We all joke about magical realms but has anyone actually been called out negatively by their players? Ive implemented some pretty lurid stuff but my players typically allow it with open arms. They even praised me when I was candid about some of the stuff.
We all joke about magical realms but has anyone actually been called out negatively by their players...
Depends on how degenerate your group is.
And how drunk they are.
I've played some sexy, bizarre shit when we've all been hosed that we wouldn't normally touch with a 10' pole.
>DM has Giantess fetish
>Bard is now father to several Epic level heroes with Giant moms.
>Pic is related
The worst part is when we have to start the next campaign working as warriors for deranged Godlings with EPIC daddy issues.
>>Bard is now father to several Epic level heroes with Giant moms.
They sure grow up quick, don't they?
Nope...he died two campaigns ago due to 'bedroom accident'.
All my players are part of The Dragon Queen's Eugenics program. And a great deal of them are related in some way.
The Dragon Queen wants Grandbabies, and damn it she's gonna get Grandbabies. Even if they go through her.
That's atleast 5 fetishes
And my players love it
My players keep telling me I have a vore fetish.
I don’t have a vore fetish.
My players keep telling me I have a thick MILF
amputee fetish.
They're only partially correct.
Well the one group I run usually has 2 of the players rolling d12s on the first turn, to see how big their dicks are.
The other group I don't run, but, we had to deal with a player that let the innkeeper fuck him for 2 hours so he could get a free room.
>GM sets up a "lost succubus who got turned into a good bimbo" cenario
>describes her physique and behavior for well over 2 minutes
>clearly plothook
>imediatly paladin rushes in to smite her
>GM fudges something. says"she seem to be immune to your steel"
>wizzard starts rolling for everything hes got while he casts all the disentchants at his disposal
>GM starts sweating then "she vanishes befor your eyes"
>new party quest is to find this spermbank with legs and burn her at the stake
well he got us hooked
>amputee fetish
>partially correct
I see what you did there.
Its not really my magical realm, but I made an Archfey pact warlock with a /ss/ past with his matron and my friends loved it, though to be fair he was visibly damaged by the experience
I haven't yet. I'm still new to GMing.
I ran a game that was ww1 style trench raid, and one that was "totally not x-com if run by totally not the Dutch East India Company owned by mahou shoujo".
Neither game had anything lurid in it. It didn't seem appropriate since both games were about mystery, action, character exploration, and investigation. The in-universe pace was pretty relentless for both games so lewness would have been both thematically awkward and likely would have inserted jarring and jerky disruptions into the pace of the story.
What sort of games are ones where introducing lurid elements can add to the game instead of detract from it?
>Even if they go through her.
What does that mean?
Also pic unrelated.
No, I haven't been called out on it, but I don't actually inject much magical realm at all and explained early on that the game would be mature and have a certain tone.
I don't hold back descriptions of things that exist in sword & sorcery or low fantasy. There will certainly be a similar level of T&A and nudity as your typical 80s action fantasy film.
There are slaves, there are street prostitutes, and if you go to the tavern you can expect the wenches to do what they can to get tips and extra cash, and it goes without saying what's in the brothel.
My players seem to think that I'm some sort of sex pervert, because I don't have anything remotely sexual in my games.
They all seem to think that I'm trying to conceal some horrible dark fetish, but in reality I'm just lazy.
Another player specifically called me out for ERPing when she went apeshit and started ranting about everyone in the game.
Plot twist: I never ERPed nor had any intention of ERPing. It was the other players who were ERPing and were stopped from ERPing before I even joined.
>tfw part of this game
>tfw shapeshifter
oh no
Yeah, my nickname is kidfucker.
>We all joke about magical realms
No we dont. MAGICAL REALM has become a catch-all argument for STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE for SJWs on Veeky Forums.
You're doing God's work, user.
>I haven't yet. I'm still new to GMing.
>I ran a game that was ww1 style trench raid, and one that was "totally not x-com if run by totally not the Dutch East India Company owned by mahou shoujo".
>Neither game had anything lurid in it. It didn't seem appropriate since both games were about mystery, action, character exploration, and investigation. The in-universe pace was pretty relentless for both games so lewness would have been both thematically awkward and likely would have inserted jarring and jerky disruptions into the pace of the story.
>What sort of games are ones where introducing lurid elements can add to the game instead of detract from it?
James Bond
>SJWs on Veeky Forums.
Hahaha no.
I'm pretty SJWsy, and I'm all "Whut" at that.
I don't call it Magical Realm until it's obvious that you are giving yourself a fucking boner at the table. What happens away from the table is none of my fucking business.
I played a girl character once. Being a girl? Sexual fantasy of mine at times, but it wasn't bloody magical realm because I wasn't getting off at the table (In this case, the forum play by post thing), even when in-game my character was dating and sleeping with another guy's character.
It became magical realm when the other guy started hinting he wanted to ERP. Fuck that noise.
My hobby was full of neck beards and grognards in my childhood and now its filling up with genderbending SJW fagelas
I always knew that there were retards on here that would actually self identify as sjw. Also erping is basically magical realm.
as 'SJW' gets applied to more and more positions, that becomes more and more likely.
I've seen a bunch of people on this site use SJW for positions I share, so I guess I am one too.
No it's become a catch all for dipshits who don't know what it means.
sjw just means 'your position is to the left of mine, and I disagree with it'. likewise /pol/ just means 'your position is to the right of mine and I disagree with it'.
They're basically meaningless terms.
SJWs are those faggots who think the world needs to change in order to appeal to them and their views, regardless of how well things have been established this far.
I.e. female space marines because muh 50% of population (ignoring that 99.9% of soldiers are men)
It's about pushing a narrative that does not belong.
This gif amuses me.
Thank you for posting it.
>We all joke about magical realms but has anyone actually been called out negatively by their players? Ive implemented some pretty lurid stuff but my players typically allow it with open arms. They even praised me when I was candid about some of the stuff.
What kind of game was it?
I'm curious why it worked out.
>though to be fair he was visibly damaged by the experience
How were they damaged and how did your roleplay it such that it added to the story rather than distracting from it?
Well, no, even in the context you provided they have meaning, just not super useful ones.
you still here OP?
She's essentially a genetic randomizer, so no issues of detrimental mutation dueto Inincest
that's quite the superpower to have.
>Also erping is basically magical realm.
That's what I was getting at. It wasn't magical realm until the other guy wanted to ERP, and even then it wasn't my magical realm but his.
This happened 10 years ago user.
If I don't bring it to the table, does it really matter?
Where are the squares for "pedophilia and pedophialia apologetics", "green elves with tusks", "its another we wanted to redeem the succubus so we could gangbang her thread", "monstergirl encyclopedia is somehow related to Veeky Forums even though it is pornography and not a tabletop game" and "Veeky Forums makes me miss /trash/.'
>"pedophilia and pedophialia apologetics"
You're thinking of /jp/ bingo.
>If I don't bring it to the table, does it really matter?
not him, but no
personally i disagree strongly with about ~80% of the opinions held by most sjws, but i dont particularly care as long as they can be civil about any disagreements that do come up, or better yet, keep the topic away from political topics altogether
I was kicked from an f-list ERP before it even got off the ground because my fetish was considered "too much"
>anything goes
What a crock.
What was it?