/swg/ Star Wars General

Life Day Truce edition.

Last Thread: Post about FFG, WEG D6, Saga/d20, Lego, X-wing, Armada, Legion, and anything else SW Related

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ SW RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
Other FFG SW Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)
FFG Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the SW RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older SW Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

Remember, whether you love or hate the new movies, whether you prefer the Expanded Universr or New Canon, whether you think the Empire or Rebellion was good or evil, whether you love or hate RedLetterMedia, whether or not you play X-Wing or Armada, Legion or Imperial Assault, WEG or FFG, we're all still here for the same reason: because we love that Galaxy far, far away.

Have a good Life Day, /swg/.

>typo in the op
well there goes the thread, sorry dudes

>we're all still here for the same reason: >because we love that Galaxy far, far away.
>Have a good Life Day, /swg/

thank you op your a good person

1st for armada

jk armada isn't 1st in anything except my heart

Remember to bully Hux.

You know what I want to celebrate this life day?

Girls. Who are also ships.

Have you ever played/GM’d a holiday-themed adventure in your Star Wars games?

How do I love Star Wars again? I love that galaxy far far away, but the sequels have killed that feeling for anything after Jedi.

I'd actually like to play an AoR game with a Life Day truce scenario. Tense combat in an urban area with strong lines of Rebel and Imperial soldiers, then one side or the other calls a truce and everyone comes out to celebrate Life Day together and sing their favorite jizz songs.

Is Thrawn's set out yet?

No, looking like March at the earliest.

just remember if you didn't like the sequels you can always have the original trilogy and the other old stuff

Re-read your favourite old Eu book whilst listening to the soundtracks of whichever film is your favourite.

also whats a good eu book to start with? been meaning to get into them for awhile

Because it's YOUR galaxy. Love the EU? Go with it. Hate parts of it? Pick out what you like. Love New Canon? Go with it, pick out parts you don't like if you hate them. Or stick with the OT. Or the PT. Or just the games. Or even just certain books. Hell, even just some music.

Star Wars is all about what you yourself make of it. It's what makes it so wonderful.

Make your own Star Wars, dude. The best thing about this universe is the limitless potential it has. As long as you have the right trappings and themes, any story can be a Star Wars story.

You want straightforward clashes between good and evil? Write it up.

You want to explore all the sides of a morally-grey universe? Write it up.

You want to just have some dumb fun out in the Outer Rim? Write it up.

The power is yours, user. Take what you love about Star Wars, what you think it should be, and just write it down.

X-wing or Thrawn

That actually sounds nice. I may do that.
I'm still worried about how I'll run a game again because I just want to throw out the Disney stuff but my friends love it.

Reposting from the last thread, which do you like more RotS or TLJ?

I, Jedi
Corran Horn is the man.

What others would you like to see write for Star Wars, either old or new canon?

Pic related would make an orgasmic Imperial-perspective read.

Just keep the good stuff and throw out the bad, it's what I'd do if I wasn't playing stipped down legends.

Just run something during the GCW so it doesnt have any impact.

Thrawn trilogy and duology, X-Wing series, and then other stuff depending on which characters you like most.

the thrawn trilogy is what built the EU in first real efforts, so start there

Thrawn Trilogy is a pretty definitive start to the EU. They aren't perfect but they've got a solid, on keel tone set.

If you want a more "continuing right away where RotJ stopped" type novel, try the X-Wing novel series, that keeps you much more in the "Oh shit we've still got a war to win" box.

It's been long enough since I've watched RotS that I can't really give a fully informed answer, but I kinda wanna say I linked TLJ more.

RotS has sweet moments like that opening shot of the battle above Coruscant, TLJ has stuff like Luke absolutely styling on Kylo in front of everyone.

if you like reading RPG books for lore I'd recommend most of the stuff West End Games made, it goes closer to proper sci-fi in some points but it still feels right.

Truly the best thread opener in times like this. Thanks OP.

TLJ, by far. But that's still not saying a whole lot.

heck if you wanted you could make a fan film or what ever in addition to the other stuff already mentioned

Yup, Thrawn is definitely among the best stories ofr the EU. Keep in mind, it's nowhere near perfect, it's got some moments and characters you either love or hate, but overall, it's very solid.

I'd also recommend X-Wing and TIE Fighter as great games for lore too, surprisingly. They're complicated games themselves but they have heaps of very sensible and well-written fluff that don't go into overblown or outlandish territory like a lot of the EU at times does. They're probably the most down-to-space-earth Star Wars games out there desu.

OP is truly a
good person

thanks i love the x-wing tie fighter games i bought a flight joystick last year just to play them

TLJ is the worst film. At least the prequels had vision and a whole galaxy of life.

RotS. TLJ felt like a Cannon Films Star Wars knockoff without the heart. The universe didn't feel lived in. It also didn't help that they did Ackbar that dirty.

TLJ, the acting is just for more consistent.

RotS, but it's not a happy decision. .

TLJ needed more of Mark, less of the rest of everything else in TLJ.

>"OP sacrifices himself to save /swg/ from shitposters (23 Dec. 2017, colorized)"

In the spirit of Life Day, I propose we don't bitch about the new movie this time.

