/40krpg/ Chivalrous Edition

Is it honorable to throw enemies off ledges?

Previous Thread: For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.

>Who's making the new 40k RPGs?
Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

>The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.1.8) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)
>Mars Needs Women! (v1.3.12) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)
>Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)
>The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.16) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Is it honorable to throw enemies off ledges?
If you're currently engaged in a mutually agreed upon fight to the death, then yes.

Why are the imperial knights so based?

>the guardsmen are shown breaking their fucking wrists as they try to fire their guns

I always figured lasguns didn't have any recoil because that would be dumb, but this is GW so I shouldn't be surprised if it's stated they do.

They more closely follow the KNIGHTS IN SPACE thing without the monk add-on while also being hot-blooded nobility engaging in deadly politics or hot-blooded knights-errant questing the stars.

>This debate again
Lasguns don't have recoil, retard

Assuming a world is 1g like earth, how close can imperial ships get to it while still being able to get away under their own power?

they do, you double retard

>This is Jimmy
>He-hey maaan
>Hit'em full of daylight
>Hit'em hard and fast


Starting a sandbox rogue trader campaign in a week and one of my PCs wanna play a tau at lv1.

How much of a bad idea is this?

Also party comp:

3 Arch militants
1 rogue trader
1 Fire Warrior

It's gonna be fine. But I assume you're going for more of an action packed campaign.

More or less. I've joked it's gonna end up like a mash up between pirates of the Caribbean and uncharted.

Jimmy will never be good again

>Starcraft will never be good again

Don't you like our lord and savior Kerrygan? Don't be afraid, she will let your protoss tribe worship her.

this pissed me off so much that I turned into an archon

W&G's March diary newsletter.

>Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory is set in the Dark Imperium, and thus, we have embraced this opportunity to present a setting in which players can take on nearly any of the iconic Warhammer 40,000 roles in their adventures. Each group of players and the game master must first decide their Framework—the context for who the heroes are, what they are doing, and why.

>In the Imperium Nihilus, the default context is that the player characters work together because they are all these worlds can call on for aid against dire threats. Thus, a Tactical Space Marine of the White Scars Chapter fights alongside a Sister of Battle from the Order of the Sanctified Shield. An Astra Militarum Commissar watches the back of her Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarius companion. A Ministorum priest helps an Imperial Guardsman overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

>This is not an unusual group of heroes for the Dark Imperium, nor is it the only combination possible. Wrath & Glory contains rules to play as many different frameworks. Some examples include: a group of underhive scum, Chaos-tainted cultists, Ork mercenaries, or Eldar wanderers. The character creation rules, as I’ve gone over during the last few months, offer a wide variety of options for players and a great deal of freedom in the types of characters—plus their skills and abilities—that the players want.

So there's some heresy and combat focus, but there's also
>the possibility to go as a group of cultists of underhive gangers

My friend is planning on playing an arch militant from Noctorne and wants an albino mutation since he doesn't want to play a black guy, and says there is no way all of them are black.

I'm tempted to tell him no since 1, albinism isn't a mutation within the rulebook, and 2, to man the fuck up.

He also wants a fire warrior waifu and believes it's completely rational for any citizen of the Imperium to want to fuck one.

It also doesn't help he's new to Warhammer in general and bases most if not all his assumption that it'll be basically gothic star wars.

Every time I try to explain 40k to him, namely the Imperium, he thinks I'm just cherry picking the most extreme example or just making it up.

Also, would it be corruption or insanity points if he fucks a xeno?

It sounds like your friend doesn't want to play 40k desu.

>Also, would it be corruption or insanity points if he fucks a xeno?
Insanity. Corruption is a big 'maybe'.

>wants an albino mutation since he doesn't want to play a black guy, and says there is no way all of them are black.
Tell him that he's gonna be a white man, but with black skin colour. Nocturne people are not africans/niggers.
>Also, would it be corruption or insanity points if he fucks a xeno?
Neither. Fucking xenos doesn't make you more mad or more corrupt.

Oh geez. It's perfectly reasonable to prefer the more cosmopolitan interspecies attitudes of Star Wars or Star Trek... but you cannot, CANNOT transplant them into Warhammer 40,000!

