionic races, the aegis update, and some feats here:
You'll find the specialist, more feats, the Autohypnosis skill, and about 40 powers here:
Thank you for your time
U succ
hey legendary shifters almost ready for playtest.
Oh man, a reason for me to kind of care about Starfinderif only I could find a game for it using playtest content.
Yeah, hammering out some stuff now, pushing it towards the 8k limit, going to let some other devs take a look at it, talk with some people, and hopefully it should be out before Christmas.
There gonna be a playtest?
>find Troubadour cool for the whole "it's an actually functional, more mundane medium" schtick
>don't think I'll ever need more than 2 alternate identities, as that's more than enough to roleplay and build for
>no archetypes for it yet, no idea when there will be any
>don't have high hopes they'll cut down the identity bloat or, make any archetype that do actually be attractive
>if it gets anything that gives it more of anything in exchange for fewer identities, it would probably have people yelling "Overpowered"
It's the vigilante all over again
Of course, I try to hold playtests whenever possible. Seeing as it's an LG book, that means it's possible, so I'll be pushing it out once I hit the 8k mark. The actual size of the book is certainly up for debate, since I'm not sure what all I want to do with it. I can state that there's 3 archetypes thus far:
Wildshape is granted at 3rd level, not aspect locked, and the major aspects have been cut for traditional wildshape.
>It's not aspect locked
>I can state that there's 3 archetypes thus far:
Wildshape is granted at 3rd level
>not aspect locked
>the major aspects have been cut for traditional wildshape
Will you keep the Wis-to-AC, and maybe even be giving it more Wisdom-based stuff?
Is N. Jolly our based 3pp dev god?
Wis to AC is staying, the class can how shift faster as it grows in level, eventually as an immediate action at higher levels. I've also thrown in some bonus combat feats because the class needed them, shifters claws come with a bite attack now, and they can penetrate more damage reduction.
Are you going to kill the Dumb Druid fluff they shackled to the class?
how can one man be so based
the only question on everyone's lips now: will there be a Cha-shifter?
Actually, no. There's a reason for this though; a legendary class isn't supposed to be a complete rewrite, and because of this, I'd like to keep some aspects of the original class. I don't love the druidic flavor, but I recognize the value of keeping it in the respect that those looking for a revamped shifter will be looking for something that's close to the original class, and because of that, I think keeping it druid flavored will help in the long run.
Hopefully it sells well enough so that I can help rebuild other classes.
...for someone who loves Cha, I didn't think of that. Gonna have to consider this.
Okay I need advice on something pretty autistic.
The city the characters are in is going to be under attack soon. Hundreds of orc zombies, the city guard is devastated, and the group leading the attack has also got some kind of construct they've been working on.
Problem is, I can't decide what it is.
The party's main damage dealer deals in bludgeoning/piercing, or electricity. This is relevant. I want this construct to fuck them up.
Also, I like miniatures.
Here are my current choices:
>Juggernaut from Pathfinder
Pros: is fully pathfinder
Cons: I don't really like the abilities as much
Cons: I would have to buy the miniature.
Cons: Isn't immunte to electricity
>3.5 juggernaut
Pros: immune to electricity and good DR
Cons: not 3.5, and has non-3.5 type of DR (against a specific enhancement bonus of weapon)
Cons: would need miniature, but that's okay
Slaughterstone Eviscerator
Pros: I have the miniature
Pros: resistance to electricity, decent DR
Cons: not pathfinder
Cons: would have to justify or foreshadow the group getting ahold of dwarven tech
Thoughts? The miniature is kinda important to me because this will be a special battle. Not sure what I should go with. I am kind of a poorfag so I would prefer not to have to buy another mini, but I also kinda want it anyway so it wouldn't be that bad. Just curious what your opinion is.
kek, Gareth tore you a new one and it wasn't even him you were talking to at first. Though I do know Gareth from before.
Sup man? I haven't been active on the stackexchange lately (or anywhere really) due to my own offline issues but how have you been? This gig with DSP working out for ya pretty well?
I mean, they published my first novel and I'm feelin' pretty happy about my work with 'em.
But this isn't exactly the place to go chatting about personal life stuff..
Especially given my overwhelming lust for feedback on the Psionics Guide stuff.
The best target for the Cha is Dragon, but people may want the option to not have Cha/a Dragon theme locked to a particular flavor/stat like it is for Monk. Cha-to-Will would be nice, a bad Will save on a Cha-based class is suffering.
Why not the fiendish shifter?
Not a bad idea, but consider that locking a stat to a particular flavor in general is kinda shit
Then make it an archetype that stacks with literally everything
What is with you motherfuckers and Charisma?
Escapism, user, we want it in a game because we don't have it IRL
They want to feel special. But, when everyone is special, no one will be.
Yeah, I can't see locking it like that. It might work better as a feat.
What do you take Jolly for, "being Paizo"?
It's pretty much a joke/tradition at this point to ask "Charisma x when?", and at this point I figure it might as well be out of the way immediately before any playtests start just to save time. Also, I pin all blame on Gareth's Harbinger being Int-based.
>It might work better as a feat.
Unless you have some way to get it functionally for free at 1st like with Vigilante's various "feats", or it gives some other "benefit" besides "downgrade to charisma", I dunno boss. Can't pass too much judgement until things get rolling though, especially with how good you've been about shit in the past.