What's it like growing up poor?

What's it like growing up poor?

depends, buncha mental problems in my case cause mom always anxious and depressed

pretty bad

A1 steak sauce and spic and span..Rich fuckers..

>ywn have jordan peterson as a father

wouldnt know.

>dad works in finance
>mom is a toxicologist

pretty shitty of your parents to not work their asses off to provide a good life for you anons.

It strives you to live a better adult life and provide a better life for your kids (current or future) than you had. or history repeats itself and you become degenerate

no idea my man

This about sums it up

Being white it sucks ass. Have to live around a bunch of dumbass minorities and refugees.

> 1st of tha month
> government cheese
> canned tuna, instant ramen
> eat the free lunch at school (that was also my dinner in some cases)
> same clothes every other day to school
> shitty shoes
> bad hygiene
> small penis

> college is very cheap, poor = more tuition + aid + grants

Ever use the rough, one ply toilet paper? It's kind of like that. It's not always unbearable, but is much less comfortable than you're probalby used to.

I'm upper middle class now and I could never go back to that.

Parents weren't rich, dad was a butcher and mom was a clerk at the local hospital, I'm a faggot ass male nurse but it's pretty good money. Life wasn't bad, poor kids are always more creative in finding ways to have fun growing up and staying out of the house.

do you do drugs user? most rich kids get bored of their ez lives and try drugs

wife grew up poor as shit and she has really bad anxiety and is kind of a basket case but god damn do i love her

>unironically hates crypto tax
Communists like you are exactly why nerdcoins are fucked

>small penis

Pretty shitty.. Gettin a job at 15 years old to help out around the house. Work too much/latr miss lotsa highschool classes due to not much dleep. Get kicked out of school for missing too many classes.

I hope I make it

I really need to make it

>i need to make it
Rollin dubs to confirm retired at 30

>parents were heroin addicts

Didn't have anything to compare it to so I didn't know any better at the time but since becoming an adult when I think back it was shit

Well, for fun instead of playing videos games or sports, you go outside and break shit and try not to get caught. It's pretty cool.

>bottles not cans
> Heineken

> government cheese
> eat the free lunch at school

The fucking feels man. I miss that plaster-mold grade American cheese I would melt onto rock hard bread scraps.

And I used to go to a public school that had a massive budget surplus so they gave us unlimited free school lunch all year. I literally ate like 5 cheeseburgers on burger day.

I'm still poor, actually, couldn't really tell you what it's like. Never knew a life otherwise. I'm sure it makes you appreciate the small things in life, though. I notice rich people are always quite up their ass, if you will - and not to be offensive.

coke and weed super prevalent in private school. not really much different than poor people kek

You grow up deficient and underdeveloped because all your parents could afford for food is 5 pound blocks of off brand cheese and ramen noodles. So you hide your deformed little body in your disgusting one room apartment trading crypto, anime posting with other neets, praying for your death to come swiftly. Or so I’ve heard.

Was poor as a kid, but my parents worked their asses off until my teenage years when we started doing fine.

Felt cucked looking at other kids with better toys and especially videogames (always wanted those but never had). Also I was always pissed because my parents would always unload their constant work stress unto me and my sister.

I still had a better childhood than most kids so its fine.

to add to this, you live just as shitty, if not a shittier life, than the minorities because you're constantly treated like you have white privilege when that shit doesn't fucking exist, wealth privilege does. doesn't help when you bust your fucking ass to get into a top school to escape poverty and then get denied because some nignog or spic gets your spot with lower credentials

Mother worked as a waitress her whole life, older brother was a parasite leech who did nothing but play video games and watch tv. Father who I saw only on weekends was managing his business til the day of his death. I'm the only one managing things while everyone wants a piece of what's left. Hard work and good planning makes your life a whole lot better. But Money makes people change for the worst. I never want to go back to living off wonder bread, sliced cheese and mayonnaise.

obvious bait is obvious but i'll bite.

my dad worked his ass off selling his labor to provide an income for me and my sister so we could learn better and not have to? fuck you. not everyone can be born into a situation that lets them work in finance, but everyone can try so their kids have a shot at something.

You don't grow up a sheltered dickhead. And learn not to tuck your thumb in when you punch a motherfucker for talking shit. Around 15 my father finally got a better job and we moved out from the hood some months after. Mental issues like the other user said, broken family due to drugs and other shit, spent all day outside having fun instead of at home playing ps2/3 (because I couldn't afford it). It was fun.

Well Mother and sister had mental issues. Father is alcoholist. Made me more motivated to make it. Always studied like fuck to make my way up. And thankfully I’ve aleays veen good with people so now I’m an IT middle manager at 28. It’s comfy and I make more than my family combined.

