Have anyone joined a local chess club ? If so what is your experience ? Is it worth it ?
che - Chess General
op here. i'm going to start going to my university's chess club. i've casually played with a couple of people who play there and they seem to be very interested in teaching newer players
tfw ur uni doesn't have a chess club
What are some good online options where I can play against people who are equally pleb and shitty as me?
I put priority on taking the top board, if I have high ground it is impossible to lose, set my Black Khans on offense mode.
start one!
lichess.com is great. You can play with computers/ other people around your rank. Also, watching analysis of famous matches is very useful. There's also tons of videos analyzing openings and such
Thanks for that. I'll check it out.
you can add me too. My username is C7703. I'll be happy to talk you through some games in a casual setting