>Where to play it online (replace spaces with dots): Jinteki net
Try "Why I Run", great for prospective Runners looking for a hands-on demo on how Running works (replace spaces with dots): www nagnazul com/whyirun/whyirun.html
One can only hope reg crims get something useful to help make them playable again.
Also, Gabe is doing well at least, in-universe at any rate.
Nathan Barnes
Old bread.
Julian Ramirez
New crim ID is interesting, and synergizes fantastically with Aumakua but its basically all but officially confirmed that they're getting a new version of Account Siphon.
Christopher Moore
And if rumours are to be believed, a ‘balanced’ version of ‘ol Desperado. Something about needing a click to make the run for the cred or somesuch.
419 is going to be a decent choice for a reg crim at least. Having Falsified Creds as near certain Sure Gamble 4-6 really helps his econ. Almost no reason to play Sil any more.
Nathan Rogers
Here’s hoping the spoilers would appear sooner rather than later as an early Xmas gift...
Jacob Rodriguez
>The devil and the dragon will be released on the 28th of December No it won't - Sovereign Sight (Kitara pack 1) might be, but The Devil and the Dragon is Kitara 4, so that's like March.
It does look sweet though - Apex at the very least is confirmed for getting 2 cards (Assimilator, which turns facedowns faceup, and a 5 inf virus), there's a new regass crim, and Weyland joins the painful-to-steal club
I thought that was a near-certainty anyway. 419 looks good, though if he gets big it's worth noting he dies immediately to psychic field
Joseph Roberts
Whoops, sorry for kitara mix up. Who is the best girl in this game?
Jose Cook
Smoke. Leela and Hayley are contenders, yanderefags love Elizabeth Mills
Xavier Thomas
Man, took me a moment of looking at the art to realise how the rules and name lined up.
I do like corps getting good amounts of 'This is not really supervillian shit' agendas. Making money isn't ALWAYS about being evil.
Andrew Watson
City Works Project will be fun since there's a lack of any meat damage protection besides Obelus and Mercs. Maybe import Mushin as well in addition to Dedication Ceremony?
Ian Moore
If you dedicate it you're looking at 5 meat, from what is clearly a reactor explosion - having the thing wired to blow isn't exactly a good guy move, but yeah it's nice to see that there's a bit of good the corps do - ymmv on the NBN ID's motives and actions though.
Mushin I'd say import with the new ID, as you can leave those 3 points hanging around for advancements per turn with a good chance that the runner won't steal for 5-8 meat
Ryder Perez
With deckbuilding, can any corporation use the Agendas of any other corporation?
Wyatt Lee
No. Cards without an influence tracker can't be imported into other factions.
Jonathan Edwards
Best Girl of a Lost Age.
Christopher Scott
Ah, thank you.
William Reed
Such a terrible shame the reactor doesn't turn into a pretty fireworks show if the plans gets stolen BEFORE the thing actually gets turned on. It would have been such a nasty random ambush (alongside Snare et al) for a deep digging runner.
Joseph Perez
Maybe if it was jinteki but that might have been a bit much.
Jeremiah Reed
Brayden Rivera
Anthony Butler
Dominic Bennett
3 inf
Sorry for ant pics, fixed now
Jackson Walker
how big is this game just found out that the guy who made mtg made it and the lack of booster packs is making me interested.
Angel Davis
Its pretty modest compared to the behemoth that is mtg, but if you are coming in, now is a great time with the new Core set being released.
Xmas coming early! More please!
Ryder Taylor
Chase Robinson
Nathaniel Morales
Christian Kelly
Eli Green
Gonna wait till everything is done to review the cards, but thanks for the spoilers! Everything looks pretty cool so far
Hunter Powell
Wouldn't mind a larger image and/or a text summary, but many thanks for the gifts!
Matthew Diaz
datasucker virus counter gain can use virus counters from any card to boost and break 2 mu
Blake Myers
Hayley Kaplan, Our Lady Of Shaper Nonsense.
Other acceptable answers include Smoke, Maxx, Lela, and Kit.
5 more here, Gene Splicer for Jinteki, Lewi Guilherme for Crims, and 1 more unspoiled card.
