I've been thinking of running a game in the setting of Worm, and I'm wondering what system is best.
I've heard of Weaver Dice and I've looked it over, but I want to know if there are any other options that might be better before going in.
I've been thinking of running a game in the setting of Worm, and I'm wondering what system is best.
I've heard of Weaver Dice and I've looked it over, but I want to know if there are any other options that might be better before going in.
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Try Mutants and Masterminds.
Weaver Dice is shit. It is literally the most shit system I've ever seen.
Mutants and Masterminds, or Wild Talents are two superior options for cape shenanigasn.
All I can say is don't use Weaver Dice.
And also if this game is online I want in.
Any particular reason you dislike it?
Something mechanics related or just personal playable issues?
The character creation system is stupid and arbitrarily takes creative controls away from the player, even in the alternative system, in an attempt to capture Worm's theme of being randomly shitty to everyone under the sun. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like a good time.
>You wanted to be a thinker? Sorry user, but look at this sweet blaster we made for you with this tragic trigger event that's going to color his whole life that you got no say over!
We are using modified NWOD
The mechanics prevent you from making the character you want to make.
I thought that was supposedly some bullshit tumblr thing. Is it actually any good?
It's a young author's passion project. Riddled with pacing issues, weak characterization, and confusing prose, Worm still manages to be unironically the greatest superhero setting ever conceived.
That's kinda a core premise of the setting, and what makes the game unique.
I can understand not liking it personally but is that enough to recommend nobody use it?
Also have you tried using it with the draft rules that grant you a near guarantee you'll get the power you want?
A bit harsh but not wrong on the first half.
Agree on the second half.
Honestly, the thing is, there's a separation between your character and you. It might be a core premise of the setting... for your CHARACTERS. But as a PLAYER, you play what you want to play.
There's also the fact that weaverdice as a system is very mechanically weak. There's basically one roll and that's it, the entire encounter is done.
>Riddled with pacing issues, weak characterization, and confusing prose, Worm still manages to be unironically the greatest superhero setting ever conceived.
Honestly this is the best description of Worm I've seen.
>Also have you tried using it with the draft rules that grant you a near guarantee you'll get the power you want?
But still put an emphasis on restricting you. Honestly I don't give a rat's ass about Worm's theme of random shittiness. In fact I think it's very overplayed, especially with the "AND THEN IT GETS WORSE" progression of the story.
My desire to play in a Worm game is purely for the superhero situation. The PRT, the Protectorate, and independent teams, the types of powers and how they work, and the focus on the impact of powers, both on a personal and societal scale. I don't want to fetishize the tragedy of my lack of agency. I don't want to fight Endbringers and Class S threats every other story. I don't want to play a character that either has some extraneous BS tacked on arbitrarily or isn't a product of my own wishes at all. So I don't recommend Weaver Dice if you just want to play in the setting. If you want the full Worm experience, go ahead.
I think you have had a bad experience. I don't want to discount your opinion but often if the draft is done right you WILL find something cool and more often than not I do experience constantly the feel of things getting worse. You usually wind up with unique gang wars in the city and an occasional shake up when a new group shows up but there have only been 2 recorded endbringer fights in the game communities history.
Those feel like GM rather than systems issues, just my opinion.
What do you find mechanically weak about it?
I'll admit i'm a fan but I want to know if there are anything weakness I can shore up with homerules.
That's fair though about the randomness. I can understand although I've found 8/9 can handle a bit of randomness. Although I did give my players mulagin options.
I just want to play a tinker in a street level game. If OP's game is online, I unironically want in.
>Worm still manages to be unironically the greatest superhero setting ever conceived.
What makes it so good?
She wears a fedora. Not the black version of Carmen Santiago's hat.
That pic is done by the guy who does lame redesigns and racebends of Worm characters.
I kind of liked the whole idea about the illuminatibasically 'enforcing' the villain/superhero system because it keeps the world the most intact and unchanged, to socially stratify those two ideas rather than letting metahumans go do whatever they want, all crazy-like. It makes it feel like a bit more realistic way to have a superhero and villain-based setting. than just people deciding to arbitrarily become superheroes since they have powers and all.