Instead, let's talk about Lightsabers. Specifically, the "Legends" interpretation of Lightsabers. If you were making a lightsaber that represented you, how would you do it?

What sort of materials would the handle be made out of? What style of handle would it be? What crystal or crystals from either the real world or Star Wars would you put in it? What color would it be? How big would it be?

If it were me, I'd make it a lightsaber staff. A long, retractable aluminum pole and a long lightsaber hilt. It would be something I could use to support myself on long journeys. Style-wise, I'd probably go for something simple and tough, maybe molded plastics with a plain gray grip of textured pleather. No fancy metals or gemstones on the exterior, because I'd be taking it everywhere on travels near and far, and I don't need to be worrying about if I'll scratch it or dent it.

As for crystals, I'd go simple. A yellow color crystal, paired with obsidian as a focusing stone .

To add, everybody outside of the primary cast felt less like people and more like props. And Finn was robbed of any agency as a character, unallowed to do anything of his own volition.

I'd probably want something simple. Wrapped fabric on the grip, plain metal with no real affectations beside the grip.
Wouldnt go for particularly big either, just normal size.
Yellow blade, whichever gem would work for that colour.

What's your shameful secret favourite star wars ship?

An incomplete mess because I'm a failure and a half.

The up-armored Y-wings that look like space sport cars.
My actual favorite is the z-95 though.

How good are Outlaw Techs?

The prequels, RotS included, had awful acting and writing, but created a world you could set stuff in. As an example, the Battle of Coruscant is something you could go through with an RPG party or recreate in an Armada game (if FFG would sell the era's god damn ships), without ever seeing/interacting with/mentioning the characters of the film.

TLJ was a much more intimate film than that. Nothing happens that doesn't directly involve the main characters as primary agents. And even the backdrop was the same - the Resistance has no fleet and the First Order's fleet is mentioned only in passing, for instance; the casino planet feels plastic and lifeless (like the boring underworld scenes in AotC). But conversely, the character stuff was done much better. Rey/Luke/Kylo was way more interesting than Anakin/Obi-wan/Sheev, even if TLJ's meaningful emotional beats were less than 25% of the movie.

TLJ basically felt like a shitty version of Logan, whereas RotS felt like a shitty version of a source book. But Logan is a better movie than a source book is a movie, so TLJ wins out.

It's kind of a shame we'll never get to see Hamill and McGregor acting opposite each other. Surely at this point introducing time travel to what's left of Star Wars would be worth that.

>If you were making a lightsaber that represented you, how would you do it?
Constantly theory-crafting cool lightsabers and never actually building any of them until I eventually end up with a hand-me-down I default to because I'm too much of asshole to actually take the initiative to make one despite spending all my time talking about it

oops posted in ded thred

glad that im not alone. who made up your party/what kind of things did they do? feel a little lost, looking to have a nice big campaign without being pretentious or mary sue-ish.

RotS by far

It's one of my favorite Star Wars films.

Not to be autistic, but I like the angle of the fall of the Epic hero. I particularly like Anakin's fall and Palpatine manipulating him (exploiting his every weakness), and the final duel at the end is my all-time favorite.

I really can talk about this movie all day. I just love the story, love the characters, love the settings.

>Jizz songs

>He doesn't know about Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers

Situational, but can be built around.

You can combo with

- Maul on a YV666 to stop, get a focus, and de-stress
- Scurrgs with Deadeye to talon roll and shoot a harpoon missile.

4-lom Pilot to fuck with people

All seem interesting, and can seriously confuse people if they haven't seen it before. Worth the 2 points there,

You were talking about the Crew card for X-wing, right? Are you working on a squad?

It depends on how much your GM lets you be an autistic gear freak. Personally, I don't like Outlaw Techs, because all they are is autistic gear freaks. You make gear better, and have gear as needed. You end up a pain in the ass because the GM needs to control your gear autism, and can only do this by putting you on some ass-backwards planet where you can't just Utinni! your way into everything.

To be fair, too much jizz music is pretty tough to swallow.

They may be old, high maintenance and hopelessly outgunned by anything larger than a CR-90, but they have a special place in my heart. And given a bit of love and a shitload of credits[/spoilers] they can brawl with the best of 'em. My girl's been retrofitted with a frag-load of heavy concussions, we're gonna scare the force outta some idiot captains.
Wooden grip, rapier style cortosis guard and either a mint green or emerald classic for the crystal. Standard length, blade and hilt, I want to keep my off hand free for an energy shield or something.

Don't be so salty about it. Jizz music can be delightfully smooth when it fills you up.

I'm flying VI Quickdraw with Optics and standard stuff(VI, LWF, FCS, title) and 2 Rhos with HLC, Linked, LRS, and Crack this regional season, and looking for advice against some problem squads.
I’m wondering about how to deal with 3 Nu Gunboats with LRS and Harpoon, + Quick Draw with LWF, VI, and FCS. I know that if I can keep my QD alive through the initial engagement, I can 1-round their QD with the Gunboats, or potentially PS kill a gunboat if we both keep our QD’s back out of the first engage. (Since if they use LRS to lock a gunboat instead of QD, that fight is over) Is it better to try to jam my QD into range 1 to avoid the Harpoons but take primary shots (that I can’t arc dodge), or to peel off entirely and let the gunboats go solo for a round to do damage? I’ve never seen good people fly the 3nu+QD list. Is there some other way I should be trying to fly against it? What are things that the list is trying to do?

