Hey guys, one of my friends recently got me into War Machine, so I'm wondering what some good pieces/builds are for Retribution? So far all I have is the Mk-II battle box, but I have been considering getting the army box.
Hey guys, one of my friends recently got me into War Machine...
I'd recommend not getting into warmachine, if you still got a choice.
If that ship is sailed you'll probably want a Ghost Sniper, Silly Willy and a unit of Dawnguard Invictors.
>I'd recommend not getting into warmachine, if you still got a choice.
Why's that?
The meta is fucked. And well, that's all Warmachine has going for it.
What if I've no interest in playing competitively?
>inb4 "hurrrr nobuddy playse WURMAHURDES 4 fun"
The army box is pretty good, can't go wrong with Sentinels + Griffons + useful support and Vyros1 is a solid combined arms caster.
The new House Vyre light jacks (Harpy and Siren) are really strong for their cost, since they both have strong guns, dual melee weapons, and sweet abilities.
Otherwise just pick what looks cool to you and figure out how it works. I'm personally big on Rahn and House Shyeel for their forcemage funtimes, and Thyron because he's an elf mecha swordsman.
It's currently in the process of committing suicide
What do you mean?
They have manage to foster a fanbase that, for the most part, consists of a very specific type of person.
They have then proceeded
to do things that this specific type of person generally doesn't care for, as well as a few things that NO consumer would care for
TL;DR: 3rd edition was released unfinished, community was unhappy with that (understandably) - instead of addressing this negative feedback PP started suppressing it, booting people off the forums and stuff.
The game is salvageable mechanically, but their public relationship is straight-up self-destructive now.
To give you an answer that is less vague & cryptic than the one offered by , Privateer Press spent a significant amount of time designing and marketing Warmachine/Hordes to be a very competition-oriented game. It has frequently been described as "MtG with miniatures", which I don't agree with entirely, but has some merit in helping you understand the nature of the game. Even if you're not playing it in a tournament setting, the rules encourage you to take advantage of powerful combos and synergistic models which can result in OHKO wins coming seemingly out of nowhere. You have to actively build lists with these combos and synergies in mind or the game simply isn't fun.
The problem is that Privateer Press released a new edition of the rules which can only be explained as having been rushed out with minimal testing in order to take advantage of the market resentment towards GW after WFB was scrapped. The new edition was just awful, downright unplayable for a couple factions the first few months. Privateer Press has since been trying to salvage some measure of balance out of the mess so they can create a semblance of a stable meta - and while they've been successful in certain regards, it's mostly been at the cost of reintroducing and greatly amplifying some of the largest problems with the previous edition.
In short, PP shat the bed with their new edition and has been cleaning the sheets very slowly with the endgame being an inferior product than what they started with.
Oh, cool. My friend keeps talking about moving on to Mk-III after we learn how to play.
From what I've heard from the few players left on here that talk about it, PP has been cleaning and pissing the bed at a similar rate, so whenever they "Fix" something, it just pisses off their fanbase even more
And if what says is true, the game is just straight up dead. I don't think you can spring back from "Banning people for negative feedback"
>while they've been successful in certain regards, it's mostly been at the cost of reintroducing and greatly amplifying some of the largest problems with the previous edition
can't be overstated. imho, the only real issue with mk2 was the overemphasis on theme lists, so what does pp do? release a new version of the game that's a dumpster fire for the first eight months and after that only playable if you're doing it in a theme.
>warmahordes general is fucking dead
>whenever they "Fix" something, it just pisses off their fanbase even more
I dunno, I think it's exaggeration to some degree. Which is to say, the playerbase that still exists mostly harbors ill will towards PP and isn't willing to cut them any slack. And while I think the CID is a good idea in general, it's also created an atmosphere of community criticism that's been made all the more tense with the axing of the official forums. There's also the blatant cash grabs evident in the theme lists, which doesn't do PP any favors.
I genuinely believe PP has done a lot to fix the mess of MK3's initial release, but it's not enough to dig them out of the huge hole they put themselves in.
I've just recently got into it myself and I'm having fun with it. Another shyeel heavy never goes wrong, double manticore are fun, and kaelyssa runs double hydra in defenders really well. Arcanist mechanics are also in nearly every list so grab at least 2. Get war room 2. In terms of builds there's a few that works, AFG with halbadiers, double sentinels, and the colossals are both pretty fantastic.
Have you gotten in any games? Do you have an idea with regards to what you like and what you don't like in terms of play style?
Generally speaking, you'd be well served to pick up a few of the Retribution's staple solos since they can be easily inserted into most games. An Arcanist and a Ghost Sniper should be at the top of that list, but also look at Eiryss and the Magister.
I've only played one game so far. I lost, but that was because the Dice Gods did not shine upon me that day.
What am I even looking at? Jesus Christ, nu-fantasy is awful.