>Feel free to talk about your campaign, your most recent session, or to ask for advice.
>What game(s) are you currently running and what is your group like? I'm currently running SW Saga Edition for my dream group and a 5e campaign for my murderhobo normalfag friends.
>How does it feel to be the eternal GM? I accept it. Would love to play again but I dont trust anyone to run a continuous and fun game.
Total shot in the dark for if this thread even takes off. If anyone has resources I could put into a future OP, please feel free to dump.
Asher Baker
Didn't there used to be stuff?
Robert Flores
Yeah but I didnt save the OP from the old one.
Jordan Cooper
I will not be railroaded. Not even physics can subvert my will.
Gabriel Rodriguez
What's it like playing SW in a lucid dream? How do you generate truly random rolls?
Nicholas Adams
Feels good mang. Every one has a good time and everyone can fly.
Then I wake up and have to prep a session I'm never 100% satisfied with and hope my players still enjoy it and dont leave me.
Luis Lewis
I didn't save it but I'm sure I can find it but most of the stuff that was in the pastebin was map tools tokens and gm help books
the thing is we have to make sure that these kinds of threads can live that long
Cameron Rogers
>What game(s) are you currently running and what is your group like?
I'm running pathfinder for my group of 6 irl friends as my first time GMing (we're all first timers, although I've played before). Tried to introduce them to another system and they immediately complain it's not balanced. Fml.
In other news I'm still trying to figure out how to make pacing work but I guess I'll get there eventually, assuming the group doesn't fall apart first.
Owen Scott
God speed user. How are you liking pathfinder? Hopefully your group is free of the degenerate furry races
As a side note I been slowly getting a game ready but one thing that always worried me was maps-- I have a few tools that I can use maps and if I really needed too I can but the kinds of games I tend to run (modern gun combat) that means I'm either going to make *a lot* of maps or combat happens very rarely/when I think its needed. The thing is I rather not do any of that stuff agian but I rather not make a fuck ton of maps so I was thinking how possible it is to run a tactics game by word of mouth.
Jonathan Flores
2 elves, 2 half-elves, one human and one orc. Praise the Lord.
Owen Myers
Word of mouth works fine if you're going for "cinematic" combat (mutants and masterminds style) but if you want speeds and positioning to be defined and not a confusing mess then you should go for maps.
William Cruz
Yeah that's what I feel the most at some point I made a chart showing how far they are from people for times where combat happens and I don't have a map but I think it might be more confusing for them.
Robert Gomez
>What game(s) are you currently running and what is your group like? I'm running /4eg/'s first official game. By creating a Discord to try and hold the thing together we accidentally killed the general. Shit. The group's great, however. The players are all very engaged and they've got very interesting characters, and all are pretty smart at combat which makes it all the more interesting.
>How does it feel to be the eternal GM? See, for the longest time I did my best to avoid it but at this point unless I really trust whoever's running the adventure, I find myself having the most fun running the games I wanna run. Though I do miss being a player at times, I just haven't quite found a GM where I can safely say "right, me and this guy, we line up pretty well".
Julian Reyes
>I find myself having the most fun running the games I wanna run I feel the same way I would really like to be a player but 80% of the time the games I find are just stuff I'm not into or the gm runs flake 2 weeks in. I did run into one case so far where I just didn't enjoy how the gm ran and I left hopefully that doesn't happen again because I do like to see how other people run things.
Mason Kelly
I struggle with the same problem. I always want maps but sometimes an encounter really doesnt warrant one and would be better if i went by description.
Im starting to think Im just making maps for myself at this point
Christopher Diaz
Maybe because I'm lazy but I just don't want to make a ton of maps I was thinking of making (even did half of the work but took a break) or prefab streets store fronts and such but I need to follow up with that for buildings that have 2-3 floors and basements and each being something different maybe I'm over thinking it but its very possible for me to do just it will take a ton of time and I'm pretty sure its going to be low in quality after making so many
Parker Long
>By creating a Discord to try and hold the thing together we accidentally killed the general. Shit. I was wondering what happened to that.