Anthony Kelly
By Any Means is pretty interesting, works as asset spam hate but it'll also let you dig into RnD and HQ by trashing any card. The damage is likely preventable too. Yusuf looks pretty good in a virus deck especially with Virus Breeding Ground, though I don't think it outdoes Paperclip besides being essentially free to break. Might be viruses are going to get a stealth type rig build enabled?
Zamba will work great with the new Crim ID, and it also synergizes with GPI Net Tap. Might switch out Daredevil with this in the Nero deck I'm building to save influence. Puffer looks good, people were hyped about Na'Not'K, and this is obviously a better version, if MU heavy. Obvious synergy with Daemons, and decks with extra MU would probably like it, though maybe a Mongoose backup would be good.
Cyberdelia is underwhelming, but stealth builds might like it probably, or bad pub decks.
Najja 1.0 is pretty modest, though its depressing to see that its cheaper to Weyland's Battlement, even if it is more porous.
Nice to see Jinteki getting more trap cards. Mganga is probably a replacement to Data Mine, though I don't know if this is any better. Genotyping is more RnD shenanigans, can't think of a good use case for it though.
Calibration Testing is really weird. Wonder what they're planning on doing with the midrun advancements mechanic. Self-Growth Program is more tag punishment, I wonder if this card circumvents Jarogniew Merc's self-protection since it isn't a trash.
Wyatt Morgan
Wake Up Call is the first to have a new subtype, Reprisal. I do wonder if there's enough targets on that to be useful though, but it's a start. Maybe a new FAQ is due for whether or not this kind of damage-by-choice can be prevented or not using the "if they don't suffer the damage, they did not fulfill the choice" argument. If they can't prevent the damage though Jarogniew Merc's and other "cannot be trashed" cards make for tantalizing targets, and still is even if it is preventable. I also love the fact that they release this the same time as two cards that have a decent trash priority. Reconstruction Contract seems like good support for Builder of Nations, even just 2 tokens will let you FA out a 4/2, and 1 token will open up Biotic Labor opportunities.
Exciting stuff overall, the amount of meat damage cards Weyland just got makes me giddy.
Dominic Powell
>Calibration Testing is really weird. Wonder what they're planning on doing with the midrun advancements mechanic.
I read this as "one shot SanSan City Grid". This feels like it could be absolutely brutal out of CtM, especially if they can get an AR-enhanced security out of it.
Jacob Powell
Is it worth going to 50 cards for the runner if you're adding draw cards to the deck? Like say Sports Hopper. I'm at 48 and I can't think of anything to cut besides Sure Gambles.
One time SanSan/Biotic seems a lot better, and thinking of it that way it's a lot more similar to Reconstruction Contract than I thought. Probably some shenanigans there too if you can install clicklessly.
Nolan Davis
It rarely is a good idea to go above minimum deck size for any runner (except maybe MaXx). What's your deck like?
Idk if Puffer can be considered outright better then Mongoose though. The setup and mem costs alone just to get into Mimic strength is brutal. Most reg crims would rather cough up the 1 inf for the shaper killer instead.
Tyler Brooks
Gotta love how Ododuwa can be used to bypass the "no advancement token" restriction on SSO. Urge to jank rising.
In love with Reprisal already.
Alexander Wood
Gargarin in particular would love to throw those out, but yes it would be good to clarify that prevention thing sooner rather then later.
Henry Morgan
Add neutral options and the runner isn't unarmed: Biometric Spoofing, Citadel Sanctuary, Crash Space, Guru Davinder, Jarogniew Mercs, Heartbeat, On the Lam, Paparazzi, technically here Recon Drone (I like the flavor in that case), Sacrificial Clone (if one would), The Noble Path.
Watch the competitive community declare City Work Project un-salvageable shit because the damage is not a cost, with all it entails?
J working hard to make it happen at least. Watch as NBN argues in court it owns the DNA of its employees, per contractual agreement.
Caleb Rivera
>I wonder if this card circumvents Jarogniew Merc's self-protection since it isn't a trash.
As per existing similar e cases we've seen with programs, it should.
Nothing crazy to it, but I kinda like the idea of Cyberdelia early game against Bioroids. One free credit for breaking subroutines you were going to break anyway? Yeah, some stealth builds are likely going to find it worth the investment. Nasir?