>I'm tempted to tell him no since 1, albinism isn't a mutation within the rulebook, and 2, to man the fuck up
Tell him both! And point out that he can pick a different planet.

Maybe (big maybe) it would help if you explain that the entire setting is MADE of extremes, most of them negative? And even the newest takes on Star Wars are basically Paradise by comparison?

And I agree with that it sounds like he doesn't actually want to do WH40k in the first place.

He doesn't want to but at the same time, he knows everyone else in the group wants to and he doesn't want to be left out of the group. Originally I was doing an AoS campaign using PF since they wanted to try out AoS, but one of our friends who is also playing another Rogue Trader campaign suggested a vote and it won 4-1.

He namely wants to play an arch militant from Nocturne that uses a bow. His plan is to find a digital weapon that also happens to create a bow, get his waifu, and become an edgy snarky fighter that is also sometimes face.

Might go with this.

Hell, I'm just tempted to say fuck it, and try to rework the campaign into a Tau campaign using Rogue Trader and Only War to make him more comfortable, but unfortunately, most of the group wants to do Rogue Trader and he's too pig headed to accept that 1. 40k is a grimdark universe, and 2, refuse to give up making it Star Wars and anime.

40k can be very anime, just not cute anime.

>comes from Pathfinder
>wants to play an anime character
>tries to bend an entire group to cater to his needs
Just drop him from the campaign he clearly doesn't want to play, holy shit.

Oh man, ouch. I see no compromise here that will make everyone even semi-happy. If he doesn't sit this one out everyone else is going to get pissed off, and for good reason!

I'd be tempted to let him start with his own thing and have everyone else's characters react setting-appropriately, but that might lead to a real-life fallout.

Sorry dude. I think I'd simply refuse to run the game and insist on a completely different one instead.

He can go anime, but as a death cultist/vindicare/space marine. All three work in RT.

He always tries to shoehorn in shit from RWBY, monster musume, and any flavor of the month anime that isn't SAO, Bleach, and sometimes Naruto.

He'll also makes demands or asks for waifus. Like how he wants to fuck Shadowsun and make a harem comprising of her, a catachan chick, a hot or cute orgyn, a sister of silence, a wych that isn't into torture, and etc.

I literally looked at him like he's joking then he said it's just a suggestion.

I asked if he wanted to leave but he refuses saying since the group is playing, he might as well join.

Honestly, it's making me not run the campaign slowly by slowly with each "suggestion" that he makes since whenever I turn it down, he keeps asking why and saying I'm just being close minded and saying that it's a big galaxy.

Tempted to.

He refuses to be a space marine since he hates being a meathead even though I explained to him many times Space Marines can be smart and cultured.

He doesn't want to be a vindicare yet and says if he would, he wants to use a bow and use arm blades from assassin creed.

As for Death Cult, he'd probably want to be a rebellious atheist member who gets all the ladies but still isn't interested as of now.

Thinking about this now, I'm very tempted to end the campaign.

>a hot or cute orgyn

Yeah I think he just doesn't get the setting.

I assume the harem bit is a joke. But about the rest- just tell him that he either makes a normal character, no bullshit, or doesn't play with the group.

Holy Throne on Terra. Now I'd really advise you not to run the campaign with this guy in it, he's going to make you miserable for certain and probably everyone else too, and then the falling-out will happen anyway!

There's nothing wrong with having preferences, but you can't shoehorn them into a setting that works completely differently!

Actually, might yelling "THE SETTING DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!" finally make him understand? Not that I think it will. He sounds really dense about these things.

God damn user, show some spine. He's the problem, eject HIM from the campaign. He's the only one that wants to play something against everyone else and he's being obtuse about it (and being complete cancer on other fronts, but that's my personal opinion).

So grow a pair and tell him he's out and when you're playing something that's more his thing, invite him back in unless he acts like a complete cock.

Stop cherrypicking extreme examples, it's a really big galaxy, there's definitely plenty of parts of the imperium that are okay with having a xenos harem.

Have you tried poisoning him?

What are you talking about? Starcraft was amazing! Insurrection was pretty weak and kind of a cash grab but they really redeemed themselves with Brood War.

Where did you find this, Deviantart?

He believes since the galaxy is a huge place and due to the large population ogryns must have, there has to be a cute or hot ogrynn. Mostly likely from what I know about him, he wants an amazonian woman.