Ryder Gutierrez
Discord's still alive and well with mostly a group of 10 regulars. Don't think the threads can be kickstarted again, /4eg/ has a tendency of being painfully slow. On the other hand, everything's going great for the game, so there's probably a niche market for it.
Jordan Howard
Currently I'm not running anything because I'm searching for a job and don't want to commit to running a game if there might be a scheduling conflict. Instead I've been reading a lot of game books and trying to decide what to do next.
Right now I'm leaning toward either Pathfinder or Godbound. Pathfinder is a clusterfuck but it's what I know, has a lot of pieces to make encounters out of and is popular enough that I can get people to apply to my game and choose the ones I like best. Godbound I really love the premise of, but I'm not crazy about the system and it's so obscure that I'd probably have to take whoever I could get if I could gather enough people to play at all.
Jack Nelson
wtf does railroading mean in RPG's? I can't draw a reference to what it means in common english (swiftly constructed) to RPG's.
Jack Jones
>SW Saga Edition for my dream group I'm masturbating thinking what either of them would be like, let alone both at once.
>want to play, really badly >normative group broke apart >locals at GS are stenchbeards >have little to no faith after some groupfinding posts here and elsewhere
Kill me, somebody.
Sebastian Mitchell
If you *really* don't like godbounds system then just take the lore and try to move it into PF I never really played PF but I heard stuff like path of war can make combat and such go over the top.
I can't/won't speak for everybody but railroading to me is the case of the players/pc's don't have any say in the matter when it comes to story's or event's and things just happen. For example the noble you have to make sure doesn't get killed gets killed no matter how hard you try can be seen as railroading where if the players protect the noble on during the day but someone forgets to guard him during the night and he gets killed can be say its not IMO.
Luke Taylor
My group is about to start the next "chapter" of the campaign where they are venturing to the Dark Elf capital in order too find information about a mysterious group that a group of good guys think is behind a lot of seemingly unrelated bad stuff going on. They suspect the Dark Elf king is working with that mysterious group. Of course I know who the mysterious group is, and by assuming they succeed in their mission they will uncover the group's name and who the bbeg is.
I'm thinking of having the final "boss" encounter be a party at the King's palace that the players will need access to that they can use it to infiltrate the palace and find the information they need.
I've been ripping a lot of things from Warhammer fantasy so like the Dark Elves there, this Dark Elf kingdom is in the northern part of the world so it's rather cold and the architecture has a penchant for black.
The main way I'm thinking of having them get into the party is to make a name for themselves in the city's fighting pits. I will have other paths for them but that's the one that seems the most appealing to me. Maybe they could also get on the good side of one of the higher up Dark Elf nobles.
Christian Rodriguez
I got very lucky with my Saga group. >Old DM join who doesnt like star wars but always wanted a space tabletop game >Friend from high school who acts in plays and she gets super in character >her boyfriend who I played with in a HARP game. He always tries to solve puzzles out of the box >my autistic best friend who barely talks but its fine because hes a wookie and no one understands him anyway and he has fun just smashing stuff
Logan Young
What can I do about my friends constantly talking about wanting to do "new things" and trying "new systems" and generally talking about playing way way way way more than even trying to play any fucking game or system.
I don't even want to be the DM but they all get "tired" and need "breaks" because DMing is too tough. Should I give up on them?
Tyler Mitchell
If you don't want to gm anymore then let them know and stop. If you want to play something else and they don't want to play it then they don't have to play but do try looking for something that you think that can work without losing the player if you care for them
Grayson Peterson
I'd say, if you are dm, tell them on game night you are playing "x" unless one of them wants to bring something else to the table and give you a break.
If that doesnt work theres always randoms.
