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What lands have your characters traveled to? Where do they hail from? If they could journey to a plane, where would they go?

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My character is a witch. I'm starting a cult in the town. There is a powerful temple in the town that probably won't look kindly upon my activities. What spells available to a level 4 or 5 witch are best for this kind of subterfuge?

Haven't played much, and I usually prefer make a character that's within 1 province away from where the adventure starts.

Out of all the characters I've actually played, the farthest I've had a character go to from where hes from was my Barbarian mercenary from Andoran ending up in Mwangi

Originally from Brevoy, but has run around most of Avistan in his time bumming around the world as a sellsword before the campaign started.

Fuck off, Slow.

I once played a Summoner from Cheliax who went to Varisia to learn more about Thasilon, but then the DM got busy and that Rise of the Runelords campaign went to a screeching halt four or five sessions later. Really liked that character, even though we were only allowed to use CRB + APG...

That's a funny looking dragon. Did the fighter tug on its nose ring to piss it off? Also I just noticed Seoni falling off the building too.

Anyway my first Pathfinder character had a pretty generic "wandering swordsman testing his skills" backstory.

>He thinks he knows who I am
Wrong, I'm a nobody posting about my home game. Glad to know that one guy owns all of Brevic sellswords on /pfg/ now, though.

>implying (you) didn't word your description to intentionally bring about that kind of reaction

Recruiting games, maybe they won't bamboozle:

So I already asked this a bit last thread, but what would you guys do for a character built around the Hook Fighter feat?

> You treat a grappling hook as a one-handed weapon that deals piercing damage equal to a heavy pick of its size and that has the disarm and trip special weapon features. You do not incur penalties as you would for using a grappling hook as an improvised weapon. If you are proficient with whips and your grappling hook has at least 10 feet of rope or chain attached to it, you can treat it as a two-handed melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you can use it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes), though you don’t threaten any squares with it.

> Changing between using a grappling hook as a normal weapon and a reach weapon is a move action. When performing a reposition maneuver with a grappling hook, you can only move the target toward you from its original position.

I was thinking about maybe pairing it with Hamatula Strike for some hook-and-pull shenanigans (yeah, I know I could do that Scorpion-style with a Rope Dart), but honestly beyond that I'm at a loss. I'm not even sure what class/archetype to play as either. Any and all suggestions welcome, provided they're 1pp that is...

Honestly, the need to perform a Move to switch the weapon around severely limits your use of it.

The only other option I can see is taking Equipment Trick (Rope), then the Whip Mastery feats and beg your DM to allow you to let that stuff interact

>Honestly, the need to perform a Move to switch the weapon around severely limits your use of it.
Does it really though? I mean honestly it just seems like a case of wanting reach or wanting to threaten adjacent squares. Even if the DM did allow Whip Mastery feats to work with it, the first feat would do practically nothing for him.

>At 20th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of any number of combat feats as a swift action
i just realized how silly this is
what are the strongest combat feats available? i'm guessing you couldn't pick most of the racial/skill rank locked ones, but being able to literally grab every feat in the book, including all crit and mastery feats, as swift must lead up to some interesting combinations

Is anyone else excited to get wet in Ruins? What sort of character are you thinking of apping with?

All of the potential characters suck.

Paizo's gay Erastilian clerics make me moist

Which ones suck the most in each game?

Not really since hardly anyone seems to play at level 20 for long, if at all.

Surely the main writer was aware of the innuendo here, right?

>Having a shread of self awareness
This is the same company that referred to the LN female aspect of Asmodeus that's worshiped in Garund as the "Cunning Linguist"



> Garund as the "Cunning Linguist"
Bullshit. Someone was having a giggle with that.

Actually, they panicked and rewrote it when someone pointed out what that actually meant to them

Yeah, google's telling me it's the Wily Linguist now.

That was Crystal Frasier’s writing.

Whichever edgy nodachifag Tuvarkz is apping with.

I don’t know, they’re all equally terrible.

I like how the only straight male character in the first book is a middle-aged loser who’s basically the half-elf’s nagging wife.

Why doesn't he accept the body he was born with?
Isn't rejection of the natural order basically what makes Necromancy Evil in the Pathfinderverse?

Oh great, the local /pol/ faggot is lying about AP's again. Thought you stopped after getting BTFO'd the last time.

I'm looking at the Ruins of Azlant applicants and one of them describes his character's role as "Ranged DPS/Off Heals". Jesus fucking Christ.

Oh wait, I forgot about the other straight white guy, the one that’s explicitly described as “problematic” and gets BTFO’d by the tough Shoanti girl even with his “toxic masculinity?”

Or are we talking about the wealthy white guy with a fiancé back home who’s evil for no reason?

