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Legacy shit BTFO Edition

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What kind of army could I run around the battle wizard box and a hurricanum? I really like the wizards and hurricanum, but I don't wanna do SCE.

>when piling in can I move around friends or must it be towards?

pile-in means "move up to 3 inches in any direction at all, but you must end up closer to the nearest enemy model than you were when you started"

also "closest enemy model" means as the crow flies, it doesn't care how or if you can actually get closer. if you can't get closer (for instance if you're in base to base already) then you can't move.

>Legacy shit BTFO
I feel as though this stupid meme is perpetrated by one user who thinks making this image somehow legitimizes his argument.

can someone point me to some good lore on Khorne?
I like the models but blood for the blood god and skulls for the skull throne just isn't enough for me

Freeguild, seeing as they were once in the same army in Warhammer Fantasy Battle.

Are steam tanks trash or good?
What type of units are good for protecting artillery from infiltrators and cavalry?

hurricanum works wonders in a free peoples shooty army
frostheart phoenix synergizes very well with wizards
these probably aren't mutually exclusive, though if you made an army of handgunners, hurricanum, wizards, and two phoenixes, you might be a tad fragile but dio brando level fabulous paint scheme options

What are you working on /aosg/?
I just finished my second wave of rebasing.

looks good, what's the banner symbol gonna be?

Oh good this shitty meme is still a thing what a coincidence.

How's my dorf list look Veeky Forums? It's mainly for funsies and using up these old dorf boxes i got from a sale. are the gyrocopters better than the bombers?

Allegiance: Dispossessed
- Grudge: Monstrous Cheaters
Runelord (80)
- General
- Trait: Resolute
- Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe
Warden King (120)
20 x Warriors (160)
- Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
10 x Longbeards (120)
- Great Axes & Shields
20 x Thunderers (240)
10 x Irondrakes (200)
Gyrobombers (80)
- Allies

Total: 1000 / 1000
Allies: 80 / 200
Wounds: 75

I don't feel too skilled freehand at the moment.
I gave it a checker pattern to try and get around doing a symbol for the time being.

Hmm, this sounds pretty fun. Might have to pick it up once aos gets revived with some releases at my store. Also, where would I find awesome paint guides for freeguild?

Check the resources link in the OP.
There is an old Empire paint scheme book somewhere in there.

looks like a good dispossessed list. id play it

Their meme technology is inferior.

looks good desu

Thanks friend, I'll check it

Looks fun.

I wish Dispossessed would get some more love in the future from GW.
They look fantastic and add a nice alternative to the KO and Fyrebabies in the Dorf trinity in AOS.

We at the lexicanum could use some help. If you can, please join us and edit.

Come join our autism-free Discord Server. Several people are just starting up AoS armies and there's a good number of people chit chatting and talking other Veeky Forums nonsense all day usually.

I was making this to showcase the Dorf Trinity, but now I am think this would make a kickass Dwarf Lord on Shield Bearers remake/conversion

I'm still debating if I should buy directly from the games workshop site or pay overpriced models on amazon

Too bad that unit doesn't exist. Also you know you can delete you fucked up post up there, right?

And its a damn shame that KO are basically 'WHAT IF WE PUT 40k INTO AOS WOOOAHHOO'

Fuck off. KO are not 40k, we've discussed this several times here, and it's always 1 guy going "ya huh!" And a group of other posters going "nuh uh!"

Why would you buy from amazon?

because that's the only online store that I've ever bought stuff from without getting scammed

I have never been scammed by GW.
The worst they have ever done to me is take a little long to ship me something.
It is great living about two hours from the NA headquarters though.

Sorry, I didn't mean "scam" per se or being scammed by GW, I mean't being scammed by the postal service, you know, my package getting lost somewhere in the middle of the travel, my package arriving 4 months later, that sort of things

After all, I've never bought something from the UK

Where do you live?

no bully please

I am pretty sure all shipments in North America come from Memphis, Tennessee.
No need to get it shipped from the UK.

Wait, never mind, I am not sure.
It appears that the NA Headquarters only ship to Canada and the US.

