How did the party reaction to them? Also did you use your own (and be that I mean modified to fuck with the pc) or the stock versions of them?
Andrew Cooper
tfw no Mandalorian bodyguard gf
Brandon James
>No jetpack Drop the cloak, put on the jetpack.
John Cook
I think I'd say its also attachments. Sith are generally allowed them, and if they ever cut one out it'd be because they were in the way, not out of a necessity. Meanwhile Jedi aren't necessarily forbidden from sex, just attachments, meaning a lot of one night stands as the example with Obi-Chad Kenobi.
Cooper Anderson
You will never get to make precious baby Mandalore's with Shae Vizla
Hudson Sanders
What kind of campaign would a Mandalorian only campaign be like? When would you set it?
David Jackson
That's called good writing.
Sometimes the right choice may not seem like it.
Nicholas Cooper
bitch was old and busted by the time you met her on rishi.
Not even old in the same delicious way as General Badonkadonk.
Xavier Bailey
>Armada pic in the OP (in the filename, but I'll take it) >Gladiator pic
is good shit
wouldn't it just be a typical DnD 3.5e campaign?
Jacob Martin
Oh boy, if you expect competency for the disney FO, you are for a rude awakening. Also those aren't abad ideas, for a very short on manpower imperial remnant, perhaps in the uknown region. There any Female Great Moff/admiral? I think it would fit as head of that faction.
Blake Johnson
No, leave the helmet on. Lights off, thermal sensors on.
Adrian Collins
Dominic Lee
Jetpacks aren't useful everywhere, user.
James Phillips
Interested in armada, the problem is player shortage, I would have the space ships mostly for decoration (and they are fine at that at least), how fun is it as a game? Also why do you think ain't played as much as X-wing?
Easton Perry
There's Natasi Daala, she's the leader of the Imperial faction in my FFG game.
Brandon Adams
10/10 would make imperial babies with and together we would raise them to fight and kill rebel scum.
Hunter Hughes
So I played Armada for the first time in a few years (Right after Home One/The Impster dropped). I have the core set plus Home One, The MC 30 and a Gladiator.
Havig checked Chaos cards it looks like theres over £400 worth of expansions to buy. To make sure I end up with several good/fun lists for both what first purchases are reccomended?
Want to make my friends fall in love with this game.
Jordan Sanchez
son, I don't even want to see the last jedi because I KNOW it will suck. My dad saw A New Hope eighteen times for each month it was in theatres in the original launch and came home in tears because of how much last jedi sucked.
No, I am preserving the memory of the good things I have with star wars in my mind.
I am simply going with what the current thread theme is an imagining an AU of a competent First Order.
Maybe instead cast Gwendoline Christie as the Grand Moff/Admiral in charge.
I am on the fence if she should have force powers though because you don't give her force powers and then EVERYONE is gonna want to root for her because "holy crap, a non-force user holding their own against jedi? Kick their pansy ass!" but you give her force powers and it cheapens things.
Randomly, one thing I would keep from NuCanon is the concept of Inquisitors from Rebels.
Half-trained and poorly at that force Users with a bunch of fatal flaws deliberately put into their techniques, but still terrifying enforcers with force powers.
>several skills involve a jetpack >cannot actually fly >mount that is a jetpack >doesn't let you go more than a few inches off the ground
Actually that last one pissed me off about all speeders in TOR.
Just let them have some kind of buff that increases jump height and slows fall rate, and also make it so they can go over water. (okay, that last one might be a little tricky to differentiate but still)
Nolan Sanchez
>how fun is it as a game? I love it. It's deeply strategic and engaging in a way that's unlike any other tabletop game I've ever played.
>Also why do you think ain't played as much as X-wing? Cost of entry, longer games, slower release schedule, bigger tables, less iconic (not much is as iconic as X-Wings).
But also, X-Wing exploded in a lightning-in-a-bottle way that's probably once in a generation. X-Wing was sold out everywhere, including places like Target and Walmart. You're not gonna see Target selling Armada or Legion or 40k.
Ryan Foster
Individual expansions are more expensive, core set is silly expensive, playtime is usually at least 2 hours, it requires a 6x3' play area, there are only 2 factions, releases are infrequent...
that's all I can think of. Despite X-wing being more popular, Armada is better in terms of balance.
Zachary Campbell
you are my kind of man. want to write our own screenplay together for what ep7/8 should have been?
