/5eg/ Fifth Edition General

Other Thread is a Troll Thread Again But There Are No Mods Edition

>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses

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>Previous Thread
What's your favorite spell or ability? The one you've got the most use out of or that you've had the most fun with?

Reposting from other thread:
Is Counterspell an overrated spell? Everyone says it's a must have but I never get any use out of it.

for those of us that whose DM's use casters, it's a godsend.

Action Surge is pretty great and any class can get use out of it

Yeah I'd rather use this thread, technically other OP isn't against the rules since no shad link but fuck if I'm going to give him the satisfaction of shitting things up.

Favourite spell:

Favourite ability:
Unarmoured movement

>What's your favorite spell
Shape Water is pretty amazing, the ability to shape/freeze the water gives you a lot of potential tools at your disposal.

Crown of Madness.

Grease has been surprisingly effective for me, to the point where my group has had to repeatedly tell me not to shoot my grease on everything.

TRANSCENDENT MONK is the best thing to ever happen to monks. Fuck you for hating it out of XGE.

I love playing paladin so rolling godly thunder on the undead is pretty fucking amazing
I was never PAM paladin because I wasn't up to date with what works the best and I liked the flavor of cracking a warhammer on to undead fucks a lot more.
notable moment:
>atop a rickety shack in some undercommon shithole
>bunch of cultists and a demon pop out
>party deals with the mook cultists
>go mano a mano with the demon
>crit a second level smite on an demon.
> the smite kills the demon and the house
>take some minor fall damage
gotta have faith /5eg/

>to the point where my group has had to repeatedly tell me not to shoot my grease on everything.
That was out of game, though.

This board has gotten so fucking bad ever since trolls realized there was zero penalty for almost anything they could do. Last place I liked was /5eg/, and honestly the shitflinging on here can seriously grate on my fucking nerves sometimes.
Maybe I’ve just finally gotten too old for Veeky Forums.

Updated the Voldur race port.

>Enjoys the flavor of warhammer more
My nigga

>what's your favorite UA archetype that didn't make it in
Stone Sorc and the two other sorcerers (but they need a little finagling.)
I like the tanky approach with Stone Sorc, and it feels nice to have Meatmode actually mean something for characters who aren't Genasi or barbarians. It does remind me of the old Swordmage class of 4e, but not forced onto 4e's miserable system.
Sea Sorc feels like a proper controller sorcerer, and gives you reason to take quicken spell for something that isn't Eldritch Blast or a blade cantrip. Plus it turns frostbite into the best damn cantrip in the game. Unfortunately, Sea Sorc has fuckall for decent damage options using its curses because you're basically limited to Witch Bolt and a quickened cantrip until level 5 for bonus damage, your choice of Ice Knife (which can totally miss) or Snowball Swarm (does the damage of burning hands but is one spell level higher, and has a smaller maximum number of targets due to the AOE shape.) Until *Ninth Level* because nobody thought to give Sorcerer Ice Storm. For its push and forced movement options, Thunderwave is actually really good, and the idea of blasting some fucker across a room is nothing short of hilarious.

Someone likened Phoenix sorc to a caster barbarian, who rages up and then wades into melee in some utterly insane dance with death, and I really like the idea. The only issue is the once/lr limitation


Other op got deleted since it just became a continuous "stat anime picture"

Praise the lord! They didn't wait 3 days this time.

I've only ever played big beefy strong men.
How do I play a Bilbo Baggins type of character?

You can technically do both.
Just play a Halfling Fighter.

Play smart and clever, instead of using might use your brain to over come a situation.

user nobody on Veeky Forums hated Tranquility monk.

I really wish Oath of Treachery had made it in instead of Conquest.

Treachery just seems much more fun and far less one-note than Conquest, which is literally just "give everything Fear and then hit stuff".

It being completely silent (Somatic components only) is the best part of it, especially with regard to AT Rogues.

What's a good multiclass for rogue? Monk?

Veeky Forums has shit taste

Go to Reddit, GiTP or Facebook to see what real players like

>What's a good multiclass for rogue?
Ranger 5 or
Fighter 5 or
Barbarian 5

>pull teeth to get two people to show up to the 2nd half of a four-person one shot
>no word for a week
>they finally respond just now for game this evening
>one of the other two people isn't going to bother

fuck it I'll do it with 3. I just want to wrap this shit, feels bad not even finishing a one-shot story.

what subclass rogue are you?
and are you after something specifically?

more rogue

why not all three?

