>You find a pair of enchanted spectacles and perch them atop your nose
>Your vision blurs for a moment
>You now see holes everywhere
>Holes where there were no holes before
wat do
>You find a pair of enchanted spectacles and perch them atop your nose
>Your vision blurs for a moment
>You now see holes everywhere
>Holes where there were no holes before
wat do
Try and fuck them
Attempt to insert penis in any holes that are crotch height. Attempt to insert entire body in to any wholes that are large enough.
Take them off, tell the local clergy/police, give them to an arcane to study, or stick my dick in the holes.
What kind of game are you running?
Put the glasses in one of the holes.
You're all sick fucks. This is why we have #metoo.
-I- am a gentleman and not a god dann rapist, so -I- would make sure the holes were comfortable and ensure that I had permission from the holes. Then, because I'm not a monster, I would gently get the holes in the mood. Maybe some stroking first, some touching. Maybe some grinding or kissing. I would move on to digital penetration, assuming they were still okay with it. Maybe provide some oral stimulation. Only THEN would I even consider sticking my dick in the holes.
nice try aziz, permission no longer matters
Femanon here. I would rub my clit against it.
"The holes keep saying that they don't want to feel pressured as you approach, but they remain open regardless."
Dicks pop out of the holes, and OP gets to work.
I would be very disturbed by this development. I would not consider putting any body parts in them, let alone my dick.
I guess I'd try shining a light in them first.
stick items into the holes. if holes arent real, no harm done, if they are: if only we can see them then now we're famous for merging items with walls, if not, now others see the holes
Do the holes still appear when I take the glasses off?
If not, I'd take the glasses off and check if I could stick a finger(or stick) in the spot where the hole used to be.
If so, then than means I have been altered by gazing through the glasses, and I would hide them so no one else could gaze through them before I found out what the deal was.
Regardless, I would record all holes found and chart them on a map of my area in order to try and find patterns. I would also try to figure out who made/enchanted the spectacles to see if I could work out a motive for the creation of these holes. The age of the spectacles and holes would also be of interest. Are these holes appearing in recently finished areas, or are they exclusively appearing in ancient rock?
actually i just realized this could be a pretty potent CoC plothook in the vein of Amigara Fault
>Amigara Fault
The number of people in this thread who would shove their fingers (or genitals) into unknown mysterious holes lends some creditability to that, actually.
Drywall mud.
What is this, a JoJo reference for ants?
I think it's a hentai reference.
Stick a knife in one of them and see what happens.
>Upon touching said holes, your body is infected and now you have holes
>You gain the urge of filling those holes with all kind of object
>Any filled hole will spawn more holes in your body
Hey so long as they're not human shaped it's all gonna be fine.
DRR... DRR.... DRR...
That's making a lot of assumptions. They can't see what they can't see.
Must I post the image again?
>enchanced penis size
Try putting a knife inside.