What are some Oddball character/race/class combinations you've come up with in play?
Or if you cant think of anything, what is the WIERDEST class or build set up you've ever discovered?
What are some Oddball character/race/class combinations you've come up with in play?
Or if you cant think of anything, what is the WIERDEST class or build set up you've ever discovered?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this a fetish thread?
no, i just clicked the first image i found vaguely fantasy like.
It is now.
Is it possible to make Thicc a class feature? Possibly gradually becoming thiccer as you get levels?
Probably something with a natural progression of Natural Armor or even the ability to enchant your own skin as armor. Or something else that rewards wearing as little as possible
Goddamn, glasses are so hot.
Post more fantasy characters with glasses, pls.
D got them sinful eyebrows
>tfw glasses are my antifetish
>can't even into F despite being full on thiccfag
Don't forget the bonuses to HP and grappling/melee combat depending on size modifiers. Bonus attacks could be scored with body parts that aren't usually used in combat, hip checks being the bare minimum.
You guys gonna post thicc dwarf chicks or what?
Better delete your thread a post a new one with a neutral picture if you really want discussion and not just a subtle degenerate
E is an acquired taste.
The weirdest class I've seen was that time Veeky Forums tried to make a thicc knight.
Only acceptable answers. J trumps A and L beats F, but is in turn beaten by B
>A is too slim
>G is too tall and not brown
this image never ceases to bother me
Don't put your dick in crazy, and she is certainly messed up. Believe me.
my nigga
ACDEGHIJKL, I wouldn't even count E but my last girlfriend looked like that so it gets legacy privileges.
>tfw glasses are my antifetish
Hello, you're the first person I've ever seen with that taste
>Perfect tier: J
Adventuring and romantic partner, knight sworn to service that really wants to service, waifu
>Fantastic tier: G, I, L
Best sis, harem member, party member, ex with benefits, rival that you bang occasionally
>Acceptable tier: K, D, B, A
Guild members, frequently interacted with NPCs, friends you don't adventure with, shlicks herself comatose to you and your waifu(s) and tells you about it
>Fodder tier: everyone else
See designation, re: fodder
F looks like she's the nicest, and loves to cuddle.
Depends on the system. If it has a resource system like mana, motes, or even plain old hp you could reward bonus resource cap for taking extra thiccness at levelup. My ERP system has something like that, with encumbrance penalties for getting too thicc for your physique.
F is basically my wife with more tit, but B, G, I, J, and L are all fine choices. Maybe K too cuz she looks like she eats ass.
>C or K will never spit/stomp on you
Why live?
>My ERP system has something like that, with encumbrance penalties for getting too thicc for your physique.
You realize that you're gonna have to share this system right?
I will eventually, it's scattered among a few notebooks and a Google doc. Plus there's an ongoing test both for the system in general and a Womb of Whorrors module that I need to wrap up to make sure nothing's totally broken. I can answer questions if you have any though.
Only one I've got.
Anybody that wouldn't pick J needs to leave
Those kinds of girls truly are the best.
They do it for anyone from the most sniveling masochists to people who just like the idea of having a competent, decisive girlfriend who doesn't necessarily have to be above them.
Of course, the people like me who just like girls who seem like they can take a challenge and answer it instead of lying down mewling tend to get mistaken for people like you, though, and because of that all the fucking porn and even media involving a woman who looks like she can wipe her own ass, handle a job, do some lifting around the house, not spend insipid sums of money on cosmetics/clothes and generally take some banter ends up being targeted towards masochists, and the rampant use of only the image but not the competence or independence by SJWs means that the girls who go for that look in real life are in 80% of the cases just bitter Tumblrinas covering up their flaws.
Why does this world have to be so cruel?
I find it hard to believe that this is Veeky Forums.
This image was uploaded without context, yet people took it as "which one would you rather go out with" instead of "which one would you rather be".
Hell, Veeky Forums is built by a man with that on his mind and run by someone who was drawn as a shota catboy getting resoundingly ass-fucked by an old man offscreen about two hours after the official announcement.
The best part is reading people's text smut and writefaggotry on that kind of prompt, but it seems people don't realize how much simply one or two lines can do for someone else.