Blake Torres
Jet troop types are pretty fun in the Battlefront games
Xavier Wilson
What's your favourite non-force-sensitive character archetype?
Daniel Martin
imperial agent, from that list. generally, from ffg, i like the spy class
Austin Anderson
>I have the core set plus Home One, The MC 30 and a Gladiator. >Havig checked Chaos cards it looks like theres over £400 worth of expansions to buy. To make sure I end up with several good/fun lists for both what first purchases are reccomended? >Want to make my friends fall in love with this game.
What's your budget?
You're gonna want an extra set of dice, and each faction's Squadrons 1 box. An ISD is a great choice for winning over your friends, since it's such a big smashy iconic ship. Grab each side's flotillas (Rebel Transports/Imperial Assault Carriers) as a support ship. Everything I just described is $130 total, though.
Juan Lopez
Without having played SWTOR? Bounty Hunter.
Hudson Clark
>Gwendoline Christie as the Grand Moff/Admiral in charge
Thomas Campbell
how closely would you intend to work with the stuff we got?
>Legion >right choice
Fill it with crazy antics. >Party wants to hunt a ferocious beast of myth >It exists! >But it's one-of-a-kind now because it was hunted so much and is kept in a zoo >Party needs to bust into the zoo and fight it!
Camden Morales
What does this mean.
Anthony Miller
Privateer, get some converted hauler, put some lasers and ion canons and be the bane of the pirates and slavers, while getting thanked be cute , liberated aliens. And sell the uglies.
Charles Cruz
If you have them use droids, just rip off some Terminators or Cylons. Or hell, just use low-rent IGs, the battle version of the assassin droids. I REALLY don't see any Imperial faction using Confederate gear, considering the CIS is seen as a predecessor to the Rebels in Imperial propaganda and are seen as a bunch of anarchists. It's like if the Nazis used the Star of David instead of a swastika, just doesn't work.
Anthony Evans
Starfighter pilot or capital ship commander. My dorky-ass daydreams involve me usually being one or the other.
Carson Allen
I see, I would lie if the price of the basic set isn't bit stiff, I could get an entire fleet from GZG or Brigadier models a lot cheaper.
Gabriel Mitchell
So does any of the Star Wars RPGs actually let you play around with dark side stuff, go into depth about Sith powers/philosophy/culture and so on?
James Williams
Jason Murphy
A fleet is basically $150, but with the caveat that you have to actually spend $200 because you get $50 of stuff for the other faction in the core set.
Ethan Price
>>Legion >>right choice
yes and
Caleb Mitchell
>Starfighter pilot
Seconding for this.
Dylan Cox
Yes, if you want to.
Jacob Wilson
Imperial agent, without a doubt. (kind of surprised it's not more popular) but playing through the Imperial Agent story spoiled me.
funny thing is, even though Smuggler, trooper, and BH handle force users in their story with more aplomb and don't sweat it nearly so much (best dialogue option for BH's story remains "I can wave my hand too!" after being unphased by a jedi mind trick), I do love the tension it has with the agent.
Jackson Richardson
>Seth Engstrom's Jedi Temple designs were inspired by Taoist symbology of the yin and yang (dark and light shapes within each other, representing both the balance of dualities and that the schism between them is merely perceptual). Both George Lucas and The Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner were influenced by Asian philosophical and religious traditions, particularly Zen Buddhism, for Lucas' early conception and Kershner's later development of the Force, principally outlined within Yoda's teachings in Empire. "This is the symbol of the first Jedi, or 'Jedi Prime'," Engstrom explained in March 2016. "The center, yellowish rocks represent the energy of a lightsaber, splitting off into two directions: the dark and the light side of the Force. The black rocks symbolise the energy of the Force - everything in between, binding the universe together."
Brandon Thompson
FFG has rules for being a dark sider that aren't D6's "You become an NPC" - you could run a campaign full of Dark Siders pretty easily.
All the fluff, however, is your own. Maybe your PC's are some force sensitives who go traipsing around old Sith ruins, finding holocrons and writings and attempting to uncover the past, making their own conclusions about the Sith code, etc; eventually culminating in them finding Sith Alchemy.
Or hell, maybe it's set in TOR and you're working with the Sith. You're gonna have to do your own reading on the Sith philosophy and the such though. Or hell, just give them the code and come up with your own interpretations for NPC's and let the PC's come up with their own, before they meet a real Sith or Sith Ghost who's all "Let me lay this out for you, here's how a REAL Sith is."
