I'm only a driver. That's all I'll ever claim to be

I'm only a driver. That's all I'll ever claim to be

>mfw Cammies

In the LaCroxi ending, if the sacrophagus actually contained what he thought it would, would he still betray the PC again?

>implying the PC wouldn't have eaten him first
It's a dog eat dog world.

The end of this game has been rushed

>Implying the antediluvian wouldn't just eat everyone within a five mile radius before the technocracy and a jillion other badasses got involved

The fact that there's a story where Beckett woke you up, you two have a jolly chat with him unaware of who you are- and the fact that you show up in the game right after you blow up the warehouse and meet Beckett suggests otherwise, next to your aura.

But seriously though- you're actually tailing him to see how he reacts when Gehenna hits? Hilarious man, send me a photograph when he connects the dots.


You know, shouldn't Cain look more middle-eastern? He's one of the original Jews after all.

He can shapeshift or something.

But he's also a taxi driver

La Croix is a dick so yes

>ywn be a cute Daeva/Toreador gamergrill with legions of beta orbiters
I read that in the thread last night. Haven't really been able to get it out of my head. The truth hurts, I don't want to feel that feel.

I'm sure you would have been the best camwhore ever user

If you were born a girl that is

>I read that in the thread last night. Haven't really been able to get it out of my head.

which thread are you talking about?

Cain is the son of Adam, the first man.

What the heck do you think the First Man looked like?

>You will never dominate that stupid bitch and make her gag on your cock
>You will never fuck her hard in the ass while she sucks a dog's knot

What a pale shadow this reality truly is.

If only. I often wish that were the case, if only so I could exploit stupid people for their money. I feel like I'm absolutely shameless in that regard. Plus, if I had obfuscate or something I know it's not a clan discipline could still go out in public without being recognized, which somewhat contradicts my previous point. Would also be worth picking up Auspex so I could cheat at vidya and be the best gamergrill ever. As I recall, it raises awareness and reflexes, right? I also love the En Bloodline, diablerie benefits aside. I love the flavor of having a symbiotic demon instead of just a ravening monster. I actually didn't like Daeva that much until I got a hold of the bloodline and this idea,

I need a new hobby, it's not good for me to continue obsessing over things that are literally impossible. This image fucked me up good, mostly because it's exactly what I'd want and what I'd do.
There was a thread that spent a lot of time talking about Ming Xiao, the Kuei-Jin, Jack and some other bloodlines characters. I found this image posted with a similar line.

Maybe in VtR in VtM it starts with augmenting awareness and then it develops into some sixth sense/telepathy kind of thing which includes precognition at high levels

I mean, it really doesn't matter. I know in VtM:B it adds perception in wits. It's different in the tabletop where it gives you psychic powers and whatnot. Even if it wasn't super useful, could still use Celerity to cheat hard at any game requiring mechanical skill and become a god(ess) at Starcraft, fighting games or the like, or using Auspex to cheat at poker or something. I think it'd be trivial to become a top twitch streamer in no time. The problem then becomes you're a vampire with publicity. It'd probably be safer in the long run to do something else. I'd probably need a new hobby after a while since a lot of video games wouldn't be challenging anymore if I was using disciplines. It'd also just not be feasible to go pro in anything since you'd be in at least a bit of trouble if you had to play during the day. I had some other ideas for making money as a vampire too but most of them involve crime, unsurprisingly. I've thought about this more than I should.

>mfw White Wolf decided to retcon and make the driver into some astral projection or some actually just crazy malk and instead have Caine as some hermit living in an ancient underground city who befriends a nos who dual wields flare guns and kills all the established protagonists including Smiling Jack and who is also Beckett's bff; then hes like "lol bye bro" to Beckett as the world burns, the end

The fact that it isn't even close to the worst novel in the setting is mind boggling.

Wait, is this true?

Never read that novel, but at the end of the final chapter of Gehenna Caine is stuck on the newly-apocalyptic earth yelling at the sky about "why am I still here?!"

There's the spidey sense, too. That's part of Heightened Senses, you get it immediately and it gets better as you add dots. You just can't roll it when you want so it's only as good as ST wants it to be.

This entire game has been rushed as hell
And it's still top fucking tier

Just don't believe in it hard enough and it wont have happened. Mage supremacy can save us all.

>some astral projection
It would still take a ridiculous dice pool to swing a Possession in one turn, but those are both 5 dot powers and it would only cost 2 Willpower.

I would hate fuck Damsel so hard.

no, Abraham is the first jew.

Yes, all of it.

