have you ever GM'd before?
people who dont run games and build settings of their own shouldnt be allowed on Veeky Forums
Have you ever GM'd before?
Yes, but there's no need to a prick about it.
Some people just don't have the self-confidence to put themselves out there, and try running a game. Or rather, they still need a bit more experience just playing the game before they feel secure enough to run one.
i have gm'd a bunch of 1shots, and one short campaign. i thought the campaign went horribly but we got through it and its still referenced once in a while in our group so i guess it was generally a success?
DMed a couple one-shots, and it was pretty damn fun; but I always feel overshadowed by another player who's been DMing for decades.
I've tried but it was mostly a particularly boring disaster.
just finished up my weekly persona campaign session for the week.
Feeling pretty gud.
I failed miserably alll... 4? 5 times
My group has been playing for a few months after getting into it recently. I have been the DM since day dot. Slowly feel I am getting a better grasp of what it is to be a good DM.
>people who dont run games and build settings of their own shouldnt be allowed on Veeky Forums
No need to enforce this. Most people who go online and talk about RPGs, read RPGs, and buy/pirate RPGs are players. Players are lazy as fuck and just want to have a good time. They have no reason to discuss shit.
Pretty new and yes I have, I run Delta Green.
>are players
Are GMs, I meant.
Oh, I run games and build settings with my imaginary friends
Yes I have, and my players had fun.
Yes, but that's a dumb idea because most people shouldn't ever be in the DM seat, they just aren't cut out for it.
Are you sure you want me here? I learned everything I know about DMing from Reddit.
If you regularly play an actual traditional game you're automatically better than most people posting here.
Eternal DM here. I DM because no one else will.
I think Im shit at it but my friends still tell stories of their characters and the feats they accomplished at my table, which drives me to continue. Its a tough job but someones gotta do it.
You caught me. I haven’t actually GM’d. I only world build so I can write my erotic fantasy epic.
I hate how most d&d threads are just players talking about how to optimize their builds. I dont see how thats fun.
Everyone on Veeky Forums needs to run a game. Good or bad they need the experience
My players have fun but I don't!
I've been itching for anything but d&d, but I don't have any idea on how to persuade them. 2 (out of five) players are avid d&d players and don't want to play anything else.
Go looking for another group, sometimes things were not meant to do everything.
>Most people who go online and talk about RPGs, read RPGs, and buy/pirate RPGs are [GMs]. Players are lazy as fuck and just want to have a good time. They have no reason to discuss shit.
Fucking this.
Yeah. I haven't run a game in a long time.
I have no friends
I was always running games, because I was always surrounded by players who never had the confidence to run a scenario. I became content the moment I realised I get to be everyone - from the BBEG to the lowliest janitor - and play each of them with as much character, drive and motivation as I want. Players get a single hero - I get literally everyone else in the entire Universe.
>have you ever GM'd before?
Though the authority with which I speak on topics is based more on my ability and knowledge than my experience.
>people who dont run games and build settings of their own should be allowed to post on Veeky Forums because it is for gamers. Also we can point and laugh at their ignorance.
I am always the GM. No one else can or will do it.
Every single time I've been the player, we've made possibly one session maximum before some stupid bullshit has occurred to prevent us from playing any longer. Drama between friends, the GM running out of ideas instantly, scheduling conflicts causing the group to dissolve like a sand-castle at high tide - every time without fail.
Many times, someone will say "I'm going to GM!" and I give them every hint, every scrap of advice, a helping hand wherever they need it, and every time they build my hope of playing a game instead of running it with constant updates of 'Nearly done, nearly finished, almost planned everything I need!' before shattering my dreams by just inexplicably dropping the thought of running a game and wasting all of our combined effort to make it happen.
Yes, I am very mad. Butthurt, even.
Yea boi! Ran 3 major success never ending campaigns, ran 5 very good systemless one shots. And ran one well run pre-written campaign. My world built campaign is still a WIP.
Only ever ran one campaign that didn't work well, (ok 2) and it was because lame/lazy/stupid players.
Holy shit that’s almost exactly what I go through.
Don't try to force such faggotry, you're already allowed to suck penis.
T. DM.
Yes, although i find that i can only run story-lite dungeon based games well enough to simultaneously find it enjoyable and provide entertainment.
As such, i am an alternate DM for my group, i help the primary DM behind the scenes, run one-shots during breaks in the campaign, and have a couple dungeons made up for if the DM can't make a session.
Once. Never again after I lost my books. I picked up a copy of AD&D 2ED used and a players guide and monster manual cheap. (Like sub 30 bucks total). Played with some people in high school but one was a total That Guy. Threw all my books in a pond behind school when he didnt get what he wanted. Never again will I DM after that.