Stuck between Ironjawz and Fyreslayers

Kinda tempted to grab Ironjawz first because I also play orkz in 40k (and I can proxy my brutes if I get some as meganobz with magnets)

What is best financial way to get started?

Start Collecting + Skirmish?

Is skirmish a good intro to AOS or a different game?

I got the battletome for Ironjawz cheap at a gamestore for 20 bucks used.

How big is your store's AoS crowd? Would it be a good time to start up since the new Campaign is coming up?

For Ironjawz, yeah, SC+skirmish+megaboss is the way to go.

I play in 2 towns. The small town has about 5 regular players and the big one has about 4.

What order would you buy them?

If you wanna do skirmish first, get that first (Though the weirdnob is pretty underwhelming in general) If you wanna jump in, I'd do SC and Megaboss

Will lack of brutes gimp me until I grab skirmish?

How dickish would it be to bring this list of Tzeentch Arcanites?

Yes, but gruntas have gotten pretty good now that they're way cheaper

How about sc and skirmish and waiting on mega?

Ironjawz or BCR?

I love the big monster army of BCR, but Ironjawz seem like more reliable of a force.

Asides from 2 SC boxes, what would a BCR force need? More Mournfangs? More Stonehorns?

You can, but if you're gonna wait, skip to getting a Maw Krusha since those bastards are REALLY good

Either works fine. BCR did just get a big nerf with the last GHB, and if you play them you WILL encounter that guy who complains about how OP they are all game and tables you turn 3

meh, i'm holding out hope that they'll get slightly buffed again in ghb3.

if not then a brute-focused ironjawz list sounds fun to me

They definitely will, The double whammy hit of the errata nerf and points nerf killed the army. Expect one to be reverted

Age of Sigmar Soundtrack time!
What music best fits your army?

A reasonable expectation; BCR are the odd one out of the battletome-tier armies, which are generally stronger than non-tome armies. (pestilens is one i'm not sure about as I never see it played)

pestilens was always shit

This is the song my Fanatics play on their headphones as they casually swing their balls through enemy elite infantry:

When the fuck are we getting leaks

was a leak yesterday, people just ignore them.

>literally 2-3 games for few months
>~7-10 dudes in process of building their armies
>1,3kk city
Why to live

Was it Nurgle?

If it makes you feel any better I've played 10 games so far this month with various opponents. 1 or 2 still scheduled.

The last malign portent of today clearly marks that seraphon are going to get squatted.

I've always thought Seraphon were ripe for deletion - the only old faction other than brettonia and tomb kings that was not sliced into 5 micro-factions.

This falling star could mean all sorts really... a flying vessell carrying an army, an actual falling star, a death-skull lobbed through the sky by a... [something], a ... I have no idea desu.

What was the leak

No fucking clue for the falling star - but it’s cool anyway ..

Thé Seraphon should be replaced by a new Slann faction (like in Oldhammer), where you’ll have like 10-15 models max per armies, with full new plastic kits representing the Slann on their floating thrones and on bigger celestial machineries.

As the Slann are the only true lizardmen to escape from the World that was and made the journey to Azyr alive, it make sense to have them this way


>I really like the wizards and hurricanum,
>but I don't wanna do SCE.
Work on your taste

I've studied the pixels. We can expect more SCE

Use archers to spread out and block teleporting within 9 inches.

Work on your face.

Looks nice

I'm working on a Seraphon army with enfasis in behemoths, list is pic related, what do you guys think?

Safe bets based on leaks, rumours, and trends from multiple separate sources (in order of credibility):

>Portents ending in early Jan, with new 'deathcast' models announced on 3rd Jan
>Nurgle new models (and tome) early in 2018
>New Death tomes and model releases (including the announced hero) probably some time in early 2018
- Female elf models in early 2018 (witches or whatever the rumour engine ones were)
>new grot models (and tome) some time in 2018
>hints that 'basically all factions are getting something in 2018' whatever that means.

There are a ton of playtesters and other folk under NDAs that need kidnapping and torturing to get the details. pretty much all the podcast makers know the details.