The only good parts of that novel were Cain scaring away the Assamites just by showing them his true face and the ending.

Would Caine support the Sabbat? Or at least the Black Hand?

Communist bitch
Worthless traitor.

Only Strauss is the right choice

I seem to recall jewish folklore had an all-female vampire type without the weakness to sunlight. Erith or something like that. Was there ever a VtM clan with that sort of vampires?

Strauss is an incompetent retard whose sole claim of authority is being the oldest Camarilla Tremere of a Chantry in a city where there's a total of like four Tremere, him included. He completely misjudges the disease outbreak, unlike the Anarchs, and can't even deal with his escaped Gargoyle on his own.

Of course. He'd want to recreate his public persona and thus go on a murder spread to make sure nobody with dirt on him was unlive to tell the tale.

This is why I take Ubers

>WoD 5e
>riding with Uber
What are you, cannibalistic tranny?

He wouldn't support any organization. Doesn't he hate all of his Childe?
Speaking of females, what happened to Lilith?

If it was only the end of the game...

>Four possible Gehenna scenarios were depicted in the final Vampire: The Masquerade sourcebook, which was titled Gehenna,[4] as part of the Time of Judgment that ended the original World of Darkness. The four scenarios are:

>"Wormwood" (God destroys all vampires save for a few, who are given a chance at redemption)
>"Fair is Foul" (Lilith takes her vengeance on Caine and his descendants)
>"Nightshade" (the Masquerade is broken and the Camarilla divided as the Antediluvians awaken)
>"The Crucible of God" (the Antediluvians rise up, ruling over or destroying most of the human race)
Which is more likely?

Hi Damsel

Hi, Avery.

>"The Crucible of God" (the Antediluvians rise up, ruling over or destroying most of the human race)

Technocrats already nuked one Antediluvian from orbit. Whats a few more?

released the worst of the Fallen in doing so. Good job technoshits.

The fourth is more likely

I never liked Fair is Foul.

I don't think God would be one to care for technicalities, Lilith wouldn't be able to avoid the sevenfold vengeance unto her.


Honestly, none of them. Gehenna seens to be more of a myth than anything.

The one where Ravnos get's his shit kicked in, Tzimcie wakes up in new york despite that one poor dude who was driven bonkers by it trying to warn everyone, basically being a Great Old One, Cain was tailing Beckett the entire time to see his face when shit hit the dan, Toreador was awake for ages and just fucking around, Nos get's fucked up by his DESIGNATED assassins, Malkav looking like the derranged combination of a Homeless person, Dante from Devil May cry, and T. and C. baker's renditions of Doctor who wearing a patchwork mishmash costume of all of these things, and is still alive because of his netowork and some manifestation of Scorndinger's cat, and the fact that he was actually sleeping under Jerusalem, which is why the Jews were batshit crazy in the first place, which is actually a thing they mentioned.

There was some other stuff- but it basically boiled down to a mass of diablerie, and Team Fortress 2 open world conflict with Hitsquads running like an e-sport to kill off antedilluvians using satellites and nukes as they popped up as remainder vampires eat one another to not suffer annerisms from their grandsires waking up.

Oh, and of course the Tremere get what for as Angry !Not Byakuren Buddisht vampire get's out of the wizard who ate hime and proceeds to Golcona smite everything in sight.

Oh, and the Italians fuck up the Italian job, and accidentally the Rapture and their entire bloodline and stuff. Whilst this is going down the Ayy LMAO vampires trick half of the worlds government leaders into getting into their space ships and eat them/Skinwalker their shit. Others get fucked Flatwoods monster style.

Meanwhile the humans and Christfags just shitpost as much disinfo as possible to keep the faith, and go pretty silly on everything.

The werewolves are sort of important- hitsquads, and Anti-Ravnos Saxton hale mode. Not too sure what the anti-nature demon worm is up to at this point thiugh.

Until you hit something like the nosferatu anti who is so damn eldritch the nuke tickles.

Or the one for Temere who just dissappeared an entire orginozation when he bothered to pay attention.

Had a Storyteller try to run a group through that. I screwed everything up with my 'Blackjack and hookers' build. Relies on a technicality to drop the vampire all the way to Generation 1 without diablerie within ten minutes of the game starting, then an obscure thamaturgic ritual that lets the user break ties with their parent clan and become the first of a new clan. Then using the first trick again (an obscure assamite blood magic ritual) to drop the generation BELOW 1, technically giving the user blood more pure than Caine's, then doing the second ritual again, to say 'Screw being a cainite, I'm my own species of vampire now, none of your bullshit applies to me at all.' (Warning: Does not actually make a user more powerful or grant access to advanced powers/disciplines or plot-armor, just lets the user end-run certain restrictions like 'any cainite suffers X' or 'discipline Y works on any vampire of generation Z or higher'. Will not allow the user to fight an antedeluvian or Caine. Will allow them to ignore Gehenna, for the most part.)

