Stat Felinid Imperial Guardsmen (and Guardswomen).
What kind of skills do you think Felinids might bring to the IG?
Stat Felinid Imperial Guardsmen (and Guardswomen).
What kind of skills do you think Felinids might bring to the IG?
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>What kind of skills do you think Felinids might bring to the IG?
great blowjobs
Not amused.
You asked.
Use in propoganda images, commonly known in low gothic as "maymays."
I'd be more interested how would they look like in canon and not like that anime crap in your pic
Do they look like this? I always thought they would look like chewbaca seeing as they're called Homo Sapien Hirsutus. Hirsutus meaning hairy.
normal stats but they attack first in melee
Probably like this
>human with cat ears
Ogryn, please.
>every thread until you like it
Am I the only one who finds this character to be offensively ugly
Explain to me than sweetie.
Why would they specifically call them hirsutus if they look like the OP
eeeeugh cat tongue and blowjobs don't mix user
>Explain to me than sweetie.
Not the guy you replied to, but get bent
How unadventurous of you to think that
If they look like in OP it's unlikely they have random cat parts.
If they look like in they would have been all burned, so hilariously enough OP's version is probably the most accurate
Jack off before posting on Veeky Forums.
t b h they probably look like this
>If they look like in they would have been all burned,
That's one hell of an implication considering what passes for human in the imperium. Ogryn legitimately look like monsters and Ratlings aren't much better.
There's also how genestealer cults get moving since mild mutation is inevitable, so nobody bats an eye at motherfuckers with klingon shit on their foreheads.
Give it tits and a vagina and somebody would be dying to fuck it.
Same can be said for the Treasure Planet obsessed furry over here Everyone knows that felinids got their latin name from the glam as fuck 80s hair they naturally grow.
I like to imagine they're like the characters in Lackadaisy.
Those are beastmen, dumbass
Um that's his opinion sweetie stop being rude. It's about as legit as the OP
Umm hon, save the sweetieposting for shill threads, okies? These threads you should just call everyone furfags and then get into arguments about whether or not monstergirls are furry.
>whether or not monstergirls are furry.
Definitely furry, but I can accept it more because they all get the mermaid treatment
Go back to Tumblr before I assume your gender, fag.
Are taurs like, EXTRA furry? They're basically for repressed horsefuckers in denial
I wouldn't even say it's furry. I'd say it's straight up bestiality. Most furries are easily 90% human. At average they're humanoids with superficial animal traits. In the case of centaurs it's a literal fucking horse.
>glam as fuck 80s hair
It's just metal enough for old-school 40k.
>Are taurs like, EXTRA furry?
Yeah, probably, I mean they don’t even have a regular pussy
This user pretty much has their number
fpbp and /thread
Sure, but aren't furries all about horse and dog cocks on a bipedal frame? Like, I thought that was their whole thing
Reminder that felinids are not furshit, only a fag would say otherwise
From what I've seen human cock is pretty standard over there. And female animal genetalia is pretty much non-existent. And on top of that it's not just a bipedal frame, it's a very humanoid frame.
Um no. They're called Hirsutus for a reason as in a key trait that's noticeable about them is how hairy they are. This whole catgirl shite needs to DIE
>They're called Hirsutus for a reason
They’re glam rock catgirls like the user upthread said. If they were anthro/furry theyd be called beastmen. Beastmen are actually a thing in 40k, they’re anthro animal folk. They’re also 99.99% herteical. The last .01% not-heresy, and the only reason they’re burned like all the rest of the heresy, is the fact that they are quite literally suicidally devoted to the emperor and redeeming themselves in his eyes.
Your grasp of 40k canon, both subtle and gross, is reprehensible. We are all dumber for having read what you have written.
Oh no. I have been defeated.
Um I never said they were "anthro/furry" sweetpea. I just said they're hairy. Like this:
I'm merely stating that your animu catgirl waifu crap is just wishful thinking. They probably look like chewbaca
None of the current ones literally mirror their designations.
Or are you next going to convince me that squats are animate spheres?
I think one person had the idea that Felinids were largely stealth/ambush and a fast moving guard regiment.
I think wondered if that would mean they tend to get snatched up by Creed as elite ambush troops.
>Felinid Stealth and Creed Tactical Genius means Felinid Guardsmen companies can basically materialize out of thin air
>Often assassinating Daemon Princes via chestburster tactics
This board is for 18+ or older.
Catgirls were very much A Thing in western fantasy/sci-fi during the 80s,y sweet summer children. It'd make perfect sense for GW to throw them in.
Aren't Felinids part of the beastmen abhuman races?
That's a disturbing level of chaos in their dispositions then.
But now I want to see Commissar or Inquisitor Modecai Heller.
No shit
Try posting without faggy /tv/ memes if you want to be taken seriously Speaking of that, you should seriously go back.
>Beastmen abhuman races
Are you fucking retarded? Beastmen are a single species of abhuman and the ONLY race of """beastmen abhumans". Every other species of abhuman is its own thing.
Or I'll just keep making fun of you for being an oversensitive crybaby.
Beastmen are an entirely seperate classification of abhuman that are basically heresy, a grab bag of anthro animals that are used as frontline shock troops.
No one knows. They could be full Neko-Chan or Furry, we don't know. Personally, I like to imagine them like the Taquel from FE, but with Cat Motiv instead of Rabbit. Humanoid enough to pass the Imperiums Purity Test and good fab habits, but exotic and clearly abnormal too. Very slim and muscular, with more hair than usual but no furryshit.
I always hear the comparison of them being like cat in Red Dwarf. Meaning they can transform from a cat into a humanoid and vice versa. At least thats what I think the comparison means.
