Hey anons today i losed more than 70% (120$ or more) of my life savings buying VIBE when Binance listened this coin, i bought at 47000 and sold at 17000 sat. Yeah, 120$ not is too much, but in country is a fucking lot of money (i live in Venezuela).
Anons I cannot stay in peace with myself, I'm fucking devastated I started in crypto months ago with 50$ and now my balance is 60$.
I need some help seriously
Hours ago I opened a thread of this
Ryan Brown
Why are you putting money into crypt which you can't afford to lose? That's your first mistake, and you only have yourself to blame for it.
Second, why are you buying high and selling low? That's your second mistake. Anything you buy, just fucking hold. If you don't believe in the product, don't buy it. Crypto is full of volatile swings of 20%+ every day. You can try to play it, some people will make millions guessing correctly, but most will lose their money. Instead, be smart and just fucking hold. I bet VIBE bounces back in 3 months and you feel even more retarded than you do right now.
Brody Gray
Get a KuCoin account and shill it to death (Use my code: 1ssMH)
But seriously. I'm at about $70 USD a week now from it.
Just keep shilling and shilling and you'll end up with making up your losses plus more every single week.
Jace Allen
Vibe is now at 1.89$ or 13000satoshis user
Carter Smith
make that 14. you could have 65 dollars!
Nicholas Reed
I sent you some bitcoin. Dont buy high and sell low next time
Landon Wilson
You were an idiot for buying a newly listed coin at almost the top of its pump. EVERY newly listed coin initially sells for 1000% or so more than its worth, but falls down 90% after 5 minutes. Buying anything that's newly listed is what retards do.
But yeah you got fucked. Lesson learned. Pick yourself up and dust it off. Put your money into LINK and forget about it for half a year.
Andrew Morgan
I'm love you user, I'll never forget you for real, thank you very much seriously you saved me ;___;
Easton Brown
I love you* Fucking Google keyboard
Brody Gonzalez
no problem
Kevin Nguyen
How lucky we are to be born in the developed world
Jacob Turner
Very sweet thread. Lots of blowjobs owed here
Levi Morgan
Come on user, don't be so sad. I'm a poorfag too but I can manage to send you up to $150, just post your BTC address, ok?
Jack Lewis
Compra petrocoin
Nolan Flores
this thread
Zachary Thompson
Why the fuck did you sell?
Asher Campbell
aw that's so sweet of you
Jacob Nelson
I wondered who was retarded enough to buy such a monstrous ath. turns out it was a Venezuelan who is now begging. faggot brainlet.
Angel Anderson
Bueno ahora que vino a llorar porque es estúpido y perdió su dinero, siga los pasos del user y no vuelva a hacer el imbécil con dinero que no puede arriesgar.
Asher Turner
Carter Hughes
Stop being retarded, buy Ethereum and put it on some good ico ffs Every single shitty ico is mooning nowadays Stop daytrading, get into ICOs and collect Ethereum
Isaiah Sanchez
Since you are an insider, would you recommend buying PETRO?
Jaxon Bailey
Give me pivx address. Hello I am pivx pajeet sir
Josiah Long
1FefDjtAonJEgSZ6yWwa84dZHxpPL8mMWi hey yo user give me some too, you gave him, now give me!
Adrian Lopez
brown makes stupid life decision white saves brown to feed his savior complex brown will survive and pass on his dumbass genes, ensuring more browns make more mistakes circle of life it ends with brown hordes and jews or chinks what remains, though my children will be hapas
Asher Ramirez
Damn wholesome thread
Michael Nelson
jews and chinks enslaving what remains*
Grayson Nelson
Take your money out of the market, dumbass. You won't always have kind (probably white) anons to bail you out.
James Adams
sent .01
Kayden Rodriguez
Since that user helped you, you better learn from this and not be retarded or else his gift will have meant nothing.
Thomas Butler
I'll be thankful of you guys forever, really :( 19LjSr9M2QzVRN6ZsrQKNs8fEpr3gNJFX9
Kayden White
if you waited a few months you would have made so much money. You lived fast and died young. This buds for you.
Carter Foster
>i live in Venezuela What's it like? Seriously. I can't even imagine what it would be like if my country's currency would experience inflation like yours has.
Christopher Wright
Fuck off begger. People like you are what scare away acts of charity.
