The Next Moon


>Senior team of software engineers who've worked in Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Canadian Department of Defence etc
>Founder is a former algorithmic trader
>Advisory team of blockchain and security experts
>Real-world application - automatic scalable security protocol that rewards users for finding bugs in ETH smart contracts

It's trading at under $1 atm and it's going to fucking explode within a couple weeks.

Read the white paper if you're sceptical but this baby is going to explode

Any other potential moon missions?


Wait until chinaman log in to cryptochan and see ETH

I have some ETH in my wallet already so lets hope chinaman and pajeets raise the price for us.

Creativecoin - CREA.

$10 million market cap
Huge potential to go 10x within the month.
Beautiful website.
Active GitHub and developers.
Well written white paper with clear objective.
Totally under the radar. (For now)

Veeky Forums, this is one of the projects you don’t want to miss out on. Consider it a payback that I shill you this coin this early on!

QSP will be an absolutely huge player soon


not spoonfeeding you

This is copypasta but ultimately true.

10 million marketcap coins with active devs and functional projects are rare in this market. As we've seen, even scam shit vapourware like UFR (i'll eat my words if i'm wrong, but there's literally no development to speak of yet) goes 10x. Creativecoin is a solid buy.