Necromancy is evil in Pathfidner because it's Evil. That's it. The nature is neutral and enfocing the natural order is probably just lawful.

>I forgot about the other straight white guy, the one that’s explicitly described as “problematic
He's descried as being rough around the edges but warming up to the party over time.
>Or are we talking about the wealthy white guy with a fiancé back home who’s evil for no reason?
We're talking about how you need to fuck off back to /pol/ with your shit posting and lies, faggot.

Sorta related, do you think Paizo knows and purposefully is pushing campaign traits to be stronger than normal traits? I'm not pretending this is a new trend, but this new trait made me think about it again. Not all campaign traits are particularly good, not by a wide margin, but there are plenty of really good ones like Trap Finder from Mummy's Mask, Optimistic Gambler from Second Darkness, or Finding Your Kin from Legacy of Fire.

Campaign traits are powerful because they’re required for most campaigns, dude. You’re meant to take one.

>Warms up to the party over time

[Citation Needed], I recall he’s a “macho” jerk who gets threatened by any smiths in the party because the joke is his masculinity’s a joke.

Which is kind of like that nobleman in WotR, the one who literally mansplains but has white privilege so he’s rich.

>Campaign traits are powerful because they’re required for most campaigns, dude
They're not actually because most GMs don't trust players to time themselves to the campaign in, a logical way despite most campaign traits failing that too or in some cases making it harder for characters to integrate into the campaign.

The joke is that he's an insecure asshole which has nothing to do with him being a male
>Which is kind of like that nobleman in WotR, the one who literally mansplains but has white privilege so he’s rich.
Because he's a rich asshole who is actually impersonating the dead child of some rich folks and is technically not a noble at all and the dick hole shit is just a ruse to not blow his cover.

Seriously why don't you just fuck off to /pol/ with your fucking persecution complex, Christ.

Sounds like those DMs are weak bitches that can’t corral their players to even work together without the promise of an airship later so they can become SKY PIRATES.

His masculinity's a joke because he's trying too hard. Being a living pastiche of cliches IS a joke man, unless you think that every dude should drink beer, watch football, and get angry at other dudes.

Can people rate my concepts for four homebrew anti-paladin archetypes? I talked about my elemental one before, need opinions on the others.

Post 'em

He’s an insecure asshole whose masculinity is a front-and-center aspect of the character. It’s clearly a joke about how “tough men” are actually losers while the feminine masculinity of the half-Elf is honest and pure.

Really, name one good straight white male in Ruins of Azlant.

Anyone wanting to run an AP?

look up, dude.

Red pill me on the Investigator class, please. Is it bad, good, or somewhere in the middle depending on how much optimization you come at it with? The /pfg/ tier lists put it at T3, is that just on the merits of being (sorta) a 2/3s caster?

Paizo isn’t very subtle about those things, I doubt they intended to make him such the cliche he is considering all the other dudes are cliches too.

It’s the best pure skill monkey in the game.

What's with that art?

The former mayor, once you clean him up from the literal mindrape-slime.

Investigator arguably the best 1pp skillmonkey and has alchemy to supplement it. However, if you really want to be a team-player, you NEED to snag the infusion discovery much like an alchemist. Also, it's not good in combat even after 5th level.

>Being in Power

I can see why he’s the FORMER mayor, and probably a real loser.

Are there any forums with solid PbP records other than Paizo's and GitP?

I had already figured Infusion was going to be a mandatory tax, as soon as I saw it got extracts.

Are there any archetypes for the class that are particularly stand-out? I frequently see people mention the Empiricist, though I haven't looked at it yet (I'm combing over the class right now).

Part of the reason there aren’t a lot of eligible men in power in pathfinder is because the majority of the player base is male. Friendly NPCs are female and hostile NPCs are male because it’s what sweaty neckbeards like out of their games.

Will you fuck off with your martyr complex? Former because he got literally kidnapped by an Aboleth after fighting off the thing's minions (who were murdering and also kidnapping the other settlers of not-Roanoke before the party gets there). So if you're going to keep pushing a fake narrative, at least have the decency to act like you know what really happens.
Have an aztec 2hu, fuck you.

>I can see why he’s the FORMER mayor
Because the PC's are the new big dicks on the settlement.

Campaign books and player's guides emphasize fluff over crunch, so they aren't held to the same standards as Paizo's hardcovers. Paizo will intentionally print something in a player's guide or AP because it's "cool" that they wouldn't allow in a hardcover that didn't have Inner Sea somewhere on the cover.

That's not 2hu. It's probably someone way fucking worse.
Most of the fucking villains in PF are female too nowdays.

No, as in the picture is literally a Touhou character dressed like an aztec.

Oh shit I'm sorry.

This is why you should clean your monitor kids, so you don't see commas that aren't there.

