What are the essential elements of a good space opera story?
What are the essential elements of a good space opera story?
Being LOTGH, obviously
Extremely in depth micro g cumming mechanics.
space babes
The fuck did they do?
>being so pleb you think LotGH is the best space opera
Even /a/ would laugh at you.
Why does the main difference in the new LotGH designs seem to be that they made everyone a lot sexier? Except Reinhard obviously. I'm straight btw.
Apparently the new character artists can only draw hair 1 way.
What's wrong with the latter?
Alternatively what the fuck about this is Veeky Forums, fuck off
Basically, a Space Opera is just a character-driven story, but it's in space. The sci-fi is window dressing to the characters and their struggles. Instead of Columbus sailing the ocean to the Americas and bringing guns and salted beef to the natives, it's Captain Kirk going at warp 2 through the alpha quadrant to bring dilithium crystals and phasers to the Andorans or some shit. The same core idea is present in both - someone traveling across a great distance in a ship to a new land, and their interaction with the natives of that land. The Space Opera is just taking a story about characters and making it more grandiose. Instead of Laurence of Arabia fighting in WWI, it's Paul Atreides fighting the Padisha Emperor of the Known Universe. TLDR; make a good story first, and then build the sci-fi setting around it, and don't be afraid to remove some of the science elements if it'll make for a better story. Take Dune for example again - the technology and setting backstory are specifically made to make knife fighting the predominant form of combat, because it's more interesting than just shooting someone with a lasgun from 4 miles away.
God fucking help us is nothing sacred?
What they did to Yang is a travesty.
Is there anything gayer than a beret?
Rhetorical question of course, the answer is no.
>Each three have a different hair type.
>Make them all the same anime spikes.
Also Reinharts face was always a bit serious but look at yang! That is not the face of yang! Where are his tired eyes and slouched demeanor? And poor old Kirk has been fully downgraded into what looks like a generic background support character. Where is the expression!?
Fuck off back to /a/ with the rest of this shit.
Well I for one am looking forward to Jonathan Joestar doing battle with Dio Brando in space.
Yang is the only one who looks better. It's not bad for Yang to look a little bit dangerous.
>Board quality doesn't matter, let's shit everything up as much as possible.
I'm not anti anime user. Discuss it where it fucking belongs.
Scale that feels big (without ever really comprehending how fucking huge space is) and melodrama between either heroes and villains, or an immense ensemble cast
These irrelevant 1-3 sentence OP should be a bannable offense. Space operas are absolutely a topic that can be related to traditional gaming, since you obviously can have space opera games, but "what are the essential elements" and nothing more doesn't in any way suggest OP wants help with running one. No circumstances, no already present ideas, no mention of system, no nothing.
>He says while shitting up the board complaining about people shitting up the board.
Go to then, you emasculated faggot
An ascot.
yes this
If you'd like to list some alternatives
>pic related
Better than the normal sludge of generals.
Dune, Star Wars, Asimov's Foundation series and LotGH make for very good space operas as they exhibit clear characterizations that can be found in any other story. But the setting is compelling in its own special way, while the story might not be. So focusing on making the setting interesting and capable of sustaining a story made out of traditional themes would be important.
No, fuck you
The perpetually tired, bumbling, 'old-before-his-time' look suited the character perfectly. Anime prettyboy does not.
Take away the space and it's still a good story
Going by Dune, Star Wars, Lensmen and Lotgh
>At least one large empire, if more empires are present they must be easily distinguishable by their systems of governance and appearance
>A central, but not unique macguffin that can give smaller groups the power to play in the big leagues
Apart from that you go by standard knight tale elements. A big bad is not necessary but makes everything easier, a classic three act structure seems prevalent and you need to have some kind of mentor/master/teacher character who is dead by act three at the latest, better by act 2.
robbie bump
He's a kind lazy alcoholic chinese man, why the fuck would looking dangerous fit him?
Would you guys consider Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion, aka the Canterbury tales in space, to be space opera?
i guess
In this case the starts in the sky are drones.
Being set in space and revolving around a war.
/pol/ tell me it was good and redpilled so it must be a good space opera :^)
I just said it was good, fuck off
That hair isn't feathered AT ALL!
>bad then
>bad now
Shit's shit no matter when it got shat
They're makin a fucking remake.
yeah, in danger kissing other boys
Guy to go homo for
no homo though
It was great until Goldilocks becampe emp, from then on he had to keep making retarded errors to give Yang a chance to let the story continue, so his character went to shit. It's still the only anime my girlfriend has cried watching which says something about how much it draws you in. I'd give it 8/10 quite easily.