So tell me about the character concepts and setting ideas you have that you believe are 100% non-sexual, but you still can't put into games for fear of "magical realm" chanting.
So tell me about the character concepts and setting ideas you have that you believe are 100% non-sexual...
All of them. Because literally everything is magical realm to SOMEBODY now.
Realm where human supremacists use their biological uniqueness to explain their superiority. There are barely any other mammals on the planet, and most are divided from humanity for a variety of reasons. So they see their breast milk as holy, possibly combined with magical induction and vestal virgin types being milked en masse to produce dairy products for jewgold.
I came up with a character who is basically an adult baby (this was before Boss Baby) that lives inside a grown man’s chest cavity. He crawls up the guys throat and he unhinged his jaw so the baby can look out, but his bottom and top rows of teeth are joined and resemble prison bars that the baby peers out of. The baby smokes a cigar and sells drugs through the guy’s prison cell mouth. It sounds fucking stupid but it fit with the setting, but I’m reticent to include it because my group and I make fun of vore and I’m paranoid they’ll think I’m into it (I’m not).
I'm a vorefag and I immediately thought of Krang so I think you're good.
I have a character named Cain whose only goal is to do enough mercenary work to buy himself a farm and start a family. I've been trying to convince my DM of giving him a Gorgon Water Cleric or a Half-Orc Sea Sorceress as a waifu so they can have a kid and name him grendel as a nod to Beowulf. The DM doesn't seem to have any opinions on it but most of the other players don't like the idea.
If your concept is actually not fetish-fuel, then you shouldn't worry about introducing it to the others. They may have objections, but you can't get anywhere by running away from confrontations before they even happen.
>can't play a female ever
>can't play a handsome male or elf
>must always make CHA my dump stat
>they're starting to accuse me of min-maxing and not roleplaying enough
>better mix in some dwarfs
>dwarfs are okay right?
>everybody loves dwarfs, right?
I really want to include a race of anthropomorphic animals in a setting I'm working on, but I probably never will, because of fucking furries. Also, at one point I tried making an ambiguously-gendered character, but was rejected.
You don't know much about how hormones work, do you?
Yeah nah, I tried not running away from confrontations, ended up not playing the game at all. You're describing extremely normal stuff, nobody would ever have any problems with any of that.
Yes, I am describing normal stuff. My point is that in the grand scheme of a world, most stuff is normal, until you see it through the fetish lens.
You need to be sure of yourself that you consider the concept normal and not material for masturbation. Then you can present it to others without sounding like a creep to be avoided. They might still object to it of course. But maybe a few alterations can fix the concept in their eyes.
Elves and Halflings not wearing shoes. It's even sort of canon, isn't it? But I've never seen it in any game, probably for this very reason.
I think it's because no one cares about that sort of thing.
I've run it this way and nobody cared. Wood elves had a barbaric nature and didn't wear much of anything. Players were not perturbed. The girl playing an elf was fine roleplaying it too.
I think a key factor here is how the GM acts if a player wants to dance around it with their own character.
If the GM in this case had said "but you'll get killed by your people if you wear shoes" or "it's a divine curse", they'd likely get unpopular, but if it was a "well, it helps them climb trees and there's a religious aspect to it too, but nothing's stopping them from putting on shoes", most people would likely not think it was fetishy even if it was.
The original definition, I think, still applies.
If the PCs can leave, break off interactions with an NPC, make a character without that feature or otherwise maneuver around it, even things like "well, hermaphrodites aren't exactly uncommon in this world" can be excused.
Because in that case, everything the players need to do to avoid it is to say "I'm playing a girl".
If the GM starts getting shrill and desperate, coming up with threats ("if you're an adventuring woman you'll get killed and raped and killed again, so you have to have a dick"), bribes ("but only hermaphrodites can learn both kinds of magic, and they do it really fast"), unavoidable situations ("the nymph rolls to charm - a 19? That isn't enough, you fail your Will save and she drops her pants to [censored]") or just plain sperging ("Why don't you respect my freedom to make my own setting? Fine, you can go play an MMO if you want to, but I guarantee you you'll regret it when you can only play the same old races!"), then that's where it becomes magical realm.
A game with a theme of the seven sins but one of my players knows fat bitches is my fetish so fuck
I was with you until the mass milking
You can always avoid including characters connected to Gluttony unless the players seek them out or want to play one.
Why? Because most of them don't feel like moving when they could be consuming. They're there, but if you don't come to them, they won't come to you.
Fucking hell, man.
>Jungle drow trying to sacrifice party to titanic hydra.
>Party kills them all, kills titanic hydra, and escapes.
>Player mentions he had a hard-on the whole time and was hoping any of us would be ripped apart and eaten by the snakes.
