This game seemed really interesting when it came out but no one seems to talk about it play it anymore? What's up with that?
This game seemed really interesting when it came out but no one seems to talk about it play it anymore...
I guess this thread proves you right OP lol
It attracted a dedicated troll who started by shitting up the actual threads by spamming memes about the designer supposedly eating a Japanese shock performance artist's penis (probably didn't happen), but then the troll started making his own threads to spam his meme. I'd guess a lot of people got sick of the threads at that point.
Are you for real? That sucks.
Nu-men-era sucks for real too. Too strong on the fake weird side, without any actual substance or defining theme. Good for stealing some concepts or ideas though.
It seems pretty cool until you realise that parts of the setting are basically just an american renaissance fair indistinguishable from a bad D&D setting, the classes include stuff like werewolves for no real reason at all.
Pic related, interior art.
90% of everything good about the game is the cover.
b-but I heard the game system was simple and intuitive, good for telling fun stories!?
Brilliant concept, shaky to poor execution. I think it wasn't bold enough, relied too heavily on traditional D&D tropes instead of really making it into the kind of exploration and mystery focused game it sold itself as. A game about far future Pythagoreans On Steroids religious orders puzzling over ancient ruins like some kind of Star Trek away team would have been fucking amazing. Instead there was a lot of "the princess is oddly purple and has no head lol".
As far as the mechanics go, I think they had some interesting ideas, like attributes as an exhaustible resource, but I think if I was taking another crack at this I'd probably use a less avant garde ruleset.
The fighter can ONLY fight, and by fight I mean single handily murder gods. The other two classes are weak fags that should spend more time lifting. So what you end up with is your personal chimp and limo driver (teleporter) as you rape anything that looks at your posse cross eyed. In short, your the chad for two virgins.
Maybe it is, I haven't played enough to really comment.
Although I will say that spending your HP/Strength equivalent to do special combat moves seems like a terrible idea.
I had the opposite problem running it, in that the glaive didn't really have much to do since I tried to do what the game said it was about and deemphasize combat. Also, the player wasn't smart enough to try to use his focus abilities in noncombat situations for some reason, no matter how many clear hints I dropped.
Stole some stuff for CAtastrophe campaign. Unfortunately, that's it. The system is shaky at best, nano is by far the most interesting mechanically class and the setting starts off interesting (and there are some geuinely amusing/intriguing tidbits of lore) but then you realize it's just D&D with "a wizard did it" replaced with "a super-scientist did it".
So, you let a player play a fighter in a non fighting campaign? That must have sucked massive cock for him.
>Also, the player wasn't smart enough to try to use his focus abilities in noncombat situations for some reason, no matter how many clear hints I dropped.
Aren't 75% of glaive's abilities "fuck this guy's shit slightly harder"?
They literally don't have a single non combat ability, and because of their stat focus they can't even use the "subclasses" well because those rely on the mental stat.
Maybe I'm messing up the terminologies. The abilities that come from his verb. Wasn't that focus?
You have three things outside of the longer lasting Numenera
I don't remember the exact wording, but it's.
Fighter (Glaive), Wizard (Nano), Hybrid of those two (Jack), Explorer (worthless doesn't matter), Social (worthless doesn't matter)
This determines the lion's share of your abilities. The fighter gets nothing other than fighting abilities. The other two are mixed. The last two were watered down versions of the Nano and Jack. Absolute shit tier.
>Subclass (don't remember the name)
There was about five hundred of these and you could only choose one (great idea btw). They gave you a puny two to three additional abilities.
>Worthless stat preset with stupid name to make it sound more interesting.
Nothing worth even mentioning here.
And, that's it. The entire system. Real men would select the race that killed everything by looking at it and then make it a Glaive so that it could force everything to look at its deadly face. All joking aside, the system is beyond shit.
Wouldn't the same concept be available as a medusa fighter in D&D?
You forget that the subclasses(Focuses? Focii?) were wildly unbalanced. Would you rather be pretty good with a bow, or control motherfucking gravity?
Lots of neat ideas packaged kind of neatly together, unfortunately - as you can tell by this thread - rollplayers and roleplayers never get along, and the system and setting do not do enough to distinguish which it prefers to be to satisfy the autists around here.