Me personally, I'd probably forgo one entirely, but if I made one, I'd go with a plain dueling hilt. Dat curve.

For jedi characters I've made, the most recent would make the saber equivalent of an AK47, not gonna win any beauty contests but it'll keep working no matter how much shit you put it through. The other would have a set of multiple sabers with identical outer casings, with dueling grips. Each one has a different crystal, corresponding to the assorted damage types you could get in assorted tabletop systems. He only ever uses one at a time as needed for the situation at hand, with the rest tucked against the small of his back.

Our party was all mundane, and focused around bounty hunting and mercenary work for the most part. It gave the start of the campaign an episodic feel that was pretty nice. Eventually, the plot threads came together surrounding a massive corporate scandal and subterfuge/espionage stuff involving Czerka and basically a rogue AI, leading up to the company's downfall and was a component in the CZ-198 campaign.

Rey/ Finn

No, EotE.

Are there any tech specs that aren't overspecialized?

Have not been on /swg/ in a while. I forgot about all the shit posters who come out to shit on every new movie.

The basic mechanic techie lets you do all the basic fun fix stuff you want, and the small theme of being a burly gresemonkey lends itself to having some brawl in your back pocket too.

The Gozanti. Mission customiseable, low profile and easy to crew up. It seems like 90% of the Empire's missions and operations could reasonably be done a 1 or 2 of them.

Seconding the basic mechanic. The technicians are apparently all supposed to be autistic. Dipping into the trees may be your best bet.

>voicing complaints about a mediocre corporate product is shitposting now

Too slow to do most missions with.

If they had some sort of fast gozanti that could kill another ship without it's associated fighters though....

Yeah, I ran A Very Toydarian Hannukah as a one-shot.

I can storytime if there's interest

please do storytime!

that sounds delightful


Im with this user.
When this ship was first teased in FFGs books, forgot which, and was said to be the Empire's "Corellian Frigate", I've loved it since.

More star wars shipfus?

Dye-wings. Or alternatively, those weird-ass fighter and capital ship designs from the Golden Age of the Sith.

>Star Wars fans complaining about Star Wars

that's pretty respectable and was pretty much one of the two plans I had. what do you think about more republic/sith aligned parties? ive always thought sith alchemy and the wacky shit sith lords with too much time and not enough friends cook up was really cool. playing with the idea of a rogue mad sith trying to basically rubric marine his troops and anyone who gets in the way, getting hunted by republic dudes who want to not deal with that when push comes to shove and sith who want to punish him for being a traitor and maybe steal his research during the twilight months of the cold war. pursuit brings out long standing grudge between particular Jedi and sith + corporate fuckery all with the backdrop of hostilities officially resuming and orders filtering from the top for everyone involved to focus on the prep for war and actually fighting the war.

I'm not sure about shameful, but I felt like this was more apropos to the prompt than an Interdictor would have been.

I don't know, man, can your raiders carry AT-ATs like a dude showing up to a party with 2 6-packs? If not then I keep my reservations.

I grew up on the old Jude Watson books. You can marathon the Jedi Apprentice books tonight, and the Jedi Quest books tomorrow morning.

I think that could be pretty cool. There's also the Power Guard project to tie into it if you'd like, and many various companies might be willing to, if only in secret, help him achieve these goals believing he would simple to dispose of once finished. Also possibly somehow using the Voss, though I'm unsure how.

I'm currently starting two more, so the era has been on my mind lately.

RotS is underrated.

ANH > ESB > RotJ > R1 > RotS > TPM > TFA > AotC > Holiday Special > TLJ

>putting TLJ below the fucking holiday special
wew lad

Puh lease, It fucks off after that because it's never made to play with the big kids. If Anything, those 6 packs it brings was given to him by his bigger brother in a desperate attempt at being popular. It's ignored after that because all we needed were those AT-ATs

I've got a couple, let me run through them.

The TIE Bomber with a turbolaser instead of a bomb pod.


So uh, when can you even use leadership checks outside of the few active talents such as field commander?

Hear me out. The Holiday Special basically affected nothing, so despite being utter excrement and almost torturous to experience, it's better than TLJ.

lotsa good ideas, yeah. I loved the voss story arcs and the whole sith/Jedi mysticism shit and have wanted to explore a lot of it, just need to get all of my ideas onto paper and polish them into something that isn't gobbleygook. what kinda stuff are you starting?


Strong point.
It being stricken from canon helps too.




Why the fuck do these exist? What's wrong with Japan?


She looks like some DJ about to drop the beat

It's the hipster YT freighter, but I love it.


Right, but who needs the extra fire power when you’ve just dropped 2 AT-ATs?

I cabn appreciate that this one is carrying an entire arsenal in her hold

And I like that she has some design features with general grevious

but why the crossbow