Joseph White
Its more of a tongue-in-cheek thing with reference to the mechanical side rather then fluff.
That being said, one can only wonder if Jackson Himself would reappear in some form for his own faction?
Gabriel Myers
>Its more of a tongue-in-cheek thing with reference to the mechanical side rather then fluff.
I got that. Implications were interesting so I chose to ride along. I would be terribly surprised if we were to never see Jackson - or references to him - again on some card.
Andrew Hernandez
The problem is, it's at least four turns before it even breaks even. It's not really an economic effect; it's memory which defrays its own cost some over time. It's an improvement on Omni-drive, essentially - one credit per turn using programs, one memory, just more flexible and easy to stack.
The thing is, Omni-drive has never really been played. Maybe this works, but I doubt it.
Nathaniel Clark
Because I love stupid and needlessly extravagant: Reprisal in a Stand Off deck.
Jayden Evans
That's why I immediately thought Nasir: you *want* to spend that money anyway.
Elijah Clark
Omni drive was never played because order of install was crucial for it to work. This seems better.
Julian Robinson
>a good 5/3 for my Skorp/Casting call deck
Hudson Gray
What are the odds BAM and/or other combo cards that can result in mass milling are going to end up on the List sooner or later?
Christian Thompson
Hey, Veeky Forums, I feel the need to inversifiKit. How do I Shaper econ without Levy, Mopus, Clone Chip, or Aesop?
Hunter Brooks
The only thing I can think off is ProCo/Tpewrm+SacCon/Beth K-C alongside the usual neutral econ. Other then that Kit is pretty much out of luck.
Cameron Cox
It stacks as well, so it’s possible to outright score a 5/3 from hand if you can manage to protect them prior to the scoring attempt.
Austin Lopez
It's the Daredevil Nero deck from before, just updated to replace Daredevil with Zamba. Quite a ways different from the original idea at this point. Idea is to derez often and get credits off of GPI + Zamba and Au Revoir. Couldn't think of 3, even 2, cards to go from 48 to 45/46, so I added Sports Hopper for more link and draw.
Zamba Nero (50 cards) Nero Severn: Information Broker -- event (8 cards) 3 Forged Activation Orders 2 Peace in Our Time ** 3 Sure Gamble -- hardware (11 cards) 2 Zamba 2 Dyson Mem Chip 3 GPI Net Tap 2 Rubicon Switch 2 Sports Hopper -- program (13 cards) 2 Abagnale 3 Au Revoir 2 Aumakua 3 Cache 2 Mongoose 1 Paperclip *** -- resource (18 cards) 3 Blockade Runner 1 Caldera 2 Film Critic ** 2 Globalsec Security Clearance **** 1 Hernando Cortez 2 Jak Sinclair **** 2 Maxwell James 2 Rosetta 2.0 3 Underworld Contact
Josiah Mitchell
It's definitely not better, but it'd be pretty good with Dhegdeer. I imagine we might be getting more Daemons too since we're playing with MU? Though I guess the elephant in the room is a Dean Lister Aumakua takes way less effort.
Interestingly I rarely see decks with said protection these days though. Might be the econ hit was more severe than we thought? Or is it just a "can't prevent Obokata damage anyway" mentality?
The damage holds it back atleast, and you can play it at most 3 times, but I can already see the synergy with Counter Surveillance decks. Paparazzi prevents all meat damage while its on the table too, could be something dangerous there.
Nicholas Phillips
I wonder if UC+Rabbit Hole (or something else) would be worth it. It's really slow, but the whole issue is that you lack a long game. Maybe make up for slow starts with Peace in Our Time? Kinda defeats the value of swapping ice around so they have to rez.
Jack Gray
Just noticed that Reconstruction Contract is covering up a hole that suspiciously looks a lot like the one in Urban Renewal. Sneaky.
Adrian Baker
Is there any way to get all the cards that are 1-2 off in the core set elsewhere (not ebay)? Or do I really have to buy 3 core sets to have a good deck?
I figured they would have solved that issue with core set re-release.
Ethan Bell
1 Core is fine for beginner-intermediate decks. You're better off buying deluxes than more cores.
Dominic Cox
I thought the whole appeal of LGS like Netrunner is to have access to all the cards. What is the point of forcing people to buy multiple core sets and why do people support this practice?
