Everybody’s new favorite (worst) army Edition

Everybody’s new favorite (worst) army Edition

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my dudes > your dudes

I wanted to start a death korps army and just a 500 points list costs me shitton of money.
How do I make a get my hands on Karis Venner then?

GW's dudes > your dudes & my dudes

Does Zanchui still sell? I found an old archived thread from 2015 with his catalogues but does anyone have his email?

I got Angels that dangle bangle all the way long.

Help me 40k-wan kenobi, you’re my only hope

Dark angels, 6CP
-librarian with jump pack, force axe (128)- master of maneuver WT
-ravenwing talonmaster (188)- heavenfall blade
-3 aggressors, boltstorm gauntlets (111)
-3 aggressors, boltstorm gauntlets (111)
-relic cutetemptor dreadnought, twin lascannon, chainfist (233)
-5 deathwing Knights (250)
-5 Scouts, camo cloaks (70)
-5 Scouts, camo cloaks (70)
-5 Scouts, camo cloaks (70)
-5 devestators, 4 lascannons (165)
-7 hellblasters, Plasma incinerator (231)

Which is 1627, leaving me 373 points to play around with. What’s best to put in the rest? Part of me feels like getting two 5-man hellblasters could be good as medium AT measure (they put 11 wounds down on rhino equivalents when standing still), though maybe not the best idea. IDK. Maybe some more deathwing, or an razorback? Anything helps

Nice try GW

This is how everyone at the store is. Totally autistic slave to the fluff and lore. No creativity in their bones.


This one goes out to all the Knightcucks out there

Even if you acquire their email, they won't respond.
Zhanchui is unlikely to take on new customers after the fiasco with their website and past contact emails.

Damn, really?
I just don't wanna pay a dollar per point to start a Krieg army man


Try searching for ccon or mi.

Good luck.

Holy shit thanks user. I was just expecting the regular
>no spoonfeeding
>nice try GW

I heard ccon has shitty brittle resin though. Is that true?

Not sure what exactly they did wrong. Sure, they're more dogmatic dicks now and they've lost a chunk of knowledge, but so is/has literally everyone else in the Imperium, even the Custodes who've just been sitting on Terra. During the Great Crusade the Mech were more helpful, and it's hard to keep an entire nation the size of yours on a short leash when you need their industry badly. Also, Emps cannot into personnel management, we know that from the Primarchs.

I did just say that that means that giving them more is a pretty stupid idea when they've already got more than Admech and Admech isn't exactly the worst off? If you look at the Heresy range for Admech, all their massive piles of random stuff in the lore and all the different Magos types it's pretty clear that their current codex is a drop in the bucket.

Use the model in the company command squad. Fancy crested helmet, big overcoat.

OP is a subject-forgetting faggot

It's true. Although it's been years since I ordered from them.

Scout Bikes or a double Stormcannon Leviathan.

500 points to get started with my dudes, how does that look?

swap the grenadiers for engineers and you have a pretty nice list

Good idea, thanks man!

More like WAACfags
>Gotta put Guilliman in somewhere with my Dark Angels!

>tfw want to add MOAR egyptian shit to your Thousand Sons but GW axed Tomb Kings
A renewed slap to the face now that they're coming out for Total Warhammer 2, but fuck dude. I wish I could get me some Sepulchral Stalkers. Would be great for conversions.

If you drop the field officer you can give the grenadiers a heavy flamer. They don't lose their hotshot lasguns either, so moving up in the centaur makes them useful. You don't need an extra order with 3 units on Venner. But I suppose you need the command points, too. Dropping the bolt pistol and maul and vox on the grenadiers should fit you enough points hopefully.

slapping tomb king shit on a loyalist dreadnought to create a rubric dreadnought will always be better than using that stupid fleshy helbrute that makes no sense in a 1k sons army

Anons, tell me about your dudes. We need more dudes.

This thread is gay and OP is a lazy faggot, get over here

>1 reply
fuck of

>only 1 reply

>Independent Iron Warriors warband who got their shit wrecked some time ago and now takes whoever they can get.
>Salvage all gene-seed where possible, from any source, and even merged with a substantial group of human auxiliaries from an abandoned IG regiment turned pirate.
>Make use of a lot of cybernetics and close range combat, and tolerate mutation more than usual IW as a fact of their unstable gene-stocks. Still don't trust daemons and refuse to actually worship.
>Colour scheme is primarily the same is the IW brass, grey and black but with a black helmet and red right arm.

>thread war bullshit
yeah fuck off satan

Gas the (you)s, thread war now!

Amen. I already use 2 TK units in my army (DP and Maulerfeiends) and Ahriman's disc is a floating howdah. Stalker parts would make for a glorious Helbrute
>Massive golden fanged deathmask on front, wielding giant khopesh in one hand, cannon engraved in heiroglyph in the other.

