/5eg/ Fifth Edition General

>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces (No new UA this month)

What religions have gone or are going extinct in your setting, and what mark have they left upon your world?

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Previously, on /5eg/:

stat me

>What religions have gone or are going extinct in your setting, and what mark have they left upon your world?
So we're just going to fedora up this thread right at the beginning, huh?

Reposting for new thread: I wanted to change some invocations a bit to give warlocks some options to be a bit more durable. someone tell me how bad these are:

Armor of Shadows: Change the effect to "While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier." This makes the effect more in-line with other unarmored options, though still inferior to Barbarian (ability to use shields) and Bladesinger Wizards (able to wear light armor. It's limited but 1 minute is enough for most combats).

Lifedrinker: Works as written, with the following addition: "You gain temporary hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. These hit points last until the beginning of your next turn, or until depleted." These give you a buffer of temporary HP (minimum 1, maximum 5) that refreshes as long as you stay in melee. This is similar to the Abjurer Wizard's Arcane Ward, but doesn't stack with other sources of temporary HP (ward does) and forces you to stay in melee.

>armor of shadows
i don't know why we need to make warlocks better multiclass bait for CHA classes than they already are
i'm fine with this, makes waiting until level 14 for the invocation actually worthwhile

The other user is right, any major buffs to Warlock need to come at later levels. Put a lvl 9 req on that or something.

I guess that's fair, I didn't think of multiclassing. Back to the drawing board for that one.

Maybe just change armor of shadows to give a +1/+2 bonus to AC while active at later levels (say, level 7 and level 14)?

Follower of Guran are not!Norse influence the Enternal Wheel which is not!Buhhda with a mix of Christianity.
Paladin oath of ancient spreading the joy to the world.

personally I'd just make a second "improved armor of shadows" invocation if you really wanna give warlocks a better armor option that isn't multiclass bait, but i don't see much of a point trying to buff warlocks in that regard

It wasn't my intention to "fedora up" the thread when asking that. I was just asking about religions that aren't worshipped anymore in your setting, just like manicheism, the olmec religions or the followers of Dagon in real life.

>What religions have gone or are going extinct in your setting, and what mark have they left upon your world?


I'd rather not take up another invocation for it, they're pretty limited as-is. I don't think there's a precedent for scaling invocations though.

As for the reason, it's mostly a personal thing; I really want to make non-hexblade bladelocks more viable.

New Cantrip: Eldritch Strike
Casting time: 1 action
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous

As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone if they are Huge or smaller.
Regardless of the weapon used, this cantrip deals force damage. This damage is increased by 1d8 at level 5, 11, and 17.
Special: Invocations that modify Eldritch Blast may be used with this cantrip, and this cantrip counts as Eldritch Blast for the purpose of qualifying for such invocations.

Pretty much everyone connected to the current modern society worship spirits of ancestors, ghosts and other incorporeal beings to bring them good luck and so on. With some very powerful spirits most people know about. The only major society that still worships a god is the Gnoll's who pray to an ancient god of famine and disease they insist is still around.

The Gnolls are right and all the other gods died during a war, with Disease god being the only one who survived because he was imprisoned at the time (and still is). All those spirits people pray to are more or less Angels who are still around and help people, some of them are more or less at the power level of gods though.

Planning for the current party I'm DMing for to end up fighting the Gnolls and maybe meeting the one remaining imprisoned god. Not sure, it's a long term plan. This probably sounds kinda fedora-y, but I liked the idea of people praying to the spirits of saints and etc. rather then gods.

Reminder Coffeelocks are legal RAW and Crawford is a figurehead who doesn't actually do anything game-related.

regale me

What in high heavens in a cofee warlock?

What are all the ways to lower an enemies saving throws?
There's Divination that makes them auto-roll a #, and Bane that reduces their saves by a -d4.
But is there anything else?

>What religions have gone or are going extinct in your setting, and what mark have they left upon your world?
The racial god of halflings has gone insane and stopped answering prayers after a big magical nuke blew up the halfling homeland.

Turns out said magical nuke was the halfling empire attempting to incarnate their god to retake their lands after a series of rebellions, and now it haunts the ruins of their capital, half in this world and completely fucked up because of it.

Halflings in my setting were fantasy Rome before their human slaves rebelled.

Circle of Dreams Druid in an otherwise all Artificer party.

