Worst blunder you ever saw?
Worst blunder you ever saw?
Edit: This is supposed to be a gif image.
Edit: Click image to watch game. Made this on piskelapp myself.
Edit: Opponent resigned.
starting a land war in asia
Back in high school, ages ago, I was part of this schoolastic chess club, which had different divisions by strength, which tended to correlate with age.
Anyway, we held tournaments, which were usually play one game a week for 9-10 weeks, swiss system. And I was a member, but one that the staff relied on a bit, and the kids from the weakest group (Knights in Training they were called), had a tie for their tournament, and they were going to have a blitz tiebreak to settle it, they were busy with other stuff, could I ref the two games?
Sure thing, so I go and watch these two kids who must have been about 6 or 7 slug it out. Black had cleared out all of his backrow pieces except for the king and rooks, which were on their starting squares, when white managed to play Qxh8+; which bounced the king to the seventh rank and left the other rook hanging. White does not take this hanging rook, and maybe 3-4 turns later, black notices that he can play rook takes queen. It was physically painful to watch.
>Butthurt questfag desperately false-flagging
Every time
>Worst blunder you ever saw?
Starting this thread.
why does white take 2 turns in a row in the gif
I was in a middle school chess tournament and got disqualified for cheating. I honestly might have been as I don't know chesz, is "castling" a thing? I thought it was but it got me booted.
I want to believe this to be bait.
It is the classic one.
you keep using that word
It is not.
He loves cheating.
e4 is a blunder every time.
Pic related.
Did black get skipped on turn 3?
A bishop for a turn seems like a fair trade.
How did the bishop get out? I thought only knights could "jump" over pawns.
Edit: What the fuck are you doing?
>this fucking gif
i'm starting to think op is just fucking with us
Cheating. The black queen jumped over two pawns to capture the white queen, as well.
Edit: >>>/reddit