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I care, OP. Are you ok?
I'm new to WoD, but I'm really interested in running a game of VtM with my group. Any tips for a new Storyteller?
so what do you think about the vampire 5e alpha playtest?
Changing Ways pdf when?
The hunger thing is way to in the forefront. Its not any 'sexier' than a blood pool and directly makes the game about weird compulsions instead of vampire politics. The tone shift is also defaulting the game to neonates/thin bloods, leaving out all the more interesting and developed parts of the setting. The other mechanics also seem like a bad rip off of CofD. Overall it seems like some abomination of 1e vampire and Shitty Swedish/indie/D&D tier elf shit games with random encounter charts.
Friendly reminder that the Ventrue Antitribu are ten times better than the other clans
Well mages are really easy to take care of seeing as they're only human you just gotta get the drop on them.
The same could be said of every splat though.
Are you talking Ascension or Awakening? Mages have built-in contingencies in the latter, the former not so much.
>I'm new to WoD, but I'm really interested in running a game of VtM with my group. Any tips for a new Storyteller?
Lay down some ground rules first for your group, and go over (as a group) what you're willing to play, and what you're not. For example, if the group doesn't want to allow for blatant backstabbing inbetween players in the same group, then don't let them. Also includes stuff like what kind of themes you want to include in the game and which ones you potentially might want to avoid if any of your group feels ill-at-ease with them (VtM is set in the World of Darkness, and there's a LOT of dark stuff in said world).
Also set up some rules to make sure everyone understands that they play imaginary characters, not themselves, and that they need to differentiate between OOC and IC. This is especially important if you allow for player-to-player backstabbing and arranging for the deaths of other partymembers.
Next, be flexible, but don't let the group run you over with stuff they want to play during character creation.
Like, if they really want to play a Tzimisce hiding out in the Camarilla (or just a Caitiff with Fleshcrafting), then let them if the story allows for it, but don't let them be a Thinblood Caitiff born to dhampir parents with 5 dots in Thaumaturgy and shit like that.
if anyone wants to play a Malkavian, make sure they understand that they're playing mentally ill and deranged souls with broken psyches, not Looney Tunes characters. In short, avoid Malkavians that run around and slap people in the face with a fish (Fishmalks).
>you just gotta get the drop on them
Much easier said than done. Many an arrogant and foolish supernatural or human have failed and experienced fates worse than death.
>Even top power-tier demons are wary of mages
>See also woofs
FUck off fags
Thank you for the advice. My players are pretty good about role-playing, but I'm definitely going to have to temper the expectations of the system, setting, and themes. Trying to make sure that they don't come into this expecting it to be DnD (which we predominantly play).
I've been playing the video game and reading the V20 books. Is there anything else I need to watch/read in order to really get the mood and themes down?
Official antitribu power ranking:
>Do these even exist in canon now?-tier
Serpents of the Light are the best Vampire clan.
ok but mages are cooler than all of those
But some traditions are much cooler than others.
>Order of Hermes Supremacy
>want to get into mage
>the writing is boring
You gotta read the Tradition books. The core books are a bit dry. I highly recommend the Sons of Ether revised book. It opens with a guy with a time traveling car and goes on to explain that lizard people (Mokole) use to rule the world till the plot to Chrono Trigger happened to them. And that the red star in the sky is it happening again.
My biggest issue is running into those mini stories. I want something concise first to lay the ground rules really well rather than M20's needless chunky pages about literal nothing.
Do you recommend any other core books user?
The guide to the Technocracy is a lot clearer than most of the other books. Followed by Revised mage having the cleanest rules, 2e has the best metaplot elements, but it sufferes like most metaplot elements from being spread across dozens of random books.
>Changing Ways pdf when?
Probably never.
>the Technocracy
>The only true heroes in the oWOD.
>Wizard says hello
There are no Tzimisce antitribu(unless you count Inconnu).
And the assamites still have a presence in the Black Hand. Anosh is still around too
>Much easier said than done. Many an arrogant and foolish supernatural or human have failed and experienced fates worse than death.
still happens, even in head-on combat
Are you really comparing a Pangaean with playable templates?
Also I didn't realize Archmages weren't needed to kill 'gods'. News to me.