Cypher system is a pretty solid idea, though, no matter what any loser around here says.
Fails to live up to its promises. The setting is supposed to be like Book of the New Sun or Dying Earth.
But the actual game is 3rd edition badly hacked into a dice pool system, and the three classes are reskinned fighter, rogue and wizard
>But the actual game is 3rd edition badly hacked into a dice pool system, and the three classes are reskinned fighter, rogue and wizard
What? Numenera couldn't possibly be more different than the 3e, it was Monte Cook jumping full force onto the rules-lite bandwagon.
Because tg hates it. Plenty still play it and are eagerly awaiting the second edition this year.
The audience is of a more mature brand than you would typically find playing around on Veeky Forums for yous.
I imagine you have to have a very high IQ to understand Numenera.
It just isn't very good. Also most of the attention it got was because there was a "spiritual successor" to Planescape: Torment using the setting, but then that turned out to not be very good either.
It just feels like wasted potential, and it really needs a concrete well defined setting not some vague "Everything is superscience and we don't know what it does! woweee"
They say its in the Ninth world but I think they should have defined the types of technologies of each "world"
For example the third world could be all about biological technology like living computers, and the fourth world could be all about crystal technology. Just an idea.
tldr the setting is half baked.
Won the deluxe backer edition with all splats at con last year and played a small campaign with it. Numenera is not as bad as people make it out to be but the critique still is valid. Let's wait how the new edition will turn out.
>roll a D20 and compare to a target number
>casters are the only interesting class
Yeah, nothing like 3E
>we're eagerly awaiting the next release of Numenera™, by Monte Cook Games ® ©
Buy a self serve ad or fuck off
>>roll a D20 and compare to a target number
>>casters are the only interesting class
These apply to every edition of D&D...except the second one, which applies to all EXCEPT 3e where Tome of Battle lets non-casters be interesting.
How much is actually going to change in the new edition, though?
It has some cool stuff (like character creation and Ciphers, I love it) but I hate it's mechanic, when you earn exp by getting screwed by GM, then spend xp for momentary bonuses. it's super annoying.
And don't make me start on setting, that doesn't know if it wanna be "mundane" post apo, sword&sorcery (aka. primitives and evil magic) or D&D with a lot of sand
Non-existant character balance, when one class get reality-shaping spells, when others fight better or get some cool tricks.
Its my groups major game at the moment. We have homebrewed lots of it though, to better suit our needs - also we play in the Beyond part of the Setting as opposed to the more dnd-esque Steadfast.
Our game is more like the American Oil Boom meets Mad Max meets Sinbad.
That sounds pretty damn awesome. What bits did you homebrew?
>3E doesn't suck! Look, this book of houserules fixes a problem you have by introducing a bunch of other broken shit!
A new edition is coming out in summer. Lets see how that one does
>Because tg hates it.
This, pretty much. Between the auteurs of RPGNow and the autists of Veeky Forums the perception of failure is strong.
As with ANY game, the players at the table matter more than any number of remote shit spewers.
Indeed, do tell. I feel like that kind of homebrewing works well with this game. For me I think I was basically thinking Phantasy Star IV.
>first-party hardcover
>"book of houserules"
Nah, you're just dismissing it because you want to keep complaining about the problems it solved.
Cypher/Numenera would be a good introductory system for new people, or like what i do and just run a laid back game with bros. Throw in some simple home brew to spice shit up and ignore the "deep" parts of the settings lore.
I really like some of the monster ideas. I've stolen a few for D&D campaigns and it worked out fairly well.
Is the Cypher System core books worht a damn?
Its good for what you just said: ideas
See this is why we can’t have a thread about it because apparently if anyone expresses
any iota of positivity about it we’re shills. Fuck off we don’t want you cancerous kind here.
Almost nothing. So if you don’t like it it’s not going to win you over. The biggest changes are additions of crafting, settlement building, very minor core rules tweaks, and 3 new core classes. Otherwise it’s mostly backwards compatible the only possible exceptions being character options books.
And DM experience. Get used to running games, prepping, bullshitting like a pro when shit doesn't go like planned. I'd buy more than just the core book and monster books if they add some more meat to the rules. Optional or not.