Shit could even make the sarcophagus look like a historical actual sarcophagus! With a Casket of Souls embedded in it!

Can anyone explain to me how the shit works with guard? I've read the codex a bit and the d4chan entry but it's still confusing. Last edition I played was 5th and so this idea of segmenting your army into groups is a bit confusing.

The way I understand, my army is a set of "groups" which use force org. charts to generate command points. Each "group" must be the same to get the bennies. Some units don't disrupt these "groups" but some do, are these deliminations arbitrary or is there a keyword I'm missing? If I want a group of stuff that will disrupt a regiment, should I invest the points to make a "patrol" of it to not ruin another "group"?

My Psian Cyan Scions utilize the latest drop trooper technology to assist them in their deepstrike attacks to bring the big guns to bare

[spoilers]They kick bullgryns and a priest out of the back of 2 valkyries at the same time the scions land, sometimes yarrick joins them if he's bored[/spoilers]

And it worked, perfect fit after dropping hot las guns!

>Crew on board of an experimental Tau stealthship operating operativly deep behind enemy lines to hit keylocations/high ranking officers, in order to disrupt their warfare
>recently lost most of their troops, including their ethereal in melee vs death guard terminators, so its unsure what happens to them next
>also their commander got blasted to the end of the universe in one shot by the Predator of the same death guard troops, so they are completely leaderless
>basicly they are drifting around aimlessly at the moment, until they have decided if they return to Tau'n or try to reach the farsight enclaves hopefully the codex will help me decide

pic related, rest in pieces commander

>Vostroyan 63rd "Brass Dragoons"
>Led by Graf "Ironfist" Kohlz
>Specialised in urban combat, favoured regimental weapons are mortars and Plasma guns
>Famous for shelling 3 major population centres while laying siege to renegades on Karsk
>Currently locked in combat with an Ork infestation

The Legion of the Damned. Going off the old white dwarf army list, the legionnaires are vengful spirits of fallen space marines bound to the warp and the Emperors will. They appear at the behest of an unknown command, intervening on the behalf of doomed imperial positions the galaxy over. Elsewhere, out of sight of the Emperors servants they fight the teeming hordes of mutants, aliens, and heretics.

On the right are an IG army Ive only just started. Notorious for their luck, both good and bad, I've been calling them the Bad Hope brigade. I'm using the Elysian rules and the idea is to put them together as a force of grenadiers and shocktroopers

Is that Deredeo auto cannon ? It's fit with vene dread ?

Lost and the Damned codex/IA revamp when? They're damn near unplayable right now, you have no reason to not just use Guard with spikes on their armour.

probably will be bundled in with codex imperial agents again, along with inquisition, sisters, assassins, etc

The autocannons are from an aegis defense line and the body is indeed a ven dread. The build was done back when autocannons were a legal loadout for the army but now he just has to sit around unfortunately. Theyre pinned in so I cant replace them.

Well duh, index options are still legal though.

even if they wernt legal anymore, pay 5 more points and field him as a mortis dread with 2x twin autocannons

I run them as Deathwatch so its not legal either way

Well there is still that FW's mortis dread.

Can Deathwatch take FW marine stuff freely? I've never been too clear on that

>Imperial Agents
>Lost and the Damned
you're probably thinking of Legion of the Damned, mate

>Hive Fleet Araneae
>Disperses its bioships across and entire subsector instead of maintaining a solid fleet
>Makes extensive use of Genestealer Cults and actively assists them with Warrior kill teams
>Isn't attacking one planet at once, appears to be subtly weaving a web of agents and bio weapons throughout a subsector while the ships lay low
>Massive hate boner for Chaos, waging a brutal shadow war against cults and warbands throughout the area
>Led by Neurothrope known as the Weaver of Souls

FW index did not state DW can't take them so I dont see why not.

Maybe dumb question, but how do I magnetise bases? I'm looking to put an army on a metal sheet for transport and realised I've never done it before.

buy magnets
glue to underside of the base

Yeah, they're smaller than the height of the base and don't make contact with the metal enough to grab on.

buy bigger magnets

or glue a bit of sprue/folded cardboard underneath the base and glue the magnet to that

>A former Commissar turned Inquisitor that still works closely with the regiment she was assigned to.
>A regiment that recruits from a penal world, a feral world and an Ogryn world. They are known for combat drugs and close quarters combat.
>A former space pirate and his bodyguard given a second chance to go on suicide missions leading other prisoners to redeem their souls in death.

They basically hunt heretics and mutants at the Inquisitor's will.

To be fair from what I can tell theyre just normal dreads with slightly different wargear right? Didnt see anything like skyfire or venerable

Well yeah, but last time I check, your Vene Dread can still use doube twin autocannon.

Order of Kill me already!; Sisters drawn only from female knights and kights princesses of feudal worlds.

Not as Deathwatch unfortunately, which is the crux of the issue.