Joshua Rogers
I used to despise it, but they have one very good argument: low cost, good card variety, full playsets choose two.
Netrunner has a fairly large casual scene, and 100$ core sets don't appeal at all.
However, the lack of a "core completion set" is just a bad practice and pure greed, I agree with that.
Nathaniel Scott
I wish someone actually told the developers that they are really stupid and are actively stifling their own game by doing things like that. It is too bad because Netrunner is really fun.
Oh well, I guess I'll check back once/if the developers change their mind or at least release completion set.
William Hill
That new HB ID looks... interesting. Less aggravating EtF in a way.
William Long
Shapers aren’t going to bother importing a 4inf killer, and Crims only have Rosetta as their tutor if they do decide to import Dhegs (at least 2 for 4inf which could have been used elsewhere). So that’s a LOT of effort for mediocre gains.
ASA Group does look interesting, and combos really well with Cali Testing which is conveniently in the same pack somehow...
Also, APEX can now pack Aesops!
Parker Martin
I've been playing for almost a year with a single core without needing to buy more. Multiple core sets probably only really matter when you're aiming for high level play, when you keep dying to Snares and losing to RnD digs you're better off improving your play than worrying about getting full playsets of cards.
Nicholas Lopez
The last spoiler. Looking pretty decent for a reg HB ID (rip EtF), probably the best even.
Brody Young
Is it less aggravating? Because the very first thing that's gonna happen is people bringing back Estelle Moon decks, now with more Ultraviolet Clearance.
And I suspect that that's gonna get real old, real fast.
Angel Roberts
I have a feeling this is vanilla enough that it will be the new EtF, as in it'll be the only HB ID we see everywhere, though nowhere near as good. CI is probably still the stronger ID I think.
Adam Adams
The more I look at Yusuf, the more it has "future problem card" written all over it - though I love the base design.
I keep wondering what being priority actually impacts for By Any Means (which is going to be cool with Clan Vengeance).
As someone that has loved leaving a Casting Call-ed Underway on the table to force the runner into a steal, I must say SSO looks enticing for that play.
Aaron Mitchell
At least it has to be build and played around instead of being basically one auto-credit per turn for doing things you cannot not do.
Mason Ross
It is hard to top CI in this era of no Jacksons. Unless HB gets something akin to Genotyping post-haste, there is always the major risk of flooding even if one goes through the Moons route.
Julian Allen
>Yusuf Why? It's only a Fracter and lives alongside Paperclip, though a Baba Yaga deck with it could prove interesting for the strength pump.
Jason Reyes
This goes into my Punitive deck, easy. It's not hard to create windows where the runner can't get in, eat the 4 meat damage and survive the counterstrike.
Jayden Howard
To try and answer my own question, I guess you cannot check a card, see it's not an agenda, and then play BAM to trash it. You have to play BAM, and then trash everything accessed, agenda(s) included?
Tyler Evans
It's a 1 credit to install, 3 str fracter that breaks for no credits and comes with its built-in boosted Datasucker. I wouldn't take that lightly - there's potential for a lot of pressure on the corp early game. Granted, the silver lining is that there has been a significant reduction in the pool of viruses with counters that gets significantly played with Medium and Nerve leaving. But then I can't but wonder how it would fit in one of those God of War builds, for one. And then there's Friday Chip (just noticed the synergy with By Any Means, silly me) coming and who knows what other Virus+support (if only that second Apex Card looks like it).
Asher Davis
What about the 2 mem cost? Wouldn’t that be inconvenient at times?
Isaiah Gray
It definitely could, but then that's one Datasucker you don't *have* to install either - with the click and money saved up. I keep coming back to the fact that if you get it going, it changes a single barrier gear-check server into a free server for a one credit investment.
In the end my concern might be overblown, but had I been on the testing team for that one I would certainly have put it on the "keep watch" list.
Brayden Watson
I keep thinking Seidr doesn't get the love it should. Even if/when it doesn't fire, the way it changes runner behavior into not click-breaking bioroid subroutines for fear of you getting a card back is invaluable, I found.
Benjamin Scott
No he doesn't. You'll lose your hand, but the corp would still need an additional source of damage that same turn, just like exposing or running it any other way. It is also a may, so if you're really worried about Fields, just be more conservative with proccing the expose.