Also since when did you need fucking 40k level terrain for D&D? Maybe a paper map from what I remember but now its all 3d tile systems and shit.
I'm GMing more than I play, but I still like it, I wish I had a regular group to start a campaign with
Fuck creating settings though, I don't think I'm made for that
play on roll20
download your books as pdfs
laugh at plebians who pay for things
roll20 didnt exist in 2000. But yeah I guess I could do that now. Im really wanting to play some cyberpunk 2020 or rogue planet
This desu. I manage to make it work, and organize everything on my pc.
Once or twice
>there's no need to a prick about it
I disagree. There are people that come here and shitpost or, worse, give DMing or playing advice despite never actually playing or running a game.
Would it be any better if you got to play, but every move your GM makes is obvious, hamfisted, and clearly a mistake, making it torturous to stay silent and let them run?
Gmed 3 sessions of L5R (then the group fell apart because of relationship drama), gmed one session of gurps and have a second planned, as we're rotating GMs
The gurps campaign has been written into a hole previously and it's a fucking pain in the ass to continue someone else's shitty plot
I am horribly self conscious because I think I don't GM well at all, but my friends always seem to enjoy it. I still feel that I never prep enough/ the right stuff which paralyses me from being productive in that regard.
That said, I really want to run a FATE accelerated and Degenesis game anf always have dreamed about doing L5R, Exalted and Golden Sky Stories because I am a massive weeb
yes and ?
this is an internet imageboard, it shouldn't define anything in your life, including how you feel
except your a precious little faggot
Yes! I ran a midly successful campaign for a while but it kinda just... stopped before we ended. Technically it's on "Indefinite hiatus" but I'm pretty sure the notes are fuckin' gone
So I shouldn't be a dick but no one should give a shit about anyone's precious little feelings? Getting mixed messages here, desu.
Yes! I always DM! Its so much fun!
I'm not sure if other people in my group are sucking dicks on purpose while DM'ing to keep me in my seat or I'm the only capable person around to do this job.
I'm turning more sadistic over years of forever DM'ing, is that normal?
He said there's no need to be a dick about it, not that your dickishness requires a final solution.
That said, sometimes I wonder. Maybe just a little purge? Just the tip, just to see what it's like.
>have you ever GM'd before?
Yes... the problem now is that I can't do anything else.
I cannot create worlds without players poking around with my setting.
I cannot play as another character anymore without fighting with the GM to steer the story to where I think it fits
I can't even write normally without creating narrative hooks, monologues and autistic detailed notes that lead to nowhere.
I'm forever GM and I still don't know if its for good or worse but either way I feel trapped in a hole I carved out myself.
>I can't write normally
This. This has been the worst part of becoming a GM. I don't write anymore because I always think "Oh, I could parse this for a TTRPG". I attempt to dedicate thought to crafting a narrative and it just turns into intended paths with room for PC's to take it off rails, because I can't think outside of GMing anymore.
It sucks. I used to love writing.
I GM more often than I play, but I'm always trying to get my lazy players to try it. I even offer my shit like the screen and the battlemat grid.
Building a setting? Fuck that. I only create the framework for the local town, the name of the kingdoms ans fill in the blanks at the spot.
I always DM, and I honestly prefer being a DM over being a player. It's just more fun to run a wide range of characters rather than just one.
Yeah. Our group has 5 people of whom 3 DM rotate the GM duty in 2-3 week periods. We have 4 campaigns going on currently.
Yes. I constantly feel underprepared, that I'm railroading too hard, and that I'm constantly improving what to do next while trying to maintain the plot.
Yet my players have all said that they dont feel any of this to be true. I am either really good at bullshitting or they are really stupid. I think the second one is right.
I've ran a 1shot I've made for new players several times now. I'm having fun and my players like my DMing style so I'm considering running a full campaign.
Don't sweat it as long as they're having fun. I mean as much as everyone rails against railroading, if it works for your game, it works. Actual play results>White room Ideal GMing theorycrafting.
Agreed. The majority of people on /tg have no experience running games and likely no experience playing. This is obvious from looking at some commonly held views that only people who had never run a game would believe.
For example take the argument that casters in D&D, especially 3.5, are overpowered compared to martials.
Any DM who understands the rules and how the game works knows that this isn't true as there's multiple mechanics in the game that seriously hamper the power of casters. Components, random encounters, concentration checks, grappling so somatic spells can't he used, silence, anti-magic, loss of spellbooks etc, etc.
However the 'white box' forum posters who just designs power gaming chat op scenarios in his head obviously believes casters are overpowered as he has no experience actually playing or running the game and is instead creating abstract a, arbitrary scenarios where the caster in perfect conditions with absolute knowledge always wins.