I see, well, suck to be you. Just pray your codex will make it viable again.

World eaters or night lords /40kg/ I can't decide

World Eaters because GW doesn't give a shit about Undivided legions.

FW Mortis in the meantime will be just fine I suppose, thank to whomever made that suggestion.

>Originally small band of Alpha Legion
>Later absorbed 2 fallen chapters, and restructured them as side organizations with the original warband at the head
>Lashing Tongues got hardcore chaos corrupted from being stationed near the Eye of Terror, not helped by the fact that I'm sitting on their primarch being (L)orgar
>Both chapters are cursed founding btw
>Lashing Tongues use daemonic allies a lot. Aren't much liked by the original warband and the other chapter, who see chaos only as a means to and end
>Iron Coils were revealed to be the sons of mixed geneseed from Alpharius and Perturabo, just happened to be found by Alpha Legion first instead of Iron Warriors
>Heavy infantry and daemon engines are their strong suits
It's shitty and underdeveloped, but it's my own

Looks like it was removed because of memes.


>Complain About his Faction being bad
Meanwhile the Necrons...

Haven't really seen necrons this edition, what's wrong with them?

Still working in my dudes...

I accept suggestions for the doctrine (they live in a half sunken hive and are allied with the other hive of the world that is habited by a decent squat comunity.) and for balance the rules.

Why do people do this?

Expensive units, few anti-tank options which are only available on specific cost-ineffective units. Also they're an index army so they don't have an army ability or good stratagems.


>Being this much of a poorfag
I'd kek, but no.
You're the cancer that's killing our hobby.

Hive Fleet Ziz

A splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Kronos, Ziz has an instinctual habit of following behind larger fleets for two purposes.

Firstly instead of directly invading planets with active biomass, Ziz uses swarms of massive winged bioforms to overpower orbital defenses and collect useful materials from nearby neglected gas giant planets to fuel countless bioplasmic artillery and weapon beasts. Then, after collecting its fill, the hive ships rejoin the rest of the invasion force, safely dropping exocrines, hive guard, biovores, and cannon-toting warrior broods where their cousin fleets have already cleared.

The Ziz hive ships supply their cousins with essential gases and materials while the ground troops break defenses. In this way, the main invasion fleet may focus on a complete frontal assault while Ziz covers costly specialized weapon beasts and the anti-warp synaptic webs kronos is known for.

In return, Hive Fleet Ziz is allowed more than the leftover scraps Kronos normally receives for ridding planets of chaos, and (normally) won't be consumed by their larger-fleeted cousins.

Purple skins, electric blue carapaces, and black or green bioweapons.


Sorry, never watched evangelion

What are better for kronos dakka fex? Enhanced senses or monstrous acid maws? I'd hate for my carnifex to completely be shut down by some marines charging them, but that 3+ to hit rerolling 1's with heavy venom cannons and deathspitters is extremely tantalizing.

I dont have the points to do both senses and tail weapons, but the head swap is the same price.

S6 AP-5 Dd3 attacks are no joke. Essentially the same as a damaged hive tyrant.

What happened to centurions, they are not even mentioned in new space marines codexes. Im not complaining, whole concept was ridiculous, but its strange that GW abandonned them so soon.

they're in close support and fire support respectively

>A former Commissar turned Inquisitor
Nice desu, the leader of my dudes is this as well

Not in DA or BA codexes. And no thunderfire cannon as well.

I think they are in the index, every loyalist chapter can take them except Space Wolves for some reason.

How do I strip the security from an ePub?

4 sons of medusa in the same death watch kill team?

that's really strange isn't it

An user on the wip thread got his stuff recently, he was happy with it. I'm opening my order when I get home from the holidays but I'm confident.

Mix of NL and DA geneseed, remnants of a group of loyalists NL that joined leftovers DA after the Thramax Crusade.
Because they have geneseed from both Chapters, 1st and 2 companies end up being influenced by one or the other, with visions from the Heresy, and their behaviour becoming akin to one of the parent Legion. Therefore their veteran companies is divided in 2, Wardens, the 1st (DA influenced, stern and stoic) that watch over the Hunters, 2nd company, (NL influenced, keen to use fear tactics and fast attacks).

They weren't on Caliban to see it's destruction, and therefore don't know about the Fallen, but the Hunters are their own dark secret. Their absence is often interpreted by the DA to volontary exile to search for the Fallen, but the former 1st Legion is still wary of them.
So they claim to be DA descendants, and when asked to give proof, they can show they have actual DA geneseed.
The Inquisition watches them as well, because of their tendency to secrets and being alone in such a lost place.
Basically, I tried to make them as DA as possible while keeping their cheeky side.

I still don't havr a namr though. The Night Knights keep coming back as a joke.

Noice. A less blurry photo or a montage of smaller pics with a lightbox would be double nice.