Can someone explain why can only humans become undead WHF? Unlike elves for example?
Can someone explain why can only humans become undead WHF? Unlike elves for example?
honestly I think it just comes down to meta reasons about game balance.
Dark elf vampires would be unstoppable
Tomb Kings came from a specific human culture, so no elves there.
If you look at the old Warhammer RPGs vampire book, it attributes the lack of non-human vampires to pride. A vampire could turn one of them, but they don't because they don't like those races.
No reason they couldn't do standard zombie/skeleton conversions to other races, and they probably do.
Orc Count Wagghkula
Because you only want to become undead to live longer. Elves already live long enough.
no no no still the zombie king ork still greenest still reattaching limbs but now with even more fungus.
also so vamporks have blood sucking tusks instead of fangs?
High elf Eldyra, the Tyrion's squire, is turned vampire in the End Times
they can but there's little difference between human, dwarf, elf and orc zombies or skeletons
elves and dwarfs are too long lived to understand the human obsession with immortality and never truly developed an advanced form of necromancy/vampirism
I think people joked about a halfling vampire at some point
This. Humans become Vampires, Liches etc. to escape death and become more powerful. Elves are already long-lived and magically-gifted. Dark Elves are the same and could probably do that stuff without needing to be a Vampire. Wood Elves obviously don't want to do that, same for Dwarves.
Of course, there are probably undead individuals from all of these races at some point or another in Fantasy history. it's just nowhere near as common as Humans.
>an someone explain why can only humans become undead WHF?
uh pretty sure anything that lives can become undead, their just aren't many prominent examples.
If you want in universe explanation is undeath more or less became a thing because of a human fuckery ala Nagash.
There are certainly elf and dwarf vampires. just no one particularly plot relevant.
Could swear there was passing reference somewhere to dwarfs rooting out a female dwarf vampire or something. also the occasional elf vampire. might just be from older lore though.
there was a dwarf tomb king in one of the slayer books.
The setting is WHF.
He posted it right in the OP.
You stupid fucker.
I hope your mom stabs you to death
Vampirism originated among humans, and most new vampires are created because the sire imagines they'll be useful in a tribal sort of way. Few humans, vampire or not, would look at an elf and think, "if I turn them they're probably gonna serve my ambitions."
There are undead of other races i.e. dragons. It’s just most only exist in fluff like Nagash reviving Skaven and some Vampire who made a shitty play using undead Dwarfs.
Not related, but is Vlad really dead? Or is it just one of "i'll be back" everyday Vlad death?
Elf souls are already pledged to the vortex, Dwarf souls are TOO ANGRY to hear Nagash asking them if they'd like to come back and join the Bone Crew.
Anything living can become undead. That's why we have undead dragons.
There was a kit made (cursed company?) That had an orc skeleton etc, but most of the time undead will be drawn or modelled as human beings because the zombie trope is a human based horror creature.
There actually is a (maybe) dwarf Tomb King, revealed in the Gotrek and Felix Tomb King story, they meet a Tomb King architect that is suspiciously built like a dwarf.
but they can and do become, some vampires in the lore have done their shit with armies of undead greenskins and some even dwarfs. The thing is that it would be too expensive to make that many model variations, but still, lore always supported custom skeletons/zombies.
user is retarded; the thread
As everyone has said, Elves and Dwarfs don't have that fascination with immortality and are disgusted by the mere concept of it. There's nothing stopping a Necromancer or Vampire raising their remains, but a Dwarfs Ancestors might kick your arse for it. No model differences because why make a dwarf skeleton model? A Regiment of Reknown had an Orc skeleton in it as I recall, but you wouldn't notice the difference between a human and an elf skeleton on tabletop if that's what you're after.
that regiment also had a dwarf , skaven and lizardmen
>Can someone explain why can only humans become undead WHF
They don't. Every race can be afflicted by vampirism. Humas are just represented in the game because making vampire models for each race would be a bitch, not to mention overlapping rules
So many flavors of spooky
Dwarves - no idea
Tyrion made a lot of undead elves in End Times, its all about which god gets the soul. In Tyrions case, he used the souls of people consumed by Khaine
every soul from waha fantasy can be revived in sigmar, especially these from the end times. They just chose not to, but you can do it in your campaigns, the lore supports this
Came to post this. Good work oldfags.
Cursed Company was the shit.
I thought Dwarfs could become Vampires?
My hate for you is bottomless and top heavy
yes in one of the Genevieve books there is an explicit mention of a dwarf vampire retainer for a lahmian vampire countess (who of course looks like a small child)
Humans live relatively long lives.
Since when do we not want to live longer either?
>pretentious reddit *action preparing to speak* as if your words are so important they need an introduction
>reddit spacing
>all caps one word per line
>after all that, just being retarded
please kill yourself
AoS is so "anything goes" basically anything passes in the "lore"
Humans live for a century at maximum unless they are Khermites, who could live for two centuries or more (the people who became the Tomb Kings). Elves live for millennia, if they're even limited to that. Orcs live until killed, and Dawi are also ridiculously long lived. Mortality to them is an afterthought.
Nagash created Vampirism through an alchemical mixture, meant to turn Humans immortal, it was flawed and created Vampires instead who have to feed on living human blood to survive. As it is tailor made for humans, there is no precedent ehy it would work on non-humans, and frankly I consider any and all non-human vampires as fanfiction tier breach of consistency.
Undeath is a “regular“ magical process of binding part the soul to the mortal body. Nagash was a human, and he primarily experimented on humans, so the human soul and human body is the most familiar to him, this in turn means the Lore of Undeath Nagash created works best on humans.
Other species can be called from death in very much the same manner, but it doesn‘t work anywhere near as well as on humans. (one undead dragon requires the same amount of energy sd an entire army of skellingtons)
you mean Nehekharans?
More specifically the people of Khermi. Not certain if the other cities had people who were young at 80.
>tomb kings were a human empire
>vampirism was made by nagash and spread to other humans
>elves dont need vampirism since they are nigh immortal anyways
its not that only humans can be undead, its that other races either havent had the same exposure or dont need it
She actually isn't.
its hilarious, he was found in a basket among some reeds, Felix tries to point squat he is and the tomb queen replies that his frame is weighed down by the weight of his mightiness.
The banner skeleton was an elf. Look at his armor dress; it's just like the ones the High Elf warriors wore.
So dorfs confirmed for Jews?
I fucking love that Warhammer have their human elitist vampires, and why shouldn't they? They themselves are human, and what would a fucking long lived elf even DO with extra immortality? Fuck em.
I don't think theres any worse idea than undead dwarves.