Did monarchs have sexual access to all the women in the hare. or only the wives and concubines? Would a servant girl in a harem be safe from sexual advances?
Did monarchs have sexual access to all the women in the hare. or only the wives and concubines...
They all did. Every monarch, every society, every hare.
>Did monarchs have sexual access to all the women in the hare.
Yes, and they fucked like rabbits.
If you meant harem, then not so much. You mom was part of your harem, along with your aunts, sisters, daughters, female cousins. The harem was the quarters for women in your household, nothing more.
>If you meant harem, then not so much.
>You mom was part of your harem, along with your aunts, sisters, daughters, female cousins.
You have a much higher opinion of arabs than I do if you think something like that would stop their sexual advances.
Real harems were much different from what most euros think.
All societies have it's degenerates. England become protestant because a king wanted to divorce his wife and marry a whore.
Why do furfags think we need to know they fap to anthro porn?
So a virginal servant girl count on not being taken by the monarch?
Harems being sex palaces only exists because of far east interpretations, and the fact that before whites started fantasizing about blacks fucking their wives, they used to fantasize about arabs doing it.
>Real harems were much different from what most euros think.
Sounds like a misconception based on incomplete knowledge, for the longest time Arabs considered Christianity a polytheism because it referenced the father, son, and holy ghost
They weren't really that wrong.
The trinity had pagan origins.
It's a very common concept among indo-european mythologies.
I thought Christianity was considered polytheist because it made up excuses for why polytheist groups should join up with them.
>made up excuses for why polytheist groups should join up with them
It was pretty much Christians walking in and going "alright, you guys are Christians now, you can still have your cute little dieties and customs just make sure you name drop Jesus."
Second post best post
t. armchair theologist
That's hardly the juiciest tidbit to come out of English royalty.
Edward VII apparently slept with several thousands of women, ranging from noblewoman (including Winston Churchill's mother) to famous actresses to dozens of high-class prostitutes at a time. His wife's role in all this was to try and keep it quiet,
A harem was originally just the place the women lived. That means wives, concubines, servants, aunts, mothers, children, everybody. A monarch was expected to lay with his wife and concubines only, but they all stayed in the same place. Other cultures looked at this and falsely assumed that, if a man could fuck women besides his wife, and the women he fucked all stayed in the same place, then therefore all the women in there were for fucking.
The major economy of NW Afrcia was driven by slave markets for hundreds of years, among them young women often sold to harems or brothels.
I guess Charlemagne didn't get the memo
The age of marriage was on a downward trend toward the industrial revolution. Mid to late twenties was the common age for marriage in Europe and Anatolia, a thousand years ago.
Depends on the culture.
Ancient Egypt this Arabs and China this Ancient Japan - you could cuck the Emperor and be spared and forgiven.
>Ancient Japan - you could cuck the Emperor and be spared and forgiven.
I love that hentai comic.
Harem in ye olde times was just a place to keep women away from men.
You wife and concubines can't cheat on you if no men ever see them. Men won't rape them or your daughters either if those men never see them.
A more cynical person might say that it wasn't only for womens protection but so men wouldn't have to deal with women bullshit.
>Did monarchs have sexual access to all the women in the harem
>Would a servant girl in a harem be safe from sexual advances?
He's the king, you dumb fucker, who's going to set restrictions on him? The only limit is the one this guy mentioned: , since most people would probably not want to nail their own relatives when there are plenty of concubines and serving girls to go around.
>who's going to set restrictions on him?
Whoever wrote the Magna Carta for starters
I can see late teens and early twenties, but by late 20's the chances of birth defects are already ticking up, and they definitely didn't have time to shit out the 8+ kids people had back then. I'd honestly be willing to bet anything saying 'mid to late twenties' is faulty research.
No, Christians told them they had to convert the deities to heroes and saints instead of gods first.
Poor Tuatha de Danan, actually I don't imagine that was too hard a conversion all told
Depending on the time and the place, it was entirely possible that the king (or governor, etc) didn't even get to choose which of the women he'd spend the night with. A parent or trusted advisor would pick ones that they approved of and the rest would just hang around until they got shipped off to a lesser noble.
Nice try Abdul, but Christianity didn't do that. Islam did, with its infamous Satanic Verses.
I think they mostly end up becoming Folk Saints (meaning they aren't canonically acknowledged). You know, shit like Santa Muerte or Jesús Malverde in Mexico. The Vatican acknowledges neither, yet they're treated as saints by Mexicans.
Depends on the setting. Specify a damn time and place, faggot.
>most people would probably not want to nail their own relatives when there are plenty of concubines and serving girls to go around.
First-cousin marriage is common in Arab societies, so yes, inbreeding and fucking your family members have been common for hundreds of years.
>First-cousin marriage is common in Arab societies
You seem to be under the misconception that marriage more often than not was an affair of lust and desire.
Just because you marry your cousin for political reasons don't mean you get confused and fuck your aunt as well.
of course not
servants wouldn't be safe from anything
One of the Turkish sultans was super bullied by his mom and was afraid to go go the harem. The mother always used to choose which girls made it in which meant women she liked, not what you want.
If you read Arabian Nights you'll see that it's full of Arab queens going after the black cock
To elaborate on both these points, Islamic nations are STILL notorious for inbreeding
Don't they have over a hundred years of inbreeding or more?
And even today they're marrying first cousins and whatnot
>every thread vaguely related to the middle east, /pol/ has to start talking about muslim inbreeding
Oh wait, 100 was too generous. It was 1400.
It was LITERALLY in the OP, moron
The OP is talking about japanese harems, as clarified by the art. You are an idiot
Technically he's talking about hares
Harem is a arab word
They're retards. I usualy treat them the same way I would treat a retarded children
Pretty sure you're just a /pol/tard trying to start shit on the elfgames board.
They're incredibly wrong. They also thought the Trinity was The Father, The Son, and Mary.
Arabs routinely participated in slavery. Up and down the Barbary coast, ships were taken and women sold into sexual slavery and harems.
A Black woman was worth 1% of what a White woman was worth.
An arab was worth 10%
Arab nations still participate in slavery in today
Yep. ISIS was selling European women and even some men who joined them to new recruits.
I remember reading something that made the case that prevalence of first cousin marriage correlates to instability because it's an indicator of tribalism rather than "lol inbred hicks"
No one is safe from the sexual advances of the Monarch (man woman or child) though depending on the Monarch they may be the kind of stand up guy who still seeks consent in spite of their station or maybe isn't in to fucking his close relatives.
Maybe if a chick was hot AND crazy enough that the Emperor would keep her around for prestige but not want to try to force himself on the chick who keeps pulling knives on him. That kind of person might be safe. Although Stockholm Syndrome is a heluva drug.
>Ywn be the king's third son who just bones the cute serving girls while your brothers actually do important shit
so if you become a servant girl you essentially resign yourself to becoming a whore?
And then gets executed anyways as part of a coup
Silly user, whores get paid for the sex. You'd be more of...just a convenient hole. That also delivers food.