Also what other fucking system has a official pdf/ supp book about sex in it's setting?! I read this last night and i wish i hadn't
What does IQ have to do with maturity?
I know what you mean, this was my first system as a dm. My first group was good because they took it seriously and played their characters, riffing off each other and using their focuses in tandem. But my second group was awful, they had now idea how to act as a different person and it all fell apart. I still have my ideas for the campaign so I'm waiting for a new group. Also yeah the sex supplement is bad.
>This game seemed really interesting when it came out but no one seems to talk about it play it anymore? What's up with that?
Bad games fade.
yeah bad groups ruin any game.
So whats the deal with Numenera 2? It's making some books not compatible and other are but it's not a new edition. Are we getting base/ town building rules? I think you could do fun shit with that in it's setting.
>Only 3.5 is good
Yes to settlement building.
It just adds new content like a splat book, but is claiming to be a new edition for more sales.
I can't say anything bad because it will still play well and every other game does it.
I don't remember exactly. I kickstarter (I know, fuck me) the pdf tier. I think most books are compatible and the ones that aren't are just getting upgrades anyways. And yes base building is being added. I fucking love base building in games. If your interested in ideas, or play 5e, walrock homebrew has base building rules and good homebrews.
Base building makes my dick fucking diamonds as well. I will check out that 5e home brew. Maybe i'll finally run my "npc's inherit a haunted/cursed fort/castle campagin."
No, 3.5 is fading too.
Would you like to try again?
what is killing it?
Not btw
It's interesting premise basically turned out to be just generic D&D style kitchen sink fantasy with some "weird and wacky technology" veneer on some of it, and the classes are fucking abysmal. It suffers from Monte Cook's signature caster wank, but turned up to 11. Fighters get *0* fucking noncombat abilities, and the system doesn't reward XP for combat. It rewards it for exploration and discovery, and surprise surprise the not!wizards way outstrip everyone else in that.
A better question to ask him is why he is lying.
3.5 and it's nearly identical successors path/starfinder are bigger and more played than ever before.
I'm a defender of this game at least in concept but yeah, I don't know why this splat is here. It's just ammo for the cult of the penis eater trolls.
I personally like Numenera. Finding the pdf was a bitch so if anyone is interested here it is.
What do you guys think would be a better system to run this concept? Genuine question from a general rulesets n00b
The game might be good, but the creators are unabashed SJW, they even like the new Star Wars despite the poor movie quality. Or at least they say they do.
It depends on the group, if you want rules light-to-medium and a heavy emphasis on exploration the game is nearly flawless.
The general consensus for most people that have played it is that the martial class is a bit OP though. They can take 0 damage from most things and brutalize encounters while still saving all their mental pool to cast their foci spells/abilities. That and Monte was gun-shy and limited most of the pure caster abilities for no reason.
He released an eldritch expansion for base building that would be very useful for you.
I think it runs okish on it's current system. It reminds me of dnd back in it's infancy. Simple rules not to much bloat. The issue is that it's a system that would have done well 25+ years ago. In modern today it's going against systems that have had decades to refine themselves, and add on more features.
as for an alternate system?
Idk if it would be good but Burning Wheel+ Numenera would be a trip I'd tag along for.
The TLDR Version:
Too Simple Mechanics, and a world that's actually just kinda dull in the end.
The world itself despite its "Far Future" veneer ends up just being a regular fantasy game in practice. It doesn't Balance Magic VS Technology well and without it, the whole world lacks a sense of grounding and all its factions are boring. Compare to something like Endless Legend which does similar things but balances magic, and technology much better.
The Mechanics of the game are made for very simple play. 3 stats only. Because of that there is a lack of ways that the mechanics can interact with "Getting cool stuff". Like a Crossbow and a Laser end up functioning almost identically which means finding a laser is pretty boring.
i saw. so out of the base building splats what ones would you recommend? I saw there was a pay wall on one. while pay what you want i'm not sure about it.
The setting is pretty dull, there's nothing world-arching like an epic struggle on the backdrop, it's unfortunately close to real life in that most far-away things are unrelated. Too much focus on people just living their lives.