That "anime crap" is probably the closest to whatever canon look they have. Abhumans aren't wild mutations or anything. Ratlings are midgets with claws and pointy noses, ogryns are just big humans and squats are just dwarves.
Felenids are most likely just catgirls.
No. Look up werewolf syndrome. They probably aren't kawaii sweetie. And It run aren't just big humans. They're big ogre like characters.
U wot
No one said they had to be kawaii uguu shit faggot, they can be battlescarred and Veeky Forums as hell. They're still most probably ears+tail style, in line with the other abhumans. Minor deviations.
Don't respond to the 14'er.
No, in Red Dwarf the cat species evolves from a cat over the course of three billion years. They cannot transform between the two states, like humans cannot transform back into apes. Watch the episode Waiting For God (Episode 4 of Series 1) to have them fully explained, I think they have the first 8 series on Netflix.
An Ogryn isn't just a "minor deviation" sweetie. They look like legitimate monsters so it's not such a low threshold of acceptance. My point is that they decided to name them Homo Sapien Hirsutus so it stands to reason hariness has something to do with the characters. Just like the other ones have something to do with their shortness, yugeness, etc.
Ogryns are just big dudes, they don't look like monsters. The appearance of an abhuman has little to do with their naming conventions. Ogryn are not giants, they're just kinda big. Ratlings are not impossibly small, they're just midgets. Squats are not literally round as a ball, they're just kinda stocky.
Thus, felinids are not chewbacca. If anything this lends credence to as they are definitely rockin' some hair but not to some retarded extreme.
honestly, I feel like animu catfolk ironically make sense for 40k. I mean it would feel like kemonomimi folks would be more easily accepted as an "abnormal but otherwise stable human offshoot" than anything like TES khajiit or GW Charr.
At most they might be like SWTOR Cathar.
Acceptable. Give ‘em some flak armor, some shotguns, and point them at the heretics. The lasguns will do the rest.
See, these things would legit be terrifying to run into
There was actually a cannon story where a guardsman crash lands on a planet populator by centaur people (they were descriped as quadropeds, though the lower halfs were not described as horse like).
A commissar who also crashlands writes a report about how they need to be exterminated. When the commissar is killed (giant worm monster), the guardsman decides not to send the report.
The most important skill a mutant can offer, another target for the enemy to shoot at.
"summer children" isn't a Game of Thrones meme, user.
Get a better keyboard app.
A light fur across their whole body could count, especially if they were named by some hairless Voidborn fuck who thinks body hair is unnatural and reacts with typical Imperial xenophobia. I've always figured they range somewhere between Eberron's Razorclaw Shifters and Dominion Tank Police's Puma Twins.
I don't know if it's admirable or embarassing how much autism has sprouted from a few words printed in a rulebook.
40k is srs bsns
I blame weebs who want desperately for their perverse kawaii catgirl waifu to be canon
Furfag please go and stay go
Why are you making assumptions about me?
Struck a cord?
This is extremely rad.
Ill give you some official imperial stats:
> Heretic / Xeno / Mutant / Warp / Scum
> Too many
> Purge with extreme prejudice
>"I saw one line mentioning Felinids as Abhumans and despite there being no in universe lore on them or any explanation on what a Felinid actually is I'm gonna pretend they're catgirls so I can make autistic shitposts on Veeky Forums about catgirls."
It was one line, you fucking autists are still taking it way too far. Throw yourselves into the fucking ocean.
>hurr dur I hate fun
...or 'furry'
>"None of the current abhumans are far off from human but I can feel user fursecuting me so I'm going to say they're anthro to spite them"
Literally you right now
Am I the only person who thinks that picture makes them look extremely ugly?
I mean it's not super well drawn but it's serviceable.
You dont like feline guards? What about renegade feline regiment under slaanesh influence?
That...looks like a monster.
He looks like a guy on steroids desu
To bring the conversation back to the original question, Felinids are probably mustered in regiments and then attached as scout or light infantry companies to Guard line regiments.
I want to say that what they bring to the field for a Guard commander is a robust sense of hearing because two sets of ears, perhaps an enhanced capability at stealth, and I dunno, smell?
So regular Guard stats and Acute Senses, Stealth, Infiltrate/Scout?
I ve got an official gw image.
I wanna get stepped on by the puma twins!
They wouldn't be in the IG you furfga
Reminder that an "ironically garbage series" is still garbage.
This. Abhumans are mustered in regiments and then parcelled out to serve as auxilaries to proper regiments, same as artillery and such are. The Guard uses more combined arms than people give them credit for, it's just that the Departmento Munitorum's system of organization is based around large blocks of homogenous forces that end up chopped up and bundled together into fighting forces to suit the needs of the battlefront.
I'd go with Scout instead of Infiltrate, but either could work. Probably bump up their Initiative by a point, too.
Pic related is how most normal ogryn (no mutations, no cosmetics, no corruption, no disfigurements, no bone'eads) actually look like
Sounds about right to me.
Ogryn (and 40k artists) seem to vary.
there's actually a few different species of ogryn so thered be some variation in looks.
personally I've always imagined them looking like the thundercats.
Car ears and somewhat cat-like features and a light fur coat.
There's no real lore on what they're like so as mentioned being organized into scout regiments with probably better hearing and smell seems reasonable. As abhumans they probably have likoted access to exoric gear. special weapons just being grenade launchers, flamera and snipers. plasma or melta being to valuable to trust them with.
vehicle assets probably limited to sentinels, salamanders and chimeras for similar reasons.
That. That right there, is just right.
Alien enough to be unsettling, human enough to be permitted to exist.
Exactly the sort of race that would be quarantined to their homeworld while the Imperium internally argues over whether they should serve or be destroyed.