Scion kills your all your PC's lul.
Reminds me of Hero Aca, where you need to be licensed to use superpowers without being categorized as a villain.
>It makes it feel like a bit more realistic
You really need to stop using "more realistic" when the phrase you're looking for is "extremely contrived".
I hated that. It's like when superhero movies make fun of the superhero's name because superheroes are silly and unrealistic and we need to acknowledge that or no one will take us seriously amirite?
It's a fucking superhero setting. It could just so easily be explained by the parahuman drive for conflict and the superhero being ingrained in American culture. No need to bring the illuminati into it because you don't see how it could happen without somebody literally forcing it to happen.
Everything in a work of fiction is contrived. When an author wants something they contrive it happen. That's not a criticism.
Who the hell has been racebent by that artist?
Scion, Laserdream, Shielder, Miss Militia, just off the top of my head.
You really, really need to expand your reading horizon. Yes, everything in Worm is contrived. Terribly contrived. Contrived to the point that it's actually moderately insulting to the reader.
But, no, you don't understand what "contrived" means. Contrived means it is "obviously forced, artificial, or strained." And, you'll find that only the worst sort of fiction is as obviously forced as you might find in Worm.
I still wonder how Taylor survived Coil's teleportation ambush.
>Hmmm, her costume is potentially bulletproof, I know this
>So let me just shoot her IN AN ARMORED PART OF HER COSTUME instead of EXPOSED CRANIUM even though I have her captured at POINT BLANK RANGE
>gotta make sure the house is specifically constructed with hexagonal screws in case she has a fucking screwdriver though
I also wonder how Taylor killed Alexandria.
>be the strongest woman on earth with skin like a statue
>can't outfly bugs who the fastest of which don't go faster than 40 mph even though I can fly so fast I literally cannot even be captured on video
>but the bugs catch up with me and force their way into my orifices
I'm going to get a gf and then kiss her in front of scion and make him cry
Alexandria is easy. She can fly fast but she isn't just fast in general like a speedster or anything. For example I don't think she could catch bullets in her hands for instance. Even if her body is capable of moving at that speed, her reactions are just like generally average.
She was outside, flying, and the swarm caught up with her.
Probably not the right word, but guy drew him as brown, for whatever reason. I mean I don't think it was for some progressive reason because he also made Miss Militia white and blonde, but that's what he did.
No she got in the building and was ambushed but the swarm there.
Everything in every story is contrived. Because it is forced and artificial. The Odessy, Gatsby, Infinite Jest, none of them happened naturally. An author sat down and thought of ways to contrive the situations that happened in them.
And the idea that anything in Worm is contrived in a bad way is laughable. You'd be hard pressed outside of nitpicking to find much terribly wrong with it.
Can you explain to me why Coil, who suspected Taylor's armor and costume as bulletproof and went to extreme lengths to capture her in a custom-made deathtrap (where he even took antivenom beforehand and built the house with custom parts), didn't shoot her in her exposed head and instead shot her in the most armored part of her costume, her chest?
You... You're retarded. Do you understand that?
Oh god, I don't think you do.
Here's something you don't understand. A good writer can make something that is artificial seem natural. That's what it means in not making something contrived. "Contrived" means OBVIOUSLY artificial or forced.
Do you understand? What plainer language can be used upon you?
Because people don't have perfect aim, and/or he was trained specifically to aim for center mass.
He aimed (for her head or center mass, doesn't matter), pulled the trigger, big bang of light and sound, and Skitter fell over.
He had her immobilized and he shot her at point blank. He literally could have walked around behind her and shot her in the back of the head.
presumably because in an alternate timeline he shot her in the head and things went all the way bad for him
Like why h threw the grenade underarm
Right so what in Worm possibly feels that way?
Nothing in worm feels faker than any other well written story. It honestly feels a lot better than most.
I don't see how it could have been worse than a timeline where she survived.
Can't he knows she has bugs still on her body and even with the Famine engine on he cant rely on it because Leet isn't reliable.
>Tinker is the best kind of power
>all the best girls are tinkers
really makes me think
Dragon and Glory Girl aren't tinkers you silly billy.