Dylan Martin
D20 and FFG do. FFG has an upcoming supplement that's supposed to expand on Dark Side player options too.
Justin Thompson
She's around in mine but in more of a behind the scenes comes to save the day once in a while kind of way.
Gavin Morales
>Imperial agent, without a doubt. (kind of surprised it's not more popular)
I think it being the only class that doesn't have a clear representative in the movies has something to do with it.
Bentley Moore
>FFG has rules for being a dark sider that aren't D6's "You become an NPC" - you could run a campaign full of Dark Siders pretty easily.
Which book has these rules?
Any word on release date? Or name of the upcoming release, at least?
Can we agree that the Dark Side may be useful but Sith themselves are just self-destructive chaotic dumbasses? Save for Bane's Sith though. THOSE knew what the fuck was up. An improvement on Bane's Sith I'd say would be numerous groups of Sith working across the Galaxy achieving their goals. Also ditch or alter the Old Republic era Sith Code.
Landon Anderson
>Can we agree that the Dark Side may be useful but Sith themselves are just self-destructive chaotic dumbasses? Save for Bane's Sith though.
Except that makes no sense.
The Sith of old were pretty functional and existed for thousands of years. That is, the actual Sith, not just Dark Jedi came later and conquered them.
The Sith as a species existed just fine.
Kayden Parker
I would simply use other force users, you have the Dathomir Witches for example, than were creepy as fuck (and canon), I'm sure there are lots of force users, dark siders or not, than don't have to touch jedi or sith stupidity. Making them a whole, with a determined plant etc tough, that's another matter
Wyatt Harris
>The Sith as a species existed just fine. Oh, yeah. Besides the Banite Sith, I'd say the original Sith species were fine. Then edgy Jedi rejects came in and shit the bed, they're the ones who actually made that Ayn Rand-tier philosophy just as a 'fuck you dad' to the Jedi.
Jose Clark
Man, comparing old EU Sith philosophy to Ayn Rand is extremely insulting to Sith philosophy
Luis White
It's pretty much exactly Randist thought though. Just read that Sith Code, it's pretty much exactly what she says 'be selfish, acquire power and wealth, don't care for others'. It's Randism mixed with LaVeyan Satanism, which I'd also argue is the same thing.
In concept, I'm not saying it's a bad thing in-universe. You need to have shit that doesn't work along with shit that does work. Also it's not only EU anymore, Disney had it recanonized.
Henry Nguyen
>its a baby's first semester in college and he's attacking ayn rand like a cool kid
Easton Walker
Bane's Sith were retarded too.
>Only two
Oh yeah, and there's totally no way that the two of them could either off each other in the eventual face off or just get killed in one of myriad ways that the galaxy has in store for you.
Alexander Jackson
>Huh, with all this passive aggressiveness, maybe I'd replace Snoake with a chick.
Don't do it JJ. It was stupid the first time you considered it.
Liam Williams
>its a baby's first semester in elementary school and he's defending ayn rand like a cool kid
Noah Howard
relax guys
Joshua Cox
>don't care for others
Aaaand you haven't actually read Ayn Rand. Randian anti-altruism isn't about literally having zero compassion for others, it's about not doing shit like locking somebody up in a padded safe room "for their own good".
Jaxon Green
Yeah, some of the class stories were heavily ruined by the obsession of them resembling the "iconic" story, Smuggler and Bounty Hunter especially.
Tbh though, as limiting as it was, the Smuggler was my second favorite story behind Agent.
Connor Jenkins
Already did it ;)
Josiah Moore
We will forsake our planets...we will leave our motherworlds behind us and become one with this galaxy. We have no world, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for planet, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in. We will sometimes have to sell ourselves and services. If the times demand it, we'll be revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists. And yes, we may all be headed straight to hell. But what better place for us than this? Its our only home. Our heaven and our hell. This is Outer Heaven.
Jace Gutierrez
>it's a baby's first year at the academy and he's attacking Plo Koon like a cool kid
Juan Bennett
i liked smuggler only cuz the 10/10 waifu material
agent was def my favorite though. What choice did you make? i think i chose the path where you keep the secrets for yourself as you act as like a 3rd party vigilante in the shadows working in service to the empire, but not directly for it
Daniel Wright
>Gwendoline Christie The BIGGEST waste. She's a pretty good actress, and she gets used for their sad attempt to artificially recreate the Boba phenomenon instead of getting to play an actual CHARACTER.