Fucking why.
Remember that gluttony is about more than just food, its about indulgence, you could link it with drug abuse rather than with obesity
Kangaroo ratfolk monk who can be summed up as "Chun Li, if she were a hotheaded, violent drunkard".
Kobold ranger who saw her entire tribe devoured by a dragon they asked to serve; traumatized, she hunts dragons in vengeance and wrestles with a craving for dragon-flesh.
Half-fiend gnoll who was part of a band that tried to impress Yeenoghu by taking down Shaktari, the Queen of Mariliths. Sole survivor because she fought so hard after Shaktari swallowed her whole that the demon princess spat her out again. The experience mutated her from a half-fiend into a half-marilith, leaving her an outcast from gnoll society.
So in other words...
I prefer female characters because I think they are interesting and fun to play. There's nothing sexual about it, but I still don't think I could ever play one with my group
It is possible to induce lactation with regular massages or drugs.
Fascinating, tell us more.
I have some magical realm characters that I want to do but my decency and fear of exposing my fetishes demands that I don't.
I do have an idea for a Cleric that I want to do, where part of the religion is wearing a full-face veil and not exposing any skin, but I have to wonder if even that's too obvious of a magical realm even if it's 100% explicitly required in the text as an obedience to the god in question.
>The DM doesn't seem to have any opinions on it but most of the other players don't like the idea
Why don't they like the idea? As long you aren't desperately sperging out over doing it I'm not seeing any immediate red flags (Especially with your justification).
Honestly with a lot of shit like this the only people who are going to think it's vore are the people who are themselves into vore.
That being said I'm genuinely curious about the backstory of this now.
>I have to wonder if even that's too obvious of a magical realm
I'm not.. immediately aware of what fetish is being referred to here. So either you're safe or I'm incredibly sheltered.
>full-face veil
Think like what Muslim women wear, everything covered. It's not a super common one, and since it's backed by mechanics I'm not sure anyone will catch on. I've just got it into my head that everybody knows what I'm thinking all the time as a sort of irrational fear. I think it's a pretty subtle one all things considering but I don't know if everyone else will believe that.
I... I still don't know what the fetish is. Unless it's literally just the covering up itself.
But yeah. A major actual religion does essentially the same thing, so I feel like unless everyone knows your deep dark secrets well enough to put two and two together I feel like the chances of anyone catching on are pretty slim.
What manga is this?
Pop team epic.
Any time I play a chaste or asexual character, people try to bang them. No. I'm open to banging on my characters who are established as liking girls/guys. Don't try to get with my mendicants.
>just the covering up itself
Yea, it's kind of dumb. But the sense of mystery/forbidden fruit and also leaving open options for other bondage is the main draw. I'll keep the more overtly fetishy stuff out of my games.
>so I feel like unless everyone knows your deep dark secrets well enough
Like I said, that fear is completely idiotic. How could they, really, unless they're spending their time spying on me. It is one of those really borderline realms that most people wouldn't bat an eye at if they didn't know better, but it might be weird if I do it more than once.
>Ancient Greece setting
>Character is a beautiful boy who Apollo fancied so Apollo gave the boy his bow.
A gnoll warrior/barbarian with accurate hyena physiology. Which I like because it means they'd be a musclebound barbarian lady which is fun because reversal of expected gender norms and no -4 STR complaints. It also means they get a psuedo-penis, so...
The other was one whom very rarely killed, but when they did would ritualistically cut up and cannibalise the corpse.
of course, I'm a gurofag so that IS my magical realm, but I wouldn't play it like that...
Excessive nudity. I like extremely rat shit primitive settings.
A male witch born into a coven of his mother, aunts, and their daughters. Fucking incestfags.
My heart actually skipped a beat when I saw the latest trailer. Get out of my fucking brain Kojima.
This is why Im glad 5e made gnolls into mutant hyenas rather than proper humanoids
I've always wanted to play another player's twin who was very dependant, protective, and perhaps somewhat insecure. The goal being, of course, to grow into an independant, strong, happy person, not needing to rely on their twin for everything.
Obviously this screams 'twincest' to most people, especially if they're female, and the time that much character growth would take is prohibitive outside longer games. The fact that I play with several chaotic stupid players doesn't help.
What you need is a single good friend you can involve in this. If you two make your plans together, and you're obviously not flirting at the table, the others probably wouldn't say anything.
That's not magical realm, that's asking for an op Mary Sue.
I would like to, except when there are always at least two chaotic stupid players, getting other characters dead is a common passtime for them. They work hard to derail GM plots as best they can, so a long term campaign is three times the work it needs to be for the GM.