Empiricist is usually the archetype you want to roll with; hell, I consider it a straight upgrade. However, if PoW is on the table, the Polymath Template is something to consider.

Paizo’s so full of creepy perverts and pushy women that they hardly make men anymore. That’s not a surprise to anyone who’s read the Starfinder books.

>can't find any fitting character art

For what?

I got that same feeling man.

I need art of muscular women in mecha goddammit

Pretty sure the ruins of azlant game is a roll20 rando game, not one by /pfg/ user. It's not worth advertising, fucking garbage no 3pp material Paizo cocksucking trash.

SQ's shown up before, user.

Literally who

Spider Queen, the one running the game.

Okay I need advice on something pretty autistic.
The city the characters are in is going to be under attack soon. Hundreds of orc zombies, the city guard is devastated, and the group leading the attack has also got some kind of construct they've been working on.
Problem is, I can't decide what it is.
The party's main damage dealer deals in bludgeoning/piercing, or electricity. This is relevant. I want this construct to fuck them up.
Also, I like miniatures.

Here are my current choices:

>Juggernaut from Pathfinder
Pros: is fully pathfinder
Cons: I don't really like the abilities as much
Cons: I would have to buy the miniature.
Cons: Isn't immunte to electricity

>3.5 juggernaut
Pros: immune to electricity and good DR
Cons: not 3.5, and has non-3.5 type of DR (against a specific enhancement bonus of weapon)
Cons: would need miniature, but that's okay

Slaughterstone Eviscerator
Pros: I have the miniature
Pros: resistance to electricity, decent DR
Cons: not pathfinder
Cons: would have to justify or foreshadow the group getting ahold of dwarven tech

Thoughts? The miniature is kinda important to me because this will be a special battle. Not sure what I should go with. I am kind of a poorfag so I would prefer not to have to buy another mini, but I also kinda want it anyway so it wouldn't be that bad. Just curious what your opinion is.

Its stats are pretty comparable to PF, so I doubt you need much in the way of conversion.

As for justifying it being there, have whatever evil dude is controlling the zombie horde have under his command a disgraced Dwarven Smith/Cleric of that one Dwarven god of toil and cheaters.

Or, if the Orcsare from Belkzen, there's a few setlements in Belkzen that are basically old Dwarven Smithies/Strongholds that th Orcs repurposed. They could've unearthed that thing and decided to use it

Okay, so I have a weird question.

Is there any way to get a rapier to count as a slashing weapon in addition to counting as a piercing weapon?

Have you considered using the stats of the juggernaught but refluffing the creature's appearance to fit the slaughterstone mini you have? I don't know the stats or appearance of a juggernaut, but I would also suggest that if it's a construct you could simply give it electricity immunity. There are rules for modifying and upgrading constructs and although they haven't included giving immunities to energy types in those upgrades you could easily say the creators of this construct figured out a way to make it immune to electricity. The issue you might run across there is making your PCs feel like you're purposefully trying to shut them down, but it sounds like that's the intention (tread carefully).

What's the closest equivalent we have to a PC Minotaur race?

We have this homebrew:

broodie pls

I don't get all these people who think they need character art. What happened to using your imagination?

having art is more fun. plus if you use roll20 you kinda need a token

I don't really need character art myself, but GMs tend to insist on it.

>GMs tend to insist on it
This, plus you need something for your roll20 token in the end anyways.

succ pls

rory pls

alien entity pls

literally who?

should guns target flat-footed AC?

Why would they?

Because that's realistic.

Because you can't dodge a bullet and it makes a lot more sense than targeting touch AC.

You can't cast magic spells or avoid an explosion at point blank range in a 5 by 5 box but you can do all that shit in PF as well.

Yes against Heavy Armor and Breastplates, no against others.

Because Fullplate came after firearms, and many forms of armor were made "bullet-proof", as in they were tested against being shot at

Be realistic, he means that actual armor was designed to be resistance against firearm fire.

What are people's opinions on the Occultist? It's look pretty fiddly to me, and many of its focus powers are just 'spend a focus point to use this spell as an ability'.

Occultist is basically on the same level as the Inquisitor and Bard in terms of being "good but not game breakingly strong" classes that are 6th-level spellcasters.

Anons I can't sleep

Give me a class idea to homebrew.

Something focused on sleeps and dreams. A "Waking Dreamer" class.

Make of that whatever you will.

That oculd be a Mesmerist archetype actually

A not shit Shifter.

Jolly is already handling that

Is it only Brevoy and Taldor in Golarion which are well known for duelling styles? What about like Andoran, Cheliax, Galt and other major nations?

I realize that when my character mainly fights using iaijutsu/quick draw, he has to be from a nation with good duelists at least. Tian Xia is not really an option since I am not explicitly making an Eastern character