Connor Torres
But then again she applauded a serial killer and sent him love letters because she appreciated the way he tortured and dismembered his victims while they were still alive. I don't know what that tells us about her compassion for others
Daniel Morales
Fighter jockey all day every day. Wedge has always been and will always be my nigga.
See AnCaps are mentally ill, same with their Objectivist offshoots.
Like I said, it'd be better if instead of ONLY two Sith ever, there were groups of two Sith, who don't necessarily need to off each other either. Plagueis, according to the novel, wanted to actually rule alongside Sheev as Co-Chancellor of the Republic and didn't want to off the guy. I'm not saying Plagueis wasn't evil though, he still forced Sheev to slaughter his entire family, it's just that he wasn't retarded like many other Sith.
Ethan Bell
Never said Ayn Rand wasn't a seedy little twat. Just that everybody seems to forget that her definition of altruism was very specifically Comtean.
Elijah Miller
I don't know how to emotionally reconcile the hilarity of that final shot with that sad turn+shove animation that came before it
Cooper Reyes
She is a beautiful woman who shouldn't be covered in so much armor.
In my opinion: that's what makes it one of the best written.
All the others were trying to mimic stories of existing characters and stuff like that.
Agent story was what it needed to be.
Landon Hill
The Sith Code also says you have to break your chains and attain victory for yourself. Seems pretty close to Randian thought.
Jordan Gray
How do you prevent one group offing the other groups to get the other's shit or prevent them from attacking them. There's no way to fix the sith because they just can't stop themselves from fucking each other over at the most critical moments.
Jaxson Morris
The Sith teach that you've got to get power to cause change to cause progression to cause survival of the fittest. It's a lot more in line with social Darwinism than Randian thought.
Aiden Walker
Droids, usu ally something combat able or at least handy in a fight
Camden Hernandez
Just core Force and Destiny I think. I'd give you a page but I'm still away since Christmas so don't have access to my copy.
From what I remember the rules are: >Your PC's use black rather than white results on a force dice to generate force points
>They can still use destiny points to make use of white dice, and it costs them strain, but notably not conflict
>When rolling for destiny points at the start of the game, the GM makes use of any white results and the players of any black results
>Having morality below a certain threshold gives you benefits and weaknesses, I THINK it's an improvement to WT but a decrease to ST but I'm like 40% sure on that tops.
Obviously you'd also have more thematically appropriate conflict gain and loss and all the stuff attached to that, but the mechanics are the same, you're just changing up the fluff.
Gabriel Fisher
>they just can't stop themselves from fucking each other over at the most critical moments. And I'm not sure how this autism could be prevented. You could argue Dark Side, but the Empire's Inquisitors worked fine. Even Jerec's dysfunctional crew managed to sort of kind of work together. Nightsister Witches were also fine. Why are the Sith so inherently autistic?
Julian King
just search for the pdf on google. very ez to find
William Martinez
Thanks. I'll wait on that upcoming release for dark side players as well.
Xavier Brown
What kind of droid would you own if you had any one option?
Joseph Wright
IIRC the Paragon threshhold for Light and Dark is an increase to ST but reduction in WT and increase in WT but reduction in ST, respectively.
Carter Cruz
Randian thought is pretty close to social darwninism though. At the core of it, it's hyperindividualism.
Lucas Reyes
So what would a better Sith Order look like to you, Veeky Forums?
If all knowledge of the Sith was wiped from the galaxy except the code, how would you as the leader of the new Sith Order interpret it to try and create the best Sith possible? What would their goal be?
Connor Thomas
To reign for a thousand years. To remove the syphilitic stain of the Jedi from our galaxy. To secure the existence of our people and a future for Sith children.
Dylan Davis
The Code is pretty much the worst part of them. Their abilities and their position as a counter to the Jedi works fine, but just look at that Code. You can't build a stable organisation based on selfishness.
I don't know, maybe individual Sith all leading their own separate organisations? It would pretty much result in them all killing each other, but that's how that Code of their's is like at its core.
MAYBE you could do away with the 'broken chains' part because that's the part weighing them down and causing the autism that you have to do away with any restrictions, thus erasing any coherent organisation to them.
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion I gain Strength. Through Strength I gain Power. Through Power I gain Victory. Eternal in the Force.
