/aosg/ - Age of Sigmar General

Hey guys, Autistic Dispossessed user here with an update.

>Go to University disability counselor for weekly check up.
>Bring my Dispossessed to show her my new round textured bases.
>She loves them like always.
>Calls in office assistant who is an Art Major.
>In walks qt 3.14 with cute knitted beanie.
>She is impressed and asks me all about painting and brushes.
>Bumble and stumble on words, "Uh, I u-use acrylic paint... Citadel paint".
>My ears are redder than a Khorne berserker's armor.
>She invites me to her university church and gives me her phone number.
>Being given qt 3.14 number activates turbo autismo mode.
>Accept phone number with head downcast focused on my models.
>Trying to shade my eyes from her radiant beauty.
>She leaves to go back to the front desk.
>I am left in a state of arousal and confusion as to how I got a girl's number.
Did little painted army men really just get me a girl's number?

dude you need to get some friends. This place is not your blog.

>all the gods of the last cycle were elves...
This isn't even true, like, at all. WTF


I'm still fucking miffed that they cheated Grimgor and Gelt out of their roles for fucking Gorkamorka and Grungni. I mean, sure, they did die, but so what? If we go by that, Teclis should be the Incarnate of Fire, Beasts, Metal and Light all at once.

I really hope they do a reveal where it turns out Gorkamorka is actually Grimgor's body and head.

Lexicanum needs your help with getting Age of Sigmar up-to-date with everything. Join and help us!

Make it aos.lexicanum.com, not whfb.lexicanum.com

Would do so if I could, unfortunately I can't. Same thing with Blood Bowl.

What are some armies where you can just take whatever units you want an still be kinds competitive? I see a lot of these comp lists for Tzeentch and Stormcast and shit and they just don't look fun.

You can be kind of competitive without running the most competitive tourney lists you realize.