>"which one would you rather be".
Futa version of J. How could there be any other answer to that question?
You are well on your way.
Continue to climb the mountain, and you can become a Great Sage someday.
L every time all the time. I love cute ojou-samas with blond hair drills
What's the Core rules? what does combat look like, and what are classes. if applicable.
> people who just like the idea of having a competent, decisive girlfriend who doesn't necessarily have to be above them.
Why would you not want her to be above you
Shit taste
>ends up being targeted towards masochists
You say that like it's a bad thing to have good taste
She is 2D tho, so she is safe. Where she a thot I would agree.
Also she aint crazy, she it just gloomy. Gloomy grills a best.
I'm out running errands so I'll keep things brief for now.
The system primarily uses 2d10 outside of special class specific dice mechanics. Characters have 4 stats - physique, technique, endurance, and lewdness/purity, plus a collection of traits, kinks, and body mods if applicable. All classes pull from a single resource that is spent both as hp and as a cost for more fantastical abilities. Damage is nearly always dealt to a characters Stimulation or Arousal track rather than their LF directly - maxing out Stimulation triggers a Climax that deals damage based on a roll + Arousal.
Classes are split into physical, magical, and spiritual domains that inform the overall theme of said classes. Everyone and everything is magical in-setting, the difference is where it stems from and how it is expressed. Physical classes draw power from within and express it through their bodies, magical classes channel ambient magic and express it with words, symbols, and rites, and spiritual classes submit to the demands of their deity and act as their avatar in the world. I don't have time to list and describe them all but they include the Barebarian, Cummoner, and Chastened of Valda respectively.
Honestly, these are all good options. I imagine I'd be a little intimidated by J, but I'm sure she'd treat me well, all the same.
Anything but F (MAN THE HARPONS!), H (doesn't look legal), and L (that sense of style is vomit-inducing).
You say that like it's a good thing to be a spineless herbivore man depending solely on other people's effort for your emotional wellbeing.
If two people in a relationship aren't both pulling an equal load, it over time starts to skew society, increasing the unemployment rate, suicide rate, divorce rate and general percentage of miserable people, because it saps people like nothing else to pour attention into a black hole, and if those people could work instead of playing weak (that goes for men and women alike), they'd make not only their partner but also literally most of society so much happier in the long run.
Inequality erodes relationships, breaks the trust of society and in general hollows out everything humans build relationships on, like mutual trust, responsibility and, you know, love.
This is why most D/S stuff is short-term, volatile and explodes in the end - because the masochist is an emotional black hole and the "sadist" is expected to provide all the affection.
You wonder why long-lasting, affectionate, stable couples are practically always equal in workload and competence?
It's because while men and women do have different strengths and weaknesses, the one thing that is not supposed to be in either of them is indolence.
L is the only choice. Imagine being a bitchy, pretty girly-girl, routinely being hate-fucked and choked by dumb jocks, sharing tender, homo-erotic moments with other women.
J > A > C > I >>>> everything else
Any other opinion is objectively wrong
In L's defense, she doesn't exactly look like she wants to be in that thing any more than you want to see her in it.
>Inequality erodes relationships, breaks the trust of society and in general hollows out everything humans build relationships on, like mutual trust, responsibility and, you know, love.
Everyone on the internet is an expert even when they know jack shit about what they are talking about
>This is why most D/S stuff is short-term, volatile and explodes in the end
Im sure you have some proof to show that most end that way right?you wouldn't happen to be pulling shit out of your ass would you?
>because the masochist is an emotional black hole and the "sadist" is expected to provide all the affection
It's ok to not be educated on something user,but being flat out wrong just makes you seem retarded
>You wonder why long-lasting, affectionate, stable couples are practically always equal in workload and competence
Again "most" and "practically always" are vague worthless terms if you can't back them up
A fully clothed female. Pretty weird, eh? I think I may be the only one who has ever played one.
I and L all night every night
Well, user, I've just looked at some research and generally it seems that you're right, usually the results are like that:
So, you go, I guess.
user, this is a blue board. Please try to curb your weird fetish shit/
Is it bad that I’m an F man?
