Choose your weapon
Choose your weapon
Well, I'm an average human with no combat training so I'll take the spear.
I pick the bec-de-corbin, always.
can i take the falcon instead? i like the birb
Gonna go with the bird.
Damn it, I was going to pick it.
roll 1d6. the birb will follow the higher number.
i choose the rack
the hawk for attack and the skin rug for parrying please
>skin rug for parrying
Wrong. You wear the rug.
I choose the scroll of fireball.
Seeing as how I have about as much military training as I'll take a crossbow, with one of the "short" axes for when shit goes south and we end up in melee range.
The spear and the crossbow, please.
I'll take the wrack and scamper around it to avoid anything that's trying to get me.
If I take the trident can I talk to fishes?
Is there a musket in the bag?
Are we all unarmored?
Is that a peregrine falcon? Did someone weaponize the worlds fastest animal?
Its not a rug. Flatbear. Blow in on the northerlies.
Crossbow of course. Probably a spear as well.
I take the bedroll and wear it as a cape
for my house defense, in case of burglary? probably spear, since ill only get to shoot crossbow once and then im dead
The Halberd combines the stabbiness of the spear and the cuttiness of an axe, I’ll take that.
>pick warhammer
>enemy picks crossbow
>fucking die
>that halberd
>The Halberd combines the stabbiness of the spear
not this halberd
>literally cannot stab with the halberd
>axe blade so high it interferes with spear functionality
Man, I didn't even notice that until now.
Well, I guess you can tell sometimes when an artist has never handled the objects he's portraying.
That axe upside-down is weird as fuck.
I find it refreshing that the warhammer is an actual weapon and not a fucking maul.
All the artist had to do was look at pictures of halberds on Google.
Cabochons embedded into the weapon is GOAT aesthetic, however. As is gold scrollwork on the blade.
I choose bird.
I don't see my weapon.
i want the dragon wrapped up in the d&d logo in the bottom right.
I'll go with the trident with the hopes that the blue gem socketed in there means it's magical.
>cucks saying they'd take the crossbow/bow when there's no bolts or arrows pictured
made me laff
>not using a longsword
Seriously it's like you want to be a side character
Can I choose Friendship?
I will choose the most superior of all weapons!
Failing that, birb is next best option.
Seeing as how I am actually trained in historical swordfighting, I will take a sword.
Flambard, cause I know how to use it
>at that moment, Ocelot realized with dread he had forgotten his gun
>not using the bow to just shoot the swords and spears
I take the dagger because my speed and agility with it will allow me to win out over all of you idiots lugging around big heavy weapons.
The hawk is the obvious choice
reminds me of some African weapons
Depends on the campaign
>heavy realism, effiiciency over style
That warhammer badboy under the birdie.
>high fantasy, style of efficiency
Trident + the falcon if my character is allowed to have a pet.
who/what am i fighting?
If I must get near, or am on the defense, flanged mace
If we're fighting in a large group or we're on the hunt, I'll take the composite bow
>Choose your weapon
My weapon is David.
Is that the gun from Blame! ?
i think so
Arcade sticks get sillier every year.
I am disappointed by this thread.
the weapon rack
the spell scroll
I've got to agree with .
t. Monk
Gimme the trident, I'm gonna shiskabob a motherfucker. All the reach of the spear AND the ability to put three times as many holes in a person.
and it gets stuck in things and has a third the penetration power
the weapon rack
Why is the flanged maces handle clipping through the crossbow?
because the graphics designers put a skin on the crossbow that's bigger than the 3D-mapped physical object
>and then it gets stuck
Not if you're not retarded with it and at least moderately fit enough to yank it out of things. You don't take a weapon with hooks on it and just go stabbing with reckless abandon or try doing stupid shit like trying to hook other weapons between the tips to disarm, that's a great way to end up with a useless rod. Assuming this is a gladiatorial deal against fellow fa/tg/uys, my primary goal would be using it to keep people away from me and occasionally making an attempt at punching some holes in the sides or backs of anyone not aware of their surroundings while near me. The trident is at a disadvantage in that it can't be extracted as easily as the smoother headed spear sure, but I think the ability to inflict nastier wounds makes up for it.
Dammit. I wanted to take that. I guess I'll take a stone from the wall then...
The sunlight shining on the wall, please.
No flanged mace? Guess I'll settle for the morningstar
Other anons, be wary, these guys clearly don't want any trabble.
I'll take the map so I can find my way out of this faggot colosseum.
I want you to take a good look at those barbs.
you aint getting those out easy. tridents are for fishing. not for fighting.
it won't do shit compared to a spear
In a saner universe it would be mounted on a spaceship, but in Blame! it's the only handgun you will ever need.
Anything but a gay ass polearm
warhammer, shortbow, longsword. everybody should get the dagger/knife as a freebie.
The Wall.
What if I take the floor from under you?
I'll take that dope ass bear skin.