Likewise anyone who plays would know playing a martial can be an incredibly complex and satisfying experience with a myriad of different options at your disposal in any one situation . However the white box power gaming forum posters who never actually plays only views the martials options as the one narrow combat ability he can create a powerful feat chain from.
>people who dont run games and build settings of their own shouldnt be allowed on Veeky Forums
I disagree. M:tG, other card game players and wargamers also share this board.
Furthermore, players and would be players should also be welcome.
people who don't play and don't intend to play should fuck right off, though.
>the 'white box' forum posters who just designs power gaming chat op scenarios in his head obviously believes casters are overpowered as he has no experience actually playing or running the game and is instead creating abstract a, arbitrary scenarios where the caster in perfect conditions with absolute knowledge always wins.
That's because charop faggots play with other charop faggots who have DMs that either tailor encounters to be for high-optimisation characters or just throw in a random CR level+8 enemy, and the martial can't hit with anything except the feat chained option, while the caster can't hit with anything but his dozen spells he's specialised in.
From the whiteboxer perspective it's absolutely correct, it's just most games aren't that.
Plus, you know, nothing happens outside the context of you playing a fun game with your friends/acquaintances. People talk to each other and get on the same goddamn page of what their shared game will be like. That's how you balance power levels. You don't unbalance things beyond what everyone signed up for because it makes shit less fun for your group.
Meanwhile I'm taking years to get my shit ready to the point it's essentially a In-joke with my group.
I'm determined to do it though.
I have. I'm not a good GM, and only GM because I want to be the player one day. Chances are slim, but hopefully before I die.
As far as making my own setting, I make settings within the confines of an established setting. I kind of expect the GM isn't going to be using World of Darkness mechanics for a deep space exploration game.
I agree with you friend
I ran a ten-session campaign once.
It sucked hard, because I was tone-deaf to the game system's setting, placed inappropriate shit in it, and generally annoyed my players to the point they refuse to let me back to the GM position ever again.
Things will never change if you don't make them change.
Find a new group or ask someone else to GM.
I did not, but I plan to. Any possible advices anons? I will take anything useful.
A key part of being a good GM is to have a good group. You want a group that wants to play the type of game you want to play, and also folks who you can be friends with.
If you've got those two down, you're already 1/3 of the way there.
You're doing alright as long as you have a plan for the next session. You don't need more than that. Any worldbuilding or preparations beyond that is something that you'll be doing strictly for fun.
I have overseen upwards of around 5 campaigns now.
You got it the other way around, people who do don't belong on Veeky Forums. Producing content has not been Veeky Forums-related since /qst/ split.
Yes, my friend group and I all take turns DM'ing our own settings and campaigns. The issue is I'm usually the one who keeps everyone on track as a player. As soon as I DM everyone IMMEDIATELY ether tries to kill each other, go off on their own, or simply do stupid shit.
Shout out to the time they were exploring a dense dinosaur jungle where they received EXPLICIT (as in an NPC told them) instruction to hide if they see a giant bright orange carnivore with distinct markings. As soon as they see said dinosaur (they had made stealth checks so I was just going to have it walk by) a player charged it with a mallet while screaming.
Another shout out to a different player who during a fallout game was exploring an underground area and found a shit load of feral ghouls that was locked behind a metal barrier. He proceeded to open the gate for no reason, letting loose the ghouls and killing the other PCs because "He thought it would be funny"
Three times. The first two were a shoddy homemade Mario system for my brothers and friends respectively. Both of these lasted one session in a ‘oh that was fun let’s never do that again’ kind of way. A few months back I came to the Game Finder here and ran a pet project with some cool ass dudes who I still get to play with. We switched GMs and systems without a hitch once my campaign was over, and I absolutely love it.
i had one where they all made it to lvl 9 and the fight before the final area the last "original" party member died
another that died because one of the players got their backpack stolen and he was holding onto 2 other players sheets and they just didnt want to reroll
and then like 2 short 1-2 night games
cthulu themed "the shining"
post magical apocalypse
Yes. I've been GMing for 17 years now. I started when I was 12. After doing this for nearly two decades you learn to smell bullshit a mile away. When noobs give bad advice on Veeky Forums I just laugh and keep scrolling.
have you ever ERP'd before?
people who don't erp and get off shouldn't be allowed on Veeky Forums
>persona campaign
This sounds legit af
What ruleset do you use?
That's a cute daki.
>After doing this for nearly two decades you learn to smell bullshit a mile away
Maybe *you* do. Other people have been gaming for as long as you and still suck, do that guy shit, don't know wtf they're talking about.