Juan Taylor
Currently running 2 groups, a 5e campaign for 3 friends and a pathfinder campaign for 6 others. The 5e group are pretty good roleplayers but are relatively new to tabletop games and have a habit of being a bit indecisive. The Pathfinder group I've played with in the past but its their first time using this system, they're a decent bunch and other than some problems here and there they are fun to play with but there's a pretty severe lack of in-character roleplay from a chunk of the group, honestly not sure if they aren't interested in that part of it all or if they're still uncomfortable with it.
Elijah Clark
> yes, and ooo, pretty good dm
Jonathan Hall
So some friends and I finally decided to start playing D&D. We decided I would be DM. none of us have role played before. How do I not fuck all this up.
Matthew Harris
Keep your plans to a minimum, be able to adapt very quickly and on the fly, do some research for possible names for whatever - don't be afraid to use the real world for it, or use and abuse cliches. Having a list of good enemy stats for a certain level helps.
Julian Stewart
Several sessions into a stars without number. Theyre really getting into the doing jobs for cash vibe. Ive also been maintaining a google doc that serves as an rss feed of events and news around them. It serves as a fun way to offer world building and offer plot hooks.
Oh and they may have been infected with something that lets them read ancient writings from the previous Galactic empire... And other thijgs they dont know about yet.
Levi Garcia
How many of you use props during your session?
How many of you have obscure games youll never get your players to try? For me its ironclaw
Nathaniel Kelly
As a new GM, how do i portray long distance travel? Just rolling a random encounter for every day?
Wyatt Sullivan
Nornis and Engel
Kevin Russell
Don't add combat where there's no need to add. Sure, if you're going through dangerous territory, it makes sense. But if you're going through some pretty straigthforward zones you can pretty much just jumpcut to wherever you wanna go.
Ryan Bennett
I don't really say much after the first time unless its something of note/new all the game I did with my players we played so I guess its nice I have people who are pretty cool
William Sanders
So something like a knight killing the king while the players are off doing quests and stuff might be considered railroading? Interesting.
Alexander Reed
Don't complicate the plot, the players are going to do it for you. Write down name lists for random NPCs, places, anything that could need a name. Have a couple statsheets with enemies to throw at players if you need to. Keep stats hidden, if the situation is dire you can manipulate a bit to make it more interesting, but don't make a habit out of it. Anything you plan, note it. Anything that happens, note it. Stay flexible, don't overcommit to a plan. If you have problem remembering rules, note the ones you forget the most down. Improvise rules if needed to keep the game flowing. Check it later and tell the players, then settle on the ruling(sometimes the homebrew is better or just fits better). Session 0 is a must, so that everyone can agree what they expect and want from the game. No need for a plan before it, because you should easily get some ideas from what the players say they want to play.
Josiah Roberts
My players decided to go kill a Wyvern that the Warlord of an Orc warband is looking to tame. The party happened to finish killing it right as some scouts from the Warband arrived to scout out the nest for their Warlord.
The Orcs outnumber the party 4 to 1, but I don't want them to get wiped out by a bunch of Orc scouts. Could I get some suggestions on how to have this encounter go that would motivate the party into making their way towards the Orcs' encampment?
William Taylor
>so you are into traps I don't want people in my magical realm though, I don't put it in my campaigns
Lucas Price
Or having your players be like "we want to do this thing over here" and the dm is all like "nah family, you're gonna go here because its what I had planned for you and doing your own thing will ruin my master plan"
Thomas Flores
Maybe have half of the scouts leave to report to their boss that the wyvern is dead. Have the party fight the remainder.
While the orcs could swarm and overrun the party, they are still scouts. Their job is first and foremost to observe and report. And depending on your orcs, they could be honorable and the thought of ruining a good fight by greater numbers is herasy. Orcs to me always want a good fight, not necessarily a clean fight though.
Camden Carter
Having half of them go back is a good idea. That would probably get the party to try and follow them and find out where the Orcs are currently encamped.