Snagging a level of wiz or sorc can get you the SCAG cantrips, which can be extremely useful for all the times you’re not using your bonus action to attack.

I'm thinking swashbuckler? I want to get up in there with my fellow melee friends

Extra attacks don't stack

rogue. rogue is a good multiclass for anything so just keep taking levels in rogue

Conquest and Treachery both were really cool. I like the idea of a debuff-based Paladin that doesn't involve charm effects and protects the party by driving the enemy off out of fear for their own lives.
Treachery kinda felt like them trying to fix Trickery cleric to be fair though.
The real mistake was that fucking "every class that has access to spells needs a healer archetype" mentality XGE had. To the point that they put what should have been an Erratta to an existing metamagic in as a level up feature.

>tfw playing a Minotaur is the only way to play an unarmed martial that isn't a Monk

Lizardfolk still exist user.

A new thread doesn't change that.

>recommending that someone go on facebook ever under any circumstance

Scout Rogue/Monster Slayer Ranger

Probably get the most mileage out of Bardic Inspiration, but I really like Undying Warlock’s Among the Dead since we’re crusading against a necromancer. Any time I’ve been hit it’s been for like half my hp so this helps.

And Tabaxi

if tavern brawler had scaling for the unarmed strike I'd really recommend that plus "any race"(variant human)
but yeah it sucks, I always wanted to play the belligerent fighter who just picks up shit around to kill people, but its crap if its a d4 at best

Pitch me concept ideas of a Elf or Half-Elf Barbarian.

For swashbuckler a SCAG blade cantrip is an objective upgrade.

Your elf is really mad that all the other elves are such ponces

Lizardfolk would need a +2 higher strength mod than a Minotaur as well as a feat like Tavern Brawler to be comparable. By level 4 the Minotaur will have outstripped the Lizardfolk.
Tabaxi's shit.

Fuck reddit, facebook, and whatever GitP is if they hated tranquility monk. They're wrong.

Tranquility monk is kickass.

you have pointy ears and get angry before hitting things



there that'll be 1 bitcoin please

What's wrong with Tabaxi?

Magic Initiate feat?

>start new game with 4 players.
>only get it together because one player is hopelessly smitten with the girl, who goes there for attention
>if not for girl, he probably wouldn't even show up
>meaning i have to cater to the girl's every whim in order to cajole her into showing up consistently every three weeks.
>always asks if there will be food and drinks at the game
>never brings any of her own.

AN ENTIRE BITCOIN?! That's highway robbery.

Possibly, if you're willing to forgo an ASI for it or if you're variant human. Otherwise a level in Wizard or Sorc is a much easier road.

>darkness spell: magical darkness in 15ft radius
>1 minute concentration, level 2 spell
>pyrotechnics: heavily obscures area in 20ft radius
>1 minute, no concentration, alternate 'blinding' option, level 2 spell

I guess darkness can be dismissed at will, whereas pyrotechnics requires something producing a gust of wind (which could be done by enemies), but to me it seems no concentration + larger radius makes pyrotechnics almost a straight upgrade over darkness.

Hey man, his price for ideas has been the same since 2014. It isn't his fault that your currency inflated.

I'm thinking halfling

>minor illusion
>Heavily obscures 5 foot square

High Elf Wolf totem Barbarian, Sage background
>Used to teach at a university
>Real prick of a teacher, anger issues
>talked down to one student from a prestigeous lineage one too many times
>student decides to curse him to be a lycanthrope
>student is shit at magic because he never listens to your lectures, fucks up the ritual and just gets you haunted by wolf spirits
>these spirits enrage you further and you end up getting fired for beating his ass
>student can't undo the spell because he's retarded
>you're adventuring to find a reknown expert on lycanthropes to see if they can help you quell your fury

>5ft square: 25 square feet
>20ft radius: 1257 square feet
Obscuring a single square isn't usually all that useful.

its the price of masterfully crafting a character
this is true, there's always doge coin to fall back on
amirite fellas

Pretty strong.

>remove curse
>dispel magic

If this prodigy managed to find a way to curse people that isn't removable by any known means, why aren't you learning from him, you dipshit professor?

No wonder you're a barbarian. Too stupid to be a wizard.

He fucked up the spell so good that it's uncurable

Stone to mud, and vice versa. With a large enough area you can trap an army waist deep then practice your golf swing with their heads.

Never heard of presto. What's it do?