It's a meme where you can create sorcerer spell slots that last until a long rest using sorcery points, even allowing more spell slots than you start with at the start of a long rest or spell slots you aren't a high enough level for yet.

Sorlock cheese where you can eventually get what is functionally a limitless number of spells at an early level.

I think it's written some place in the DMG that you can punch your player for bringing memelord builds to your fucking table like some kind of dipshit

When I first started thinking it was probably some sort of colombian feylock meme, I did not think the reality of the situation would sound even more confusing.

Reminber that exhaustion can kill them.

I'm new to dnd
Doing first ever campaign my dm just asked if my character has ever eaten anything while it's alive any reason that could be a question
Minor background info teifling bard level5 warlock level1 archfae

Reminder that exhaustion from lack of long rests is explicitly due to sleep deprivation, which means that coffeelocks are immune to it.


How does /5eg/ feel about female dwarves?

Well.. that depends on the answer you gave. You did say no right?

>any reason that could be a question
You aren't trying to metagame, are you?
The reason for the question should not influence your answer.

I want my friends to encounter the King of Feathers earlier in the jungle rather than in the City of Omu, is this a good idea? They're 5th level.

there's no such thing.
There's only dwarves. Whatever's under their clothes gets sorted out in private

>no beard

A friend of mine DMs for a group of 9 people, at least one session per week. I have no idea how he manages it.

It's called foreshadowing

terribly, odds are

As long as it doesn't notice them and they don't have to fight it, fine. They are too low level to fight it at 5, they could very easily die.

best d&d vidya game? baldurs gate series? DM is outta town for 2 weeks. need a timesink.

Ask him to join the group and see it with your own eyes


If you liked 3rd edition, you might try Temple of Elemental Evil. There is a substantial modpack named Circle of Eight that makes the game a lot better.

Guntism 1.02

How does this sound for firearms:
As crossbows, using equivalent crossbow proficiency. (pistol, arquebus and musket being handheld, light and heavy)

Require powder and match worth 20GP. If this item set is not in your possession, you can't fire your gun.

Ammunition is twice as expensive per shot (you buy "shots" which include all the shit you need to fire once per "shot")

Wheellock guns avoid all this in exchange for costing some 5-10 times the cost. Ammunition for flintlocks costs the same as crossbow ammunition since you aren't buying replacement matches and overall less powder due to their higher quality construction.

There is a magic firearm that has no loading property. It fires one piece style, just splurging bullets out of the barrel without giving a fuck, the ammunition it uses just vanishes from your person as it teleports automatically into the barrel.

Still debating whether to do the following: Keep everything like that, but make them strength based. That way you represent that they are not about finesse, but about being able to bring the heavy weapon to bear quickly and with discipline with it's stand rather than careful aiming. Mechanically, this would make them a great ranged option for strength based martials, who otherwise suck at life. Bringing them into focus as the ranged choice of those "less skilled as bowmen", which translates as those without dex.

Monsters with guns tend to carry handguns. These have shorter range bands, incompatible shots and "Rod and smokepowder" instead of "powder and match"; but otherwise deal the same damage as their equivalent. More civilized NPCs carry regular versions of everything.

How exactly do Barbarians fit into the grand scheme of Eberron? Is it the same as everywhere else?

>big choo choo is shiny, me hate big choo choo

Yeah, I've been doing that pretty well, thanks. I've been including a whole bunch of other stuff to boot.

Is the thing really that badass? My players can deal an absurd amount of damage. I could just have them encounter the t-rex zombie then, who already made a brief and foreboding appearance.

>Ammunition for wheellocks costs the same as crossbow ammunition since you aren't buying replacement matches and overall less powder due to their higher quality construction.

>Got 4 Council's Support in Rise of Tiamat
>Still lost the final battle

I hate D&D AND retarded Clerics who want to do MAD DPS BRUHS instead of supporting

at level 5 they can almost certainly kick its ass right now

level 5 or so seems like the level players can no longer be challenged by over half the core rulebook. particularly if they have spellcasters.

So which Chad cleric cucked your shadow monk/assassin rogue/hexblade multiclass?

Was it Light, or was it Arcana?

She isn't spreading her legs.