>three groups of mages vs the entirety of werewolves
oh the favourable odds :^)
samefagging piece of shit
>this reading comprehension
I want to reply, but I don't know who's baiting and who isn't. It's a conundrum.
I wonder how many woofs it took
I'm counting Old Clan Tzimisce
People hate Changing Breeds, but people hate a lot of things for no good reason. Just give it a try, I thought. How bad could it be?
I found the answer to that and I wish I hadn't.
That's just Ol' Brucatto writing about his weird fetishes again.
"Shit-Speak" to Father's Thrusting Cock.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
sometimes i wonder what the TTRPG scene would be like if inserting shit like this into mainstream rulebooks was considered normal
Probably more like FATAL
Hollow Ones are my favorite magickal tradition.
Fight me.
Your chaos magick doesn't stand a chance against my Ether Powered Demolecularizer.
Just read V20 Black Hand. What a cool, weird book. I find it funny that there are at least 4-5 explanations of Souleaters ("the Manus Nigrum is just retarded" {most likely}, Kupala, the Eldest, or the Nephilim) and that they have some mechanics.
Just a lot of good stuff if you have a crossover boner.
WTF is the point of the Serpents of the Light? "Setites but voodoo" aren't interesting. Maybe I'm being unfair, but there really doesn't seem to be more to it than that, at least as of Sabbat Revised edition (anyone have the image for that one mocking it?).
I always liked the voodoo Over traditional Setitite Sorcery. The Loa are pretty neat.
Isn't WW/OP normal? I mean, its not D&D-normal, but its certainly more mainstream and well known than Runequest and Harnmaster.
Jesus Christ, I missed that. Changing Breeds as in the one made early on in nwod right?
They even have sympathy for, or possibly had a hand in, the creation of the Camarilla, or at least keeping it free of Vicissitude.
Weird Science, Gutter Magick.
aren't we both in the same pool being punished for going against "the true ways" of practicing science/magick?
It sounds like you're aiming to blow up some killer robots.
So who here's ACTUALLY played a game of oWoD Mage and how did it go?
Greentext story me.
I went into a derelict building to stop a spirit to chase out the homeless or something. My anti-spirit ether ray backfired and burned the whole building down. That was pretty fun. The next game session I botched a few Science rolls and accidentally set off a nuclear meltdown.
>be mage
>see vampire
>turn vampire into lawn chair
>sit on lawn chair
Help me out here, all the cores so far have rules for how many expierences to add to a character for making more advanced ones right? What place are those usually located?
I believe they stopped doing that with the 2e books.
Really? Dammit that's actually kind of a pain in the ass
>be on train
>DEROs are attacking it
>ST guilts me for killing them with Rip The Man Body because "they have families"
>get paradox backlash
>get put on trial by paradox spirits for my crimes against reality that look like The Muppet Babies
>be mage
>cat is inseminated by a Nexus Crawler (described as "looking as if dipped in clear honey")
>a guy used life magick to turn himself into a coincidental looking version of a minotaur, so just a big hairy dude, who only wears a belt, doesn't know why I'm angry
>imprison a technomancer's soul in a gem
>his friend comes looking for it and says "RELEASE THAT GENIUS AT ONCE"
>there is a hermes mage who floats around in a bubble and is nearly immune to paradox because he's a marauder and if you antagonize him in any way he uses Correspondence to kill you from miles away
>be mage
>girl tricks me into going into a tentacle pit
>get ripped apart and put together as a nephandus since I moved forward, bad move
>be evil mage
>kill a bunch of werewolves with my now evil friends
>drain caern
>use life to grow a second penis
>fuck the girl from before
>be a normal astronaut with ordinary science tools I don't use around people for some reason
>be in space
>there is a hairy guy clearly suffering from genetic lupine syndrome
>not clear how he is in outer space without dying
>I ask him if he wants a suit before he explodes
>he says this is the spirit realm
>I point out they are aliens, not spirits, and we are clearly in outer space
>he attacks
>I use my science to cure him of his lupine disorder
>he turns into meaty chunks as a side effect
In VtR2 it's in quick reference sheet in character creation. Don't have other books on me at the moment
It wasn't the entirety of werewolves, which you'd know if you'd actually read it.