I know some of them. :(
I’m a permanent DM and it’s real fuckin’ boring. Probably gonna quit the hobby if my players don’t want to swap roles for the next campaign
My nigga. It’s like how nobody wants to tank or heal and only want DPS
t. Porn addict
Yes but didn't do it in the last 2 years.
Mostly to being a lazy ass.
None of the worldbuilding I did ion Veeky Forums was ever put in my games.
agree 100 percent
Yes. My first campaign was a meandering sandbox trying to figure out what to do which only ended when I moved. Worked out pretty well, learned a lot from that. Since then I've just been playing and prepping campaigns for when I have more time. That and a one shot which was meant to be something more but fell apart. I really miss GMing.
Elaborate please, so that I may avoid your mistakes.
I feel you on that "people not showing up" thing. All I want to do is play some goddamned Rogue Trader, but people always flake the fuck out and waste everyone's time.
Like, I get that real life has issues and shit, and no one can be fucked to honor their commitments in this messed up world we live in, but holy shit can we please have more than two sessions before everyone wanders off?
Same thing the handful of times I've tried to GM. I have NO FUCKING CLUE HOW TO GM, because the handful of times I've tried everyone just fucks off and I have no time to even begin learning how to round off my rough edges.
I really hate people.
Yet I still keep hoping for games.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
fuck off Verin Veeky Forums is about all traditional games not just tabletop roleplaying games
Yes, I quickly gravitated to the GM seat once I was exposed to roleplaying games. I played maybe two sessions of a friend of a friends game before it collapsed. The GM was a deadpan, that read off his notes and the books word for word.
I ran a couple of one shots and I'm prepping for my first campaign next week. I modified a custom system for my home brew setting and so far I've rather enjoyed it, even the tedious parts of writing are easy to swallow when I think of how it's kindling for an enjoyable evening with some good friends.
I'm pretty certain I'm gonna be a forever GM with this group and so far that doesn't sound too bad. I simply prefer being the GM. Perhaps my confidence is from lack of experience (and the fact I have a close group) but so far everything has gone well.
Yes. It all fell apart so quickly.
this, it sucks when you suck at gming and can't get better because you never get the chance to try without being flaked on before, during or after the 1st session.
I'm my party's GM, though we're in a bit of a weird area atm. I started the campaign this past summer, and we were building up to this huge climax with a Hex-wide war against a Mind Flayer and the PCs Homestead. Instead, because of various factors like me having to move back to finish Uni, and a pair of players that will most likely be kicked when/if we start the campaign up again, we had to cut our last session off at basically a cliffhanger, with the party taking a short rest before proceeding with their careful plan to sabotage the Mind Flayer army. It was a horrible place to end, two of the players are cunts ruining it for everyone else, and the momentum was completely ruined. All of them want to start it back up soon which is good, but 7 months later and I'm still miffed as all hell.
At least from what my players tell me I'm apparently a great GM, so that's satisfying. But man, never play a roleplaying game with someone who plays World of Warcraft 14 hours a day.
I GMed a couple of times. They were entirely bland.
I used to be the forever GM since I was the guy with all of the books and the gumption to start shit up. Luckily for me my college group was a great fit for rpgs and nearly ten years later we're still playing and just about everyone has GM'ed from time to time. Mostly we just take turns as we feel like it, and when I do run games these days I tend to do smaller campaigns as opposed to ones that can last a year or more. Keeps things tight and lets me play around with new systems.
I'm also the best guy in our group for bullshiting out a last minute oneshot in case our current GM gets busy with life, though using Maid as my default oneshot system also helps. "Maids cleaning the Wayne Manor" and "Bloodsport but with Maids" turned out to be big hits with my group.
>I'm taking years to get my shit ready to the point it's essentially a In-joke with my group.
>I'm determined to do it though.
>tfw you finally run the game and 90%of your prepwork gets undone in the first session.
Yes. You can not give a shit about other peoples feelings, and also not be a dick. They're not contradictory. One is caring about what others think, and the other the onus is on you. You can not care what others think and still be a nice and amicable person.
Been a forever GM since i've started out role playing.
I genuinly dont like being a player and i really enjoy my players stroking my penis calling me the best GM they have.
Nah. I’m building out the world, writing it, then releasing it in parts on Amazon or something.
Though based on what actually sells, I’m not sure there’s actually a market for a story where a self-insertable Male Fighter type roams a fantasy land fucking women of various fantasy races (including a dragoness).
>I’m not sure there’s actually a market for a story where a self-insertable Male Fighter type roams a fantasy land fucking women of various fantasy races
I think there's quite the market for that. It might be more present on Patreon or something other than Amazon, though.