Hunter Thompson
A double advanced fire wall requires you to have 3 viruses to break. Same with 1 spider web.
But, Friday Chip, VIrus Breeding ground, and Incubator all give you counters, 2 of those for free. Its certainly an interesting mechanic to check out, but it could get out of hand.
Cameron Ramirez
I'm seeing the basic combo being Urban Renewal -> let it tick down -> City Works Project
Takes 3 turns after rez, because there's no way the Runner is taking a 4-damage hit on their turn AND a 4-damage hit on your turn, plus punitive / neural / traffic accident (casting call) opportunities. So it's basically a slightly slower MCA that doesn't slow down the game, but costs more to trash. Stick Urban Renewal in your scoring remote and you might force open a window regardless of what the runner does.
Aaron Martinez
Operant word: *If you get it going*. Chances are you need at minimum one extra card or you're just locked out after a purge once everything is ICEd up, and I don't think a card needing other cards to function consistently is an insignificant consideration.
Dylan Kelly
I agree, but people get pissed if there is a non-credit economy subsisting along with the credit one. They feel it's costing them nothing when in fact the non-credit economy is either self-sustained or limited, or both.
Easton Williams
This art is fucking ridiculous
James Williams
I wouldn't say pissed myself, as I said I like the design, I'm just wary of it.
Is part of the problem I'd say.
>and I don't think a card needing other cards to function consistently is an insignificant consideration.
I'm going to be cheeky (cause I agree) but, you mean like Faust? Or Aesop if you meant installed cards. Specific installed cards... Yog.0? More seriously, looking at things, Yusuf might just be why Battlement is a thing.
Henry Stewart
Kinda reminiscent of the now gone ABT in a way.
John Torres
Yeah but once the runner has found their breakers the ID is basically blank (with the exception of other click-loss effects such as Strongbox or Mason Bellamy) and in a runner world where Shapers dominate, the right breaker is never far away.
Also, the strongest (and definitely most annoying) Seidr decks that I have played against have unfortunately been Moon-fuelled asset spam which use Ronald Five to recur key assets. It's a much more consistent way of ensuring that the ID triggers since the runner has no choice but to contest the assets or risk losing the game.
Lincoln Cox
Yup, no 'may' on the trash, so you have to trash everything.
I have the feeling that it comes down to Barriers not being taxing enough for this to be a problem. Most are just gearchecks, and with Paperclip being Paperclip, and Yusuf being high strength, fracters in general are just way too efficient for the kind of barriers they keep printing. I hope they introduce more barriers with effects for breaking, passing, or encountering, and hopefully throw a few of those into Weyland too. Yusuf would be less worrying if there was something like "When the Runner breaks all subroutines, purge virus counters."
Jackson Turner
Jinteki/Anarch seems like good vibes. I even had fun with the apparent trashfire that's core set Jinteki. What datapacks should I pick up?
Xavier Cook
Both Jinteki and Anarch get pretty good cards in their deluxes, so get those.
Dominic Cox
Are we talking about the original core set or the revised core set? Anyway, without knowing exactly what type of Jinteki/Anarch you want to build towards, here's a few general suggestions.
Honor and Profit is a no-brainer for Jinteki, get that first. For specific data packs I would recommend: >Blood and Water Obokata Protocol is hands down the best Jinteki agenda, Miraju is a great piece of utility ICE and Shipment from Tennin lets you score 3/2 and 3/1 agendas from hand. >Escalation DNA Tracker is arguably the best Jinteki ICE in the game, Potential Unleashed is a powerful (if grindy) ID and Ark Lockdown lets you permanently remove cards that you've sniped with net damage. Scarcity of Resources is a great current for resource-heavy runner metas. >Crimson Dust MCA Austerity Policy helps with scoring agendas and Breached Dome makes your archives a pain in the ass to run through. Also has Aumakua which is a great AI breaker for any runner who runs often.