Wheres the nurgling from?

most likely part of the new beast of nurgle kit, but they haven't officially revealed anything yet so who knows


It's new Saurus models that don't look half-retarded

Isnt there a BSC formation that allows you to take a Ironjaws unit?


I could see them just slashing Seraphon into three micro-factions. Hell, GHB even hints at it in the way that they divide up the forces. Slann, skink, and saurus.

>all factions are getting something
I can promise you right now that is a reference to the single Herald models that each of the Grand Alliances get.

Just because you heard it mentioned in a podcast doesn't make it so.

Why stop at 3 factions for seraphon? Croxidiles (or whatever they're called) could be one too.

Grotbag Scuttlers WHEN

Whenever. Not that it effects me. Spiderfaggot user, relishing in using homebrew allegiance to play glorious Spiderfang Grots.

Yeah but it's kinda crap for 180 points tb h. And it's kinda tough to fit a decent list with it in 2k

If anyone's curious and wasn't around when I was playtesting and theorycrafting on here.

How are we supposed to know if anyone of these portents is actually anomalous in the mortal realms?
>spooky moon
>ghost ship
>spooky statue
>falling star

They don't look so outside of the normality when you take into account entire continents shaped like skulls, stuff like crustacean submergible living ships and necrostorms, titanic constructs and a whole realm themed around spacestations orbiting celestial objects and swarms of meteors that look like migrating birds.

What should I build out of the new death set? Which mortarch? Are morghasts good?

I could have used some Scuttler air-support when I was stranded in this battleplan deployment...

What army should I be playing if I want to pretend that lorewise it never happened and, if possible, not buy a single new model? I have minis for what in fantasy were Orcs&Goblins, Lizardmen and some Brets. I don't care much about the rules change (in fact I'm quite happy about using less minis) but I would like to have a competitive army that doesn't get consistently curbstomped, so those half-made armies straight out of fantasy are really not for me.

Why Runelord general instead of WK? Plan on having the longbeards just grumble and do two command abilities?

Seraphon (Lizardmen) are your best bet. Currently a good army, and they weren't split apart like Orcs and Goblins.

Lizardmen are basically un-molested by the new lore and faction changes; they are still one army with the same units, still competitive.

For orcs and goblins you basically need to invest in new orc models, or go mixed night goblins and forest goblins. Mixing orcs and goblins isn't much use.

Oh shit, another Spiderfaggot. I look down on you for running the Klan, but it's a brotherly dismissal.

I love my clansmen, in fact I'm buying loads more of them. Screening spiders is vital imho, I hate the spider riders being exposed in the early turns. Still undecided on fanatics though.

What's the point of running Chaos Warriors when you can run Tzaangors?

I see. Considering that this looks like a skirmish game, is it still worth it to field a Slann and a lot of big dinos? What's the "meta" for those seraphon?

The Homebrew assists with that someone buy allowing you to set aside a mob of ambushers, but otherwise I just let the brave ones stand out. Spiders aren't particularly defensive, but they are deceptively resilient. Personally, I use Gitmob instead of the Klan for snatching up Rocklobber's improvised out of pointless Flinger kits.

Legion of Azgorh are best Duardin

Official /aosg/ power rankings

Top Tier
Dorf posters
Lizard posters
What Are You Working On anons

Mid Tier
Stormcast posters
Freeguild posters
Skaven posters
40kfags that want to pick up AOS

Shit Tier
Skaven RP posters
Anti-stormcast shitposter

yeah ive considered the web-flinger once I've finished another arachnarok, and plan to experiment with more grot combos. For now I'm gunna try pure spiders with klangrot allies, half spiders half klan (with fanatics), and the web-lobba allies. Then gunna turn all those klansmen into the start of a pure clan army.

It's only skirmish in the sense it uses round bases. A big dino stomp army can be fun and effective, and Slann are near mandatory imo, being some of the best wizards in the game.

yeah ive never understood the "its a skirmish game" chat - I have 150 models in my army...

Alliegance stuff, I suppose