He understands some of it, and the parts he understands he hates. Like how some of the stuff he sees he hates since it's too over the top 80s. The only things he likes are the fan art and porn and he bases his perception most of the time off of that and refuses the truth if it strays too far from his head canon.

No sadly. He always asks for waifus and harems in most games. Currently the campaign he's in he's married to a lion chick battle maid, a mannequin based off of the mannequin from bloodborne, about 3 chicks from different anime and video games, mostly anime he's watched or mobas like League or Overwatch.

After that campaign ends in a week or 2, I'm stepping up to plate.

He's dense and pig headed. I'm willing to continue the game, but I'm also ready to drop the game and just play something else. Most likely my own setting using PF.

Thing is, I've explained it to him and explained it to our group. Sadly, it seems they see no problems with him trying and want him in the group saying that I'd unfairly be picking on him and to just run it and it'll sort itself out like most of my campaigns. They said they'll either stick up for him if it's within reason or let him die if it's unreasonable. (Working with a xeno? Reasonable. Wanting to fuck one? Unreasonable.)

Though I'm just gonna do the sane thing and see how they respond to the setting once I explain the Imperium, the setting, etc. If it's resistance to the Imperium's xenophobia and what not, I wont' run it and I'll fall back on my backup campaign of either AoS or using my own setting.

Or an all-ork party. Are you as excited as I am?

> Mostly likely from what I know about him, he wants an amazonian woman.

You want Ogryn? What you want Ogryn do?

I've always wanted to run my own Deffwotch

Emperor preserve me I keep falling asleep. I would have been done with the Sagittarum by today if I didn't keep crashing out. Now I don't expect this the last basic spec done by at least the weekend, and even that's unlikely because I'll be hosting guests. I just want a quiet life...

Eurobeat helps

Any chance you could stat this beastie for me when you get some time free, Shas?


all ogryn are cute

just, you know, cute in the same way sloth is cute

I don't think you'd want my notes on enemies. They're not compatible with the way most people conventionally stat things.

No? Why do you say that?

I'm not actually that familiar with how you do stuff. Before last week I thought you were dead.

They're big dumb ugly teddy bears who can rip a man limb from limb like a piece of paper. They're great, but no one should ever want to put their dick in one.

Wrong thread user.

It all begins with the first time I was ever running a game - it was a 4E game almost 8 years ago. I made a couple of rookie mistakes, but peeps on Veeky Forums were willing to help me improve my technique. I received a lot of good advice from Touhoufag (when he was still sane), and he said, "When making a boss enemy, give it at most 2-4 special abilities, because its average life expectancy in combat is 3-5 rounds and you want them to be memorable rather than overcluttered bullshit."

Ever since then, I short-hand all my enemies. I only note down stuff that affects them in the 3-5 rounds of combat they have to make an impression on players. Let's use the warp vampire example from the archives. Note he has no skills - I handle those narratively (such as its ability to create unnatural darkness, create warp zombie thralls, etc). The only values written down are combat stats - clear wounds and toughness bonus, a couple easy-to-remember talents, characteristics for when he hits, one melee attack, one ranged attack, and two psychic powers. These keep to what a warp vampire did in RT 1E, what one would EXPECT a warp vampire to do, as well as me having a bit of cheeky and bizarre fun. The lightning storm there was for environmental effects during the fight. I can't claim this method of doing things is for everyone, but having short-hand indexes like this keeps things moving quick, so I don't have to remember like 10 talents and traits. I statted him as a boss encounter for a team of rank 3 spess mareens, and it lasted three rounds, with most abilities triggering, entirely within expectations.

I know most people like heavy granularity for their enemies, but I try to fast-track stuff as much as I can to keep things moving.


I should also add to this that I gave it a secret weakness where power whips ignored armor and toughness, but the Ice Wraith (Blood Angel successor) chose not to take advantage of this fact during mission prep when offered a whip.

Actually that rather a lot of sense. Reminds me of the climax of the one and only Deathwatch game I was in where the boss-monster got blown away in one round by our Blood Angel and his absurd dice rolls + shotgun.

Our GM was nearly in tears thanks to how hard she'd worked on the beastie.

Also explains how you're able to get all these books done.