Most support spells aren't very good unless you have a very large party. That is, the action spent giving you a bonus to your attack rolls when opponents have like 13 AC vs your +6 attack just seems like too little payoff when you can deal close to the same damage the other guy is almost guaranteed to deal again.

Only support spells worth casting are mass healing spells that can bring back more than one guy to into the fight, and thus give you back lost action advantage.

If they have good damage output they might gib it, despite its buffed HP. The thing is, it's really hard to get away from due to its speed of 50 and legendary resistance and at will Misty Step. That also means it could probably escape if it's getting its ass beat. So I'm imagining something like this: it chomps down on something appropriately squishy and tries to run off with it to eat it. You know what, that sounds awesome and ToA is supposed to kill players anyway. I'm totally going to do this when my players get closer to Omu.

Not really got a stake here, but just wondering... why make all these rules, rather than just using the regular gun stats?

What's the party makeup?

I am an Eagle Totem Barbarian. Also an Arcana Cleric naturally.

I meant that there were times when we were missing enough HP that a heal would have been REALLY NICE, but instead he kept spamming Inflict Wounds.

He could have at least using Guiding Bolt

Any ideas for how you'd do a quickdraw fighting swordsman in 5e? I feel like Assassin is the only archetype that puts any emphasis on your first attack in a combat, but there's a lot in Assassin that doesn't fit with fighting with a sword. Maybe take 3/4 levels in Rogue/Assassin then multiclass?

What's wrong with discworld?

Why don't Wizards include that awesome adaptation appendix anymore, like they did in PotA?

thematically, samurai or kensai would probably be good fits. mechanically, assassin or gloom stalker

DMG gun stats are dumb. it's easier just to reflavor crossbows

Revised Ranger Gloom Stalker might be what you want.
>wisdom bonus to initiative
>advantage on initiative rolls
>10 feet extra movement
>1 extra attack

They are flintlocks, they don't fit in my setting. I need proper fluffy bits that are missing.

Also, I just don't like how they feel. Their stats are all over the place and they don't follow the player's hand book formula for weapons.

Reposting from last thread:

Was looking for a patron/diety for my High Elf Necromancer. Raised in oppressive, elitist wizarding school. Left. Spent some time with the Drow, other races, changed his opinion, realized the world was not exactly what he had been told it was.
Views necromancy as just another form of magic, death and souls as just another source of power with an undue stigma attached. Very nonchalant about the whole thing.

Based on suggestions and thoughts, I think the best fit for the character is Azuth.

As the Patron of Wizards and Spellcasting, I think this fits best with what I;'m trying to go for with my Elf which is, to him, Necromancy is just another form of wizardry, so naturally he is aligned with the god of ALL wizardry.

>Teach the wielding of magic, and dispense scrolls, items and spellbooks throughout Faerûn that the use and knowledge of magic may spread. Encourage everyone to try their hand at wielding magic.

>Learn every new spell you discover and make a copy for the temple library. Do not hoard your knowledge, and encourage creativity in magic in all ways and at all times.

Since Azuth is LN, I feel like that leaves it open for necromancy to still be an "evil" thing as viewed by the world (DM), but shows in RP that the focus is on NM as magic, not as some evil thing (which is why I stayed away from gods of death or trickery or pain or bones, whatever.) The focus is on the magic, not the death.

Can anyone see opposition to this or offer insight into what they think Azuth's feelings would be (how I can expect the DM to treat our relationship if they go along with my plan?)

Look to Velsharoon.

I wished we had a UA this month, they really break up the monotony of the nonstop warlock and multiclassing cheese chatter

Any tips on how to build a good Celestial Warlock via Pact of the Blade? I know that Pact of the Blade isn't really good at all, and Hexblade is better, but I am a huge fan of the expanded spell list and flavor. Right now we're just level one, but we'll probably be hitting the levels pretty quickly.

To think that at this time last year they were doing nearly weekly UAs

Actually RAW it is the lack of long rests that stipulate a DC. Not lack of sleep.

get improved pact weapon for pact longbow, then go eldritch smite+thirsting blade. smite shit from afar

Damn, although it depends on how I play the thing, I'm thinking of probably as more of a hit and run monster.
This is freaking awesome, and the party is at a point now where an introduction to legendary resistance and potentially legendary actions would be a sweet wake up call. And your last tidbit is brilliant, the image of it taking someone with them as it teleports away.

We've got an artificer, mystic, ranger and warlock.