Coil being revealed to be a psycho edgelord felt pretty contrived. Wow, we had to have a scene where it's implied he tortures people to death in his alternate realities, because god forbid we have a dimensional antagonist like he was shaping up to be. Every arc past the Sentinel arc was a mistake.
He's pointing out that Coil wouldn't be likely to get closer.
Plus keep in mind the time between her teleporting in and the shot is fairly small. He had to act quickly because otherwise the bugs would have attacked, he was under a time crutch, Taylor moved, it's very feasible he missed.
Dragon is.
Glory Girl is just a slut.
String Theory is an underrated girl. Would waifu.
Coil looks like a Bond villain then he turns out to be a Bond villain
Fancy fucking that. It's almost like he was always going to be a Bond villain
He was under a time crutch but he took his time? Okay. He also took antivenoms, so he would immediately die from a couple of bug bites.
That's not a good thing.
...Why not?
Bond villains can be fun. And Coil was fun, watching him lose is probably the most fun part of the entire story
Dragon is a thinker, and Glory Girl did nothing wrong.
>Glory Girl did nothing wrong
tell that to all the goons she near murdered.
Coil was hardly an edgelord. He was power hungry and desperate after his run in with Nilbog. He got power from Cauldron but it wasn't enough and so he tries to take over the city.
He kills and tortures because he feels powerless and weak. He want's to control the city because he feels powerless and weak. And ultimately because he surrounds himself with power he is defeated.
The torture shows a critical character flaw of his as well as likely being shard influenced.
To me he comes off as a fair dimension villain. Not the most to be fair but he's perfectly serviceable.
Every arc past sentinel - can talk about this because it's too vague. I'm happy to have a discussion about the story if you have something more specific.
Because Worm as a story wanted to be realistic and break conventions? So wow let's just go ahead and make him a psycho despite him already being unlikable and Taylor already having a reason to oppose him. Coil wasn't fun, he was a disappointment and far too much of the story was wasted on Taylor brown-nosing him.
He didn't take his time. Taylor shows up, gets foamed, makes a smart remark so she can release her bugs and then get's shot.
Sure antivenom but he knows more than most Taylor is resourceful. Spider webs are nasty and if she hit them with bugs she could cause pain (maybe not death by venom) which could be dangerous. Coil is scared of Skitter because she's shown herself capable and his power makes him inclined to take as few risks as possible.
She and Taylor should compare numbers on who they've nearly and actually murdered.
>take as few risks as possible
>but shoots her in the most armored part of her costume instead of having everyone positioned around the teleport location and just telling his soldiers "Whoever has a shot on the back of her head, take it"
It's not just about breaking convention it's also about providing reconstructions and showing how situations could play out to make the scenarios we take as genre natural.
Taylor wasn't brown nosing him, if anything she loved him because it gave her an excuse to do what she wanted deep down and justify it.
>Worm Defense Force
Every single thread.
Bullshit. Worm was all about taking conventions as standard and then justifying them.
Worm breaks pretty much no conventions on it's own, it just uses them in interesting ways
>Worm hate force
Every single thread.
Some of us just wanna talk about a setting without having to defend it.
I do go into Infinity, 40k, or Warmahordes general and bitch at them without expecting push back.
Whaaaaaa....L-Literally how can that be possible?
>Stat him.
I like Worm, you just can't accept that somebody thinks it has flaws so you contest every negative opinion on it.
Stat her
I will readily admit to some of Worms flaws and I'll even admit I've gotten a bit defensive. Your right.
But some of the hate in this thread isn't very specific it's just general hate. I can admit I'm stretching for an explanation on the Coil which I probably shouldn't. But I don't think every single thing in it feels contrived.
>But I don't think every single thing in it feels contrived.
Neither do I, that wasn't me.
Right of course. Well...trying to bring abit of civility back. Thanks.
>Veeky Forums
I'm currently running a Weaverdice Campaign in Boulder Colorado. Trying to be fairly generic because all of the people in it are new to the setting.
Those are traditional games though.