Ayden James
Personally I'd do Rebellion era. Have the players be a squad of Mandos initially fighting under Fenn Shysa agqinst the Imperial occupation of Mandalore. Later they'd be doing wetwork for the Alliance, on a semi-mercenary basis similar to how Kyle Katarn operated in the original Dark Forces.
David Cook
Gotta wonder what sort of ops Outer Rim Heaven would be running.
Brayden Gutierrez
Do you prefer your AoR to be gritty war movies, or more space opera affairs?
Matthew Taylor
My Agent was actually my main, and I was an active RPer as well, so I made the decision with him in mind, specifically that he was extremely loyal to the Sith, so I chose to give the data to the Dark Council. Kinda felt bad for betraying Hunter like that though, because I loved that reveal.
And yeah, Smuggler had some good waifus. The reason why I like it so much though is because of the betrayals at the end. I was actually pretty hurt that my main girl best bro betrayed me.
That said, Agent had some nice waifus too, particularly the terrorist informant on Tatooine and Hunter.
Isaac Parker
Blake White
It was really only the KotOR 1 and pre-Brotherhood of Darkness Sith that were particularly stupid, the former being more Sith wannabes than true Sith, and the latter being just kinda lack central authority. Pretty much all other Sith organizations worked fine, the Brotherhood of Darkness in particular, up until Bane ruined it all because he felt a few years at the Sith Academy and misunderstanding Revan's holocron made him an expert on all things Sith.
Jose Scott
Yeah, agent was my main so I RPd mine as I thought a Chiss Agent would act. More loyal to the empire as a bureaucratic organization for stability than to the sith rulers. So I went with keeping the secrets but working in service to the empire. Felt bad about Hunter as I liked her.
I'm thinking of replaying the agent campaign with a light side focus.
Jayden Evans
What if you turned the Sith into a self-help group? Have their talk of conflict and gaining power being internal, how you need to have drive and passion to be able to overcome your own internal flaws to be able to pursue your goals? The whole code becomes an analogy for "The only thing holding you back is you". To hopefully stop them going full murderhobo, re-interpret victory over your opponents as being proving to them you're right? Killing your enemies or those beneath you is a sign of weakness, only by allowing everyone to overcome their own problems with the Sith Code can you truly convert them to your cause, and gain victory over not their bodies, but their ideals. After all, why side with the Jedi who tell you that you should throw away who you are, when the Sith will help you become a better person through their guidance?
Ryder Parker
Vector isn't your waifu? For shame, Anons.
Liam Jackson
>Peace is a lie, there is only Passion Even at times when wars aren't being waged, politics, affairs, business deals, and the various other vagaries of human emotions and interactions are ongoing. Unlike the Jedi, who at peace-time turn inwards, the Sith don't seek to disengage from society.
>Through passion, I gain Strength Unlike the Jedi, who pursue mental strength through inner tranquility, the Sith see emotion as a pathway to determination and resolve.
>Through strength, I gain Power Where the Jedi seek understanding of the force through dedicated study and reflection, the Sith develop mastery of the force via mental resolve.
>Through power, I gain Victory Pretty self-explanatory - a Sith would never go for the "victory by being struck down" thing Jedi do all the time.
>Through Victory, my chains are broken Outward success itself leads to inward success, opposite of the Jedi mantra.
>The Force shall free me The Jedi see the force as that which binds all living things; the Sith (eg Sheev) see the force as that which conquers all things. Mastery of the force is freedom from the wills of all others.
Samuel Clark
Would an Inquisitor gone rogue be a valid character archetype, or are they too indoctrinated/easily tracked for Force and Destiny. I've been thinking about playing an Inquisitor who got the training but basically pussied out from the dark side and tries to go into hiding.
Bentley Lee
This is what the Sith Code already is, now add on superpowers and you got yourself a bunch of insane individualists who kill each other so they don't 'keep themselves in chains'.
Now that I think about it... didn't Kaan try to forge them into an actual united organisation capable of working together, then Bane fucked it up because he thought they weren't edgy enough? Also the SWTOR Sith Empire really didn't work fine, it delivered TOTAL VICTORIES over the Republic and Jedi and then flunk on them because they kept killing each other. Hell, their own fucking Emperor decided that their ways were retarded and went off to form a separate Empire that had nothing to do with the Sith ideology.
Sebastian Thomas
A group of Mandalorian warriors exiled after the New Mandalorians took over try and settle a planet, including dealing with locals, dealing with pests, bigger pests, and the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic.