If you get dubs fill a square.
Veeky Forums bingo
Female armor
Thread begins with a single line of greentext and a reaction image.
>Spiritual Liege
>"You should only play as humans"
Beardy McDwarfbeard.
>Stat me Veeky Forums
Two copies of the same general
A purposefully low quality thread with "I miss quests" suspiciously in the first five replies
I miss quests.
>Alignment is dumb and obsolete
>Newfags posting memes they found on 1d4chan
-4 STR
>I miss quests
>Red flags
Elf slave wat do?
>that guy thread
Rolled 2 (1d3)
Just fucking pick a random one then, dipshit
Also my roll is for
>Veeky Forums complaints department
>the "give me yous if /pol/ me /pol/ you /pol/ is not here to /pol/ /pol/ /pol/" image
Whining about WHFB being dead
>Please help me min-max my character Veeky Forums
fake that guy story where op is actually that guy
Primarch thread (actually thinly veiled /pol/ thread)
Catgirls as the header image for /pfg/ and or /pgg/
>filename thread that is nothing but weebshit
>"character art" thread requesting only hot women
>seemingly normal topic that devolves within 10 posts into /pol/ or /r9k/-tier "debate"
Literally just bait
>any reference to "Veeky Forums gets shit done"
That guy who replies to every post in a character art thread, posting horrible "bios" for every picture until people beg him to stop.
/pol/ hysteria
>"what I made" / "what the GM saw" / "what I played"
depends on the setting
elf slave wat do
>something something humans only/fuck humans only
/Pol/ please leave
>thinly-veiled D&D edition war thread
>op disappears
Caster/Martial inbalance in D&D
>direct and unapologetic D&D edition war thread
Complaints about Age of Sigmar
>It's everyone else's fault for having badwrongfun
someone wishing quest threads would be allowed on Veeky Forums again.
>writefag general
>gatekeeping is good/bad
Stat me, Veeky Forums!
"How do I make the paladin fall?"
Elf slave what do?
>4th edition is actually the best edition of D&D
necessary dice rolls in post.
Complaining about how boring humans are in fantasy settings.
>exceptionally broken homebrew thread
A thread complaining about women in traditional games.
>redeemed succubus thread
>Asking Veeky Forums for help instead of just talking to group
>tfw there are two para-identical threads
Complaining about Age of Sigmar
>Cheeto fingers
>OP frantically trying to justify his DMPC
-4 Str
Balance in TTRPGs
>Trying to solve out of character issues in character
Caster/Martial inbalance in D&D
>LARP thread
DMPC is the epitome of Mary Sue
>someone tries to generate a FATAL character
>bitching about kender or those who play them
You missedAlso kobold fetish thread
>/pol/ bait
>Sexualized beastfolk
>thinly veiled fetish thread
40k/Something Else crossover
>necromancy can be good!
>X in the 40K universe: How does it fare?
Just sitting in an unending state of self loathing.
>Depends on the setting
>Nu Veeky Forums
>Thinly veiled fetish thread that posters try to defend anyway
cranking one out to kobold lewds
>Flavor-of-the-month videogame as an RPG thread
Meanwhile on x Veeky Forums
Have you ever had a pc do x?
Was their DM Big Shaq?
>That Guy
>one off quints
I guess this thread is on the bingo board too... Very meta
complaining about others complaining
>Complaining about others complaining about others complaining
Female orc thread.
Pig Orcs