>that filename
I almost never bring up my psychology and sociology courses on here or in real life because it stinks of sophistry and lying community-college student, but it's nice to know that it wasn't a waste of two years.
Also, thanks for actually realizing you were demanding source without posting and fixing it. People like you are the reason there are still nice things on the Internet.
>If two people in a relationship aren't both pulling an equal load, it over time starts to skew society, increasing the unemployment rate, suicide rate, divorce rate and general percentage of miserable people
No two people, no matter how famous or wealthy, have that much influence on society. user is talking out his backside.
Playing a half-orc paladin, but that seems almost cliche these days.
Gonna be playing a dwarf bard (dancer) in a friend's upcoming campaign.
what kind of clothes are we talking here? It’s important
You do know I'm not talking about isolated cases, right? You can dissect my grammar all you want, but in this case it's a compound effect.
If there were only two people doing it, sure, no problem, but the causes of this kind of relationship (an increasing pressure on women to be cold, selfish and demanding to avoid being accused of internalized sexism or being abused, combined with an increasing taboo against men holding any real social power) are almost universal in modern First World society.
In the end, we had a chance at equality somewhere in the 80's or 90's, after the Red Stocking movement took care of the last "real" institutionalized sexism - but the Tumblr movement had to rip up the coals again because the progress of society wasn't fast enough for them, and this caused one part of society to over-compensate and the other to extremize and go the opposite way because society is being forcefully changed instead of being allowed to change naturally.
I mean, I'm a different user from with whom you argued before though - but, I can't deny, I have always seen it as pathological too. I met one sexuologist who thinks this way, so maybe that's why. I'm convinceable either way and it seems science supports your point of view - the question is, as always, about the quality of research. There isn't enough of it to call it in any way scientific agreement.
I have to agree, but only because L's presence means that the other girls pleasure old men for money and that's no bueno.
You sick freak.
Post more Js
I think one of the weirdest classes i've ever seen was a 3rd party class called Ungermaw in pathfinder. Which was basically Humanoid Kirby the class.
Any other 3rd party stuff wird you guys out?
Everything by Alexander Augunas in the pact magic port for pathfinder
>Dog will never beat you up
>You will never lick cow's abs/armpits
Why live
honestly I want Horse to ara~ara~ me so bad
50% of the threads on Veeky Forums are fetish threads, and the other 50% are thinly veiled fetish threads.
Veeky Forums is just /d/ lite
i hate you, fucking scum.
I think Thrallherd is pretty weird
We need to research this immediately!
Scaling natural armor with a bonus to it via charisma. Plus a few charm and seduction abilities
This picture offends my ocular organs
Well... I once made a character that had the following:
Barbarian 2
Fighter 2
Bard 1 (or 2?)
Base land speed of 120 per round. Couldn't be hit due to stupid tumble checks and AC bonuses. Good times.
J or K
Dog or Goat
Honestly I would pound any of these girls, preference given to B, C, I, and J
>Tfw ive seen the penis one
fuckin post it on another board and link that shit boi
What's gay about a Veeky Forums dickchick?
The cock.
Fuck the rabbit long into the night. Cow would make a pretty chill tank. cat and dog both look like bitches and goat and horse look like sluts
Goat. Doggie style.
Top three
K looks like a slut, still would bang
>C, F, G, H, I, J
Only acceptable answers.
Ungermaw is less human kirby and more. "Vore Fetish" the class. Pretty good at single target lockdown and anti magic though
You got something against gays, faggot?
E boi’s
I or J for sure. Honestly though I'd be happy with any of them.
I don't follow
C and K are my type to a t.
titlets have no rights, voting or otherwise
Gnome Barbarians were surprisingly common in 4e D&D. Surprisingly common in that it existed.
At one point, I had a Kobold Artificer with the Archlich epic destiny. In other words, a science-lich-lizard-wizard.
Since this turned into this kind of thread, here's one that most people haven't seen much
A, G, E*
*- change the skin / hair
C overall.
A, F, and G, runners up.
A's hairstyle puts me off.
F is a washboard.
G needs a bit more femininity.
C so fucking hard
F's body for certain
Aesthetic overall? Most likely E, but D, J, and K fap close to home for me too.
Horse head
Cow body