Mechanically however, a crossbow and a laser use the same stat, but one uses ammo amd does physical damage, while one may be more damage, depletable, effect any stat like a slowing or dumbing beam, and all manner of other effects.
>by adding bloat to an already overloaded game
I'm sorry your feelings are so easily hurt. If it's any consolation, nobody will call you out for liking shit games on >>>r/rpg
Nah bro
I'd recommend FATE. Maybe PbtA but that needs a lot of work as far as putting a hack together
>what is killing it?
5e, of course.
But also the general improvements in role-playing games over the last decade and a half.
>Wouldn't the same concept be available as a medusa fighter in D&D?
Was a Medusa's gaze instant death? I don't remember.
Yeah, there's that, too. I remember one of them turned you into an unkillable shape shifting werewolf. Mixing that shit with the Glaive was particularly humorous, as it made the already comparatively weaker classes (Nano, Jak) your personal chew toys until you got it under control three levels later.
>Cypher system is a pretty solid idea, though, no matter what any loser around here says.
It's just magical items and artifacts... That break.
And its fun.
>all those people in line for IMAX
Why would you want that from a game?
You can "pay" $0 and donate later if you like it. I like all his warlock stuff and the Paladin 'oath of the common man's was a lot of fun to RP. What class do you usually play?
While you're completely factually correct, don't get too lost in white-room theory crafting. Having a character that struggles with their uncontrollable killing nature that includes team mates has a few obvious downsides.
I loot the adventures and cypher/tech books for sword & planet, but ditch the system and usually have to revamp the adventures to be less railroady.
Meant for
I'm forever DM. But when i get a chance i like Ranger (ad&d fav class) or paladin
I will share some notes and homebrew with you two.
It's Monte Cook presents Monte Cooks not quite rules light Monte Cooks D20 Monte Cook.
So some neat ideas, poorly executed by someone who doesn't quite get it.
Then your in luck, he has lots of Paladin brews. I only played oath of the common man though.
>So some neat ideas, poorly executed by someone who doesn't quite get it
That's true of any system. You should work on understanding it better before you try again.
Much depth, much discovery, much wow.
>That's true of any system that has Monte Cook working on it
I'm not really sure how a designer can effect someone's ability to run an RPG when the moron GM didn't put in enough effort to get it before they ran it.
Ah so you are of the "Doesn't matter if the system is bad because a good GM makes it work instead of using a working system" camp.
>Person 1; Hey! You got rules light in my d20
>Person 2: Hey! You got d20 in my rules light
>Together: Now that is one bland taste!
Huh? Did you even follow the reply chain?
Your enjoyment of a thing is not indicative of that thing's quality.
Nice. I'm not a fan of the oaths available in the official books so i'll check it out.
This game might be enjoyable with any even slightly competent or enjoyable person or group but that doesn't stop it from being garbage.
yo boys what are best supp books for Numenera? The Cypher Core book useful?
Great fucking work user.
Thanks. I mean that sincerely bro.
Please freely use anything you like.
The monster manuals and The Jade Collosus gives you lots of entities and dungeon building. For a player just character options.
>Please freely use anything you like.
I most certainly will. After my current Shadowrun games comes to a close I'm running Nemenera with the boys.
How much trouble did you have homebrewing stuff for Numenera? I was thinking of adding more traditional "magic" gear and more spells/ abilities for the classes.
also where did you get that art? Just random stuff off google? what did you google?
Thanks user. Whats the verdict on the adventures? Devil's Spine looks cool.
I'm a writer, gaming with my bf is my hobby so I collect a bunch of concept art from all over the web, I got a couple thousands different things from medieval to high sci fi. I use it as inspirational material.
Concept Artists are everywhere, especially google images, pinterest, and deviantart, and pixiv on occasion. I spend hours hunting and collecting images tho, so your mileage may vary.
In terms of homebrew, no its extremely easy. Despite all the complaints Numenera is a very simple game, numbers are small. I would say after an adventure or two even someone who had never run a TTRPG before could be homebrewing stuff.
Pic related, is a modern gun inspirational art I found that i accidentally saved in my b folder.
"art" my bad. its more just reference material if I have to write about the shape of a gun.