Vhildhood also thought me to enjoy the happy things more when they occur, both big and small.

Also because my parents didn’t really give a shit I have some pretty exciting stories to tell to people about the shit we did as a kid when we had to invent something to do for ourselves.

But I’m now married and planning on kids soon, so I’m determined as fuck to give them a better starting point/childhood than I ever had.

not a bait. just being a dick.

your dad sounds like a respectable man.

You can't explain it. You can only feel it.

Anyway, yeah, most people born middle class/rich never go on to create anything substantial in terms of art, etc.

"All striving comes from lack" as the man Schoppy once said.

Small kek

It's pretty shitty as you can imagine.

thanks. my mom also dealt with kindergartners everyday for 35 years.try to be a good father one day when you have some little runts. one of the most respectable things in life imo

Nigga, can't you see it's a party?

Was never extremely poor but definitely not even well off. lived with my mum and she made about 40-50k in a small town so rent was cheap but was sometimes shit visiting friends or relatives and seeing how they lived or even now that I'm in the city and all my friends discuss overseas trips they went on when they were younger. I never missed out on proper nutrition or sufficient (public) education though

If your white you will be forced to live around minorities. They won't like you because your white. The upper class won't like you because your poor. I grew up before computers were affordable, so the only luxuy was block buster video games and movies. Most of the time was alone or having to take care of younger half siblings.

I had one of those.

Now I don't (:

Grew up low middle class, but my parents were so cheap that we lived tight (i.e. walmart shoes, no seconds when we ate so we could have leftovers, offbrand food, etc...) Lived out of my car in college and on friend's couches but eventually made it. Elem. principal now and feels pretty good to make 65k a year, honestly. Not rich, but fucking crypto made me 40k in the last 3 months and that's fucking lifechanging for me. Gonna hold my shit and buy a business after 2018 is over.

That's my gf and soon to be wife too.
>tfw fruit juice is a luxury to her

I was born into a poor family at first. Mum worked her arse off (all by herself, dad fucked off somewhere without leaving any money) and now she is sitting at 30-32 m worth of asset. She trades stocks for a living. I really love my mum.

can't say that my family is poor poor, but I've had some hard times. scrounging up coins and stealing to buy cigarettes. working full time just to pay it all to debt and rent. maxing out my credit card on bills and dumb shit like fast food and gasoline. sigh. financially, life is better now thankfully.

>Not a single bottle of Burnett's in sight
Not much of a party.

how poor?

i live in venezuela. people in ur picture look like millionaires to me

the worst part of being poor is that you are surrounded by retards who want to bring you down

Got a hot as fuck wife tho

prove you live in venezuela right now and i'll send you money. no larp.

>rich fag from previous replies here

This is me in my only pair of whitey tighties, about to fight for some bologna and a loaf of bread. Pay up nigga.

Not so bad, I made do with the tools I had, and I'm quiet comfy today.
Both of my parents set fine examples of what not to do, dad is an alcoholic and ma is a whore, while they partied during my childhood they left me to get sodomized by my god father. I haven't communicated with them for a decade, but I wish em all the best.

You are suddenly 22 and realize both of your parents that are divorced haven't tought you anything about life and you realize why you failed and why their life is shitty, so you have to grab your balls and accept you got fucked by your own parents, but now you have to be a psychologist to them also.

Pretty fucking bad. Can't wait to move out somewhere and don't have to deal with them really, since every encounter just drags me down emotionally usually. Sometimes it can be fun though. But mostly sucks.

When you confront them about this shit and they brush it off with an excuse :'( A (white) nigga can't get any closure around here. Someone's only getting their debts repaid instead of the full package when I make it.

Pretty shit seeing rich kids buy lambos with their daddy's money in my neighborhood.
Now that im a self-made millionaire at 22, not too bad

Grew up lower middle class, single mom. Never starved, but it was an abusive household. Raised on fast food and tv dinners. Mom would come home from her shit job and throw us a bag of cheap grease, then go lie down on the couch for 6 hours with oprah and dr phil and king of the hill playing on repeat. Constantly tired, so bored I wanted to kill myself. Remember always going to my friend's house so I could play their video games and use their computer. I was always the smallest kid in the bunch.

After that though, I lived in legit poverty for about 6 years. $1000 per month for entire budget seemed like a luxury for me. $5 per day food budget. Velveeta cups and hot pockets. Roaches, bed bugs, no heat. I remember trying to take baths with no heat and barely hot water in the dead of winter, trying to submerge myself as much as possible under the lukewarm pool to wait till the faucet heated up again. Seeing people eating at like arbys and resenting them because that was a high class food chain.

That mentality of resentment disgusts me now and I'm glad I've grown out of it and don't have to be a mangy poorfag.