>When I run D&D, I disallow all rules marked as optional, variant or that ask you to get DM permission
>We start at level 3 to make up for this
>Everyone just whines endlessly about how they can't do x or y cheese build
D&D players are almost universally munchkinny as fuck.

ugh, didn't occur to me before I wrote that but Misty Step doesn't let you carry someone with you.

I'll probably just change that since I like the idea so much.

That sounds amazing

ugh, didn't occur to me before I wrote that but Misty Step doesn't let you carry someone with you.

I'll probably just change that to a special ability instead of the spell, since I like the idea so much.

Ah well, I'm playing by rule of cool anyway. I'll just have this happen.

>starting at anything below level 3 with an experienced party
You're not throwing them as big a bone as you think.

Get armor of shadows and go dex based and make a rapier

Ah, I didn't know about Gloom Stalker. An eventual Rogue4/Ranger5 would get you three first round attacks on the first round with advantage and auto-crit if they hit without delaying your feat progression, which is important because clearly you want Elven Accuracy.

You can bring that up to four attacks if you dual wield (extreme risk of twin scimitars in a build as anime as this). Probably more optimal to fire three longbow shots with Archery fighting style, though.

Assuming you're being an Archer, you sneak up on your opponent with Expertise in Stealth, get to within 90ft to cast Hunter's Mark, then attack with surprise and make three attacks at +10 (rolling three dice for each attack and keeping the highest), dealing 2d8+2d6+6 damage per hit (if Hunter's Mark gets doubled by critical hits).

Is that good? I'm not really sure what that sort of damage output looks like relative to the bread and butter Sharpshooter stuff.

Nah, I just think it's the "these two fighters can actually do different things from each other" level.

Mike Mearl's new title is franchise creative director. Could this mean finally more settings?

>What's wrong with discworld?

I think that there's a balance to be struck between rollplay and roleplay and I wouldn't go as far as you but it just gets annoying how the last buncha threads have just been about coffeelocks


Character building is fun, and taking away feats or high level options is taking away that fun. Why do you hate your players having fun?

Also, when people build characters they get more invested in them and feel personally responsible for their victories (when fundamentally it's always down to you giving them achievable victories instead of dropping rocks on them). Everyone wants to feel a sense of agency. Take the numbers away, and your players may care less about the roleplaying.

God I hope we get spelljammer and planescape, maybe ebberon but I don't really know too much about it

I gave my players another class feature through shared storytelling. They're excited.

Another class feature each.

PHB, page 203:

"A character can use a component pouch or a spellcasting focus (found in chapter 5) in place of the components specified for a spell."

"A spellcaster must have a hand free to access these components, but it can be the same hand that he or she uses to perform somatic components."

Does this mean I can cast spells with a focus in one hand and, say, a shield in the other? I've never been clear on it.

What do you mean? Like the EK has superiority dice now?


You realize the entire point of the optional rule is based around sleep deprivation right?

Nah, say the ranger can take another fighting style or spell, or the warlock can take another invocation. That sort of thing.

Sounds pretty cool and a lot less broken

If the aspect of the moon invocation would make coffeelocks immune to exhaustion, it would say so.
If the Going Without a Long Rest rule would exclude creatures that don't need sleep, it would say so.

I'm pretty sure Azuth isn't big on Necromancy, it's not his domain and he has no interest or influence over it.

In FR you're pretty much only going find Evil gods who have anything to do with Necromancy. I think Osiris does allow undead and necromancy for the furthering of LG, but he's a member of the Mulhorandi pantheon.

You're not going to find a god that supports it and isn't evil really, but you will be able to find gods that don't really care.

Then clearly Elves don't need to take long rests either, because there's no rule about trance deprivation, right?

Thanks bro! My players certainly seem excited so that's good.

My experience is that everyone gets very involved with my games and fucking loves the shit out of their characters, accomplishments and the people they meet.

They just won't stop whining about how they want to do the totally broken build they read online. The last time we played with full book bullshit, everyone made extremely hampered garbage characters that never got to the level where their bullshit build was gonna pay off, because my games' stories don't go up to high levels and experience gets severely reduced by level 5 or so (They don't tend to face ever bigger monsters, but ever more politically complex situations).

I prefer to run systems with sideways proggression, that way they can have tons of customization options, but can't screw up their character's math.