>AD&D 2e
ITT: we stereotype other anons by their favourite systems
A contrarian hipster who only uses the most post ironic vintage or obscure systems
>4e D&D
A gameist pleb who's probably a lot more interested in making his numbers bigger than telling a cool story
>Apocalypse World
>Character customization so I can make my special snowflake is more important than a balanced rule set.
>Character customization so I can make my special snowflake is more important than a balanced rule set.
But user
It is
Also you're a faggot for not posting your favorite systems
roast me
A total sperglord who only cares about feeling superior to others, either by performing better or literally betraying them
>Eclipse Phase
so, we just call each other faggots?
Numale who probably got into RPGs via a podcast and only wants to play "progressive" games
>Mage the Ascension
>Labyrinth Lord
Call of Cthulhu, Engine Heart, Pathfinder.
>Stars Without Number
>Savage Worlds
Contrarian who doesn’t deal well with change.
>Unknown Armies 3e
>D&D 5e
A gentleman and scholar.
>Savage Worlds
>Dark heresy
>homebrews built from Dark heresy
>Call of Cthulhu
>FFG Star Wars
>Only War:Valkyria Chronicles edition
Normie who was introduced to RPGs by a friend, can't remember which die to roll, and has never read a rulebook
>Call of Cthulhu
>Vampire: The Masquerade
>Delta Green
You love obscure systems but have to resort to more popular systems so you have someone to play with
Doesn't like conflict, and is also bad at remembering rules. Will try to befriend/"befriend" the monster at any given opportunity
You really, really like playing tough guys losing their fucking minds
t. I'm 13 and life is suffering
Old goth or emo kid who desperatly want to go back to the 90, cope with it by making edgy special snowflake characters
>1e nu WoD
>Dark Heresy
>5e D&D
a self-defined hipster who isn't really one and is stubborn to play anything else than what they are used to
>d&d 5e
Murderhobo who pretends he likes social interaction and mystery
D&D 2e
>AD&D 1e
Crap, I forgot rifts and mage the ascension
65+ year old grog who hasn't liked anything newer than his theoretical grandchildren.
>All Flesh Must Be Eaten
>Legend of the Five Rings, 4th edition
what the fuck
You like fiddly rules and roleplaying midlife crises.
>Stars Without Number
Old grump who still has his rulebooks from when he first started playing
A man beyond comprehension, or an AI taught to list off RPGs
Pretty spot on, mate. Nobody liked playing Mage The Awakening either
You like edge and getting beaten.
>The Dark Eye 5th Edition.
>this fucking image
>Black Crusade
>Changeling: the Lost
>BECMI/Rules Cyclopedia D&D
>2e WFRP
The only thing you got wrong was the old grump part. I got the books from my parents and they taught me how to roleplay. Good job user.
>making edgy special snowflake characters
>implying I do anything but GM
I'm into goth music 'n stuff, though, so you got that right. I just like writing cheesy horror.
Flamboyant edge master that prefers Glam.
>edgy special snowflake NPC
Same thing really
>man beyond comprehension
Sounds about right
I prefer to let the players be the snowflakes. They're allegedly the heroes, after all.
Monsters and other Childish Things
Really likes using a katana, preferably on slow-moving unarmoured targets.
>Dungeons: the Dragoning 40k 7th Ed.
>Ad Eva
Adventurer Conqueror King System
Blades in the Dark
Delta Green
>Deadlands: Classic
>Cyberpunk 2020
What is eminem doing there?
>FFG Star Wars
>Halo Mythic
Who is the one on the left?
> Barbarians of Lemuria
> Unknown Armies
> Fireball
> Ribbon Drive
Expert marksman who can headshot a moving target at a hundred yards without aiming
Roll-player and rule-player. That Guy who always answers "GURPS" to any question of "what is a good system [requirements specified]".
You like shounen-level over the top stuff.
> Real roleplayers play only fantasy
Someone who wants to relive the 90's and when it was more about the flavor than how well the rules work.
> Traveller
> Shadowrun
> Maid
>Eclipse Phase
>eclipse phase
>dark heresy
>rogue trader
>D&D 3.5
>WFRP 2e
You really, really enjoy being the only character with agency in the setting, accept hyper lethality as a system feature, and harbor a secret body augmentation fetish.
>The Dark Eye
>Stars without number
>Silent legions
>Burning wheel
Don't make me cry user
A true patrici-
>d&d 3.5
a giant fag
>Mouse Guard
>Moldvay Basic
D20 Modern
>Rogue Trader
You probably home-brew beer.
>GURPS 4th ed
>WHFRP 2nd ed
likes a game if he flips through the rulebook and likes the art or sees a spell that sounds cool, without regard for experience on the tabletop.
>Ars Magica
>King Arthur Pendragon
>Stars without numbers.
Likes rolling 20-sided dice.
>WFRP 3rd ed
> D&D 4th ed
>Paranoia XP
you're relatively new to RPGs (less than 3 years) but you've started reading Zak Sabbath's blog
>I have never played a system that wasn't a homebrew.
>If it ain't broke don't fix it. Shut up, it's not broken, I CAN'T HEAR YOU
You have an undercut and only snack on activated almonds.
>Mutants & Masterminds
I have been playing for 16 years now and I do not read Zak Sabbath's blog.
Damn I'm fucking old.
that was the other option I thought of (long term player) but I see a shit ton of people who got started with 5e then switch to OSR
Your favorite drink is Old Style Light.
Your favorite drink is Bowman's Vodka.
Your favorite drink is Bog Water.
Gimli's actor.
>almost everything PBTA
>The One Ring
>Tenra Basho Zero
Shonen fag who cant find anything appealing without annoying screechy and waifu bait in eccentric getup, explosions, spectacle creep and filler.
>Delta Green
>Dungeon Crawl Classics
a fun, laid back guy to hang out with until we start playing rpgs
screechy boys, even
>Gimli's actor.
Are you shitting me.
Slightly Clean grognard.
That faggot that always wants to play stale as fuck systems and nobody ever obliges him, and wants to play D&D without playing D&D.
>D&D 3.5e
Magical realm-er at its worst, wants to have the cute elf (alien, whatever) ninja loli go tehehe.
...actually generally I'm told I'm exactly the opposite, which is kinda funny.
See pic
Conan 2d20
Pendragon 4e
40k Roleplay
Hackmaster 5e
Indie gamer at its worst, sees the next bizarre thing and pretends he likes it.
>I'd still play Ribbon Drive with you
> Ribbon Drive
> didn't know what it was
> read it up
It's the fucking saddest thing I ever read in my life. You gather a few friends for a night of alcohol-fueled wish fulfillment, only instead of being badass barbarians banging bitches you... do what?
Roleplay an idealized "livin the life" story which you could make an effort to live yourself as a group if only you got out of that fucking basement?
Jesus, I've got your Ribbon Drive right here, it's called jump in my car and let's do this trip tonight instead of roleplaying it. I've even got the stereo.
>Shadow of the Demon Lord
>Black Crusade
>Shadowrun 3e
Pic related
Fellowship of the Lord of the rings.
Meme loving poser.
>Ninjas and Superspies
>Star Wars D20
You're an insufferable edgelord with some cringe worthy deviant art OC donut steels.
Into the Odd
Savage Worlds