Crypto got me 6 figures this year. Dipped a bit since BTC went down but I still have what I would've considered living off of for about 8 years.

Mental issues, self doubt, constant anxiety, feeling like you could land at rock bottom at any moment. Hard to settle, hard to buy anything. I haven't bought a damn thing with my crypto gains, just have a desk, a computer, and a mattress. Too scared to spend anything.

Welp I'm pretty wrecked but this year's been kind to me. I hope all my other poorfags or former poorfags here will soon be eating well and living good.

Dirty, cluttered home. I work in rich peoples houses and they're always so fucking clean its like nobody lives there. Poor people usually have a lot more shit in their homes

Invest in properties and businesses with it user, get a percentage of income from them and hire a property manager, we'll make it fellow poorfaganon

Holy shit. These fucking posts thinking they're actual poverty. There is always someone off worse than you. Try to remember that.

This picture makes me sad.

Go to church! New year.

>name brand steak sauce
Yeah these niggas ain't poor like me
Or maybe they just went all out for the birfday

Poor people don't have coke. If they did they could trade shitcoins like crazy and not be poor any more. I wish our taxes went to giving people coke desu

Or it's nice to see people treating each other we'll, the relationships we have with our family and friends is far more important than how many shekels we have and the perceived security that provides.

I've been very financially successful in my life, and lost it all several times. I spent an evening drinking beers in the park with a long lost friend the other day, felt better than being on the storm moon mission - if it all falls down all we have is our friends and family.

This. They really don't want you to succeed

ITT: bunch of privileged Americans talking about being poor. You know damn well that in America, even when you're poor you're not that damn poor. I'd like to hear from som actual pajeets about what it's like to grow up really poor.

I grew up in a third world country as middle lower middle class

every other day people you know or extended family gets killed, injured or ends up in jail.
lucky for me my mom wasn't a degenerate and worked really hard to get us out that shit life, but people I knew struggle with alcohol problems and lots of domestic violence.
I think that's a big one when growing up poor, lots of domestic violence and stress. You can't try to improve your life because you're shakled by lack of money or literally live from pay to pay, debt from not being able to survive with ur wage meaning u can't save 1 cent ever.
watching others enjoying life while u wageslave and still can't get enough to survive, health problems in your family that further destroy ur prospecs.

Not as bad as growing up as a low iq subspecies like those people. There is poor and then there is being in need of eugenics.

I dunno but I'm poor right now and I want to die

Parents grew up poor but not sure if I did. Blue collar dad (skilled trade) and mother worked part time raising me and my sister.

Not exactly "poor" but no luxuries like foreign holidays etc growing up. First in family to graduate university, and now my parents are mortgage free after years of wagecucking.

My waifu on the other hand grew up in E.Europe just after the collapse of the Soviet Union so had a different life entirely. Alcoholic dad etc.

>be russian PHD
>Don't have a car
>make $1,000 a month
>ride my bike or walk 2 miles everyday to my job
>I went to school for 8 years to ride my bike to work

real poor people can't even access computers.
back in my third world shithole nobody in my street had a computer, we all went to internet cafes to play dota and our parents only gave us money for 1hour every 15 days or some shit like that since they couldn't take us out.

>grow up rich af
>dad is a badass tech entrepreneur, retires before 40 and is into cool dad shit
>have the blessing of a stay at home mom
>get older
>learn my father's story
>his dad is a scientologist, tore apart his family, took all their money, just wants to give us the childhood he never had
>my senior year in college
>get a call from my mom that dad is in the mental hospital
>not a worry in the world
>hah, dad is prolly going through a mid-life crisis
>3 days later, my aunt is banging at my door telling me that he killed himself
>he actually fucking did it, an hero'd
>gotta sell my BTC to eat, around $200 a BTC
>graduated (with decent majors too), struggling to find work, poor as fucking shit
>family is miserable and poor

shit is weird guys. i don't really feel anything anymore. my dad was prolly a schizo, im prolly one too. oh well. hopefully i make it.

i'd trade all of our material things just to have a stable family again. being rich ain't everything boys.

Yeh, I'll never have a stable family, it fucks with you. Real bad. That's why even when you get rich you can never settle down.

The worst is when you had one for a brief moment in time and then watched everything fall apart as you got older.

All I can hope for is a family of my own one day. It's my only salvation. When I start thinking I may not ever have one I get a bit suicidal. But we gotta keep trying. We gotta keep going. We can make it.

>I spent an evening drinking beers in the park with a long lost friend the other day, felt better than being on the storm moon mission - if it all falls down all we have is our friends and family.
that third world mentality will bring you down and regret you should've sided with money than people.