>responding to a seven hour post
you sure showed him
You motherfuckers all need The Gate
Chadimos is our ally, he doesn't deserve this.
>Be wizard
>Take a shit
>Sell it as Mage the Ascension
You faggots still playing a derivative of Ars Magica
OG Hermes for life Faggots
>18th century london
>rumors about ancient city discovered in egypt
>lets gather a pary of enlightened gentleman and research it
>Renowed explorer and owner of giant flying boat etherist
>Heir of an ancient druid practices and head of something something nature museum. Brought his plant golem on board.
>Brave and honorable retire army officer. He learned how to tame fire during his army service in india
>Young opera singer. She see city rise from sand in every dream and when rumors reach her she joined the expedition.
>We travel through desert, fight local tribes, banish sand spirits and fight snake gods
>3 sessions
> druid guy volunteered to be entombed within the city to watch over ancient evil and party escape from giant sandtrap that swallow city once more.
This sounds fun
So you played the mummy returns with sneks instead of scorpions
Why include that, why?
Why Void Engineers are kindest of Technos.
Not many, I imagine. I've seen so many mage players die to werewolves because they don't realize how much damage they can do in a single turn.
>oh, that silver bullet I made didn't quite kill it?
>well whatever I'll shoot it again next turn, mage armor will save me
>mage explodes as woof deals 17 lethal in a single round
They do strive to take over nodes though, meaning they're highly aggressive to regular mages.
What's with the shitposting magefags
is that a rhetorical question?
Why does Caine look like he's a special consultant for the police who solves their toughest mysteries every week?
>shitposting magefags
Talk about redundant terminology.
noob question, does the Cheiron Group have anything to do with Pentex?
So Death •• allows you to change the features of a corpse or a living being that has at least one box filled in with damage. However there is a another spell that suppresses your life signs so you appear as the undead.
Could you suppress your life signs and then change your features to get around doing damage to yourself.
>Literally only played in hypotheticals.
No, different continuities.
Pentex = evil for evil's sake ubermegacorporation, captain planet style villains, has 101 offshoots (even a Veeky Forums hacker analog) but the main ones are Endron Oil (the main planet killing one) and Magadon Pharmaceuticals (the main fomor making one)
Cheiron Group = more like Magadon Pharmaceuticals than Pentex, is run by SPACE ALIUMZ out to save the world (yes really)
Their autism power level is too strong compared to other the other splat fags, they can basically shitpost forever and never get tired of it.
That's how you're supposed to play it, dumbo
>open mage the awakening 2E
>gosh can't wait to see what changed
>Character concept: pic related
>Character concept: Aisha muhhamed the independent warlock from somaliland
>Character concept: evil white alchemist
jesus christ
You do know that character has been around since 1e, right? She appeared pretty often.
You just need a time slowing Ray gun to deal with all those pesky rage actions.
You're about three years late to the rainbow slushy
If the Mage player was dumb enough to use direct damage effects for dealing with a woof w/o any other contingency they deserved to get blendered.
Looking at the Guayota write u p but don't have mummy, so what's the Rite of Return, specifically?
Did it, alone, make mummies or do the Judges have more to do with that?
Was the rite performed correctly?
sorry man, nazis don't awaken
So dumb Mages? I might as well throw in a Space 3 Mastigos in your theoretical encounter. Werewolves can't do anything about Ban. Or being forcefully turned back into a human.
>it's a "/wodg/ thinks Mages are all super geniuses who always plan ahead and make good decisions because they know they're in an RPG" episode
I don't need to know I'm in an RPG when I can see the future.
A power than in of itself negates free will as a concept.
Nah, it's called common sense.
>Werewolves can't do anything about Ban.
They could just shoot you.
Or scare you to death.
>Ban, how does it work?
If you're banning all life matter and light then you would need matter life and forces and wouldn't be able to see anything outside
I live in a state with unrestricted concealed and open carry. What percent of people here do you think exercise that right? Is it 100%?
Planning ahead is kind of focal to Mage, user. I don't think wizards as a whole are going to be ignorant of how Uratha function, no less your average Mystagogue.
Do you even know what Ban is?