What is your favorite hit location mechanic?

What is your favorite hit location mechanic?

We pretty much just roll on a weighted table.


Not that user, but I'd assume a percentage table where things like "body" or "leg" are more likely results than "head"

roll 1d10
1~5 is a miss
6 is where ever the one taking the damage chooses
7 is legs
8 is body
9 is arms
10 is head
11+ is where ever the attacker chooses.

Does these system uses hp for each hit location?

or what effects they have for attacking an special place like the head?

I like the Savage Worlds called shot rules. They're simple to manage and there's no dealing with a random table.

I like it as well, I've even implemented it in other games.
I know in some games it adds penalties based on what's hit. Mythras/Runequest, if I recall, does in fact have HP for each location.

I like Burning wheels. Defender decides where he'll get hit (usually the armored part), attacker can spend extra successes to move hit to another location.

ORE, because it elegantly makes it part of the attack/damage roll.

Are there any systems that allow for targeted shots like in fallout? I imagine it would be a table of to hit percentages and a table of modifiers.
>Above a standing target. +10% to head arms and torso, -10% to legs and abdomen
>Have time to aim a steady shot +10% to all.
Sort of stuff like that?

This sounds cool, care to explain it in detail?

Millenium's End hit location rules were so stupid I cannot but to love them. You overlaid acetates with the numbers of what you rolled over drawn shooters in different postures to check where did you hit.

That game was nuts.

when you get hit you choose a body part on that location and that gets destroyed.
e.g. if an enemy hit your head you choose your teeth to be destroyed


That's clever.

No it isn't

"Hit" Dice.

>suck ears

Unless you don't have detached lobes there's no issue.

Actually that's where Nechronica gets really. Each point of damage destroys one part of the defender's choice. On top of body parts, each location has extra parts due to mutations or gear. Each part has an associated move. For example if I break someone's handgun, they can shoot me with it. If I destroy their brain they lose action points.

It mainly works because everyone's undead in Nechronica, you can walk decapitations off.

Runequest and Warhammer do this, they're both fun. In runequest each location has it's own HP pool, but warhammer games have crit tables for each location and type of damage (rending, blunt, fire, etc)

1 head
2-3 torso
4 arm
5 leg
6 target

Head hits inflict double damage.
Arm / Leg: 1-3 left, 4-6 right
Target: The area you're aiming for.
--If target is head, roll again 1-3 = miss entirely, 4-6 hit head
--If no target is indicated, GM chooses most probable (usually dominant arm for melee, torso for missile)

Determined by attack weapon and defending armor. To a roleplay character, weapons and armor pale in importance to a wound. You'd never forget if someone stabbed you in real life. Being able to casually shrug it off after a short rest makes me wonder why our characters need human players at all, especially if you say that they are never really injured and it's just fatigue.

Roll 1d10

>using hp
>not hitting the players IRL and using that to determine damage