This only has a terrible game attached to it, probably just for the sake of your irc chatroom coming here to advertise your dying fandom.
Or maybe it was just an OP interested in running a setting and asking for advise.
And regardless of chicken and egg does it matter? Would you go into the Star Wars threads and shit on them without expecting someone’s to get defensive?
Give it a rest. You’re opinion has been heard loud and clear. We have a difference of opinion, I’d prefer not to belabor the point.
You kind of have to be a little derranged to like it to begin with. That's how bad fandoms start and proliferate, because they gather a certain kind of person with certain kind of problems.
>Or maybe it was just an OP interested in running a setting and asking for advise.
No, it's definitely a sad little fan group desperate to advertise a sad little passion project.
>Give it a rest.
I'd say the same to you. I mean, you already have your irc chatroom and your reddit page, no need to keep trying to advertise this here when you can have your circular discussions there.
That guy isn't me, user. That's the autist that shows up in every Worm thread and accuses the OP and everyone who shows even the slightest bit approval towards Worm of shilling Worm. Ignore him. Literally look up "anti-wormfag" on 4plebs and see how far his autism goes. Don't engage him.
>Literally look up "anti-wormfag" on 4plebs and see how far his autism goes.
Wow, you seem to really go out of your way to treat everyone who doesn't like Worm as one person, according to the archive.
Is this some sort of brilliant strategy of the worm defense force? Because, if this happens in every Worm thread, I don't think it's working.
You guys? Again?
Can you just fuck off?
Who are the characters?
>Would you go into the Star Wars threads and shit on them without expecting someone’s to get defensive?
Are you really trying to compare some kid's word vomit with Star Wars?
>implying that star wars is good
Is Star Wars some high literature to be placed upon a pedestal?
>replying to obvious bait
That's basically the formula behind homestuck. And this.
>child who can absorb sound and creat a forward facing shield
>abused arranged marriage victim who forces people to move by manipulating there sense of space
>tinker unaware of their speciality that builds energy guns
>teleported that creates fire where they appear and can bring people with them that increases the amount of fire
>former soldier who makes a minion that takes on traits of enemies fears and feeds on moonlight
>person sent to the futurue by cape, can send people a few seconds into the future and steal there powers
>female that can turn into a portal that spews icy wind and absorbs people
Mostly going to focus on gang warfare, upcoming mayoral race, and a growing Fallen presence.
One good movie is still one good thing more than all that Worm has going for it.
You have 7 players?
Eight sorry, forgot the lady who can redirect damage they take and lessen it a bit.
And yeah, I told them about the random nature of character creation and they all jump on board. Only one person dropped because they did gel with the character.
That seems excessive.
Definitely not a bullshit Tumblr thing. I'm not gonna go on a huge rant but it's probably the best piece of media I've read about superheroes/powers.
I’m planning on a few one shots and two of them will be done over discord. Still I’m up for a challenge and something a bit different than my usual stay.
WD lends itself well to one on ones so I should be good either way plus I expect one persons schedule to cause them to drop or just not show up.
The illumanti is there so that the whole thing stays stable without dissolving into chaos.
But... but Scion's entire thing is that he has solid gold skin! He's referred to as the "Golden Man" repeatedly throughout the story! Who in the FUCK thinks this makes him black?
>I'm going to get a gf and then kiss her in front of scion and make him cry
will scion steal your girlfriend?
>But... but Scion's entire thing is that he has solid gold skin! He's referred to as the "Golden Man" repeatedly throughout the story! Who in the FUCK thinks this makes him black?
It's even more ironic given why scion looks the way he does.
He made his avatar look golden, and look racially vague so that everyone would worship him or feel some kind of kinship with him.
It's just a dumb redesign.
The Warlord arc was the best part of the entire story and definitely what I would rip off if I ever get to convince my players to try capeshit.
I'd even go full autism with it, printing out a map of our hometown, dividing it up into territories (and safe areas under control by heroes) and make the players fight for each neighbourhood.
Sadly none of them like capeshit enough to learn an entire system about it.
Good taste in arcs. A gang campaign sounds fun as fuck.
Going full autism would be designing your own city from scratch.