Have you given any more thought to the 'Knights-Errant "splatbook" for GB&A' idea I suggested the other day (that was me)?

>boss-monster got blown away in one round by our Blood Angel and his absurd dice rolls + shotgun.
For stuff like this I almost wonder if the GM should utilize a small pool of fate points to try and help keep their final bosses a tad more competitive. Though sometimes the Emprah's dice gives you the finger and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

>Is it honorable to throw enemies off ledges?
I know it's honorable to caber-toss enemies hundreds of meters. Does that count?

>Have you given any more thought to the 'Knights-Errant "splatbook" for GB&A' idea I suggested the other day (that was me)?

I have, but it's very low on my list of priorities. Don't expect stuff like that for a while.

oh my fucking god

> fucking a xeno...
RAW, it causes neither Insanity nor Corruption. Setting lore-wise it should cause IP, since to have peaceful interactions with xenos goes against all the character knows from the Imperial Creed and historical record on Nocturne.
The most likely consequence, however, is for the character to be burnt as a heretic by any representative of the Imperial authorities/faith INCLUDING any missionary in the group if they're being played true to type!
Also, the black skin thing only really applies to Salamanders as it is explicitly stated in lore that their melanochrome implants are mutated and cause that colouration.

They may be human occupied planets and systems, but they're not part of the Imperium! Even on Imperial frontier planets, where trading with xenos is tolerated, sex with them is too much of a break with the Imperial Creed.

>He always tries to shoehorn in shit from RWBY, monster musume, and any flavor of the month anime that isn't SAO, Bleach, and sometimes Naruto.
>He'll also makes demands or asks for waifus. Like how he wants to fuck Shadowsun and make a harem comprising of her, a catachan chick, a hot or cute orgyn, a sister of silence, a wych that isn't into torture, and etc.
>I literally looked at him like he's joking then he said it's just a suggestion.

You need to fucking kill him and bury his body deep so that there's no possibility of him somehow coming back.

I unironically liked the Wangs of Liberty campaign, flying around space and building your army while choosing your approach to missions and the set up of your army was great, and the invasion of Char was great, loved how much of a clusterfuck it was.

Still no match for the tone of Brood War. You know it's gonna be great when people have enough taste to make half the intro an Apocalypse Now reference.

Wings was actually pretty ok in terms of structure.
HOTS just made the campaigns fucking unbearable.

Anyone have some rules for true powerd marines for 8th edition?

Someone must be kicking some OP stats around.

Wrong thread friendo.

Any stats for ork kommando nobs?

They do mech warrior robot-mech-suit-chivalry better than marines or battletech.

They're also literally Bretonnia in space.

Ah shit...

>They're also literally Bretonnia in space.

Depends on the Knight House

Remember at the end of all this that if you choose to not run the campaign, you are still giving in to a single player, and all likely doing what they want.
This trash doesn't want to play 40k, but I would take some pleasure in grinding him to pulp.

This, you are letting one asshole ruin the game for everyone else. Grow a spine and kick him from the group.

Is there any known release date for Wrath and Glory?

the paintjob is great, but that conversion is lazy as fucking shit. It just looks like he plopped one action figure on another.

Also remove his head, place a sanctified wafer and garlic in the mouth after driving silver nails into the eyes, then pound a stake through his heart. And remember to bury him facedown as well!

Join the /sip/ race.

Quick question:
Does Disgustingly Resiliant work on Supercharged Plasmaguns?
If not, where can I find that rule?

Do you know how difficult that conversion is/would be? Would be keen to try it, looks mad.

The gun is from titanfall's collector figure. The hands are from the forge world knight irc. The rest isn't that bad I assume compared to the normal knight paintjob.

Honest question, what about that would break your wrist when firing because I don't see it

Seconding, Wings was pretty good, it was all downhill from there

IK harken back from a more ancient time of WH40k when it hadn't fully abandoned the idea of taking the piss out of itself, and existed as a sort of nascent "Warhammer but in the FUTURE!" extrapolation of Brettonia and Athel Loren (with Lizardmen dino's thrown in there to use up stock). The closer you get to this originally get to this DNA the better off 40k is as it strikes the right balance is ludicrously silly and grim dark that sets the miserable tone of the universe nicely but with a nudge and a wink.