At that point though, the Consensus that was holding Mages back has all but disappeared, meaning you can pull out the "fuck you I win" cards with little consequence.

>mfw There might be Nossies online right now

They could potentially take all the antediluvians cause they already killed one.

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Gehenna was just ended by the technocrats.


Wasn't that one of the endings of the Ascension ending book?

How do you do that?

Because using the same photo for your drivers licence for 70+ years would be far less suspicious.

The Tzimisice antediluvian and Ennoia would be much harder to beat.

Ravnos didn't had much abilities that could be useful agains't high technology.

That’s for sure, however I wouldn’t count the union out.

They could potentially do it, provided they don’t collapse from within.

The sabbat would be a big help as well

Why would you become a gamergril if you had high social stats? Nerdy girls go to Nosies and Malks.

Perharps, but the collateral damage would be way to big.
>Nerdy girls go to Nosies and Malks.
Or Tremere

Crucible of God

Bravo, OPP

What makes him not middle eastern? You think all middle easterns look like mulatoes?

Posting Bloodlines should be a bannable offense.
I don't fucking want to play it again and be reminded of its greatness.
Leave me alone.

>t. installing

>the Ayy LMAO vampires

And that's why he's by far my favourite Bloodlines character.

...Heather ;_;

of course not

Assamite Sorcery ritual: From Marduk's throat, Temporis 7, the thaumaturgy ritual used to create the Daughters of Cacophany, rinse, repeat. Ten minutes pass for everyone else in the setting. Two years pass for you, subjectively as you stockpile the artificial vitae, then chug it all to become a blood-god.

Yeah, a BLOOD driver lololol

> Would X betray Y in VtM?
The answer is always yes. except when you totally expect it. Then the answer is maybe

>all I need to do is to get access to the plot device disciplines...

I don't care what White WOlf tries to claim about a Malkavian Methuselah. That cabbie is Caine. End of story.

best waifu

communism will win

off to gulag, wage and culture cucks

Personally I always liked "Fair is Foul" the best, since it gives the players the greatest amount of agency and ability to affect the plot, without necessarily shattering the Masquerade in the process. Conversely...

- "Wormwood" is basically just a bunch of Virtue, Humanity, and Willpower checks. Pass 'em and live. Fail 'em and die. Everything else is superfluous.

- "Nightshade" involves shattering the Masquerade and, among other things, features inanity like Kindred letting themselves be interviewed by mortal newscasters. It's...weird. I don't much care for it.

- "The Crucible of God", meanwhile, has the last amount of player agency. It cold be better titled "Saulot Verses Tzimisce, Also Featuring Tremere and his Amazing Dancing Monkeys", with the player troupe being the monkeys.

I agree completely, but Lilith doesn't necessarily know or realize that. "Fair is Foul" doesn't need the sevenfold curse to allow for technicalities, it just needs Lilith to believe it does. Likewise, it's pretty easy to adjust Lilith slightly so that she just doesn't CARE about the curse and is willing to die if it means she kills Caine.


As someone who has been in similar circumstance as well as a fan of the game, that is heart breaking to read.

Games are always tough because they are a constant war between "creative" and "business", both being very important and one largely being unable to function without the other.

The worst comes from when the business folk don't understand what they're making. Too many seem to not understand gaming, gamers and such and you end up with situations like this, where they can't see they have something really unique and amazing on their hands that just needs a bit more love to be truly groundbreaking.

Also shows how important a small team of in-house QA is important. Never trust off-site publisher run QA alone.

Sorry, back to whatever we were talking about there.

Every time I see a thread on this I want to play again. What is the replay like? Is there really serious differences? I think the one time I did it was Bruja combat monster. I wanted to try something else but when I tried I always found combat to be too important to invest elsewhere.

>communism will win
>in California

>I wanted to try something else but when I tried I always found combat to be too important to invest elsewhere.
Just like in the tabletop.

i think one of them has such a high control of nature that its immune to fire and heat. so that one can't be nuked.

Unique dialogue and new areas.

Yes. California is the wealthiest(and therefore more capitalist) state in USA and according to Marx the Revolution will start in regions where the capitalistic contradiction is more evident.