How do people feel so comfortable talking with strangers online in video games?

How do people feel so comfortable talking with strangers online in video games?
Is it an American thing?
I just want to play some Tabletop Simulator but it feels so awkward to chat with strangers especially when they're already friends with one another...

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>Is it an American thing?
It's a "being a well-adjusted human being" thing

People in my country don't talk to strangers and everyone will stare at you if you try talking to a stranger in public.

Honestly you just kinda start talking and it ends up flowing. Keep in mind it's an online game, if you're that uncomfortable you can leave at any time.

It's more of a non-sperg thing
I know your pain brosef, I'm usually that one quiet & serious motherfucker with people I don't know, and loud as fuck & laughing with the people I do know

How's Singapore?

How does anyone become friends if they never talk to strangers?

On the street, yeah that's everywhere. You don't start conversations randomly on the street/ in a restaurant when they're already with people, at a more hangout place like a hobby shop or bar or something is the only place that's really normal

School or Work

At what point in the hobby does it become full of anime sluts and Jin Kazama? I have been part of many hobbies, and I have yet to see Jin. Or any Tekken character. I feel cheated

Usually the girl isn't hot but you got the slut part correct
I haven't had a dudebro situation yet since I've kicked all the sluts so far
half my players are well adjusted females, so that also dissuades sluts from trying to queen bee.

I want to play a game with Alex.

I want to play a game as Mokujin. Also, you'd think if they're going to represent chads as a tekken character they'd go with Jack. He's basically identical to the meme

In short, stop making things popular.

I doubt it's just an American thing, as I've chatted with people from all over the world.

But I am (mostly) an introvert, so I feel your pain. Particularly with Tabletop Simulator as that is a cold open I've not yet attempted, even though I've video TRPG'd and streamed on Twitch with no issues.

If it helps any, in Tabletop Simulator (from watching Twitch streams with randos), it seems most people didn't know each other previously to getting Tabletop Simulator and if they knew each other at all, it was from meeting up through TS and enjoying playing a couple of games enough to seek each other out again.

There's not a lot to it, really. "I would like to play this game. This group is running this game. I will see how we get on together." If you enjoy it, say so and exchange info or make plans for another game in the future. If you didn't, nbd, move on and try again.

If they're total asshats, you can always just leave. It seems normal to just dip without saying anything on TS. (One of the times I watched a Twitch streamer, he ended up in a game with people who had rethemed the game to have dicks, dildos, and other sexual equipment and the host and partner had a super sub/Dom thing going, which they tried to assert on the other players. When they didn't feel comfortable with it, everyone bounced and formed their own game. FWIW, the sub/Dom pair were European, Nordic, iirc.)

If you're wondering how to talk to people, just pretend you're in a new class. And considering there are some nice people on TS who seem to run "workshops" on how to play games, that's technically what it is. Treat it like such and maybe you'll be able to make it click in your brain better.

What about people who make fun of your voice and accent?

That's the beauty of voices and accents-pretty much everyone has one, and if they make fun of yours, go right ahead and make fun of theirs.

You show up and you say things. You know everyone there is an equally maladjusted weirdo with the same niche interests.

lmao who'd want to play with a mongol

"Fatass" or "dipshit" are good standbys.

Why do foreigners always assume that Americans have magic superpowers instead of just realizing their own ineptitude?