Aside from these things, Giant Robots and hot blooded pilots are totally a huge element of soft sci-fi and space opera. Sadly it would mostly get co-opted later by the tau, but I really think GW could take another hard whack at it, expand the knights to basically make them not!Mech Warrior (which they more or less already are?), and then give us a Exodite faction in response to all this nonsense going on for Bio-punk Wood Elf shenanigans. Instead of wraith lords, they install their soul stones into the brains of dinosaurs (possibly giving us lizardmen)

Just saying.

Of course another way we could get 40k Lizardmen is via the Tau, either as new auxiliaries, or new morphs of the Kroot, with Saurus' being Kroot spliced with Orks, Skinks being Kroot spliced with Tyranids, and Old Blood being Kroot spliced with Space Marines (!!)

Ah dang, well maybe I could still pull something off without those parts.

Upon closer inspection if the comic, the guardsman clearly states he is firing at one of the "mobs" of mutants. The previous page describes a psyker and a "group" of mutants, not generally the first choice of words used to describe only two individuals.

Mob is also an MMO term so lets not leave out the possibility of that particular flavor of cancer

Somewhere in August perhaps.
Maybe later.

I know there are catalogs for the 40kRPG armories and NCPs, but has anyone ever cataloged the entire list of talents and abilities for each of these 40kRPGs? I'm very quickly realizing that their numbers are fucking staggering and they're used for everything, and split between the dozens of splats.

>they could refer to an enemy as a "mob"
>in ttrpg
Oh god

The dominion being so cartoonishly evil (and incompetent) in WoL and everyone immediately fawning at Raynor made me hate that otherwise good campaign.

Since there isn't always an available ledge, we tend to prefer defenstration, particularly if the scence is set above the 200th floor of a hab-block. This gives you plenty of time to shoot them on their way down if they turn out to have a dropchute concealed under their robes!

The usage of the word does not make sense, as "mob" is a catchall replacement that obviates the need for description.
You would not say "mob of mutant", you'd just say "mob". At least shitpost decently, you fucktard.

People really try to find the most stupid reasons to get angry at that comic.

The only thing that really bugs me about it is that they didn't shoot the psyker first. Geek the mage(psyker) first should be seared into their fucking psyches if they're going round poking at shit best left alone.

Because you are using TT and FFG as the litmus test, when psykers range from mooks that can barely influence a game of chance to world ending threats.
You are making assumptions about a game system you know fuckall about.

Sometimes it's better to take care of the mooks before focusing on the elites. Not for psykers obviously, since they tend to be glass cannons.

On the other hand I must point out that the mutant was pictured leaping at them so it's kinda realistic to take care of that first, even if it makes more mechanical sense to ignore the ghoulish abomination chewing on your face and focus on the skinny tortured wretch that's just sort of floating around drooling and screaming in the background.

Not basing this on crunch but on fluff and lore. Common perception is that psykers are dangerous mutants while those a bit more in the know are fully aware that they can serve as gateways for fucking daemons and if moderately powerful, can rape reality. A psyker is a problem all on their own what with the whole reality warping thing(minor or nor) but at anytime, they might also succumb to the whispers in their heads and explode into fucking DEAMONS. Hell, they could simply sneeze and next thing DEAMONS EVERYWHERE. This is in-universe knowledge and they don't get to read the brand new rule-book to see just how psykers measure up. They shoot them in the head before they explode into deamons, and they might still explode into deamons anyway.

I know one of the major complaints for critical damage in Deathwatch is that it wasn't redone so that the marines don't turn into crying wrecks once they went critical.

Has anyone tried to do a rewrite of the critical damage rules for Deathwatch?

....why do you play with this guy? Jesus.

Things you do for friends, man. Especially really really old friends

Well it's obviously because they wanted to show that lasguns would actually be worth a damn, but at the same time they didn't want to frag the psyker before giving a demonstration of how psychic powers would work.

>fluff and lore

Disregarded for WanG's tabletop-first mentality, where unless your name is Magnus, Morty, or Eldrad, psykers are useless or smite batteries.

>Wrath and Glory is headed by Ross Watson, the same Lead Developer as DH, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch, and he even had his hand in Black Crusade.

Is that a fact?

This is a fact indeed; you can check their facebook page and find him in its contacts.