> There are warlocks in the setting who get their power from demons. Demons feed on sins, including the sin of lust, and lust demons require sex rituals of various lewdness in exchange. Meanwhile wrath demons require sacrifices and acts of destruction, sloth demons literally require to do nothing, etc.
> A furry setting where humans live in medieval low-magic civilized cities alongside bronze age fawns, lizardfolk stuck in middle ages for several millenia, and werebeasts living stone age + high magic. Can be turned into magical realm by yiff-fag players or perceived as such by fur haters.
I'm a vorefag too and I thought Total Recall, not fetish.
Could also make the gluttony more of a tragic curse - they are always hungry and always eating because 99% of whatever they eat just vanishes. So they're emancipated instead of fat.
I would correct you on your word use, but someone could probably get a political joke about the US out of that mistake.
fucked up a word there
>> A furry setting
Say no more. Rest was predictable and even tamer that I expected.
I'm going to tell you one piece of very basic advice.
Someone who isn't actively a furry would have a very hard time ever fucking creating a fetishy furry setting.
The hallmarks of furries aren't simply talking animals, but an arcane conglomeration of fetishes, slang, in-jokes and (most importantly) a certain furry-specific shamelessness and social denseness.
I guarantee you that you have not thought of even a tenth of the fetishes, convoluted excuses and alien tangles of furry logic it requires to build an actual furry setting if you're not a furry and haven't spent time on for example Furaffinity or F-list.
Talking animals are entirely fine. Furshit is not, and once you get a sense for it, you'll be able to pinpoint the difference with 95% accuracy.
Xenophiles on Veeky Forums are not furries and it's very, very easy to tell the difference even between them once you've seen furries. Xenophiles are perfectly aware their perversion is just that, a perversion.
I wanted to play Elastigirl like character in Mutants and Mastermind game, but had to scratch that because one of the players had too many about whether she can inflate herself by breathing and how much can she balloon and if she can expand only her breasts and can suck enemies inside her belly... it made me uncomfortable and I decided to play different character. Later I learnt inflatable girls (not the pool toys, normal girls with a garden hose shoved up in their butt) were his fetish and I hope he never tries it at home.
In a setting I've been putting together, one of the races are a sort of tribal slime people. They're heavily based on jellyfish, so they have no real gender, despite looking feminine and reproduce in spawning pools. The big thing that could be taken as magical realm is they can absorb water, which causes them to expand. I liked the idea of them bulking up on defense, and using the stored water as a pressure cutter too much to abandon it, so I decided to just let it slide that the slime "girls" can acquire tits and ass on a whim.
At least now you know exactly what to avoid next time.
You have experience and slight disgust on your side - anyone who thinks you still have a fetish for it even when you're not bringing in the things the people with that fetish actually get off to is probably seeing boogeymen.
>despite looking feminine
This is the big warning sign. There's little obvious reason for it, and it makes them identical to God knows how many fetish races out there, even the ones straight from TiTS.
You could instead spin it as that they have little concept of permanency of body, leading many of them to take on feminine forms when they figure out it's usually better-received in society. You still have Godless slime monsters and oozes among them - looking like an attractive human is probably the best survival mechanism they have.
And you can put in a few males too, *especially* if the idea freaks you - putting aside that this probably means you have a fetish for slimegirls, it's a massive, massive plus that the universe won't seem to revolve around your fetishes.
Make it make sense first, and then find a reason why some (not all - Christ, when you start making things universal and unavoidable, that's where the alarms ring) of them might be attractive to people in-universe.
I don't think it should be a problem if you make clothes a relatively new concept in the setting and let people play into it from there.
If your players balk at for example descriptions of wholly or partially nude women and children, which was the norm in most ancient cultures and still hasn't disappeared in the modern world, well then, you're dealing with weaponized autism.
If you're a player, just wait until your character gets their clothes damaged and play along with what the GM says, maybe pad it out with a "Actually, would you say I still have my clothes after that?".
None, you fucking tard.
I've wanted to put a Bio-Dungeon in my setting for over a year now. Maybe a mimic dungeon, perhaps killing some mega parasites inside an ancient dragon, whatever. Biodungeons break the standard "NotCrypt" format and add all sorts of variety for obstacles and immune-themed traps...
But I can't make myself do it, because I know they'll all call me a vorefag.
"Quaaaaaid... QUAAAAAAID... open your mind... with this dope acid..."
There is literally a real-world religious doctrine for that.
You're safe.
>leaving open options for other bondage is the main draw. I'll keep the more overtly fetishy stuff out of my games.
I think you're pretty safe.
A setting with humans and beats races only.
Most core races are just too similar to being humans to really do anything for me. A White elf probably looks more like a Caucasian than a black person does, for example.
Of course, this would bring up some furry accusations with my group.