Mason Fisher
>no white person ever lost their money
I scam white people everyday and get those dumb ass to mortgage their house and send me money. My friend has literally caused a white man to commit suicide. Lol, weaklings
Christian Reyes
user i...
Jackson Allen
Yeah right, faggot
Noah Parker
fine, i just cancelled the transaction
Isaac Allen
what did that cost you, $20?
Daniel Allen
Tell us how you really feel.
Brody Richardson
>I called BTC to cancel the transaction It's a good thing they have such good customer service. This truly is the currency of the future.
Samuel Russell
>ou are what scare away acts of charity. Why? You mean some people that making a sad-story how they lost money and then they are being helped by some other user are legit? Lol. If user would do some research before throwing his btc here and there, there would be much more profit in terms of karma i guess.
Dominic Young
Free tip for you OP : Go all in ZRX and don't look at portfolio for 3 days. I guarantee you'll be at least 15% up.
Caleb Perry
>he doesn't have a reverse transaction button on his wallet get gud
Jaxon Adams
>, i just cancelled the transaction Send 0.085 and i will send you any photos you will ever want
Nolan Cruz
Feels good to be honest. I can buy things i don't need, been able to buy a fuck ton of land, fuck girls you can only dream off. So yeah...
David Morales
I'd rather help some poor fuck in Venezuela who can eat for a month with 100$ than some ungrateful cunt like you desu senpai.
Caleb Williams
Hay muchos venezolanos metidos en esto? Ojalá empiecen a tener una economía Crypto como forma de sobrellevar la inflación, tal como en Zimbabue.
Y no seas burro, mete esa plata en algo seguro que solamente crezca, como Ethereum.
Easton Bell
I want to chastise you for enabling a retard, but damn it user. That was very kind of you
James Peterson
Wyatt Flores
Get ready for PETRO, the coin of la revolución bolivariana
Adam Barnes
La biblioteca donda est siesta. Muy bien. Cross of burgundy
Evan Brown
OPuto deja de llorar y aprende a negociar Sólo porque Dross también nació en memezuela te perdono, pero trata de no ser tan pendejo la próxima vez. Mete todo a LINK y deja de ofrecer tu ano a cambio de bitcoins, no seas puta OP. Good Luck ;)
Camden Gray
Por que vendiste imbecil? No pierdes hasta que no vendes.
Samuel Jones
kill yourself
Adam Campbell
How do you know he's no bullshiting? Sometime i will do a crappy-cry story too, and you will never know it was me user, think about it. Want to donate money, go to red-cross
Elijah Peterson
LINK :v se van a suicidar cuando esa mrd llegue a 1000 sat
Jason Lopez
This user already helped me, but if you can help for charity ur welcome 1JspuasBjz5AsakpjDBzMbmNhHxUmVJA6
Ian Brown
La cagaste man El FOMO pudo mas que vos
Gabriel Barnes
Obviously not op he posted his address alreadystop pajeeting on guy on his bad days, fucker
Dylan Thompson
En México también la andamos cagando bien duro. Bitso no vale verrrrga. Solo sirve para meter y sacar pesos, con los que ya no se puede comprar nada.
Jaxson Stewart
Thats what you get for being a fucking commie fucking spic scum
Camden Diaz
>today i losed more than 70% (120$ or more) of my life savings
Jordan Powell
Stop begging faggot
No entendí una mierda :/ Link es amor
>Bitso No debiste registrarte ahí, está legalizado y por tanto pagarás impuestos
Jace Edwards
>Being commie
user pls, I expect make some thousands of dollars to leave this hell called Venezuela, yeah you can live with 100$ in a month chill, but you quality of live will be a shit
Josiah Sullivan
stop speaking monkey this is an english board
Bentley Taylor
You don't lose anything until you sell. The moment you sell low you accept your losses. Your hands are weak.
Josiah Gonzalez
kill yourself
Liam Thomas
on which ex is this? XPD?
Bentley Harris
stop begging you scamming fuck, only a retard or newfag doesn't know about ID.
Leo Brooks
REAL ADVICE HERE: Get your ass on fiverr.com and amazonmechanicalturk (if they register you), and make it back by WORKING this time.
Brody Cruz
Thank God this board has forced IDs. Fucking pajeet= begging filth.
Gabriel Murphy
user, what a guy... much respect
any chance you willing to donate to another? kek
Noah Anderson
kek i live in the third world and ill never go down that road gratz user on getting your money back dont be an idiot next time lurk moar and DYOR