Going to assume prestidigitation

Pyrotechnics must target fire that already exist. That is quite limiting.

Strong as in solid or potentially unbalancing?

>he actually didn't curse you, just awakened a primal link in your bloodline
>the spirits are haunting you so it's not a dispellable or a curse
>you embrace the curse and the freedom it gives you
>it's actually completely psychosomatic and you've just gone bonkers
Plenty of ways to make it work. Remove Curse is such a boring instafix anyway, it's really depressing that you can't have a story about curses after level 5 unless you pull the bullshit "lol it doesn't work because fiat" asspull. And most people get so indignant when you push it back a few levels, it's so frustrating.

My current campaign has a host of curses which require the caster of the Remove Curse spell be a certain level before it will work. And then there are some curses which require an intense ritual to simply contain.

I made it all clear to the group before the campaign started. Fortunately my group is fairly chill.

Just what I call prestidigitation.
Presto for short.

Do you always start with a race/class combo you want to try, and write a character around that?

Or do you ever write a character first then choose class/race after?

Has there been an errata to fix the Arcane Archer yet or does he still run on the DM’s generosity to hand out bundles of magic arrows every session

i always
roll stats > pick a class > pick a race that either supports the class or something to play against type

i always have several ideas of characters i want to play, i just let the dice decide which

It got day 0 errata

I start with a class, because the class, in my opinion, inform some things about the character, like a ranger is probably outdoorsy or something.

Aarakocra monk with mobile feat.

It varies. Sometimes I have an idea of a character then try to fill in the race, class, or both. Other times I have a race, class, or combo that looks interesting and then I try to come up with something that fits the idea. Like right now I have 12 character ideas that are a mix of both methods to replace a character who died. Some of the ideas are good and will work well mechanically and with the party while others aren't as good. My favorite idea actually hinges on the DM giving me the green light on a homebrew version of the artificer so I can play a warforged that's turned their own body into a weapon in pursuit of perfection.

I know I'm late to this party, but I think that Inventor wizard tries to make a few different leaps from general concepts to specific mechanics without doing a good job of expressing what those concepts are, but otherwise isn't bad aside from the armor's non-impact and the fact that it still ultimately feels like it should be a Sorcerer subclass (though it's certainly far better than the Lore wizard in that respect, and others).

How would you guys tweak it? Personally I would have it act as a magical focus while worn.

>character idea
>class that best represents the character mechanically
>double check with DM for a lore friendly race
>shoehorn my stats as best I can into my concept and cry because I don't have the stupid spread I want like a 20 and two 6s

Either that or
>have mechanical race/(multi)class/ability/spell combination I really want to play
>build personality of character that would use said combo

Sometimes you want to explore a personal story, and sometimes you want to bully people with Subtle Counterspells.

Are there any insect races yet?


It's a good race, but it's by far the worst option for making an unarmed martial. You'd be better of taking Tavern Brawler as v.Human.

>Minotaur (not the Dragonlance ones)
The Monster Manual is full of monsters that are permanently transformed people. Why is there no actual class (or even subclass) based on becoming a monster?

What I'd like to see from the inventor wizard is they can modify a spell with a buff from a list, but each buff must be acompanied with a nerf from a list (nerf MUST be applicable to the spell).

Roll double damage die / roll half damage die
Double range / half range
Double radius / half radius (Minimum 5ft)
Double duration / half duration
Advantage on Concentration / Disadvantage on concentration.

And these posts have me thinking how fun it would be to play a Tavern Brawling Brute.

>roll stats > pick a class
Literally die.

Not officially, but honestly taking the Orc statblock and replacing Aggressive with Relentless Endurance and the con bonus with a +1 to AC would probably fit perfectly.


What if I let players have a choice of a free 18 in a stat, but no other stat could be above 14?

moon druid.

full casters are good enough as they are.

doesn't apply the extra damage to unarmed attacks

I'd enjoy it, but it's probably unbalanced.

What is this, Adventure League?

This can work. I tend to do it one of two ways, depending on the campaign / dm:

>pick class, roll stats, flesh out character traits based on stat rolls

>roll stats in order, pick class and flesh out character based on those stats

First one is what I do if I already know what class I want to play, second one I do if I want a surprise.

A few threads ago I was told the planeshift Naga's constrict ability was broken; would removing the restrained condition from the target balance it?

Which seems more likely to be in a pact with a demon over a devil, a Yuan Ti or a Tiefling?