Titan Legion.
Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/
So close
I recall the “bag dice lady” store carrying some flowers. You could try that.
tartaros or cataphractii terminators, which is better in general?
>your society is imploded and all you do is stab each other like skaven
>calling anyone primitive
BRB making more battlesuits.
Honestly they had no reason to cancel, there was not a foot of snow as they claimed and everything everywhere was accessible albeit with a bit more care since people is not driving with winter tyres. most places just went full prevention for no particular reason, the uni gym closed at 20 instead of 22 just because, honestly just felt like they were taking the piss.
oh yes, this will do
>your society is being held back by the fagets you venerate like gods
>you stupidly try and trust said 'imploded society'
brb making diplomatic trades.
Hot damn.