As for Anarch, you should probably get Creation and Control as your first big box. Even though it's for Shaper-focused there's a bunch of neutral econ cards that are ubiquitous. For data packs, I think you should start with collecting the conspiracy breakers (Paperclip, MKUltra, Black Orchestra): >Blood Money Has Paperclip which is hands down the best barrier breaker in the game. Unfortunately, some of the cards in this pack have been banned from competitive play. >Martial Law Has MKUltra. I'll be honest, this one isn't great for Anarch in other aspects. >Escalation Has Black Orchestra. I've already recommended this pack for Jinteki, but it also has a powerful run-focused ID in Omar and a solid console in Obelus.
Adam Walker
Barriers aren't taxing enough, but that's a function of Lady and Paperclip existing. And Lady is at least defensible on the grounds of requiring support that is awkward (Scavange) or itself restricted (LARLA, Clone Chip).
You call it "changing runner behavior", I call it "giving the runner the ability to turn off your ID ability". Since most runners don't want to click through stuff anyway...it really isn't that helpful. A slightly more cautious runner just means that you've got nothing to show for it when they're set up fully.
Carson Moore
That could actually be useful if there's a self-protecting agenda in a scoring remote that you normally wouldn't be able to steal. Better to trash the agenda so the corp can't score it and then steal it the following turn.
Joseph Martinez
There's an interesting conversation to be had about ICE types, unfortunately, I don't have time to do the math right now. To my mind , the tax in breaking ICE from lower to bigger should be: Sentry, Barrier, Code Gates.
It all goes back on that old conversation about ETR being a "boring" subroutine. Certainly, it isn't flashy, but if a corp expects to win it is a *vital* one - you can't steal agendas if you cannot break ETR subroutines, while other subroutines are basically an alternative payment to go through.
Way I see it, Sentries should have high alternative payment for low taxing if broken. Code gates should have small alternative payments and high breaking cost (Tapestry is probably one of my fave example). And Barriers should sit somewhat in the middle.
Now things get muddled fierce when designers start to experiment and push boundaries (ETR sentries, high impact price barriers, etc..), to which you must add the difficulty of balancing in the lowest econ echelons. You don't have much margins for one cost ICE. But overall, that's how I would see things.
Charles Foster
Yeah, but you don't have an informed choice or an expose window (unless you're 419) from it being priority. You can't go in, see you cannot steal and trash. It's go and trash, or go and steal. That was more my point.
Ian Hill
One contradiction your tax hierarchy has with the current game is that Sentries are rarely ETR. Hence why every Killer breaks weird (and I'm thinking it's intentional) and the subs are punishing; you can "break" the subs by letting them fire. To me I think they have Sentries and Killers more or less figured out, it's the Barriers and Code Gates that are wonky, if nothing else because Code Gates are sometimes just a Barrier that can't be broken by a Fracter. And to further add to the muddling there's rez cost too.
I feel like there should be guideline to determine how a card gets designed, probably something like this: Sentries are usually taxing to break (high strength or multi-sub), but letting them fire lets you through. Subs either *punish* or hurt the runner. Barriers are must breaks, there's no other way around them besides getting your fracter down. Subs *always* atleast one ETR. Code Gates are less punishing facechecks, and they should have *conditional* ETRs. Subs *help* the Corp, or slow down the runner (but not hurt them).
Then when deciding on numbers, they follow those guidelines, as well as a simple baseline. 1 sub, 1 strength, 1 cost (Ice Wall). Add a strength and sub, add 2 cost (Enigma). Extra effects? Increase the cost accordingly (Data Loop). Does it have a weakness of sort? Reduce the cost (Paper Wall, Ravana) And here's probably the most important bit: does the card venture into the territory of the other ice types? Add to the cost (Guard).
After that you could evaluate the subs themselves on how critical they are, as well as comparing it to existing icebreakers (Neural Katana vs Ninja) but the basic skeleton is there to bounce ideas off of. One weakness of this design plan/skeleton is there's little room for outliers (Aiki and Mind Games probably can't exist using this), but veering off of the guidelines for those special ICE isn't a problem. Just that I think having guidelines at all can help with quality control.
Benjamin Stewart
Original and revised put together.
For Jinteki (using PE) I was gonna go with a mindgame-free deck that focuses on wasting Runner's time (via forcing them to spend clicks to draw cards) and scoring fast agendas.
For Anarchs (probably utilizing Noise), is the information in the Anarch cookbook still valid, or have they gotten a bit better since then?