Ian Evans
My group of players is about to embark on a quest that involves a lot of cult hunting. However, I never explicitly said that we were gonna go after ye olde demon cults and , with that in mind, I added a dwarven cult that worships a frozen dragon, a Lovecraftian cult (ye olde gods and all that jazz) and a pseudo-christian group that worships pagan deities. I'm a christian myself so, I hope making Jesus a Lich isnt hope Anyways, as this is my first time doing cult stuff and considering the fact that I have yet to run a game of Call of Cthulhu, I'd love to see some suggestions.
Aiden Brown
What I keep in mind when I do cults: >charasmatic or overzealous leader >relics of power or significance to their faith >cultists have little to no fear, even if the face of death >cthulu mythos cults are all about sacrifices, maybe throw in some mind flayers in the upper hierarchy of the cult or some brain suckers of some sort >not all cults are evil, some are misunderstood and seen as evil by the common folk >summoning rituals >put too many cults in a region chances are they'll start a holy war against the others >commoners leaving their faith to join cult causing the church to intervene, maybe burn a few cultists which only makes their resolve stronger >maybe have the party eventually meet one of the cults deities. They can attemptto destroy it or join it, and then may multiclass as a warlock
One idea Ive been toying with is have my party, while on the road, stop for the night in a small hamlet unknowingly run by a cult. They spend the night and I get them to roll a d20. The cult attempts to abduct and sacrifice whoever rolls lowest. Maybe have a coven of witches in the town or something like that.
Evan Ortiz
Saw the image in the catalogue and thought this was an actual model railroad thread.
Gavin Moore
Post trains user
Levi Hughes
No, but if the knight attacks the king while the PCs are there, the PCs defeat him in combat but then it goes into a cutscene and the knight kills the king anyway, then it'd be railroading.
Jackson Johnson
Make them realistic. Real cultists think they're the good guys, they're not wearing black robes and knowingly worshiping the evil god of evil. Maybe the "Lovecraftian" cult disguises its gods as more conventional or newagey ones and only the high-ups know what it's really about.
Robert Turner
so i do desert fantasy settings alot and one of the things i love to introduce are these 2 guys, who while working just found a chill as fuck way oversized snake. being blue collar laborers and all they just say "fuck it... snake cult" and treat it as something you just do. "oh, you know! find a big ass thing, get some wine barrels, make some cheap-ass snake masks, invite some women and BAM! they just throw gold and shit at you. havn't you ever been in a beast cult? been in 2 others before this one." it'll get out of hand and they'll ask the party for help, and i can put a plot hook somewhere in there. They are just fun to bring out.
Mason Wood
So is the snake cult like the mansion cult where they brainwash their followers or is it like the jehovas witnesses cult thats all about money.
Either way, all hail the snake god
Jordan Rodriguez
Sounds interesting enough.
I'm running a hombrewed setting with furries. Now, before you go laughing or telling me you're sorry for me, they are actually fantastic people, and nothing sexual has happened, and won't.
As for the latest session, it was actually Golden Sky Stories, and was super fun. About an hour or so of gameplay, with many laughs to be had. It was cute and they helped Santa out with some lost gifts.
As for that... I actually want it. I'm a much better GM than a player, and een when I am a player I play support characters. So most of the time I'm not doing anything anyways, other than watching movies in the background. Luckily we play online so this is easier.
I plan on running a OWoD Vampire game, and I would like some suggestions on that. Anything really. I've read the rules and we are playing the 20th anniversary edition.
Nicholas Powell
If you get the half of the orcs that are heading back to camp to yell something implying they are hitting the camp to return with reinforcements, that might make your players have a sense of urgency to chase them, i.e. head towards the camp.
Isaac Howard
Exactly. The orcs also dont need to pile in and attack the party. Clearly they sent this many scouts for a wyvern. They get all the way there and find the wyvern killed by a few guys when their boss sent all of them. Makes sense to fall back and get reinforcements.